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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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PangGG unniiee !! I love Your POST !! *o* !!! you really  express all my feelings !  i can't write so well in english but you do ! so thankyou thankyou for sharing those beautiful thoughs *o* 














































































































































































did you realize that hyun hold her cellphone the all day ? maybe she was thinking in the song , aaaw so cute our maknae !!!















































































































lol another amazing person ;) thanks for reading and now that you mentioned it i didnt realize that! haha. thanks for letting me know now i'm going to see her cellphone EVERYWHERE! hahaha.
























































and also i just wanted to mention that you called me unnie ;) which is sweet:WUB but i actually checked your profile and guess what?! you are older then me by 2 days! 2 days! haha. you are my unnie :woot: haha.
























































heartbreak_warfare22 i agree about mc kim! you can definitely see how much he enjoyed these two love birds :wub: lol









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Guest DJHinata

lol another amazing person ;) thanks for reading and now that you mentioned it i didnt realize that!  haha.  thanks for letting me know now i'm going to see her cellphone EVERYWHERE!  hahaha.

and also i just wanted to mention that you called me unnie ;) which is sweet:WUB but i actually checked your profile and guess what?!  you are older then me by 2 days!  2 days!  haha.  you are my unnie :woot: haha.

heartbreak_warfare22 i agree about mc kim!  you can definitely see how much he enjoyed these two love birds :wub: lol

For me "unnie" means sister *o* ~  But you are my imouto ~~  Thankyou imouto-chan *3* (coz i don't know how is "little sister " in korean" XD) And this episode 30 minutes !! OMG the best sweeteeesss 30 minutes of my life ~~ i can't wait for the weeddiiing photoshoot >,< !! *w* 

btw i have the wallpaper "nextstop..busan" in my desktop XD so funny everyone thinks that's real XD so cool ha ? !

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Brief translation based on Baidu Chinese before J2blee came later.

Yong keep urging Seohyun to plant one more and told her it was a present when Seohyun found the paper bag. Yong also gumbled a bit that she skipped that to plant the next goguma. Yong only bought the necklace the night before as he dont have the time.

Yong said it was the first time he help to put on a necklace and praise that the necklace is definitely made for her. He joked that he looked like a pirate holding the stick on their way back.

They were very tired hence rested in the shade however they smelled poops. At the rest area while eating, MC Miseo said they should feed each other. Seohyun praised the soup which Yong said was no different from the one made by her previously. Seohyun don't believed him so he told her that after a few tries, her soup will taste like this. (So sweet, everything he said is so sweet)

While they were digging for potatoes, Seohyun teased Yong by asking him the same question he posted to her earlier about "what will come out of you dig well?"

They have no results after fishing for 2 hours. Seohyun sent him to buy mosquito coil while she prepared for the event. In the black room, she was afraid that her gift will be too cheap.

To be Cont.

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Guest Crystal392






Woah I just woke up and was going to finish my homework because I have to leave in an hour for classes but my love for uri YongSeo I'd bigger and I couldn't help but check the thread :P


I really can't wait until I watch the ep!! All your posts make me more and more excited! And there are soo many people at the thread (650+), it makes me remember when they had their duet xD


YongSeo jjang!! Keep sharing screencaps, opinions and everything!


Thanks tothe ones who have shared all those things ;)


Goguma ftw!



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Guest redrev

Hi everyone.... it's my first time writing here.

I've been silently following all the sweet talks on Yong & Hyun all this while but can't keep silent anymore.

Love yongseo couple very much ^_^

Today's episode made my heart flutter & I was grinning from ear 2 ear. Luckily I was alone or else someone would think I've gone made grinning by myself.

The necklace, letter 2 Hyun's mum, Hyun singing love light, the picture diary & the ring were just epic!!!!

this is the best episode by far from yongseo couple...

Can't wait 4 d sub... it would die watching this with d sub hehehe....happy.gif

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Guest sun_sun



DAEBAK!!! It's daebak..This EP. really daebak lol...ohhh...I cried, I smiled. I laughed and I screamed ...:w00t: I'm gonna crazy now. Like Suenglong said this is first event that Hyun do for someone...and I think she did it really really really great and sweetest...This girl always has something surprise us every week. On the part that they hold hand, Suenglong said he feel wanna cry really....Oh I already cried that part lol....Love Them ...>>>YongSeo Couple ^^


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Guest rainie029


i love how seohyun sang kissing you.. Kissing you is hyun's favorite song..and the lyrics really match them.. ;)


i can'tw ait for the subs


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seo hyun is so pretty here...








































now im watching kissing you..im inspired :wub:









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8:15 Korean time








hacker8 signing in after 24 hours of not viewing the SeoHwa soompi thread








after resisting reading 15 pages or so








near tears after watching Episode 27, 09 October 2010








without sub, without understanding what Yong and Hyun were saying








it didn't matter, all i felt was warm happiness








personally, if WGM decides to end YongSeo couple's story with this episode I would not complain








this would have been one of the best endings I've ever watch








to all GOGUMA fans, let's drink our makgeolli to this epic milestone of our YongSeo couple, and all together now: KAMPAI!





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Guest miel_1301


when we first saw yongseo held hands during the Incheon Music Featival

i.e. 29th Aug. some of us wanted to kill just to see the fancams,

while others died,

since we THOUGHT its their first time held hands :w00t:


then came the Horror Special which is 17th Aug.

by then we thought,

ah..so this is it! they held hands earlier than we thought.. :rolleyes::wub:



today's epi, 29th June, dugeun dugeun....what did we see?!!

yes! hand holding again!!

so this should be their FIRST official hand holding! :w00t::wub:

And right now jnj I am trying to find the sense to it all by means of backtracking.

Recall that the episode that showed us the latest status of the YongSeo couple was that filmed on the 1st of September--- the Ueno Juri episode. We did not see any hand-holding action in that episode. We only saw their usual "staring-at-each-other battle". One very good opportunity/chance for Yong to hold Seobaby's hand was when he got the umbrella from her, right? But since we have not seen the Horror Special filmed on the 17th of August where we all thought they first held hands, I would like to think that they purposely avoided such intimate hand-holding gesture obviously for this reason. The PD herself wouldn't want to pre-empt the "hand-holding" that took place in the Horror episode and the hand-holding which really initially started in the Birthday episode.

Then we are now surprised that the "hand holding" actually would date back to this episode filmed on the 29th of June. So it's like going back in time starting off from September 01---- backwards to August 17 and then forward again to the continuation of the Ueno juri episode filmed on the 1st of September and then finally settling back to the 29th of June, the Birthday episode--- which is the the right time frame that will show the sequencing and chronology of events.

So this means that after 29th June filming of the Birthday Episode, we will now witness the smooth progression and flow of events.

Does anyone remember what is the next filming date after the Birthday episode? I don't think there was any filming schedule in the month of July, aside from the rumored backstage footages filmed by WGM at the CN Blue's concert on the 31st of July. So we shall be looking forward to all the filmings shot in the month of August [i think there are around 3] and the Kawagoe Japan filming on the 21st of September.

Now, all the more the future episodes are worth our waiting and anticipation.

Clearly the Pdnim is sticking it out to some kind of a "storyline"--- that she/he intends to unfold episode after every episode. And for that I am very thankful. And once again PATIENCE has been proven to be a good virtue by all of us here.

I would like to see the complete storyline of the YongSeo couple unfolded until the very end, no matter how long it would take us.


Oh! I see redtulip to the rescue. Thanks for the initial translations


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Guest raindrops_919


OMO  :w00t:




i'm speechless, today is the best episode ever (well i also hope another DAEBAK episode).




Seo Joo Hyun, what you do is totally a confession of LOVE !  :wub:




i love the way they hold hands and Hyun sing Kissing You (does this mean she want a kiss??:ph34r:




they talk much, i don't understand anything but i'm smiling and smiling and smiling (like i understand everything) i'm sure another GUGUMA also do the same thing with me (looking at monitor with big smile ear to ear)




i think i'm going to die when the translation is out  :w00t: and by the way, they're only HOLDING HANDS and we are crazily HAPPY because of that! what about a KISS? i'm going to heaven :wub: there's a rumour right? about kiss on cheek? OUUUU :w00t:




i want to say THANK YOU so much for sharing a lot in this thread, really appreciate it ! you do bring a lot of happiness today !








cupid and angels are busy today, they send a lot of love around the world because Yong & Hyun hold hands  :wub:


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Guest Kerube-Chan




















































I cant count how many times I have rewatched this, they were totally Daebak, I was all teary eyed tears.gif and squealing at the same time w00t.gif (In silence because it was 3 in the morning in my country)...












































I totally love them, I never though it was posible to fall in love with a couple, but I really love them, just watching them happy makes me happy... I must be crazy...
























































































As far as I remember reading around here:












































- There was a rumour about meeting YH is parents.












































- The other one was the filming with girl in the hospital (when fans send them gift).












































- one I am sure, is the one they filmed on August 29, there are pictures of YH arriving at their home in the morning.





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Guest scatterbrain

haven't watched this episode yet. but reading what you guys wrote, i get the general picture. this is really one of the best episode. so yong really gave the butterfly necklace.

iam really happy that hyun wore the necklace during the black room interview but didn't show it off even after yong's gift was revealed. it shows she wore it because she wanted to, not because of the show. that's what i think

and giving couple necklace for hyun and her mom, that is really sweet. this gesture shows that he wants to take care of hyun's mom as well :wub:

this episode was filmed in 29th june right? on the 30th, CnBlue was on a radio show and yong sang Love Light! and said that he wanted to invite his dog instead of seohyun because seohyun has schedule.

during the ueno juri episode, yong proudly showed off the fake seohyun mask to ueno juri. now i know why...he must be reminiscing hyun's event...

any preview for next week?maybe scene backstage of CNBLUE concert?where hyun got to meet yong's family?

another observation. hyun gave the ring end of june, but yong started wearing it only late july...something happened?

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Guest SophiaPia





@ miel this we haven't seen



Aug 03[WGM Filming] Hyun & Yong filming in a park per a fan account. DCGallery fans went there to give them gifts. (belated bday gifts)





Aug 03 SeoHyun with CNBLUE at a Make A Wish Event








Aug 29[WGM Filming] At their house before and after the Incheon concert








Sep 21[WGM Filming] Filming in Japan


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OMG snsd songs kissing you is playing when they holding hands :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thats a legend songs of snsd(snsd has a lot of history with this song,their first winning mubank with this song,the girls is crying loud when they know they winnning mu bank,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the songs its about the shy girls feeling when her confess their love to their boyfriend.what they want to do with the boyfriend.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the lyrics of kissing you especially in the reff is about when couple walking together holding hands
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kissing You
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[seohyun] jangnan seuron noye kiseu eh gibonee joha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[yoona] giyobge saechim han pyojong ji odo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[taeyeon] oneu saenga naneun sog nyo chorom nae ibshooreun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[taeyeon] saneun saneun geudae ireum booreujyo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[all] *geudaewa bareul machoomyo gotgo, noye doo soneul jabgo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[all]ni ogae eh gidae oh malhaego shipo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[sunny] “komawo saranghae haengbokman joolgehyo” kissing you oh my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[all] nae ireun daseuhan haessal soge noneun nae yopeh nooye
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[all] sarang ye noral booro joomyo usojwo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[yuri] dal gom han “saranghae” giboon joheun hanmadi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel happy with your joking kiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Even if you have a cute & innocent expression
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Without knowing like a lady my lips
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































are calling your name
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We walk while matching our feets, holding our hands
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to lean on your shoulder and tell you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Thank you I Love You I will only give you happiness" Kissing you oh my love
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Tommorow you are lying next to me in the warm sun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































when i sing you a love song you smile
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The sweet & happy words "I Love You"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yup this eps is legend just like mc says B)

































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Guest mandyemily

still watching the cut.

oh they are so sweet in this episode. :wub:

i think im feeling more excited than watching their joint performance. :wub:

go backtracking previous pages nw. :phew:

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Guest nurulzminoz

































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This episode really made my hands tremble to write this post

things that exist in my mind after seeing this episode :

:)Yonghwa calls Seohyun as Seo Joo Hyun. I think, Yonghwa calls Seohyun may not consider her as an artist but he wanted to assume Seohyun as herself, an ordinary girl. Seo Joo Hyun, Seoul girl who likes goguma, books and a piano, not Seohyun, maknae from SNSD. Coz I think he is really in love with Seo Joo Hyun, not Seohyun.

:)"Sarangbit" Yonghwa written songs for his first love. And I think Seohyun sing it to her first love too, to Yonghwa. Ohh,, I'm crazy  thinking about this * I need a translation

:)Yonghwa always mention the word "jashik". I know what's on your mind, Yonghwa oppa! He may think, "Oh what should I do?" "Seohyun fell in love with me?" "I also fell in love with her?" "Why Seohyun singing 'Sarangbit' in front of me?" "Why she gave me a ring?"

:)And when they are done fishing, Yonghwa offered to hold hands. Yonghwa initially may feel he would be rejected, but ... "jashik", word came out again when Seohyun gladly accept it. OMONA!!!

:)Seohyun singing kissing you, does that mean she wants to kiss? ahh, the high level of imagination, sorry :P

from this episode, I was right and sure, if they were really falling in love!

* My poor english, sorry :sweatingbullets:

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I was spazzing all over the place again while reading your post!... Gosh!, hahaha, I love it, and now I undertand too the horror special and the UJ one, and this quote comes to my mind... you are not jealous, are you? :wub:... and now I understand why he showed the mask to Uj, iy was for Hyun, to letting her know that she is the one!! LOL (crazy goguma here)
































































































off to watch again (3 times with this haha)
































































































Love you all gogumas!!!

































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Guest kodoque_1
































aahh my face is is sooo sore from grinning ear-to-ear just like how the male MC is.












I cannot believe how an episode of YONGSEO can get me this HIGH ON HAPPINESS.














































It just makes every unhappy thoughts disappear.












Did anybody notice how Yong speaks to Hyun in this like..cutesy,aegyo-ish voice after Hyun's event ?























And he kept calling her real name..SEO JU HYUN!!!!












It's just like..the way a real boyfriend speaks to a girlfriend..












Gosh...I am just so happy..off to re-watch this episode again.












Thanks to all that contribute translation, quick summary, etc. I LOVE THIS THREAD!





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