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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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So... twitter list again?? :P This is my: Hesperide7Do you remember... #yongseo??I CAN'T WAIT... PanGG... Are you also anxious? OMG... You aren't alone... Me too :lol:
















































yes, yes i'm super anxious! and i'm sayspanglue@twitter. i definitely need that list again too! haha.

shawie, leave that sad thought aside...for now.c'mon gogumas, its Saturday!! Gogumas Day!!miel, i'm with you.but since MC Kim said its going to be daebak...i believe him!!giving No.3 my benefit of the doubt..dreamy, sweet yongseo dreams, and err..dream lots of gogumas k.. :lol:caliope, panGG, come join us at tweetyland..gogumas, don't forget to pray for TVU too ;)okkaaay...c u guys again at abt 14hrs~~~~yongseo time!! :w00t: 3 daebak things to look forward to...yes!
















































i swear i always miss you guys in twitter! haha.

Hello !!! I feel sad I didn't post here for one week T.T Sorry....But I read all your post and I just can say : SATURDAY IS COMMING !!!! xDSo I'm very excited, I don't know if I can sleep tonight (yes in French it's already 00:45 and I'm sorry for ma bad english)Skinship !!! Seohyun could really do that ? I hope so... *Dugeun Dugeun* and what "Love Light" ??!! What's happening in this episode ? xD I dream, right ? However, we know that Yonghwa Oppa is someone Type A and he didn't express his feeling easy, so we can really hope that he made this song for Seohyun... <3I'm really excited so I made 2 wallpapers before I'm going to sleep x)http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/5999/wallyongseocopie.pnghttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/3019/wallyongseocopie01.png
















































i love your wallpapers! thanks for sharing. my favorite is the 2nd one :) (SAVING..)























































































I was playing with a online game "love tester"  (yeah it's childish but i was bored..:sweatingbullets:)Then i put Seohyun and Yonghwa :rolleyes:  see the result..http://b.imagehost.org/0586/Capture.png   :wub:I did the same with her fanboys... It looks like Yong have nothing to be afraid of :lol:































































































































































































           http://b.imagehost.org/0458/jinwoon.png    Junsu



































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol that is super funny and makes me super happy :wub: lol thanks for sharing!
















































11:11 PM right now! make a wish for yongseo love tonight everyone!









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Guest toomuchsmiling












1. Yong's [additional] buried gift to Hyun








2. the first gift and birthday event Hyun prepared for her hubby, Yong, in her lifetime








3. the underlying truth of the lyrics of Love Light would be unveiled too




No wonder MC Kim tweeted about YOngSeo couple. He too couldn't contain all the excitement after having watched the continuation of the Birthday episode.























Simply because she is THE ROCKER'S WIFE afterall!!!











I will be back later. Today, I feel like wanting to spazz until I drop. Hahaha!!!













miel_1301- that outfit she wore is like PERFECT rocker outfit, heck the guitar is even blue! :rolleyes: makes me wonder if she did this on purpose OR the coordi did it and it's coincidence? hmmmmm.




and i have 2 agree, with these 3 things then it isn't surprising that MC kim totally had to spazz.








but srsly, LOVE LIGHT PEOPLE?? Out of all the things i was expecting, Love Light being mentioned was NOT one of them. i am pleasantly surprised. At first i was hit with a horror scenario thinking Yong would say something like "No, the song lyrics from your song seemed to suit my song, i didn't write it just for you.." (like a denial) o_____o -__- but THEN i thought, why would MC Kim spazz about it if Yong said something like this ya know?? it MUST be something good. And Hyun's present gave her dark circles....wat WAS it??? :wacko: i can wait a day...i can. >__<













I was playing with a online game "love tester"  (yeah it's childish but i was bored..:sweatingbullets:)








Then i put Seohyun and Yonghwa :rolleyes:  see the result..
















I did the same with her fanboys... It looks like Yong have nothing to be afraid of :lol:




































































Bonus kyuhyun


































Patate_douce- this is SO funny b/c i believe it 100%! ;) haha, luv it








_d3seohyun- DARK YONGSEO? :w00t: ehh, allow me to repost cuz i thought it totally doesn't have enuff views and needs to be seen cuz it's awesome. ^_____^















(it's actually reall cool, watch it ppl) haha, by the end of it, they look like they have superpowers. :blink: or maybe their power is just they are really popular and this vid makes them both look so charismatic. xD





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Guest Crystal392






OMG I can't wait to watch the next episode. A few more hours. I'm already spazzing! hehehe :lol:






Woah that Dark YongSeo MV is jjang! I loved it! Thanks for sharing it here.






qwenli: About CNBLUE Korean fanmeeting you can find more about it on CNBLUE thread, read saturn's post :)






To naz, Chikaa, baby_bo, omonoona, fengz, genxv (my CNRainbow girls :D I hope I'm not forgetting someone :3) : I miss you so much!



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Guest crinkle_twinkle
























































Has anyone heard of this news yet ?
















































Taiwan is going to air WGM on their CHANNELS !
































































































Here's the preview with cnblue
































































































its taken from the baiduyongseobar.
















































omgggg, the taiwan fans are so lucky !
















































they're gonna get to watch the show twice a week ! :o































































































Sorry to cut your post... :sweatingbullets:






















































































































































Are they showing the one with Yong & Hyun only?






















































































































































Or along with the other couples too?









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Less than 4 hours to go hahaha... this waiting... I can´t take it ^^... it is a good think that TVU is working :rolleyes:
































































































Here the link if someone needs it http://www.tvunetworks.com/watchTV/#c=82048
































































































thanks a lot gogumas for the arts, links and that love tester hahaha that was daebak! haha...
































































































off to lurker mode ^^

































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yaaaaaa it's SATURDAY.....means...it's YongSeo's day.......hhahhahahah suddenly my mood become hyperactive and floating...thinking and daydreaming what will happen today....thanks for everyone for your pic, MV , update about this couple....really appreciate it...

btw, since in my country we didnt get MBC channel, plus i tried 1 millionn time to watch in streaming, but never succeed, i have to wait for tomorrow for raw video...pity me....:tears:

but today is also very special day, since me and my friends will have marathon session for YongSeo....yesterday, with my boss permission, i borrow our projector and bring back home....we will watch YongSeo from episode 1-26.....hahahahhahaha.....for the whole morning i have been prepared kimchi fried rice (i got kimchi from ahjumma who open korean restaurant nearby my office)...steam some sweet potato, i also prepared sweet potato ball and buy some sweet potato bread......hhahahhahhhahha

hope will get latest update regarding this show later.......have fun to all Gogumas......


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘우결’ 서현 생애 첫 이벤트에 정용화 “넌 감동이었어”
































































































































































































































































뉴스엔 | 뉴스엔 | 입력 2010.10.09 12:37
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































서현이 남편 정용화를 위해 생애 처음으로 이벤트를 준비했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































10월 9일 오후 5시 15분 방송되는 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 정용화에게 생일선물로 '고구마밭' 땅을 받은 서현의 보답이 이어진다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































고구마를 심고 난 후 한가로운 시간을 보내기 위해 근처 낚시터로 향한 이들 용서커플. 서현은 용남편의 생일은 일주일이나 지났다며 안 챙기는 척 했으나 사실은 밤까지 새가며 준비한 것들이 있었다. 하지만 앞서 용남편에게 뜻 깊은 생일선물을 받은 터라 자신의 선물을 초라하게 여겨 선뜻 전하지 못했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































더군다나 서현은 태어나 처음 해보는 이벤트인지라 도대체 어느 타이밍에 어떻게 시작해야 할지 몰라 속을 태웠다. 막상 준비한 이벤트를 하려니 쑥스러움을 감출 수 없어 서현만의 재치 넘치는 특단의 조치를 취했다고 한다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































선물 전달 후 정용화의 자작곡 '사랑빛' 작사과정을 묻는 서현의 속마음은 과연 무엇일지 그 숨겨진 작사과정의 비밀과 이후 두 사람의 변화된 모습이 공개된다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































박정현 pch46@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit http://media.daum.net/entertain/all/view.html?cateid=1005&newsid=20101009123706949&p=newsen

































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































i tried to translate using google 
































































































































































































































































We Got Married' Seo jeongyonghwa in his first event, "You were impressed,"































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lena Park Newsen News]
































































































































































































































































Seo Yong angry husband were preparing for the very first event.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































October 9 17:15 broadcast MBC 'We Got Married' (Got Married) as a birthday present from the Yong Tues 'gogumabat' land in return for receiving Seo follows.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After the preferred time to plant sweet potatoes in order to send them towards the nearby fishing couples forgiveness. Seo For convenience yongnam not saying it's been a week to pack Birthday Chuck, but things had actually prepared the night saegamyeo. But prior to flight yongnam meaningful birthday gift of his poorly received atmospheres did not bequeath readily seen.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seo was born the first time for the event even more pleasant to the earth through which burned to the timing I do not know how to begin.Nip prepared for the event: but for myself I can not hide, Seo own witty drastic measures are being taken.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































After passing a gift Yong hwaui songs 'sarangbit' lyrics Seo asking the best parts of the process that is indeed what the hidden secret of the process and the lyrics changed since the appearance of two men be released.

































































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^Um,SophiaPia don't trust google translator because there are a lot of errors with the translations that i see compared to the original article.
































































































































































































































































btw wasn't this article posted before?
































































































































































































































































to make this post not so completely wasted here is a pic of DUCKY COUPLE!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest graxhaie
































































visit this site...































































































SNSD's scedule






















































































































































it shows the SNSD's schedule this october...































































































is it true that the MBC will air WGM this 10/11, monday???































































































goguma investigators, please reply....































































































yepey!another goguma day for all of us!

























































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































we just wait later what really happen :) TVUnetworks is friendly today. I'm actually excited and nervous about the episode later i will just depend on the translations afterward only i can do later is watch their actions. I wish SKINSHIPS start today coz watching horror special which they both comfortable which each other maybe start from this bday episode.
































































































































































































































































That will be nice if they air wgm again on monday, if it's true is it continuation of the episode or re-run hmmm! YongSeo investigators pls help kekeke!
































































































































































































































































Cheers to all

































































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[VID] [10.09.10] UFO Star Call - Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































She said that she hopes SONEs to recommend her a novel. Also, she recommend "The gift of Acabar" to SONEs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































translate by: itnw0628@twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit: kjw6676@youtube
































































































































































































































































































































































































































via: girlsshidae.blogspot.com

































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Guest PariSita






SophiaPia can u give me the link for TVUnetworks please ??:unsure:


Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Seohyun will be in Star King today. 6:30 PM KST


edit: SophiaPia thank you so much!



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Guest cindyle






Is there any other link can work except TVU network?. I'm at the company, cant download the TVU player. Has anyone there has to work today like me???. Huhuhuhu. I have been waiting for such a long week for this ep.



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































SophiaPia can u give me the link for TVUnetworks please ??:unsure:
































































































































































































































































Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung and Seohyun will be in Star King today. 6:30 PM KST





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Go to http://www.tvunetworks.com































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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After the installation, access the site once again
































































































































































































For MBC shows (including WGM) type 82048 in the channel search box

































































































































Is there any other link can work except TVU network?. I'm at the company, cant download the TVU player. Has anyone there has to work today like me???. Huhuhuhu. I have been waiting for such a long week for this ep.
































































































































































































































































pls. check this link under (video)

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








hold on to your seats people, wear a SEATBELT if you have to! in less than 1 hour, this thread will jump like crazy! I don't know what will happen to today's episode, I would probably miss the live streaming due to some personal agenda, so I will rely on this thread for news, updates, and thoughts about today's episode. also will wait patiently later for the uploaded unsubbed video of the episode. enjoy goguma day! :)



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Guest crinkle_twinkle
































































Woah! TVU is being nice to me today... totally not lagging! yay! :sweatingbullets:






















































































































































Less than an hour to go... ^_^









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Guest bolmaejung

Is there any other link can work except TVU network?. I'm at the company, cant download the TVU player. Has anyone there has to work today like me???. Huhuhuhu. I have been waiting for such a long week for this ep.

sorry. my english is poor.

wgm high-definition viewing.

1. membership daum (www.daum.net)

 http://tvpot.daum.ne...otplayerSpec.do (click 팟플레이어 다운로드) -> install program

2. run program (daum potplayer)

3. click  '프로그램'  (program. on the top right)

4. search '우결'  (copy, paste)


5. 고화질 = high-definition, 음악중심 = music core (after music core, wgm bigins.)

click title. (use mouse to move over title. maybe long title include '우결' )

6. daum Login.

7. 암호입력(password) : 1234

8. view~~~

it is difficult, but this program has great picture quality.

this program can be used every week.


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Guest SophiaPia

































































[Rumor] Seohyun got driver's license today :) via twitter @Yurui912
































































































































































































































































wow! if this is true IT'S AMAZING, BRAVO BRAVO i wonder if they will show this in coming episode in wgm. What about hubby Yong. 45 mins more and YongSeo already. For sure later this thread will become crazy again kekeke! ok catch u all later.

































































































































































































































































































































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