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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest .:LaUrEn.:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MC Kim Jungmin tweeted something about our couple































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ㅎㅎ오늘 용서커플 입찢어짐..토욜..닥본사!ㅋ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































— 김정민 jake.Kim (@jake82054)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can someone translate? Thanks! :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!


:D I was just coming over here to post this, but I see that someone else has beat me to it already.

The message on twitter does basically means what you said.

The entire message can be translate as "Yongseo couple grinning ear to ear. This Saturday show is a must watch."

We, Korean fans, have been saything the this episode is going to be a legendary one. It looks like the MC agree after watching it. :D

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AHHHHH it’s basically implying that yongseo this week is gonna be DAEBAK!!! 입찢어짐 basically means that he was smiling so much that his mouth was gonna tear. the MCs must have done the episode commentary today. AGHHHH I dieeee people at WGM dc inside gallery are going CRAZY over this the topic already has over 2000 views. Can it PLEASE be Saturday already?!?! I have a strooong feeling hyun’s birthday present to yong is going to be skinship :) daebak!!!








Thank you so much for translating. I'm still grinning from ear to ear from last Saturday's episode! :D Maybe the rumored kiss on the cheek is true and Hyun lets Yong kiss her? Or vice-versa? Yeah...looks like it will be live stream this Saturday for me... come quickly!


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OMG.  I just woke up, but its still 1am where I am.  I can't go back to sleep because my heart is pounding so hard...dugeum dugeum.  I am so excited and happy.  Ohhhh! Its only wednesday...please saturday come!

Yongseo just makes me so happy, right now.  What ever happens...please let livestream work on saturday...and please get the recorder going because I have a feeling we'll be watching this episode over and over again...and analyzing it over and over.   

I wanna scream....but I'm afraid I'll wake my neighbors up.

@Kay77.  Thanks for the info.  you are so right.  Now I cant wait for Saturday and can't wait till the Japanese ep...and every ep in between.

AAAHHHHHHHHHH!  Yong and Hyun please meet up soon for more filming.  Love Yongseo.

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Hyuksu, Lauren, Kay77, thank you sooo much for the news and translation!









Po-po? Kiss? Kiss? KISSSSSS !!!!!!









Ahem... sorry I couldn't help it! Ahjumma here getting all crazy trying to think what made the MC giddy too!









Man, it's only Wednesday! And I'll be travelling on Saturday so can't watch live! Torture! :crazy: Does anyone know if Blackberry can do live streaming??


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haha, of course we'd like you to do a full as word for word.

- Come to play I read on News as Yonghwa said about his mother, can you translate this is the first? after you watched.

- Happy Birthday

- Running man 100919

hope to find you share the experiences of Yonghwa and CNBlue on that threads.

I am so sorry to cut your post...

I was only able to watch sever clips of Come to Play. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see a clip in which Yonghwa talked about his mother. However, I did get to read a news article that mentions this.

According to the news article, Yonghwa said that his mother was against him becoming a singer since even before his training days at the F&C. Yonghwa said that he saw his mother crying uncontrollable at the CN Blue debut showcase. That is when, Yonghwa said, he decided that he will to give it all so he can be the best he can be as a singer.

Once I get to see the show, I will tell you exactly what Yonghwa said. :D

I will start translating Running Man as soon as I can. I will do RM first since that show is much more fun. :w00t:

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Guest kudougirl






waaaaaaaaa. really? oh my god. i can't wait ><


thank you hyuksu, lauren, and kay77.


i never stream wgm live, i definitely have to watch it live this week!!!


this is what i love about yongseo, they always give surprise!



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Thank you so much for translating. I'm still grinning from ear to ear from last Saturday's episode! :D Maybe the rumored kiss on the cheek is true and Hyun lets Yong kiss her? Or vice-versa? Yeah...looks like it will be live stream this Saturday for me... come quickly!

May I ask a question to all the goguma lovers here? Where have you heard about a "kiss"? I've been reading about this possible spoiler about this kiss here, but I haven't really heard that being mentioned on any of the Korean fansites and messageboards... Of course, I might have missed it since all the spoilers tend to get written and then quickly taken down after a short while at Korean sites generally...

I was just curious as to how this talk of "kiss" came about here since I missed that. :D

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















I'm already dying of anticipation for saturday! thanks Lauren and Kay77 for the translations and info. 








If the MC's find next saturday's episode awesome, it will indeed be awesome. and surely all the fans would go NUTS!!! 








Dying to see what is Yong's second gift to his wife. Dying to see what Hyun got for her husband. its only Wednesday here and I'm really wishing tomorrow is Saturday, well most of us are. :]








The MC's really love Yong and Hyun. and they giggle everytime they think they see skinship and they are touched by every sweet action Yong and Hyun have for each other, specially Jungshin's "mom" MC Miseon. I really like her. 








I could be starting in a new work next week and it would require mo to be away from home and the internet every 2-3 weeks. I know work is work. but I need my weekly fix of YongSeo.








I will miss watching YongSeo and I will definitely miss this thread.





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Guest raindrops_919


@ cingli: omo how come you find it? it must be very hard to catch that, YOU'RE AWESOME ! and Yong really sang this song? he's very thoughtful, this boy..




"And a thousand days

And a thousand nights

Without understanding

Without feeling

Without realising

That there's nothing else in this world

Not even in the depth of my soul

You're the only one I need

You, and only you"






@ hyuksu & .:LaUrEn.: : even the mc says it's DAEBAK ! i think i'm going to fainted again this saturday :ph34r:




@ constantia11 : the link from RDRsub works.. you need to download part 1 and 2 then join them using hjsplit (google it, it's free and simple) then you can convert the joined file using youtube downloader. That's what i do, same with you at the first time, but i finally find out that i need to join them first from cnbluestorm.com HOPE IT WORKS  :wub:










i find it cute: Hyun seems to imitating Yong so many time.. just like Yong did either, i'll insert some image at my next post then.. i need to make some capture first  :w00t:


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Guest likelove8993
































































































































































































































































@ LaUrEn & kay77 thank u so much for the info & trans,,
































































































































oh my~~
































































































































*lift hand, down head, and close eyes* "saturday oh saturday,,i call you~~ please saturday come quickly, please come quickly~~"
































































































































OMG,, my heart really fluttered,, i need some goguma now to calm myself~~

































































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You know, I just thought of something.  May sound crazy, but it seems like that members of SME has been preparing fans for what is going to come between the Yongseo couple these last few weeks and days.

First, the SM Town bts special where Heecul teased Hyun about Yong when Hyun was taking a pic with Kyu (I know this was recorded in early Sept but they must have known what the recording was for and when it would be broadcast).

Second, Jungmo oppa revealing that the Oh, My Goddess! music video originally had a kissing scene but Hyun refused it...they joked that its because of Yong.

Third, the members of SNSD mentioning Yong so much in their fan meeting.

Fourth, Leetuk's radio-kiss that was posted earlier mentioned something about Yong, Hyun and CNBlue's song Lovelight (Sarang bit) - I'm not sure in what context since I don't speak Korean, but I caught those words - this was broadcast on Oct3.

There may be more...but that's the few I know of.  Its like they all know something..and helping the Yongseo couple.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case because Hyun is loved by everyone in SME.  Maybe I'm just paranoid.  Hehe, blame it on my Yongseo addiction.

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There may be more...but that's the few I know of.  Its like they all know something..and helping the Yongseo couple.  I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case because Hyun is loved by everyone in SME.  Maybe I'm just paranoid.  Hehe, blame it on my Yongseo addiction.






I remember in July there seemed to be suddenly be people telling Yonghwa on different shows to take good care of Hyun and we (or maybe just me ;) ) were wondering why, cuz it puts him under so much pressure (for a virtual marriage?).


But looking at the recent horror episode, something good must have happened b/t them to get them to comfortably lean on each other and hold hands.




kay77, not sure where that rumor comes from, there were just a couple of people here that commented they read it somewhere...but I can't remember where.


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































OMG! the more i'm become excited of what's going to happen to our YongSeo couple this coming saturday. If MC KIM says DAEBAK wow! really really want to be saturday now :) if it's skinships/KISSSSS OMG! w00t.gif OMG! i wish i wish i wish. Is it kiss, necklace, ring what? aigooooo saturday pali!

































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Seohyun has the most attractive cheeks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SNSD’s Seohyun has been voted as the female celebrity who has the most attractive chubby cheeks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Community portal site, “DC Inside” conducted a survey entitled “Who is the female celebrity with the most attractive chubby cheeks?” from September 28th to October 5th. From the poll, Seohyun took the first spot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In this survey, a total of 9,426 votes were cast and 31.3% or 2,951 participants voted in favor of Seohyun. Seohyun’s fleshy cheek and her pure maknae image are the main reasons for obtaining such a high percentage of votes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Meanwhile, Wonder Girls’ Sohee took the second spot with 1,069 votes (11.3%). Sohee’s plump cheeks earned her the nickname “mandoo” or “dumpling”. IU who received 1062 votes (11.3%) grabbed the third spot, followed by 2NE1′s Park Bom, actress Shin MinA and f(x)’s Sully.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: star.mt.co.kr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































translated by http://fanwonder.com/?p=3991































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i remember back rumor something about staff spoiled out cheeks kiss ?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































well the article that i posted also about cheeks but its seo hyun cheeks :lol:

































































































































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Guest littlebiebie

Wow... thank you hyuksu, lauren & kay77 for the news...

Urrghh... 3 days before Sat.. I am getting intense now... :crazy:

Btw.. Jossa have updated her fics.. Check it out here

I got myself smiling while read it. Thanks, Jossa :D

andalasa, cingli thank you for sharing that beautiful song.. The lyric is so.. :wub:

Hope someone can make mv using this song... *calling all talented goguma*

raindrop_919 I ever tried to register to MBC using genxv instruction (Thank u, genxv ;)). She had capture the detailed step by step you can check it here thus very easy to follow.

soleill123 I thought someone already translated the their conversation from the capture you posted (sorry, I forget the name..).

I can only give a rough translation : Hyun said she prepared their dinner (rice ball and fruit) for 5 hours and It makes Yong expression like : Really?5 hours? And It really turns out into a very beautiful bento (But we don't know how It taste :P keukeukeu)

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I'm like woolly-lamb, I worry about posting when I have nothing interesting to share, especially when there are so many interesting posts already to read but I come by and read and spazz everyday. You guys are my vitamin.


So, I may not have much, but I do want to send out my love for all of the spazzers here.


@crystal_malfoy, boy have I missed u!! *doube-triple-hugs*. Missed jnj, miel, dreamyboo, ichigo, trent, heartbreak_warfare, so many of the regulars. Thank u for sharing and keeping this thread daebak! So many other posters too who I'm getting to recognize better and am thankful for. Annyeong ^^



genxv: you took the words right outta my mouth. Even though I might not have anything to share, I can't leave soompi for long. Okay who am I kidding? I can't leave our goguma planet at all. A day away makes me feel so empty. It's weird I know, but it's true...


Woah silisnoy thanks so much for all that info. I've always been curious about how uri YongSeo is perceived on Korea, it makes me happy to know they are very loved ^_^ I love love love looong posts and it was such a pleasure reading yours! ^^


_d3seohyun, woollylamb: Those screencaps and gifs are <3 Thanks so much for sharing them here! All the girls, specially our Hyun~, looked gorgeous on the video. I wonder what did Yong~ think when he saw it too... ;)




raindrops_919: I loved your wedding poster! hehehehe soo amazing! <3 And OMG your wedding invitation is ♥


DJHinata: I've always loved your artwork. They looked so cute! lol you dreamt about uri YongSeo? hehehe lately more and more Gogumas have been having Goguma dreams xD



crystal_malfoy: Indeed, there is an increasing number of talented gogumas on this thread who provide beautiful artwork that warms the hearts of all the gogumas here. Even though I might not comment all the time, I still do give plus points and I am grateful for their generous sharing souls.





The gifs are courtesy of Mia from fseohyun tumblr, so no credits to me. I do hope I don't offend her by sharing the links though. Sometimes I'm not sure if I unintentionally offend any original picture/gif creator by posting stuff here even though I credit them properly. But I totally agree, SeoHyun is growing more beautiful by the hour. Our lovely girl is growing up.(:tears: of happiness not sadness)


silis7noy2, ur post is WHOA! it's very good for our fragile hearts! i feel much stronger after reading :D keke thanks so much for posting & lifting up our goguma spirits~! gogumasss...AJA AJA HWAITINGGGG!!!


woollylamb, it's been a longgggg time i haven't seen u.... *waves hard* xD



dreamyboo: ~bear hug~ I missed you gals and guys! I really love reading the POVs of all the gogumas here, even those who provide a touch of realism. Though it might bring down the general mood at times, as silis7noy2 reiterated, as long as the faith is strong, nothing can shake it. That's why I didn't comment, but instead accept that everyone has their personal opinions. I do listen/read everyone's comments, but at the end of the day, I still choose to stick to what I believe in. So keep your hearts strong for the continuing yongseo journey ahead...We shall be happy while it lasts... :wub:





Since I am going to post this, here is my sincere thank you shout-out (this might get a bit long so I betta put them in spoilers):







1. For the Translations and Subbers, be it from korean to english, or chinese to english





2. For the FanFics (setting up the gogumafics community) & news on our goguma couple that keep me going till the next episode





3. For the screencaps/gifs that show us expressions and actions that the not so observant person like me missed





4. For the many lovely friends of all ages I made in this thread, who update me even outside of soompi

























































There are so many more names I missed and wanna thank sincerely, but please don't be offended by how my dinosaur brain currently works. I really enjoy the goodies shared here...Please continue in the spirit of sharing & caring ala yongseo style... blush.gif


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Guest sassysnsd

I don't know if I will be able to watch this weeks episode because I'm going away over the weekend but depending on timing I might be able to catch it!!

The MC's comment has got me so excited and now I am thinking that it is a kiss!! I am being delusional, thinking Hyun will kiss Yong on the cheek OR do some type of skinship bc I think when she brought up the gag concert in the bus she had a deep incentive to it. I think she was seeing how he felt about it. Even if it has nothing to do with the gift, I still think she did have an alterior motive as to bringing up the gag concert (bringing up the issue of skinship) & then in the preview she was like is it my gift too shabby? She is thinking is it weird to give skinship as a gift.. kekekeke!!! My goguma brain!! Then again it is unlike Hyun to do skinship and when he said hold hands she was like "ehhh~" but it could be apart of her act you guys '-'*

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Guest sun_sun



Credit : as tagged and DC gall


I think they're not sure where YongSeo's sweet potato field is 1 or 2 or 3 ^^(I use Google translate) ...


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Guest mandyemily

Hi everyone.

I'm excited regarding this week's episode after seeing the twitter. :lol:

Everytime I watch we got married, I get the feeling the the senior MCs (MC Oark and MC Kim) likes Yongseo couple alot.

Thanks to silis7noy2 for the extremely useful insight to Koreans view of YongSeo couple.

It helps us to know what is the situation like and not be easily swayed by negative views.

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