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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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yong would probably like to see hyun in this wearing a cap..








































...she's not wearing the ring..hmmm?...









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Guest lunasol


dreamyboo and miel_1301: U are making me blush hahah I wish I had keen eagle eyes like a lot of you guys have. It is just that I come from a family who play various musical instruments and I play the piano and a little guitar and violin.  Also, my brothers have a Rock band and they will be ASHAMED of me and will tease me to no end if I didn't know some of the basics hahaha




But, going back to Yongseo. There may be no deeper meaning to her doing the C chord, but then she could have done another chord that Jungmo could have taught her, right? Instead, she did the first one she learned from Yong. Just remembering Yong accommodating her fingers in the first episodes!!wub.gif I think that was their first skin to skin contact (Now I want to watch again from the start, but I can't sad.gif)






Since I am talking about guitar, then I will take the opportunity to mention that  when Yong lost the ring he was more worried than it has been mentioned because not only: 1) he looked for the ring during a TV show performance and 2) messed up the lyrics at the end, but  also the part he was looking for the ring was the part HE was suppose to be hand-syncing his hands to the sound.




Thus, in that part while Yong was looking for the ring HE was supposed to be 'playing' the acoustic guitar.  Just listen to the sound and watch him. Jonghyun have the electric guitar, which have a different sound, and that is why he is not moving the right hand in that part. For those few seconds you may be 100% sure Yong was not thinking of the music. And all this for a supposedly 'make-believe' couple ring. Would you imagine what would have happened if it was live?!




Side note: For those of you who don't know, music shows in Korea won't let rock bands play live their instruments, only the voices are live, unless it is a special show. They basically treat them unjustly as any other dance group or singer performing in the show so that is why they have to hand-sync playing the instruments with the music track. (Sorry, needed to explain this because there are critics elsewhere who don't take the time to get the information before making bad opinions).


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No ring?


Are there any pictures of either Seohyun or Yonghwa wearing the ring AFTER they filmed the Japan episode? We'll have to do some FBI-ing here, I guess. :)  Yonghwa wore his ring several times in October. Pictures are on Sweet Potato Days and on CN Blue Storm. Everything's good, I suppose. :)

Besides that, the cap looks very good on her. She really can wear practically anything.

Best regards,


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Guest SophiaPia

































































@Sophiapia. based on the 2nd pic posted by blueshoes, unfortunately Seohyun wasn't wearing the ring. It was also the first thing I was looking for. but come to think of it, she already has a lot of fans in the university. maybe she decided not to wear the ring that day to decrease the fans approaching her. If fans saw her wearing the ring, a lot more people might turn up and ask for her autograph and get images of her wearing the ring. maybe she decided not to wear the ring to somehow decrease attention to her. after all, she is attending the university to learn. and we all know how Seohyun likes learning. hope Im making sense here.
































































































































































































































































kekeke! heartbreak kamsahamnida yes! if she wear it in university they will look more on that couple ring :) not w/ the professor who's teaching english kekeke! it's just that for me if i see YongSeo the 1st thing i want to see is the couple ring :):) because it's always hubby Yong who wears it, Hyun seldom wears it hmmm! But maybe wifey Hyun will not lose the ring she knows where she keep the ring, as for hubby Yong he said once he remove it his afraid he might lose the ring :)
































































































































































































































































Saturdayyyyyyy paliiiiiiiiiii

































































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Guest anayuson


















Hi everyone;) I was watching playful kiss and they shot a scene in the Stage where Yonghwa danced Genie! Its funny coz I can't concentrate watching the vid coz I was busy reading Yongseo comments on top of the video! ahahaha heres the link http://www.viikii.net/videos/watch/106657/0/playful-kiss-episode-11-part-4.html



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thanks for the comments on the fmv, miel & d3....*hugz* :D

i'm sorry i'm actually in a rush right now... have some urgent homeworks to finish >.< so i can't really remember who posted which pics... for now i can see blueshoes... thanks for the pics blueshoes! :D

i also wonder why didn't hyun wear the ring to uni... what heartbreak posted makes sense 'cause we all know how yongseo treasure their gifts for each other.... :wub:

oh, this is a quick one! did u guys notice that hyun only brought one big water bottle? i dunno whether she drank from it or not but she gave it to yong to drink~! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if hyun did drink from that bottle... an indirect kiss! keekekee ahh but yong's lips didn't really touch the bottle... but wadda heck, they shared water! LOL enough to make me go cwazee already! xD EDIT: that was in the latest ep...

before i go, hi torianamissu, sophiapia, crystal, jnj, d_????, lunasol, anayuson, heartbreak, Trent & everyone~! umm wokeh! gtg...BYE & GOONITE~ xD

*lurker mode ON* :ph34r:

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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































































































































































































































































Since I am talking about guitar, then I will take the opportunity to mention that  when Yong lost the ring he was more worried than it has been mentioned because not only: 1) he looked for the ring during a TV show performance and 2) messed up the lyrics at the end, but  also the part he was looking for the ring was the part HE was suppose to be hand-syncing his hands to the sound.
































































































































































































































































































































Thus, in that part while Yong was looking for the ring HE was supposed to be 'playing' the acoustic guitar.  Just listen to the sound and watch him. Jonghyun have the electric guitar, which have a different sound, and that is why he is not moving the right hand in that part. For those few seconds you may be 100% sure Yong was not thinking of the music. And all this for a supposedly 'make-believe' couple ring. Would you imagine what would have happened if it was live?!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi-5 Yongseo style. I play guitar a little, too, and I'm a big fan of bands.
































































































































































































































































































































Haha! You're so right. On Jonghyun's part, Yong should have been strumming because the strum in the song is acoustic and it's obviously his guitar. If it's live when that ring incident happened, then we'd prolly not hear anything. :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































Hyun is cute to demo the C chord on the guitar. Anyway, I think C, G and D are usually the first chords a beginner can learn since it's easy on the fingers.
































































































































































































































































































































Sharing a fave cap.
































































































































































































































































































































If you watch the video on these parts, you can see little yellow butterflies flying behind Hyun. Dunno why but it made me smile somehow. It reminded me of the movie Lady in the Water when one character mentions that butterflies gravitate towards those whose hearts are pure and kind.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@kay77 Your video is beautiful! Thanks for sharing. :wub:

































































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dreamyboo hello, hello~ (waving) lol its okay! it sucks living in such different time zones! haha. your just going to bed when my day is just starting. haha. but i'm thinking of something for the "rocker" picture, but i work the next two nights :( maybe someone else will do something with it soon! but when i get mine done i'll definitely post it, of course ;)






miel_1301 i agreed! when i had first seen some stills of seohyun in the actual shoot i was like, this is perfect, so finally yesterday when the screensavers were released i had to do it! haha.






_d3seohyun great caps!!!






gotta run, off to work. have a goguma day/night everyone!


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Guest raindrops_919


annyong GOGUMA  :wub:




@ anayuson: ME TOO ! i'm a playful kiss fan, since long time ago i love it started with a kiss (taiwan version for playful kiss) so i anticipated so much for playful kiss. As i watch episode 11 of playful kiss today, i find it funny too.. Oh Ha Ni wears the pink coat Hyun wears at the 22 days episode in WGM, then Oh Ha Ni has a date with Goong Sunbae at the park where Yong dance tell me your wish. It seems like this park is famous in seoul for dating =) 




ninja me says :ph34r: PDnim of Playful Kiss is a GOGUMA too  :wub:




and also i've been looking for so much link between playful kiss and YongSeo *since i love them both*




~ Kim Hyun Joong & Jung Yong Hwa both cast at Hunter *or something, i forget the name, but there are picture of them together for this show* ~




~ CN Blue and Jung So Min are models for Nii ~




~ It's known that Jung Yong Hwa's character at You're beautiful (Kang Shin Woo) so much similar to Kim Hyun Joong's Ji Hoo sunbae at Boys over flower ~










ahhh two days to go, SATURDAY pali pallliii !!


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Guest ahn_annann












hope ep.27 have more skinship, kekeke
















made by me



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maybe i'm seeing things, but based on the 1st picture posted by blueshoes, is she wearing a "star" shape necklace?...








wish the picture weren't so blurr...








"star"...and it seems yong is wearing a lot of "star" shape accessories lately...hehe :D








i guess yong's style is rubbing on hyun as well...hehe :wub:





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Hi guys!
































































































Here’s chapter 12. I hope you all enjoy reading it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S. please let me know if you wish to be removed from the PM list. I’ve had a couple who have blocked messages from me. Thanks again!
















































































































































































































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Guest constantia11

This might be out of topic. But I just want to share it.

My sister is off to Busan tomorrow for Busan International Film Festival.

I know that Jonghyun n Minhyuk of CN Blue are coming there for their new movie Accoustic, and I saw it in CN Blue Storm web that CN Blue is scheduled to perform there too.

So I asked my sister to look out for Yong and take some pictures if possible, so I can share it here. Im hoping to spot his ringdingdong...

But I won't put my hope high since it's a very big festival n my sister may be very busy managing actors from my country.

Oh, how I envy her so much to be in the same place as uri Yong.

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Guest sun_sun



101007 SNSD Seohyun - My People (Daum) Message    just 5 seconds but I think this cute voice can make you have a nice dream ;).




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Guest Crystal392



dreamyboo: bye!!! *waves*


anayuson, raindrops: Awww that day was so funny, when Yong~ danced TMYW on the big park bench. hehehe maybe 'Playful Kiss' PD is a Goguma fan ;)


DJHinata: That video is soo funny but a bit creepy at the same time :lol:


Btw, I found a post on tvdaum and it had a photoshopped picture that was posted in soompi by a very talented Goguma. To the talented Goguma who photoshopped that pic: now Korean Gogumas also have seen your job ^_^ : http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=4773&pageIndex=1


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Guest archiehon
























































Cant wait to see what this sat will bring us! The promo team behind WGM should be thanking their lucky stars to have such dedicated MCs. I always love the genuine feedback and expressions given by the MCs each time YeongSeo part is shown. They are really DAEBAK! I think the MCs especially MC Park and Kim must be feeling nostalgic  when watching YH ans SH together (1st Love memory?:wub:) I know I do.... Thank you a million times for all the infos, news and translations. Really appreciate your dedication. Love from Malaysia.









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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Ah! I'm getting so antsy about the next episode.. I need to keep telling myself it's only 2 more days.. :sweatingbullets:
































































































































But, ever since the MC tweeted that the episode was daebak.. it has made me more curious! I'm looking forward to the next episode! ^^
































































































































I really wonder what Seobb got Yo~ng.. she said she hoped her gift wasn't shabby. So, I don't think it's couple rings? I mean.. how can couple rings be a shabby gift?! :lol: So maybe it IS skinship(maybe Seohyun thinks something like that is considered shabby compared to a REAL gift?! Who knows! *o*)... :w00t: I have so many imaginations in my mind of what it could be, but I guess we'll all have to wait until Saturday! I can't wait! :wub:

































































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I was just watching some SNSD videos and I came across this one from last year's supermodel contest. Yes...., last year SNSD performed at this contest and this year who performed? Yes...., CN Blue.

SNSD's last year supermodel contest performance:

My link

CN Blue's this year supermodel contest performance:

My link

Funny thing is I found that Yonghwa's oufit is a black sailor inspired uniform. Last year, SNSD wore white sailor uniforms. Haa.....! Coincidence??? Fate... it seems. :wub:


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