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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































Phewww!! this thread is moving so fast!!































































































































































































































































I came to this thread first of all because I love this couple and I believe this kind of thread is for people who support the couple. I joined this kind of thread before (Love So Sweet, thread for Jun Matsumoto and Mao Inoue lovers) and had never encountered any posts leading to bad arguments.































































































































































































































































In short, I was a little disappointed to see such posts here.































































































































































































































































But since my love for this couple is so big (as big as my love to Jun n Mao couple), I decided to just ignore those posts, and just skip the posts that I think are annoying.































































































































































































































































Besides, what matters to me is what is in my heart: that Yong and Hyun is perfect for each other.































































































































































































































































yes! constantia11 i like what u said YONG AND HYUN ARE BOTH PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER i luv that :) reel or real doesn't matter. THEY CLICK AND LOOK GOOD TOGETHER WHATEVER OTHER PEOPLE SAY :) THEY LOOK LOVELY INDEED AND PERFECT. At 1st we thought both different but in a long run we notice that they are the same by way of walking, hand gestures, etc... :)
































































































































I don't mind next episode if they continue this bday surprise. I think it's better to continue it on saturday so that we know what their bday gift for each other and then whatever wgm PD want's to show in the next episode it's ok. As long we have YongSeo and PLS. LET YONGSEO STAY LONGER IN WGM :)

































































































































































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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A YongSeo lover.
































































































































































































































































A true-blooded S♥ne
































































































































































































































































and a CNBlue supporter
































































































































































































































































I do not know what this drama is all about.
































































































































































































































































Who started it all but I would just like to say my piece.. FOR THE LAST TIME....
































































































































































































































































I think everyone who has been in this journey and those who knew me (i know only a few though kekeke) knows how im always positive towards everything but at some point vented out my anger and was negatively judged by other people just because i said something for the first time.
































































































































































































































































I know I shouldn't be saying this here since anyway im not sure if everybody will agree, or if you guys will read but I can't help it..
































































































































































































































































It pains me to read that some Yonghwa fans wants him to leave WGM bec they're thinking it's ruining his career or some thinks Seohyun is not best for him.
































































































































































































































































Also pains me to know that some wants Seohyun to leave WGM bec Yonghwa is just not good for her.
































































































































































































































































How funny.
































































































































































































































































Let me just repeat, SEOHYUN IS SNSD.. AND SNSD IS SNSD.. Some cnblue fans may not like what i will say but you can not disgard the fact that Yonghwa being paired up with the what you call "non responsive, quiet" Seohyun helped not only him but also HIS BROTHERS in cnblue. YES, I know CNBLUE is very talented, Yonghwa was popular even before wgm.. but hey it's a fact.
































































































































































































































































Everyone calls Jungshin, Jungshin chingu bec seohyun calls him that.
































































































































































































































































Yes, i am snsd bias but you guys might hate to admit it but WGM helped cnblue a lot.
































































































































































































































































And not to be a one-sided fan. Yes I know Yonghwa helped Seohyun a lot too. We know how and why. Everyone, every sone (though some fanboys are jealous, it's given) are thankful of YOnghwa bec he made Seohyun open up to a lot of things. She's more flexible now compared before. Even her unnies acknowledge Yonghwa. They all like him now. I am a SNSD fan ever since.. We've been through all those antis .. trials with our girls.. but I became a YOngSeo fan bec I can see how YOnghwa takes care of our baby.
































































































































































































































































WGM is a 50-50 show.. It helped both YOng and Hyun in different ways.
































































































































































































































































Cnblue fans liked SNSD/Seohyun bec of WGM and SNSD fans liked Cnblue/yonghwa bec of Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































I don't want CNBLUE fans hating SNSD just bec of these nonsense comments/arguments same goes with SNSD fans.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's so depressing to see this thread move pages SO FAST not bec everyone is spazzing but BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE ARGUING..
































































































































































































































































I have been a fan of aN "idol couple" before but on the thread that I was in, everyone protects that idol couple. Yes, there are always people who claims they are a fan but writes/posts things that contradicts to what they say..
































































































































































































































































Let me repeat.. this is a YONGSEO thread.. If you guys noticed.. SNSD forum doesn't talk /focus much on couples so as CNBlue forums.. you guys know why? Because they support their artists on whatever they do.. Why can't this thread just support YOngSeo on WGM? and leave them alone when their outside WGM? Yes you can't help but monitor their outside activity, but do you guys really have to CONNECT EVERYTHING TO THEM?
































































































































































































































































Instead of being so negative and OVERANALYZING THINGS.. why don't you take it positively?
































































































































































































































































If you guys see/hear them talk about WGM outside WGM then you should be happy. If they do not, then that's fine. Shouldn't it be that way? Just be happy everytime you hear things about them as a couple outside the show instead of dwelling too much on things they do outside the show.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really wished people who couldn't just content themselves and overanalyze things to just stop.. but yeah.. reality check? it wont happen.
































































































































































































































































Im not sure if im making sense.
































































































































































































































































Ill end it here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Read Jossa's new fic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wish you would understand how we yongseo fans feel.

































































































































































































































































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Another ahjumma goguma here giving her 2 cents worth on skinship.








































































Ningyit, I can understand your views on skinship. I don't have a daughter but I have 2 sons, and when they grow up (I would rather later than sooner) I would want them to treat all girls with utmost respect as how Yong is showing in WGM. He has shown how a girl is supposed to be treated and courted and wooed. I'm talking from a Mother's perspective as well as from a female perspective.








































































In today's cynical world, I feel that skinship is taken lightly. To me, a girl/woman should treat skinship as something precious. I maybe unrealistic here, but that's just my opinion and how I feel about it. If we treat it as something special, then it IS special. I guess I'm just old-fashioned so that's why YongSeo resonates with me. I keep saying that Yong is wooing Hyun cos to my old fashioned eyes, that's exactly what he's doing. In this fast-paced world, it is indeed such a pleasure and privilege to see a hot guy slowly courting and wooing a beautiful lady.









































































I still remember you asked about hugs, kisses and holding hands in other cultures and I believe no one has answered your query. I don't know about other cultures, but from where I'm at, PDAs between lovers are frowned upon. It is not in our culture to hug or air-kiss acquaintances or someone whom we've met a few times. However, it doesn't mean that it's not done. Many of us have accepted some forms of "western" greetings due to our exposure at the workplace. For me, I would greet my long term customers from Overseas with a handshake and a hug due to our familiarity. But definitely not on the 1st or 2nd meeting! It is also a generation thing. For example, my parents don't hug or kiss us when we greet, but amongst us sisters, we do cos we don't see each other every often. I would hug and kiss my children, but would not hug or kiss my husband in public. My husband and I would hold hands though when we walk in public. I think hand holding is an intimate gesture so I'm not surprised that you have the same view. I don't hug or kiss male friends when I greet them. I would just raise my hand up and say "hi". I hope I've answered some of your queries.









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prncsscharming... KYAAAAAA right?! beach scene would be a delight. oh, but if it's a beach scene in korea, they'll hafta do it fast or else it's gonna be freaking cold soon! if they can't make it, maybe they can go over to LA? erm but it'll also be the same there right? oh, and i'd hope they'll shoot all kinda hugstoo! kekeekek :w00t:

ningyit, u're prolly one of the 1st to bring up about what would yongseo's parents think & feel about them. from their driving lesson eps, it seems like hyun's parents like yong a lot. as for yong, there shouldn't be a problem i guess. he said it himself that his parents are pretty open-minded. gosh, i wonder what do they think of yongseo's current progress. are they happy or concerned for their future? or are they being supportive of their kids, just letting them experience life on their own while cheering them on by the sideline? i dunno... but i'm sure their parents could've given them some words of wisdom. it would be lovely to see hyun or yong meeting each other's parents~ but if i were the parent, i'll be sad to know that my kid didn't end up with the person that i like a lot. this will be like a fairytale coming true if it does! gosh... i'm talking like as if i'm married for so many years (uhhh i'm not even married yet! >.<) the effects of yongseo! xD

d3, thanks for the ever moving caps of urs... something popped up in my head! some gogumas did mention that yongseo prolly didn't contact each other as much as we thought they did back in june. i find it logical somehow. no wonder the WGM had to take action about it, by letting them meet (without filming) each other over lunches or dinners in july since their scheds were starting to get heavy on them so that they won't grow awkward. i guess that was when they started to become closer outside WGM. which means that for the past few months before june & also in june, they were secretly admiring each other or should i say like each other from a distant with minimal phone contact (only do so when necessary or whenever they see each other in the news)? i'm sure they wanted to make more communications outside WGM but due to fear of media, rumors & maybe some uncertainties of themselves, they refrained. at that time, they were still unsure of each other although they kinda know that they do like each other. i can imagine them being all shy when they bumped into each other outside WGM (i was very shy towards someone i liked too :P). the most they could do was probably just a small talk or just a simple greeting whenever they passed by. this reminds me of a fancam capturing yong's HI gesture to SOMEONE in Dream Concert before he collapsed. and no wonder when they meet for filming during those times, we can really see them checking each other out & enjoying the moment they're together as per ur caps. and thanks to WGM's smart move in july & also to hyun's sudden outburst end of june, uri yongseo are getting closer... prolly much close than we think! kekeke

ack! sorry for my long rambling -.-"

baby_bo, very well said!!! BRAVO~! :)

EDIT: lunasol, i love ur insightful post... especially those quotes! thanks for sharing! :)

winnieho, i agree with u on everything u posted. i've become more conservative in the matter of relationship myself throughout the years due to some bitter experiences. and i find that some of my friends who have speedy relationships usually end speedily too (of course this doesn't apply to everyone). IMO, being conservative can help preserve relationship better rather than a speedy one where feelings aren't expressed properly due to its fast-release. and thanks to that, my relationship with my current bf is getting on better day by day~ :D(although we've been together for 8 years, it seems like we're more in luv with each other more than ever kyaaaa :P so i guess being conservative helps in a way!)

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Guest .:love_ya:.


prncsscharming... KYAAAAAA right?! beach scene would be a delight. oh, but if it's a beach scene in korea, they'll hafta do it fast or else it's gonna be freaking cold soon! if they can't make it, maybe they can go over to LA? erm but it'll also be the same there right? oh, and i'd hope they'll shoot all kinda hugstoo! kekeekek :w00t:





Australia is the place, then! ^^





My favorite couple going to my favorite country in the world!





hehe I'm dreaming again :D





Anyone knows PD-nim email? :D I wanna send him a request hehe





(like how YOng was with the Chinese medical stone floor, I'm serious, too hehe I wonder if there is a site where we can communicate with the WGM admin ppl :D)


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Australia is the place, then! ^^
































































































My favorite couple going to my favorite country in the world!
































































































hehe I'm dreaming again :D
































































































Anyone knows PD-nim email? :D I wanna send him a request hehe
































































































(like how YOng was with the Chinese medical stone floor, I'm serious, too hehe I wonder if there is a site where we can communicate with the WGM admin ppl :D)































































































































































































YAA! You should post it on the MBC site where you can post ideas for their next mission!!! Hopefully I'll be on vacay from school... use my PTO from work... pack up my hubby... and take a trip down under!! DO IT! DO IT!
































































































LOL :w00t:

















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Guest .:love_ya:.






YAA! You should post it on the MBC site where you can post ideas for their next mission!!! Hopefully I'll be on vacay from school... use my PTO from work... pack up my hubby... and take a trip down under!! DO IT! DO IT!





LOL :w00t:









lol sure will! tomorrow after school hehe





wait but how come it's all in Korean?? >.< lol


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Guest lovekim







Goguma1207, i hear you calling~~ And i love what you have written. kamsahamida~





ok, some of our singapore gogumas are busy with studies and work, thus lurking. But they are loving every moment and post reagarding the YongSeo couple!!





So many replies...ottoke~





Athena, thank you for your post and sharing your wonderful experiences. Love ya! Can I call u guma omma? hahaha!





Sally7, thanks for the timeline. i WAS getting abit confused with the episodes jumping here and there. And when I watch the other two couples as well, i get even more confused. hahaha!





_d3 dearie...I'm addicted to your caps!! haha! thank u so much! I like the way Hyun read out loud: "To Hyun~~~". she's adorable!





Thanks Trent for starting the "What if we post our prefered concept for their wedding photo shoot?". Inspired by Athena?keke!





Here i am, sitting in my office chanting "photoshoot, photoshoot, i want wedding photoshoot!". Please, will someone enlighten WGM PDs to carry out one for uri YongSeo couple? lol!





I have no fave theme but wouldn't it be fun to have a photoshoot with their instruments and / or goguma field? ok ok...call me old-fashioned and cliche but hey...as long as two persons are in love, any photoshoot in any setting will turn out lovely. No matter what...





i loved my photoshoot and would wanna do it again! (in winter please...singapore's too hot for outdoor shoots)





I'm still reeling from the horror episode till this latest one. Let me catch my breath...lol!





Urgh!! Can't wait for saturday!!!


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lol sure will! tomorrow after school hehe
































































































wait but how come it's all in Korean?? >.< lol































































































































































































I think if you go on the sweet potato days website, there are instructions with visual aids...
































































































































































































try this...
































































































I'm at work right now and some of the sites are blocked so I'm not sure if it'll work...
































































































I know somewhere in this thread it was explained by....hmmm... genxv? Aissh! this thread moves so fast I don't know anymore...

















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Guest sirius1430266457
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love love love your comment.i agree with everything that u said.
















































































































































i follow this thread even before the first episode started.
















































































































































so i know u were always a positive person.(i admired u for that coz sometimes i can be really emotional :sweatingbullets: )
















































































































































there will always be drama in this thread.hehehe
















































































































































so i guess its just a normal thing to happen.
















































































































































i cant wait for this saturday.
















































































































































i hope everday is saturday

























































































































































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sorry... currently, i've no mood to focus on my work!

gahhhhh so here i come to do some pic spamming!!! :P

love this fan art... :wub:


just 'cause she looks sooo beautiful here... yong should take a look too!


yyoooongggg is sooo :wub:









cr. dcinside

wokehhhh *back to work* :ph34r:

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Guest Norabella




I am so glad that we are on the right path now.


It hurts so much to see all these bickerings and nonsense abt our lovely couple. I chose to believe and will always love them like everyone else here. As I have mentioned in 'Why I love YongSeo couple'....I really find happiness and solace by just watching them interact with each other. Whether they are reel or real, it does not matter but..you can read them by the blink of their eyes. Eyes do not lie...


I cant wait for the next episode though I might not be able to watch live streaming due to my niece's wedding...aigoo... <_< .


Btw, I wanted to thank those who came for the last week gathering - you know who you are! it was lovely and fun !


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Guest shane09
































































































































s0leill123 did post this gif few pages b4
































































































but, I would like 2 repost again .....
































































































funny ~~ full of facial expression

















































































































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Guest raindrops_919




@lunasol: i'm almost cry when i read your post about quotes to represent uri YONGSEO..




to be honest i don't want this couple come to an end even if i know this WGM thing will do end one day, i hope YONGSEO is not, no matter how they met *this whole fake marriage thing* but i hope and i believe that they will together as a REAL couple even if they HIDE it from us the fans because it may ruin their 'korean idol image'.




I personally pray for them, because as i believe in TRUE LOVE, i see how the seed of love grow between them, it's not late, it's not too soon either, it's on time..i hope BEST THINGS for this couple.. for two different people meet by fate, yes it's your JOURNEY awaits  :wub:




when we look at how far we've come in this road, we'll smile  :D










Suddenly i remember  the part at BEATLES CODE when CN Blue in it with this senior band names Baeg Du San *the show surely HILARIOUS* the vocalist of Baeg Du San is Yu Hyun San the father of rock :ph34r: and this show it self is a study about 2 different people that shares the same destiny *or something like parallel life* soooo This is about BAEG DU SAN and CN BLUE have some same destiny.




* Yu Hyun San's wife, Choi Yun Hwe looks like SeoHyun, both Jung Yong Hwa and Yu Hyun San are men's enemy. Baeg Du San's Yu Hyun San became men's enemy when his secret marriage to Asia's mermaid, Choi Yun Hwe was revealed. CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa became men's enemy since becoming SeoHyun's husband on WGM. i'm hoping for Yong and Hyun to have a REAL marriage in future even if it has to be a secret, when it was revealed then yong become men's enemy for marrying NATIONAL GODDESS SeoHyun  :lol: i'm crazily HAPPY for that, i'll live longer to see that happen  :w00t:










i'm sorry for being out of topic, but i love this couple so much, so i look at every single detail of SNSD and CN BLUE show just to find a single line that may connect uri Yong and Hyun




to the sky high, yes..we're ready !  ;) HUGS for my GOGUMA family in this thread, i love you all.. thank you so much  :wub:



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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































Hi Gogumas :) A good day to you all.
































































I was bored today so i went browsing a site where people submit in secrets about kpop. Maybe some of you know what site i'm talking about. I was just clicking on SNSD related secrets (because I'm a Sone) and i stumbled on a Yongseo secret. When I read it, i cannot help but relate to it. I also think it's beautiful, in a way. I will put the secret in spoiler so you can skip it if you don't want to read it :)






























































































































































































Source: http://kpopsecrets.tumblr.com/post/1075729552#disqus_thread'>http://kpopsecrets.t...2#disqus_thread
































































The secret is anonymous and is shared for everyone to see so i think it's okay to post it here.
































































Yonghwa and Seohyun are amazing individuals. I love them together and separate. But we also know we cannot please everyone. So it is really better to ignore the negativity. I love the quote "ONE SHOULD NOT ALLOW OTHER'S MALEVOLENT JUDGEMENT TO AFFECT YOUR HEART. LOVE THOSE WHO YOU LOVE. IGNORE THOSE WHO YOU NOT CARE." It touches me, somehow.































































































































Now, onto spazzing..
































































I cannot wait for saturday to come. I'm really anxious to what Hyun's gift for Yong is. I don't even dare to guess because our couple always become unexpected in the end!
































































My episode wishlist:































































































































1. Compose a song together and perform with guitars.































































































































2. Meet the parents.































































































































3. Wedding Photoshoot.
































































I know many gogumas is wishing for the photoshoot foremost but for me, i would really die for them to have a song together. Hopefully composed by Yonghwa while Hyun writes the lyrics. Something that is special only for the two of them. I have been a fan of Yonghwa's composing (boy writes great songs!) and of course, we know how both of them can sing very well. I enjoyed their duet from before (what kind of goguma doesn't?) but it will be more meaningful this way.
































































Meeting the parents... need i say more? I really want to see the funny father of Hyun interacting with his, also funny, son-in law. I think it would be epic! And i believe we can see more of Yong's charm this way because i know he is very respectful towards elders.
































































For wedding photoshoot, we already know they will look good together. Both are tall and build enough to be models. And both looks the best in white! (in my opinion, at least).
































































I really thought this won't be a long post but i ended up writing a long one. Sorry gogumas. Spazz mode over now ke ke:vicx:

































































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Australia is the place, then! ^^
















My favorite couple going to my favorite country in the world!
















hehe I'm dreaming again :D
















Anyone knows PD-nim email? :D I wanna send him a request hehe
















(like how YOng was with the Chinese medical stone floor, I'm serious, too hehe I wonder if there is a site where we can communicate with the WGM admin ppl :D)































Ahh if they come to Australia I think I will cry! This country is awesome but I'm not sure whether Yong can take the heat during the really hot summer!






























































I love the idea of them having a quaint wedding either near their potato field or the beach where they first got married. That would be really meaningful and sweet. Actually it would be perfect if Yong proposed at the sweet potato field and they got married at the beach!






























































Jossa's new fanfic came at the perfect timing! Its such a beautiful story, everyone needs to check it out! Hold my hand






























































Can someone confirm whether they are showing the Japanese episode this week as well? I remember reading something like that somewhere a week ago, but I can't remember anymore!

















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Dreamyboo, I should be working too! More power to you on your conservative approach to your current relationship! I was rewatching Ep 26. The part where Yong showed his funny expression when the owner fangirled over Hyun gets me laughing every time. Yong's expression was totally hilarious! I had to control my laughter else my colleagues will think that I'm crazy!








































































I loved the part where they were conversing softly with each other whilst planting the sweet potato shoots. I loved this conversation too:








































































H: I think you're tired








































































Y: I'm always tired








































































H: I know...








































































Awww... could Hyun be any sweeter? :w00t: I bet Yong was totally melted with that! :D









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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































































wah~ a lot of comments to read but... sweatingbullets.gif i'm getting lazy, though i would take a glimpse(?) sweatingbullets.gif anyway this thread is sure fast.
































































weeh~ the wedding photo shoot. . .
































































I want it to be unique. :P i don't know what unique would it be.
































































I also agreed to those fellow yongseo lover that the wedding photo shoot would be
































































in nature, not sure though. hehe~ :D
































































just sharing this:
































































Duck Yong, so funny. :)
















































































hehe~ just caught something, don't know if someone shared this already.

































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Guest readsandgeeks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am usually a silent reader who rarely post, but, after reading your post, I just couldn't stay hidden. First, let me say that I do appreciate you sharing your thought with us. However, I can say that I was very saddened when I read this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am a Korean who has been following Yonghwa since before WGM very closely and who has been a fan of Yongseo couple from the very first episode. I do follow both Korean fansites as well as overseas sites for Yonghwa, CN Blue, general Korean news and entertainments, and here at soompi. I can confidently say that I know what has been going on with both Yonghwa and Yongseo couple from both Korean viewers' point of view as well as overseas viewers'.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Reading your comment that implied that Yonghwa doesn't have strong enough personality or isn't good enough for Seohyun, after watching recent episodes of WGM, made me question if you know Yonghwa that well really, within WGM as well as outside of WGM. I also thought again of the reasons many of us Korean Yonghwa fans despereately wish Yonghwa to quit WGM as soon as possible because WGM tends to portray Yonghwa as someone who is as a somewhat of an immature (choding) person and tends to dismiss more serious and stronger side of his personality.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Those of us, Korean fans who has been watching and reading first hand all the things that Yonghwa had to endure since the debut and the way Yonghwa handled everything really know how strong person Yonghwa truly is. There is no way Yonghwa could have handled everyting he had to handle since his debut and be where he is now if he isn't a very strong, mature, and very focused individual. Overseas fans who aren't fluent in Korean and those who have to rely on translations can't possibly know how tough Korean netizens and media have been to CN Blue, especially to Yonghwa since he is the leader and the most visible member. In fact, they still remain very harsh and extremly tough. It is been so tough that I totally understood what Yonghwa meant when he said he nearly broke down after finish writing and recording "One Time" during CN Blue's first concert in Korea. To this day, I can't listen to the lyrics of that song without getting a little tugging of heartstrings, thinking of all the harsh words Yonghwa and CN Blue had to endure since their debut.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In addition, getting treatment for the vocal cord nodule while handling a full, killer of Bluelove album promotion schedul added more pressure and difficulties as well. In fact, the latest episode and the "CN Blue and Hyun pocketball" episode was filmed during the CN Blue's toughest Bluelove schedule when they were flying back and forth from Japan and Korea as well as during the time Yonghwa was getting outpatient treatment for a vocal cord nodule. Some of us Korea fans held our breath everytime Yonghwa had to sing on air during this time and during their Japan concerts in June because his health at the time and his vocal cord condition and the side effects of the shots Yonghwa had to take directly to his vocal cord as a treatment for a vocal cord nodule. This latest episode was filmed right after CN Blue's June Japan concerts. However, just watching this WGM episode, one would never know that Yonghwa was going through all this. That is because Yonghwa never let it show what he is going through personally in his works.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Remember that Yonghwa is a singer? Can you imagine how scary it might have been for Yonghwa, as a singer, to be getting a shot directly on his vocal cord while still trying to maintain his full schedule? All the while harsh netizens and media were trying to bring him down with every little gesture and comments he makes and trying to ridicule his band and their music? This is the time that I really became Yonghwa's fan because of how truly strong he is and how dedicated he is about his music. I come to admire him for his inner strength. Believe me. Not only is he charming and very talented, he IS a very strong person.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am sorry that I've gone into so much about Yonghwa outside of WGM, but I felt as though I need to emphasize a part of Yonghwa's personality that is not shown on WGM first before I can go into Yonghwa within WGM. I said that many of us Korean Yonghwa fans wish Yonghwa would quit WGM as soon as possible. It is not because we don't like WGM or Yonghseo couple or Seohyun as Yonghwa's partner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As much as I love Yongseo couple and have come to adore Seohyun through WGM, I am also one of those who always struggle between wanting to see more of Yongseo couple and wanting Yonghwa quit this show as soon as possible. Although WGM uses somewhat of "real variety concept", it is first and foremost "an entertainment". Not a drama but a "variety" show. Most of the general Korean viewers expect a "variety" show to be funny and to make them laugh. It was very clear from the beginning that Seohyun is not going to be the one to be "funny" or make people laugh on her own. Someone had to provide the "funny" and "make people laugh" part. That person had to be Yonghwa because he is the only one of the two who can do that. That is where "choding" and "jealous Yong" part came in, imo. Yongseo couple initially captured the viewers with an older, considerate, more mature Yonghwa leading younger and innocent Seohyun. Now,they've added another layer to that with "Yong choding" in last few episodes, and, lately, with "skinship issue" to keep veiwers entertained as well as keeping interested.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We have to realize that the writers and producers of WGM have a certain storyline they set to follow for each couple to provide "entertainment" for the general viewers. Although the show isn't scripted, it does still have a general guideline and purpose of providing "variety show" type of entertainment. I guess what I am trying to say is that how Yonghwa and Seohyun may be portrayed in this show is not all that is to them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Again, I am so sorry for responding with such a long drawn out post, but it really upset me when people think of Yonghwa as merely as how he is portrayed on WGM when I know there is so much more to Yonghwa than WGM ever willing to portray as a husband of Seohyun. Knowing what I know of Yonghwa and have seen what I've been seen how Yonhgwa handled everything outside of WGM since his debut, it really saddens me when someone sees him as not strong person. I can't judge whether he is good enough for Seohyun or not because that is not for me to judge. However, I can judge, based on what I've seen of Yonhgwa these past year and what I've heard Yonghwa said in interviews and other shows outside of WGM, I know that Yonghwa is a very strong person.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, I want to also mention that Yonghwa would have been much different has he been partnered with someone else other than Seohyun. He is having to hold back quite a lot even from the very beginning because of his partner is Seohyun. Not that it is bad that his partner is Seohyun. However, many of general viewers in Korea is saying that Yonghwa may have actually flourished even more on WGM and may have become even more of success on WGM had he been partnered with someone who is more open and outgoing since he probably wouldn't had to hold back so much.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I love Yongseo couple and Seohyun as Yonghwa's partner. Regardless, I do get very sad when I see some people judge Yonghwa purely based on WGM only because there is just so much more to him than what it being shown on WGM. As much as I love Yongseo as a couple, those are the times when I wish Yonghwa would quit WGM already and may be consider taking a semi regular job on Running Man because Running Man has managed to show many more different sides of Yonghwa in mere two episodes than WGM has lately. >_<































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi Kay77 (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































like you, i am too, a lurker in this forum. Unlike you, i am not a fan of C.N. Blue but i am a fam of their music. Thanks to your input, i really understand now the articles that had been dogging C.N. Blue especially the article comparing their band status in Japan and Korea. For me, they are musicians and not idols. These boys are very talented and i wish them all the best in their success.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I started to like YongSeo couple as they were fresh in WGM, they were almost real, in a sense- the shyness, holding back. I didn't know Younghwa as Shin Woo from YB, but as the lead singer and leader first of C.N. Blue instead. Seeing him in WGM was refreshing as the band hasn't join any variety for a "full-time" slot after debuting in Korea. Yes, they potrayed him as choding and mischievous in that show. But he was also thoughtful and emphathic(?). These were the traits that made me go "Ahh..so that's why he was the leader".
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It is unfair for people to bash or critisize him being paired with Seohyun and vice-versa. I believe the PDs did a personality test or something before coupling the two together. Think about it, in a sense both made the good come out from each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for his vocal nodules, i am sorry to hear that he had to take direct shots. We can only feel for him but not the pain he is going through now. As fans, we should try and support the activities that he is doing now. Hopefully, his management will be considerate of his activities.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really love to discuss this more with you but i think it would be irrelevant in this thread :/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kay77, thanks for your input again. And yes, Running Man potrayed him in a very positive light. I just hope any unaired WGM episodes would be different soon. Seohyun is opening up bit by bit. Let's hope, for Younghwa's sake, C.N. Blue's sake and the rest of us (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Remember guys, being a troll is not welcome. So, let's play nice :D

































































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Hello everybody...........

wow, i saw a few wedding picture.....how i wish they can publish the wedding pic as soon as possible.....since everybody put their fav pic...i have one.....i dunno why i like it....but it's unique....


**image by heatherparker.com...

imagine Yong and Hyun drive this vehicle......wowwww wwwiiieeeee


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