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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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shawie, leave that sad thought aside...for now.























c'mon gogumas, its Saturday!! Gogumas Day!!




































miel, i'm with you.























but since MC Kim said its going to be daebak...i believe him!!























giving No.3 my benefit of the doubt..




































dreamy, sweet yongseo dreams, and err..dream lots of gogumas k.. :lol:




































caliope, panGG, come join us at tweetyland..

















































gogumas, don't forget to pray for TVU too  ;)























jnj... you're right I am now conditioning my mind to get rid of that sad thought, I'm counting the hours till the show comes out.  I might not be able to watch the live streaming because i'll be at work, but, the moment I get home I would definitely watch the uploads.  Happy Saturday to all Goguma's :wub:












omo... why am i still here??? i  guess i went on an AUTO-PILOT MODE? LOL kept on refreshing the page without realizing.  :sweatingbullets:












shawie829... i also thought so at 1st... but since i'm half asleep now, u;d better don't trust me LOL xD












miel... but i still don't understand why is he sad about it? does it have something to do with him missing YAB days? i guess he didn't really have his own personal time  ever since his debut... well, except for WGM i guess ekekke



































Boo...goodnight :D












 I´m feeling sad too after reading that, but this has been a very hard year for the boys as a band, and for Yong as a singer because of his vocal chord´s illness. And remember that not long ago they were named as the worst band ¬¬ (argg really! fury.gif). And Yong is an emotional guy so maybe he was in his emo moment:huh:...












Love him so much, please don´t be sad Yong ^^!, and about Shin Woo, well I don´t have a clue..-_-























Probably right on your thought Magdal, after all that he's and the band gone through it could be tiresome, and as what others says, it could be lonesome sometimes when your on top.  I got confused on the Shin Woo thing too.  But I guess, as JNJ said, let's be happy because it's Goguma day!



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Guest miel_1301


sorry in advance to what i'm gonna be saying, but after reading Yong's response to a fan, about him feeling a bit unhappy.  I am a bit worried and I am hoping that this doesn't have anything to do with Hyun and WGM,  I know it's too early to tell, but, we all know, that WGM's stint is not forever.  And we all know because of the busy schedules either party can decide to just leave the show, though I'm not sure with how their contract goes with WGM... and with the upcoming (rumour) drama that might have Yong on the cast and busy sched that his group have, we don't know what his management might decide too...Ooohhh, I just really hope that these are not what's making him unhappy nowadays....again to my beloved goguma's please excuse me for my sad thought :(, hope nobody gets mad at me-_- 

Oh! shawie829, come here and I'd give you a hug. No worries, huh? You are just voicing out a valid personal sentiment. I don't think that I nor any goguma here would take it against you. But like what jnj said, "Leave the sad thoughts aside" not because we just don't want to face the reality that WGM will eventually end. But for now I guess that there are still many things to be feeling happy about and be thankful of, right?

miel, i'm with you.

but since MC Kim said its going to be daebak...i believe him!!

giving No.3 my benefit of the doubt..

Yeah, jnj! I am holding on tightly and maintaining the POSITIVE feeling and attitude based on MC Kim's twit. I have often held this person in high regard that he isn't just hyping up things for the YongSeo couple. I have always maintained my belief that MCs Park and Kim have always had good insights and interpretations every time they watch this couple. They're probably seeing and sensing "things" that we here have been spazzing about for the longest time.

miel... but i still don't understand why is he sad about it? does it have something to do with him missing YAB days? i guess he didn't really have his own personal time ever since his debut... well, except for WGM i guess ekekke

dreamyboo, honestly, I guess this time my instinct is failing me. With that very limited UFO reply, it's really hard to read, second-read or to even read YongHwa between the line. I can't even decipher it it's his general feeling about everything that is happening to him and his band or if indeed it's only a specific sentiment about his acting career and all the circumstances that might have surrounded it. It's really difficult to make any personal assessment given that very very brief statement. Nonetheless, YongHwa still has my benefit of the doubt.

And good night to you, dearies, dreamyboo and jnj!


from http://bit.ly/abj3G1 and http://bit.ly/ctEz8P

credit DC married gall

@yongseofacts she went to driving school for practice^^

cr @cheesevill twtter


How did I possibly overlook this post? Thank you blushoes for this info.

Aigoo! Seobaby must have been really bent and determined to get her driver's license. It had remained to date a posing challenge for her that she is making use of her available time to practice her driving skills, apart from her studies at the University.

As per the Fan Meeting account of SNSD, it was mentioned that of the 9 girls only four have their driver's licenses so far: Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sunny and Sooyoung. Sooyoung just very recently got hers. I really hope that Seobaby will get her driver's license very very soon.


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Guest crinkle_twinkle

































































sorry in advance to what i'm gonna be saying, but after reading Yong's response to a fan, about him feeling a bit unhappy.  I am a bit worried and I am hoping that this doesn't have anything to do with Hyun and WGM,  I know it's too early to tell, but, we all know, that WGM's stint is not forever.  And we all know because of the busy schedules either party can decide to just leave the show, though I'm not sure with how their contract goes with WGM... and with the upcoming (rumour) drama that might have Yong on the cast and busy sched that his group have, we don't know what his management might decide too...Ooohhh, I just really hope that these are not what's making him unhappy nowadays....again to my beloved goguma's please excuse me for my sad thought :(, hope nobody gets mad at me-_- 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If he's sad, i don't think it has to do with WGM though.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think he's sad because of the cancelled fan meeting in korea.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Apparently, it angered so many korean fans.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Also, some of the korean fans are upset with Jungshin chingu too because he tweeted something that angered them.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You can check the CN Blue thread for the details.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You know how he is when it comes to their fans, he loves their fans.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Besides, he takes his job as leader seriously...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So as the group leader, he probably feels responsible about the whole thing.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Maybe that's why he is sad, because of what happened. :tears:

































































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Hi to all Gogumas!








I am so excited for tomorrows episode, please pali pali waaa








But I have to say that you guys scared me.








Are there any news about the following episodes or news about filming?








Next will be the Japan trip and then?!








Don't let us think about it, though I am anxious.









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Guest lovekin


aha, am i the only one who wishes that the statement jonghyun made was not true?  sweatingbullets.gif don't get me wrong, though!






i, like many of you, would be over the moon if it were true.  but if it is, i just wish he hadn't hinted at it.  i feel like any indication of real feelings might jeopardize their time on the show.  so i'm all for the c.n.blue and snsd members being sly and teasing yong and seo but nothing that might indicate a deeper meaning, you know?




i just don't want anything to happen to their show, prematurely.  and besides, something as public as that interview would put an enormous amount of pressure on yong and seo, i think.  and we all know what happens when most budding celebrity relationships are put under the public eye. unsure.gif hypothetically speaking, anyway.





there's nothing wrong in spazzing, by the way!  i just ... wanted to put a realistic spin on it.  ha, there i go again.






about yong's schedule ... so i guess his part in the drama is official?  on the bright side, isn't it up to the idols to decide if they want to pursue their projects or discontinue them?  i mean, i guess their management has some influence, but WGM has given c.n.blue a lot of spotlight.  why their management would want to let go of that is beyond me – at least from a public relations standpoint.




moreover, i'm sure WGM yongseo can go on hiatus while he's filming.  and if not that, it's not like he's filming all the time.  in between his scenes, he could go over and film with seo.  it might put him under strain, but he could be the one that's actually looking forward to it (just an idea).  we don't want them to overwork, but why stop someone from doing something that makes them happy?  wink.gif




look on the bright side is the name of the game, my petit gogumas!






sure, it's a possibility that they may be canceled because of this ... but they haven't even been together for a year.  and yong has expectations after a full year (see: horror episode)!  

tongue.gif okay, in all seriousness though, it's a possibility but we don't know for sure ... yet.





so chin upwub.gif


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Yonghwa is in a drama? That Hunters thing? That was a variety show, wasn't it?

Do we already know the title of that drama and whoelse is going to be in it?

Ahh, the "Cinderella" one, right? With Nichkhun and Hyunjoong?

Best regards,


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Guest Crystal392
















































To all the Gogumas wondering why is Yong~ sad: I agree with what crinkle_twinkle said. The CNBLUE Korea fanmeeting got cancelled and Jungshin posted something on their Japanese blog that made some Korean Boices very upset. :( I'm almost 100% sure that's the reason why he is sad. About ShinWoo, I think it's because it's his 1 year anniversary since the first time he acted and he is probably feeling melancholic and sad (also don't forget ShinWoo's personality is very melancholic, maybe he is making a comparison?) because some fans are sad too. I really don't think he is going to begin to film a drama soon because CNBLUE will make their comeback in Korea soon (don't know when but probably on the last week of October).






























































A few more hours until a new ep of WGM! ^^ :w00t:

















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Guest NilyxYongSeo






Hello !!! I feel sad I didn't post here for one week T.T Sorry....


But I read all your post and I just can say : SATURDAY IS COMMING !!!! xD


So I'm very excited, I don't know if I can sleep tonight (yes in French it's already 00:45 and I'm sorry for ma bad english)


Skinship !!! Seohyun could really do that ? I hope so... *Dugeun Dugeun* and what "Love Light" ??!! What's happening in this episode ? xD I dream, right ? However, we know that Yonghwa Oppa is someone Type A and he didn't express his feeling easy, so we can really hope that he made this song for Seohyun... <3


I'm really excited so I made 2 wallpapers before I'm going to sleep x)







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Guest Crystal392






NilyxYongSeo: Those wallpapers are amazing!! :)






I just rewatched the latest ep, they are soo cute together ♥ hehehe and I love the MCs reaction.



I can't get over Yong's gift to Hyun~ ^_^ Even though it's only two rows and not a whole field (for which I am kind of thankful because they would never finish planting Gogumas) it's a very thoughtful wish. Yong~ you are jjang!!! :D






In a few more hours we will see a new ep! ^_^ Yay!






To all the ones who want to watch the ep from last Saturday: http://www.twitvid.com/X19TE (cr:rdrsubs)



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































Today is the day YongSeo day yahooooooooo! i just hope that later on the TVUNetworks works :( i'm excited and nervous at the same time about today episode. I'm excited to know what is the buried gift for wifey Hyun and what is wifey Hyun gift to hubby Yong. I'm nervous about the lovelight song, i just hope it will turn out good when he mentioned it to Hyun, to who is this lovelight song or who is his inspiration writing this song :) We will see later on what will happen.
































































































































































































































































To all who will do the translations jd2lee, redtulip, kay77 and the rest. Thank You in advance.
































































































































































































































































It's good that SeoHyun have free time now for her driving lessons. She is really determined to get her license which is good. So good luck to SeoHyun. 
































































































































































































































































re: what cnblue bro mentioned about Yong taking wgm seriously. That's nice of him :) he always put on his mind that the make believe marriage is REAL MARRIAGE kekeke! daebak daebak ! About why his sad MAYBE MISS SEOHYUN kekeke!
































































































































































































































































And pls. we hope that YongSeo will stay in wgm longer make it 1 yr or 2 yrs at least. I know it might end but NOT NOW pls.
































































































































































































































































Cheers to all

































































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Hi to all Gogumas!

I am so excited for tomorrows episode, please pali pali waaa

But I have to say that you guys scared me.

Are there any news about the following episodes or news about filming?

Next will be the Japan trip and then?!

Don't let us think about it, though I am anxious.

we scared u? :unsure:

aah...u must be thinking what i think you're thinking

even tho i'm not thinking what you're thinking... ;)^_^

put those worries aside, dear. Be Happy...

and u just gave me an idea to ran over to MBC site to post something there..tks!

lovekin, JH is such a teaser.

since that statement came from an interview, it can be exaggerated.

u know how reporters/magazines work right? ;)

he doesn't confirmed it or denied it, so its up to the fans

to take it with a pinch of salt..

but i must say i'm intrigue, but i don't want to think too much abt it

Nily, tks for the wallies..great!

yongseo on cloud nine? ^_^

Happy Gogumas Day Everyone.. :wub:

*urgh..my bandwidth has exceeded..*

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Guest Patate_douce
































































































































I was playing with a online game "love tester"  (yeah it's childish but i was bored..:sweatingbullets:)
































































Then i put Seohyun and Yonghwa :rolleyes:  see the result..
































































































































































































I did the same with her fanboys... It looks like Yong have nothing to be afraid of :lol:


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bonus kyuhyun































































































































































































































































































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Guest lizramyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































hhi hi anyone knows wher i can watch the preview of tonight epsiode
































































































































































































































































with subs.. i remember someone posted but it was like last weekxD haha

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun
















































the excitement for today's episode...accckkkk!!!! :w00t:




















































































































































































다크 용서커플 Dark YongSeo Couple (Yonghwa & Seohyun) MV
































c: TheG1art
































































most of us have probably seen this already but reposting one of my all time faves...
































'' What I Want To Do Once I Have A Lover ''
































c: uploader
































i'm doing a marathon of watching fmvs..counting down til the new episode :D
































































[sUBBED]Episode 26 Preview
































c: yukiandjudy









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Guest lunasol


slurpeeslurp: Thank U for your tweet about JongHyun's interview. It definitely revolutionized the thread biggrin.gif. I just read it in the morning in a rush on twitter and it made my morning brighter before everything in my day crashed (see my spoiler if you want haha). I am also happy that you are in this thread with us so keep coming out of the lurker mode. It was also hard for me and now I can't shut up *blush*




I agree with crinkle_twinkle. I think he is sad because of the fanmeeting cancellation and the problems related to it. I also read somewhere that he mentioned that he was watching YB since it was the anniversary of his debut and that he was feeling again the melancholy of the character after watching it. So I don't think his sadness have to do with WGM or Hyun.






I can't wait for tomorrow!! (it is still oct 8 for me hahaha). I think that today more than ever I need to see Yongseo and spazz with all of you guys.




You don't need to read my spoiler! Its just me venting my day frustration haha




Today has been a total nightmare for me. After trying to resolve a crisis all day that ended in me needing to cancel my Oct 18 work trip to Brazil, my bosses are now telling me that I am the one that has to pay the cancellation fee of $165.00!!

fury.gif to the airline even though it was their fault the trip could not be done in the first place. As if the money grow on trees!! It is their fault because they told me the travel dates and order me to buy the tickets just recently and according to the Brazil consulate there is no sufficient time to process the visa for a US citizen traveling there. tears.gif Thankfully, I got the emails to prove them it not my fault I can't get a visa on time.



Sorry, just needed to do that and now I feel a little better. After having my loved ones support I now need some of the Goguma medicine by just watching Yongseo and spazzing with you guys. I decided that I will not think of any trouble until Monday.  Lets all remain in our Happy Goguma Land and I know this episode will be Daebak!!biggrin.gif


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Guest slurpeeslurp-






Morning gogumas (:


lunasol : Haha, thanks, im glad i made your day, hell am i glad you solved the crisis with your job :D also, this newsdefinitely gave us gogumas another glimpse of hope ;D


Has anyone heard of this news yet ?



Taiwan is going to air WGM on their CHANNELS !









Here's the preview with cnblue






its taken from the baiduyongseobar.





omgggg, the taiwan fans are so lucky !


they're gonna get to watch the show twice a week ! :o



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Guest littlebiebie

patata_deuce I was "gaga" over game result u posted .. It's just so funny.. LOL :lol:

but there is another Hyun fanboy who is not included in the love tester : minho

btw.. is patata_deuce means sweet potato in other language?

6 hours to go.. Aigoo.. How am I supposed to concentrated on my work ...

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i have always prefer using TvAnts to stream the korean shows for the last few years. currently i am streaming MBC via TvAnts since morning just to make sure that i manage to get a slot successfully just to watch wgm later on. it can be really hard to establish a connection during afternoon (+9 KST). so far so good with the buffering around 87% to 97%. me can't wait to watch the final of part of yongseo's birthday arc. 용서 대박!





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Guest bintangkalerbiru



i'm extremely anxious for today's episode so i decided to share something.. but it's kind of... :sweatingbullets:



wow...it's great that everyone shares their opinion and i really love reading it. it keeps me happy. to xiam9, it's okay,as long as u know how we, yonghwa's fans feel. and we don't dwell on things longer than it should be so u better just let it go. ok? but all in all, thanks a lot for everyone who gives all their support and defend our yongseo which i found really beautiful.

anyway,today's episode gonna be epic, just like kay77 said. and thank you for coming out of your lurking mode nad present us with many info from yongseo's side of the country. it's highly appreciated and super cool!!

NillyxYongseo ur wallpaper is super cute!! do you mind if i grab them? *save save* :lol:

Patate_douce: wow.. that is so cool!!! yong~ now you don't have to worry anymore. the fortune teller has said it all. hahahaha!!! :lol::P

hello everyone!!! *waves*

Happy spazzing!!


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yorobeum - Happy Goguma day!


































































































































































































I am sorry if I got it wrong, but when was it confirmed that Yong is cast in a drama? The last I read was that there was alot of offers for him but because of CNBlue's schedule, his manager said that the earliest that he can participate in one is early next year. Also that he has filmed enuf of WGM to last till end of this year.


































































































































































































So lets not get worried about them quitting WGM. I think if there are enuf fans of the show they will certainly stay on. And knowing how hardworking Seobaby is, she certainly wont be the one quitting without a good reason!


































































































































































































Also does anyone knows why the Korean fan meeting is cancelled? I just read the chinese translation of that tweet where Yong say he is sad, I thought it is rather amusing that he said that he wants to sleep cos he wants to grow taller. I am not sure if you can still grow after the age of 20! Seems like both he and Hyun take their sleep very seriously! haha.


































































































































































































Gogumas forever!! :)
































































(actually after this show, I will always hv a good feeling eating gogumas,hahaha)





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