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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I knew it when I said in my previous post that despite uri Seobaby's so-called "inexperience" in a girl-boy relationship, she shouldn't be UNDERESTIMATED. More that the constant rumbling and ranting of non-believers tagging her as "slow" in terms of skinship, I personally wouldn't trade everything she prepared and did for Yong's Birthday--- the surprise event, imitating the gag artist singing "Love Light" to the Story Book of Yong and Hyun, to the Couple RINGS and finally having the guts to ask YongHwa of the real meaning of the song "Love Light" and why does it bear the lyrics "I'm Genie for you Girl"----- which she all did think of and prepared by herself. No amount of public display of affection A.K.A "skinship" can outdo or even simply match what Seobaby has done. The term "shabby" she used to describe her presents was definitely and undoubtedly an "UNDERSTATEMENT". For a beginner, she has given her best!















I was tearing up the moment she started revealing her surprises to Yong.








Seobaby is simply a very RARE creation. No wonder she's been continuously winning the hearts and affection of people surrounding her.








Never have I been touched by just so simple yet very significant and meaningful Birthday gift-giving and surprised event.








Cleary, This episode is the "TURNING POINT" in their relationship.








j2dlee, where art thou our angel. I shall camp here to patiently wait for your translation.








This is the BEST amongst the BEST episodes so far!!!















I reposted what miel_1301 said because I second her thoughts and I'm too excited to compose words because of the latest episode so I'll just repost her post. Am i making sense? Obviously not. What am I trying to say?








That Jung Yong Hwa is an amazing person,








That Seo Joo Hyun is an amazing person,








Putting them together the word "amazing" would be an understatement.








Yong and Hyun: thanks for surprising us.








Yong's Mom and Hyun's Mom: Thank you for giving birth to these two amazing people.








To all Goguma fans: After, this episode, don't you feel that we want to hug each other and cry in happiness after all the trials, arguments, trolling, losing faith, skepticism we have experienced in this thread?





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Guest pumcake














Awwwwwwwwwwww. Today's episode was the best!!! :D:D They made me blush while watching them. They are so sweet to each other. They should go on a date, for real! :) I thought the YongSeo Story book was only a book, but then after Yo~ong read the last page, there was a heart "pocket" and then there was the ring!! Awwwww. And the way they put the ring to each other, feels like a real wedding ceremony is going on. <3 <3 :wub:










The MCs went crazy when the couple held hands. :wub: I think Hyu~un swayed their hands because she felt nervous when she held Yo~ong's hand. Hahahahaha. Cute cute!










So now, for me, the best WGM couple ever is the YONGSEO couple. They are the couple that is most likely to date in real life aside from the ADAM couple. :wub:










This is such a happy episode :) :) They inspire us to fall in love. :wub:



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Guest blueshoes































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married
































































































































































































































































reup by blueshoes/soompi

































































































































































































































































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Cont based on Chinese translation from Baidu.

In the black room, Yong was reminded of the movie "Screaming" (?) when he first saw Seohyun with the mask. (Maybe the movie should be "Scream" instead).

Yong requested the mask to be removed as part of his birthday present. He could not believed there was this side of Seo Ju Hyun and that she would prepared such a surprised event and kept repeating it. Even the mosquitoes were no longer important.

Jinwoon guessed correctly that it was a handmade book by Seohyun when she mentioned that there was another present a fantasy story book.

MC Miseo said there must be something inside the heart and MC Park follow up to guess it was the ring. They were so happy that all the guesses came true today.

Seohyun customised the ring but was afraid that the size may not be right for Yonghwa. After they helped each other with the rings.

SH: find them back again.

YH: Now it will not melt again

SH: No, it is made of silver

After reading the book, Yonghwa felt that his gift was not sincere enough and they started "bickering" about the 2 rows of goguma field.

In the black room, YOng still could not believe that was this side of Seohyun. Is it part of her original character or something that just changed. On the other hand, Soehyun shared that she don't whether to finish the gift or to appear pretty the next day with enough sleep. She only had about 1 to 2 hours of sleep. She was surprised that she could remembered so much about them to make the book.

Yong said Seohyun thought he can't see anything with the mask but he can see everything. Seohyun said that it was not difficult to sing while looking at him. Hence, Yong tried to do it but nearly fell down.

To be cont.

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Guest unnieria
















































Dear Goguma Fans,
















It's also my very first time to post here and I must say that this episode is really worth my break from silence.
















While we are waiting for our expert translators, I'd like to share something I found while checking the links of the episode. Someone posted this on Youtube and it's the translation of Yong and Hyun when they were talking about Love Light, which made squeal even louder.
















Yong: Of course I like
















Hyun: Erm.. I see
















Yong: What are you curious about ? Say it honestly.
















Hyun: About what?
















Seulong: Just say it!
















MC: Is Love Light written for me or or first love?
















Seulong: They both knew it but just don't want to say it.
















Yong: Just say it, it's ok
















Hyun: About what, I'm just curious.
















Yong:  Just curious? So suddenly?
















Hyun: No
















Yong: Then what?
















Hyun: I was curious about  it long time ago
















Yong: A long time ago , why ? (skip a bit)
















Yong: Why are u beating around the bush?
















Hyun: What?
















Yong: Just say it out , confidently! "Is the song written for me or not?"
















Hyun: Is not that right...
















Yong: Weren't you curious about it?
















Hyun: It's not that.
















Yong: Then what is it ? Just say it!
















Hyun: I don't want to ~
















Yong:  So you are curious about it.
















Hyun: Yes
















Yong: Don't beat around the bush, just  ask me straight.
















Hyun: Ok
















Yong: Don't beat around the bush
















Hyun: Got it, ah really~
















Yong: This is really the first time i am saying this.
















MCs: Don't cut it off now ~ if you cut it off now , I'll kill you~ (edit: MC's are so funny! Is this their message to the PD's? HAHA!)
















Yong: I wrote the melody long time ago but there was no lyrics, then we started WGM filming. The day we bought our ring, [remember] that day? I think is that the day...































Hyun: You wrote the lyrics that day?































Yong: I started to write the song again that day, then slowly as time goes by, I wrote the lyrics thinking about you. When i was writing the lyrics of the rap, "Genie" came  to my mind.















































This was posted by the awesome GUANCI about 9 Mins ago. THANK YOU!
















All credits go to Guanci (link to his Youtube homepage here) -->http://www.youtube.com/user/guanci
















All video credits go to diodanooo1--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgI20ryzZIo
















Until the rest of the translations, I will be replaying this episode again and again! :)
















I also want to express my deepest thanks to all of you who proactively make those interesting fanfics, nice artworks and entertaining comments and updates about this couple. You guys complete my Saturdays and bring a quick smile on my face during the most stressful times! Special thanks to jd2lee and all translators for sharing with us not only the story of the Yongseo couple, which transcends the boundaries of languages (even if you don't understand Korean, you'll enjoy watching the raw vids of these two!) but also sharing with us tidbits of the extremely interesting Korean culture. And to the Yongseo couple, thanks for making us fall in love as if it's always for the first time every Saturday! :) See you all again next time!
















And before I forget...did anyone of you catch the preview for next week? Let us know if you have any clue! :)

















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For me "unnie" means sister *o* ~  But you are my imouto ~~  Thankyou imouto-chan *3* (coz i don't know how is "little sister " in korean" XD) And this episode 30 minutes !! OMG the best sweeteeesss 30 minutes of my life ~~ i can't wait for the weeddiiing photoshoot >,< !! *w* btw i have the wallpaper "nextstop..busan" in my desktop XD so funny everyone thinks that's real XD so cool ha ? !
























































imouto, thats cool! :) and i agree. those 30 mins made my life very happy indeed. and funny that people think its real lol someone else in here said the same thing too. haha. and thats a big complement to me. but thanks!
























































redtulip thanks so much for that brief translation! helps a lot!

panGG: I was spazzing all over the place again while reading your post!... Gosh!, hahaha, I love it, and now I undertand too the horror special and the UJ one, and this quote comes to my mind... you are not jealous, are you? :wub:... and now I understand why he showed the mask to Uj, iy was for Hyun, to letting her know that she is the one!! LOL (crazy goguma here)off to watch again (3 times with this haha)Love you all gogumas!!!
























































i'm glad it made you spazz some more. :) i'm still spazzing and its been almost 4 hours since! haha. i'm rewatching it and also trying to make some caps, but heck, i dont think i'm going to post them because there is so many! lol









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and what more special of this eps is seohyun is the initiate of all that event (usually yonghwa did the job)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































,she more open and ask/talk to yonghwa at first.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the singing,give him a book,ask about love light and holding hands.

































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all I can say....today is DAEBAKK!!!!!!!








































































Wow, It's been a awhile, I didnt posted anything..but from today really really really really really like it...








































































I guess they are real couple now after this episode....I guess they consider being real couple








































































I remember somewhere on fanmeeting, someone asked Yong about the ring, he said, someone will get mad if I didnt wear the ring" I guess it was on Taiwan fanmeeting...correct me if I wrong..








































































hahahaha...DAEBAKKKK!!!! hahaha the best gifts ever for them...hahaha









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Guest anne0129




















I just love this episode. Have watched it and I keep repeating everything. Love, Love, Love this episode. This is really like K-drama except sweeter and more real.....I love it. I remember reading one of kay77's post that this episode was one of the most anticipated in this couple's journey in WGM and I totally agree that it is such a huge turning point for these 2 individual. This episode is such a BIG DEAL TO ALL THOSE WHO SUPPORT THIS COUPLE. I mean I started today reading page 1133 but when I was typing my first post for this episode it ended up in page 1137. How wild is that? kay77, also said another episode to watch out for according to Korean fans are the Japan....that it is way better than this one....can you guys imagine what could have happened in Japan that they will think that.....I can't wait for the next episodes to air. By the way anyone know what the preview was about? Thanks to everyone for spazzing for this couple. WAAAAHHHHH!!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif





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Guest DJHinata

kekeek Well Pangg imouto This post is dedicated to You then ~ 

because we love Yongseo Couple







Thanks a lot Unnieria for the translation ^^ ~ 

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Yonghwa wrote “Love Light” with Seohyun in mind
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CN Blue’s Jung Yonghwa confessed that there was some hidden meaning behind the lyrics of “Love Light”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC’s “We Got Married” aired on October 9th, Yonghwa confessed that he was actually thinking of his virtual wifey, Seohyun while composing the lyrics of “Love Light”, the 5th track in their mini album “Blue Love” which was released in May this year.When Seohyun asked about the lyrics of “Love Light”, Yonghwa explained, “The lyrics of “Love Light” was written some time ago. However, when I thought of you (Seohyun) while composing the lyrics, I decided to include something meaningful into it. In the rap lyrics, the “I’m Genie for you Girl” part was taken from SNSD’s “Tell Me Your Wish”. Upon hearing Yonghwa’s confession, Seohyun seemed really happy and smiled shyly.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In this episode, the Yongseo couple had fishing activities and exchanged their couple rings. Fans of the show finally got to witness the Goguma couple walking arm in arm and holding hands with sweet smiles on their faces.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Netizens commented, “They really look good together” and “A beautiful couple”.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: joongang.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated by fanwonder

































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Thank you blueshoes for the screencaps, thank you redtulip for your awesome translations and thank you unniera for posting the LoveLight story here. OMG.. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU




I don't think I'll be able to function properly today




Gogumas JJANG!! MC Jake is one of the most jjang GOGUMAS around...LOL XD





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hi, i was wondering if anyone can tell me where i can watch the eng subbed video for this couple, im trying to catch back up.
































































































you can go here http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/
































































































redtulip, unnieria thanks a lot, I´m spazzing again hahahaha, I´m affraid of heart now!:w00t:































































































































































































DJHinata: I love your tribute to MC Kim haha ^^
































































































Thanks for pics, links and averything... ahhh it is strange how this cutr couple can make feel in love hahaha:wub:

































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Guest _d3seohyun
















































I'm kinda afraid to leave this thread because of the thought of back reading tons of pages later kekkek






































































































@DJhinata. done with tmy thumbs up quota for the day so i'm logging back in to say thank you for that































































awesome MC Kim artwork. maybe we can twit that to him? :P






































































































@redtulip @unnieria and guinci. thank you so much!




















































































































































































MCs: dont cut it off now ~ if u cut it off now , i'll kill u~
































hahhahah :lol:
































thank you gogoumas!









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Guest blancface
































































It's nearly 5:30am for me but I seriously can't sleep...
































































Anyways, the people at DCGALLERY are being very observant right now and reminiscing, haha.
































































They were saying how natural Seohyun was with the skinship in the horror episode and how it makes sense now because of todays episode!
































































Someone also posted pictures from their first meeting and said how this was what sparked Yonghwa to continue making Love Light and how impressed they were with him!
































































































I'm more than sure all of us have Love Light on repeat now~
































































Ohhh...I believe this is a new picture but here's Yonghwa at a salon with his ring (and a pink hoodie hahaha) :)
































































































Last picture for all of you who can't watch the episode yet...
































































































Hopefully someone will be able to take screenshots of this part and lighten the image

































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DJHinata awww! thank you so much! its perfect! i made caps of mc kim too! because it was all because of him that we knew something amazing was going to happen!!
























































GeumJanDi thanks so so so so very much for that translation! :)

'_d3seohyun'MCs: dont cut it off now ~ if u cut it off now , i'll kill u~
























































lol when did they say that?! hahaha too funny. i love those mcees.
























































blancface thanks for sharing the info and pictures! yong looks good in pink :wub:









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Guest DJHinata

DJHinata: I love your tribute to MC Kim haha ^^

hahah my favorite part was when he said to everybody to be quiet ! XD was so funny haha MCKIM is in Our SIDE ~~  hahha

DJHinata awww! thank you so much! its perfect! i made caps of mc kim too! because it was all because of him that we knew something amazing was going to happen!!

yeeey i'm glad~  made some too i can't wait for see your caps ~




Credit as tag~

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Guest ricevol

What should I do now, i don't know what to do...except for watching the episode again again and again. I can't keep my mouth shut after watching it...they are so close. The way they talk to each other...

I don't know how to control myself after this...definitely DAEBAK....

Thank all of you guys here, also made my day after reading all of your comments...that drive me even crazier =)) And you know why =))

And for the translators and summerisers...head up to you all. Best day ever!

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Guest codename_burning






i read the lyrics again...waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! its really for hyun...


when i look at you my face gets red



when i see you my heart goes thump thump



i talk with shyness like a kid



when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere



like a fool I keep doing that



I think love came to me






You’re the president of my heart



You’re my chests’ star embroider



I’m Genie for you girl



You make me stop breathing



whatever you want



because i love you



There’s no reason for my love you know






you’re a darling



you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky



the shining thing deep inside my heart



my own love light






i love you darling



give me light next to me whenever



every night i look at you



and you’re beautiful even when i look at you



you’re my love light






when i see you i feel like im up on the clouds



it may be immature but i keep doing this



i tihnk love came to me






you’re a darling



you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky



the shining thing deep inside my heart



my very own love light






i love you darling



give me light next to me whenever



every night i look at you



and you’re beautiful even when i look at you



you’re my love light






you’re lovely



you’re mroe blinding than the sunlight up in that sky



you shine the dark places inside my heart



my own love light






i love you lovely



even if i close my eyes i see you



looking at you like this



you’re still blinding even when i see you



you’re my love light









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