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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest miel_1301


so now we have 3 things to look forward to.

yong's buried gift - the new rings?

since he melted his..and the hint he gave in the bus?

hyun's shabby gift - 'the environment became tranquil after the sunset'

i was thinking, maybe they took a walk after the fishing

activity, then hyun iniate skinship by holding yong's hand or pinky

(a kiss is too much for hyun) :sweatingbullets:

OR she could present something that she made herself, in the shape of a star.

the truth abt Love Light

yes, yong, its abt time.

i really want to know, so that everything can be put to rest. ;)

I said I will be back to spaz til I drop. Hahaha! TGIF!!!

Yes, jnj! It looks like we have 3 things to look forward to. And it looks like from all those "teasers" for tomorrow's episode, this thread will surely explode and all gogumas will die a thousand deaths again. I am looking forward and staying POSITIVE on these three things which you also mentioned above.

Here are a few of my personal thoughts about what would be in store for us in tomorrow's episode:

On item No. 1. I am now having a 50-50 feeling on this. In as much as I would like the couple ring to come from YongHwa but some statements/pronouncements of Yong in his interviews are pointing to the contrary.

To name 2 statements: 1. from the NII Interview after their photo shoot when he was caught by the camera putting on THE RING, he said something along the line, "Hyun, see I am taking care of it!" and 2. from his Asian Tour Showcases he has been consistent in saying, "I am always wearing the couple ring becaue I am afraid I might lose it.".

And from the bus convo on the couple's way to the Sweet Potato field, it was Hyun who brought up the topic about their couple ring. Then upon learning about what happened to Yong's ring, "having melted" Hyun teasingly retorted that, "So this becomes my ONLY ring now.". To which Yong said, "No! We will have to buy a new one.".

On Item No.2. As much as I am excited of what could be Yong's other gift to hyun aside from the 2-row sweet potato field, I feel I am more than excited about what Hyun has in store for Yong. Bear in mind that this would count as the very FIRST gift--- birthday gift--- and very FIRST birthday event Hyun had prepared for a "namja" and bearing in mind Hyun's character and personality as and according to Yong, "My thoughtful Hyun ", what she has prepared would have been well-thought of and would really be meaningful. I am not inclined to underestimate Seobaby's capacity even if she doesn't have any prior experience on such birthday celebrations of a male friend or of a boyfriend. I think that she might have used the term “shabby’ with just some modesty aside or even perhaps an understatement. But knowing Yong’s “Uri thoughtful Hyun”, I feel it is really something significant and very memorable. Likewise, I am equally excited and anticipating of Yong’s reaction as soon as Hyun’s surprised gift and event will be revealed. YongHwa, my eyes will be glued on you. Hehehe!

Speaking of "STARS" that have been an on-going topic of discussion on the thread. Does anyone of you recall that "thing" which Yong gave Hyun in the very early episode? Remember the episode when Yong was teaching Hyun how to play the guitar? He handed a small "thing" to her which he placed on her palm. Was it in a shape of a STAR?

On item No.3. Oh! geez! This topic about "Love Light" is something that is making me feel too anxious and uneasy about. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it would be something positive. From the translation of the preview text, it said---- the TRUTH or the UNDERLYING TRUTH.

Some of my random thoughts...

1. Recalling that this 2nd album of CN Blue which contained the songs, “Love”, “Love Light” and “Sweet Holiday” was released in late May, I hope that what will be revealed in tomorrow’s episode will not just be the same as what Yong said in that radio appearance [was it Sukira or Yongstreet?] in relation to the “story” behind the song when he claimed that he drew his inspiration of the song from his “first love”.

2. I am also wondering how such “talk” about the song came about? Who might have brought up the topic? And under what context?

3. If in case that TRUTH about the lyrics of the song “Love Light” will be just the same as what he said in the radio interview, why is there even a need to tell Hyun directly about it [even broadcasting it on national tv] knowing very well that “ex-girlfriends”, “first love”, “past relationships” are some kind of a delicate matter of discussion that Yong himself has shown to be uncomfortable talking about?. Wouldn’t he be spoiling such an eventful night after all what both of them have prepared for each other's birthday? I wouldn’t think so as I don’t find it logical or even sensible. And I think that it would be contrary to the very caring nature of YongHwa.

4. Could it be that there is something from his inital pronouncement [again in that said radio promotions] that he needed to be rectified partially?

Would he be revealing along these lines saying:

"Yes, Hyun! I was initially inspired to write “Love Light” with my first love as a source of inspiration but I was not able to finish writing the song so it ended up in my shelf. It was only after I met you in WGM that I found the reason to finally complete the song".


Thus providing explanation about the specific lyrics of the song that say--- “You’re the President of my heart” and “I’m a genie for you girl.”

5. Or could it be that what would be revealed as the “underlying TRUTH” about the lyrics of the song “Love Light” in tomorrow’s episode would be a TOTAL retraction of his initial claim about the song?

"That yes! Indeed! I wrote the lyrics of the song “Love Light” with Seo Joo Hyun herself as my sole inspiration".

Ahrasso! Ahrasso! Am I being in a delusional state again? But then who cares? It’s my prerogative, right?

Oh! Geez! The anticipation is killing me softly.

About JongHyun's message indirectly revealing something about his Hyung, so it wasn’t a message from the tweet but a statement from a magazine interview in Taiwan.

Even then, thanks to lunasol for posting such info here and to slurpeeslurp for tweeting it out. And indeed it spread like wild fire in the thread. Hahaha!

And just like heartbreak’s initial reaction... from all the people who have been publicly and boldly making direct or indirect statements, references and allusions about this couple--- from Minhyuk, to Jay of TRAX, to the SUJU bros like Heechul, Eunhyuk and even the No.1 fan of Seobaby, Lee Teuk, to the SNSD Unnies who spilled some interesting statements during their Fan Meeting and now to JongHyun who made such interesting answer in that magazine interview--- I also have this initial reaction---- Hhhhhmmmmm!!!!

Goodness! By the time I finished writing and putting up this post, the thread jumped a couple of pages again.


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thank you too, i didn't expect 4 years of making sound effect and radio edit have any use here hehehe :shy:












well the yongseo women are daebak too












and tommorow will be a DAEBAK episode for us to watch...

























it wasnt me who upload the video












i just commented about the female voice that is yong and jong hyun hehehe :)












but yes, the vid is kinda cute :D












going back to lurker mode......























Zero... I guess you were referring to another video posted.  I'm actually talking about a video posted by Mungill, about "first friend" something.  It's cute...hehehe...sorry, it's out of topic :unsure:



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Saturday Is Here Again!!! YYAAYYY!!!

dugeun dugeun




cr to uploader..sorry gogumas, can't seem to rmbr

hi hi miel.

i'm actually more anxious for the 3rd one.

what IF yong get inspired from hyun to write the song BUT its for his first love.

kill me already!! :sweatingbullets:

dreamy are u still there?

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Guest Wilhelm1066








What heartbreak_warfare22: You're absolutely right about to not have biases against some artist, which I self did a couple of hundreds pages back; I really got hit on my head directly, when I said what is obvious to everyone: though we know it's a fake marriage, we still love them!




Myself is an addicted SNSD-fan since this spring when I discovered K-pop through the Drama Cinderellas Sister: It was that catchy Bopeebope-song by T-Ara. I watched YouTube of different groups and downloaded Music Bank because of Super Junior's The Other. Just before SUJU is this group CN Blue's Love: WHAT a boring song and fastforwarded to SUJU.




And THEN I discovered this 9-girl group, and got a lump in my throat: such beautiful creatures, are they for real: And this absolutely saintly girl Seohyun forced me to watch WGM and got hooked and VERY protective of Seohyun, and made that terrible mistake to let the negativism flowing freely: SORRY, SORRY, I deserved som bashing and forced my self to listen to only CN Blue's stuff and all the variety-shows: AND this YongHwa is an amazing guy, worth all respect.




So now when they said that Hyun doesn't wear that ring anymore on pictures from the university: I Really felt sad and worried for Yong: What a 360 degree turn of opinion.




But thats a man's rights: to not be a lesser guy for your hat, though you change views.





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*taking the same flight back with jnj* LOL xD dang... jnj! i forgot which one is the vid!!! serve me right for not keeping them in proper order! >.< i've to find them > http://cnbluestorm.com/2010/10/09/ufo-yonghwa-minhyuk-ufo-reply-10-08-20100/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CnblueStorm+%28C.N.BLUE+STORM%29&utm_content=Twitter

anyone knows how to translate them???

dang something's wrongf here! soompi acting weird on me :(

[Fan] : Oppa~ Congratulations to your anniversary debut. You know my mind, right~? I love you~

[YH] : Anniversary…Suddenly passed by…Unfortunately, in many ways a bit unhappy…Thank you. I will put more efforts

[Fan] : Feel a bit unhappy~oppa~ Why is it like that? Please tell me who made you feel so? I will help you to teach him a lesson

[YH] : Because of Kang Shin Woo, because of Shin Woo . I have to sleep now because I want to grow taller. Good night. Hope that I will only be filled with happiness.

[Fan] : Feel a bit unhappy~oppa~ Why is it like that? Please tell me who made you feel so? I will help you to teach him a lesson

[YH] : Because of Kang Shin Woo, because of Shin Woo . I have to sleep now because I want to grow taller. Good night. Hope that I will only be filled with happiness.

[Fan] : It is me who has been asking you questions. Don’t you have things wannt to share with Chai Yan too?

[YH] : Haha, fried food (Yonghwa nicknamed his fan like this) Have you studied hard?

[Fan] : The fan meeting has been cancelled, I am so sad. I should be in one of the front rows too!

[YH] : Aiya, I also think it is such a pity.

[Fan] : I have seen the photos of twitter. You are very cute. Don’t be nervous in Pushan and arrive safely. Remember to buy Yunghyun oppa rice and soup.

[MH] : Kaka, sure.

[Fan] : I know this year is going to be tough but for us, fans, we will support you forever. Please keep on working hard and be strong!

[YH] : Even if it is tough, there are no choices. Fighting! Haha.

[Fan] : Yonghwa, how are you doing today? Take care of yourself and not to catch a cold~

[YH] : Haha, yes. You have to take care too! Haha.

[Fan] : Oppa, this is the celebration for your 1st year debut anniversary. Do you know my feeling to you? I love you~

[YH] : The year passed very swiftly which made me quite sad.I will work harder~

Credit : as tagged shared by yoonghyoon@baidu

Translated by Euni & Rice@cnbluestorm

Thanks to Jacinthoriya@twitter for the tip

Posted by omonOona@cnbluestorm

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Guest zero_one


Zero... I guess you were referring to another video posted.  I'm actually talking about a video posted by Mungill, about "first friend" something.  It's cute...hehehe...sorry, it's out of topic :unsure:



i thought that we are talking bout the video that was posted by magdal a few page before about a female voice that sing lovelight...

sorry that its out of topic

that video was not mine

its from the great hyadain

he make some crazy version song of game soundtrack

u could search his song in youtube




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Guest glitterspark
















































okay this is really random... but anyone knows what time WGM will starting airing? (SG time?)
















i got super hyped up by all teasing and hints already...
















decided to watch it live even if it kills me!

















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guys sorry about my previous post... that's YH & MH's UFO call. sorry for including MH inside... soompi went weird for a moment there <_< i wonder why is yong unhappy about the year passing by swiftly? missing his past lifestyle or even bettter... sad that he may hafta leave WGM behind??? gosh... this is sad! :(

miel... i like ur POVs! u're always very good in giving out ur thoughts :wub:

yeah i think hyun's SHABBY GIFT isn't as shabbby as she said. kekeke

jnj... am still here! :ph34r: *waves* i took the same flight with u what... sat next to u summore LOL xD dang, am talking crap already... must be sleepy! my beauty sleep! in need of that ahah :P


reposting my retarded post:

[Fan] : Oppa~ Congratulations to your anniversary debut. You know my mind, right~? I love you~

[YH] : Anniversary…Suddenly passed by…Unfortunately, in many ways a bit unhappy…Thank you. I will put more efforts

[Fan] : Feel a bit unhappy~oppa~ Why is it like that? Please tell me who made you feel so? I will help you to teach him a lesson

[YH] : Because of Kang Shin Woo, because of Shin Woo . I have to sleep now because I want to grow taller. Good night. Hope that I will only be filled with happiness.

[Fan] : Feel a bit unhappy~oppa~ Why is it like that? Please tell me who made you feel so? I will help you to teach him a lesson

[YH] : Because of Kang Shin Woo, because of Shin Woo . I have to sleep now because I want to grow taller. Good night. Hope that I will only be filled with happiness.

[Fan] : It is me who has been asking you questions. Don’t you have things wannt to share with Chai Yan too?

[YH] : Haha, fried food (Yonghwa nicknamed his fan like this) Have you studied hard?

[Fan] : The fan meeting has been cancelled, I am so sad. I should be in one of the front rows too!

[YH] : Aiya, I also think it is such a pity.

[Fan] : I have seen the photos of twitter. You are very cute. Don’t be nervous in Pushan and arrive safely. Remember to buy Yunghyun oppa rice and soup.

[MH] : Kaka, sure.

[Fan] : I know this year is going to be tough but for us, fans, we will support you forever. Please keep on working hard and be strong!

[YH] : Even if it is tough, there are no choices. Fighting! Haha.

[Fan] : Yonghwa, how are you doing today? Take care of yourself and not to catch a cold~

[YH] : Haha, yes. You have to take care too! Haha.

[Fan] : Oppa, this is the celebration for your 1st year debut anniversary. Do you know my feeling to you? I love you~

[YH] : The year passed very swiftly which made me quite sad.I will work harder~

Credit : as tagged shared by yoonghyoon@baidu

Translated by Euni & Rice@cnbluestorm

Thanks to Jacinthoriya@twitter for the tip

Posted by omonOona@cnbluestorm

Posted Image

omigosh...he keeps on saying that he's sad! poor boy! no wonder his facial expression looks different in his latest pic posted by um sorry i forgot who already... but yah he looked sad in that pic! i wonder why!? but why was his answer is shin woo? it seems like he's just answering randomly! LOL @ his wanting to sleep 'cause he wanna grow taller! hahaha this guy still has his humor although he's sad! he's nonetheless daebak!!! :wub:

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Guest AsianKateBella





I love this..


First  PAGE   Soompi....smile.gif





















Official SeoHwa Sweet Potato Couple Thread









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okay this is really random... but anyone knows what time WGM will starting airing? (SG time?)

i got super hyped up by all teasing and hints already...

decided to watch it live even if it kills me!

its 1615pm, glitter

before that its Mucore.

come and join us..

dreamy, i think yong was talking abt his 1st ann. acting debut,

since he keeps mentioning SW.

i think he's feeling down by things thats happening at his end,

or he is just tired or he wants more WGM shooting, but PDnim won't let him..

hows that for my facial analysis? :lol:

watever it is thats bugging him, lets hope buin can cheer him up

yong fighting!!

oh!i slept on the plane, thats why didn't see u dreamy.

now i'm quite awake and wants to spazz more, even if its already 0112am

no wonder my skin are all looking dead!! :lol:

miel, the guitar pick is in the shape of a heart made of straw

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dreamyboo hey, so you guys are at twitter? i wish i could get on, but i'm about to leave the house here. think of me while your twitting all things yongseo! and i use to use photoshop cs2, but my trial version is done, so i only use imageready. lol. and thats awesome you have another hmong friend!
















































jnj OH! cool beans (its a english slang saying :lol: ), singapore! and those preview gifs makes me want saturday to hurry up. its already saturday there, right?
















































counting down to yongseo time. :w00t:









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AsianKateBella... wow is that many! :w00t: didn't know yongseo have that many fans! thanks for sharing!

jnj: hmmm issit? dang... can't think properly now. not that i always think proper-ly! xD uh oh! the period of skin renewal has past way back an hr ago! i wonder if mine still has the energy to renew later on. kekeke so umm but still why is he sad over that? i don't get it, yongggg!

uhhh i'm feeling a bit dizzy now. i think i'll hafta retire to bed soon.

GOONITE GOGUMAS (sorry jnj.... am too tired :ph34r: )


panGG where were u in twitter LOL...anyways, goonite & thanks for the tips! ;)

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sorry in advance to what i'm gonna be saying, but after reading Yong's response to a fan, about him feeling a bit unhappy.  I am a bit worried and I am hoping that this doesn't have anything to do with Hyun and WGM,  I know it's too early to tell, but, we all know, that WGM's stint is not forever.  And we all know because of the busy schedules either party can decide to just leave the show, though I'm not sure with how their contract goes with WGM... and with the upcoming (rumour) drama that might have Yong on the cast and busy sched that his group have, we don't know what his management might decide too...Ooohhh, I just really hope that these are not what's making him unhappy nowadays....again to my beloved goguma's please excuse me for my sad thought :(, hope nobody gets mad at me-_- 



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Guest AsianKateBella






AsianKateBella... wow is that many!  :w00t: didn't know yongseo have that many fans! thanks for sharing!






jnj: hmmm issit? dang... can't think properly now. not that i always think proper-ly! xD uh oh! the period of skin renewal has past way back an hr ago! i wonder if mine still has the energy to renew later on. kekeke so umm but still why is he sad over that? i don't get it, yongggg!






uhhh i'm feeling a bit dizzy now. i think i'll hafta retire to bed soon.


GOONITE GOGUMAS (sorry jnj.... am too tired  :ph34r: )












Yaaaa I'm so happy too....rolleyes.gif Gogumas DAEBAK ++++++++!!!!!!



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Guest miel_1301


omigosh...he keeps on saying that he's sad! poor boy! no wonder his facial expression looks different in his latest pic posted by um sorry i forgot who already... but yah he looked sad in that pic! i wonder why!? but why was his answer is shin woo? it seems like he's just answering randomly! LOL @ his wanting to sleep 'cause he wanna grow taller! hahaha this guy still has his humor although he's sad! he's nonetheless daebak!!! :wub:

miel, the guitar pick is in the shape of a heart made of straw

dreamyboo, when I was reading those UFO translations, I also wondered why he kept on saying "it's quite sad". But then again I don't want to read more than what his statement is or maybe I just refuse to do so [the bias in me, I guess]. And yes, I second jnj that he might be referring to his acting debut in YAB, thus, he made a reference to his character. Did he suddenly feel a nostalgic feeling about his acting debut after having passed a year? But him wanting to sleep because "he wants to grow taller" had me cracking. Was he just being random?

@jnj, thanks for refreshing my memory with that guitar pick made from straw.

And about your comment saying,

"i'm actually more anxious for the 3rd one.

what IF yong get inspired from hyun to write the song BUT its for his first love.

kill me already!!"

hahaha! jnj, if this IS THE REAL THING... then I guess that will be the time for me to hibernate permanently and not to even have the nerve to log into this thread. hahaha!


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shawie, leave that sad thought aside...for now.

c'mon gogumas, its Saturday!! Gogumas Day!!

miel, i'm with you.

but since MC Kim said its going to be daebak...i believe him!!

giving No.3 my benefit of the doubt..

dreamy, sweet yongseo dreams, and err..dream lots of gogumas k.. :lol:

caliope, panGG, come join us at tweetyland..

gogumas, don't forget to pray for TVU too ;)

okkaaay...c u guys again at abt 14hrs~~~~yongseo time!! :w00t:

3 daebak things to look forward to...yes!

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omo... why am i still here??? i guess i went on an AUTO-PILOT MODE? LOL kept on refreshing the page without realizing. :sweatingbullets:

shawie829... i also thought so at 1st... but since i'm half asleep now, u;d better don't trust me LOL xD

miel... but i still don't understand why is he sad about it? does it have something to do with him missing YAB days? i guess he didn't really have his own personal time ever since his debut... well, except for WGM i guess ekekke


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sorry in advance to what i'm gonna be saying, but after reading Yong's response to a fan, about him feeling a bit unhappy.  I am a bit worried and I am hoping that this doesn't have anything to do with Hyun and WGM,  I know it's too early to tell, but, we all know, that WGM's stint is not forever.  And we all know because of the busy schedules either party can decide to just leave the show, though I'm not sure with how their contract goes with WGM... and with the upcoming (rumour) drama that might have Yong on the cast and busy sched that his group have, we don't know what his management might decide too...Ooohhh, I just really hope that these are not what's making him unhappy nowadays....again to my beloved goguma's please excuse me for my sad thought :(, hope nobody gets mad at me-_- 
































































































 I´m feeling sad too after reading that, but this has been a very hard year for the boys as a band, and for Yong as a singer because of his vocal chord´s illness. And remember that not long ago they were named as the worst band ¬¬ (argg really! fury.gif). And Yong is an emotional guy so maybe he was in his emo moment:huh:...
































































































Love him so much, please don´t be sad Yong ^^!, and about Shin Woo, well I don´t have a clue..-_-

































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Guest glitterspark
















































jnj: thanks for your swift reply!! OMG it's 4.15!? lovely~~ i wouldn't have to wait too long...
















don't like to post empty handed, so i'd post something from the snsd thread @ soompi
















(hope no one posted it yet~)
















































credits to nh0x_tete_89 @ soompi
















can anyone guess which one's yong's wifey??

















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