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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@th: kindly read again my post. it was my answer tothe following statements that youposted earlier:


























2. Repeated quotation: ‘WGM is a show!’ Since both of them decided to be inthis show so it is their job to act like a love couple and because real lovecouples care about each other a lot they have to do it in front of the cameras,too. Even if they are not in the mood they still have to pretend, therefore itis called make-believe-marriage. They used to repeat that the other one takegood care of them inside and outside of WGM. But god knows whether it is in realityreally like the way fans interpret it or not. As a part of a show, of courseyou want it to success and to be successful in a reality show means apart fromto be funny also to make audiences believe that there is no acting andeverything is spontaneous are the best ways to get sympathies. To make the showpopular you have to promote it well so the best thing to do is try to mentionit in every single show you attend. By the way, recently Yong said that if hewon’t wear the couple ring he will be scolded by someone. Automaticallyeveryone applied to Seohyun. But what if this someone is his manager or WGMPD’s who want to promote their show aboard?! Difficult to say but celebritiesare just ‘instruments’ of companies to accomplish their goals which mean make apacket of money. But the worst thing is the managers do not even care abouttheir ‘instrument’s’ conditions and feelings. Just take a look at Yonghwa’sschedules recently and after he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. He couldbarely rest, wasn’t really recovered his company still made him to sing onmusic shows just because he is well-liked right now. It is nothing but thecruelly Kpop industry! (look at the suicides in the recent years) Butunfortunately there is no other choice for people who have big dreams which arebecome famous singers and actors, so they have to follow the rules even it isawful and take them a lot of energies. Hope one day all Kpop celebrities willgather and protest against this system like Seohyun’s SM oppas (TVXQ and SuperJuniors’ ex-member Hankyung) tried to do/ trying to do. But unfortunately itstill seems very incredible.


























3. Although there was several fan accounts even news (but god knows how manynews are just rumours) which said that Seohyun attended CN Blue’s concert atthe end of July. But how come there is not even a slow quality photo of herin/leaving the concert hall? Nowadays if you go to an event you take a camerawith you. There are also a lot of fan cams of this concert even from the secondfloor so I failed to comprehend how no one took a photo of her. It is only takeyou a few seconds. Maybe you could not see her clearly or not sure if theperson was really Seohyun but is not it usual that fans take picture ofeverything which brings them under suspicion?!





































regarding Xiam9's post. a lot has been said about his/her post. read otherpeople's comments about it.
















just an added commentjust because I read again your #2 statement. If you watch their interviews andthe shows they attend, its not them (Yong and Seohyun) that talks or opens uptopics about WGM, its the host/interviewer that asks them WGM-relatedquestions.













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Thanks for the updates, translations, gifs, caps and the new subs video of YongSeo for this week... ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































I rarely comment in this thread...
































































































































































































































































































































































This week episode is so great because the couple have talking about skinship openly... :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































I was giggling over this couple each time I watch them and I love seeing Seohyun now more open. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































again thank you so much for all the updates...
































































































































































































































































































































































by the way, @kay77, I love your thought about the couple. it make me really open up and know more about Yonghwa and CN Blue especially. if you don't mind if I ask, what is this Gwanghwado episode and when it will be aired?
































































































































































































































































































































































imho, I love seeing Yong Choding. I know by excessive used of this character it's bad for Yonghwa but somehow this character really fit with this couple as it's make this couple more interesting. This couple is different from the other 2 couples. if people said that their progress are slow, well that what make it more special. Even if they're more like 'We are Dating' than 'We Got Married', some relationship just can't move as fast as like other relationship. It takes time. though this is a show and viewers tend to be anxious and so anticipating for more, but these two just can't... I'm so glad that Yonghwa is the guy who being partner with Seohyun. He's so tolerant, understanding... he know from the beginning that Seohyun is not like any other girl that can easily accept a guy as her special one and to see how Seohyun has grown to be more open towards the relationship make me more happy seeing this couple. It show that Yonghwa's work in making this innocent girl to be more open towards relationship is worth it. I hope they will stay longer in WGM as I want to see more progress of this couple. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































용서 파이팅!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































고구마 커플 파이팅!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































p/s: 고구마 커플 have own their very own 고구마 밭. I like... :lol:

































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Hey, Kay77, hello everyone.

Thanks a ton for the swift reply and thanks for reading my stories. I much appreciate it.

*ggg* The height-thingy. I remember when there was that HUUUGE issue about Rain's height. In the beginning I thought it to be a April's Fool's joke. I mean, seriously! It's suposed to be about music. I thought it to be quite funny when they poked at Yonghwa's height. And I seriously didn't think it would stuck. And "choding" isn't the Korean version of man-child, I assume? It has a negative connotation? Ahhh. I thought it would only be slightly teasing, but nothing too bad. Like when they called the big, bad rapper Crown J "Ant" and it stuck. Or the nickname "witch" for Inyoung. Or "Dogpoopie" for Yobi. "Choding" is worse, yes? I guess the finer aspects of the language are lost to us non-speakers. Really too bad.

And, yeah, Kay77, I'd love to hear from you about the press issue and CN Blue. I didn't know something likes this even existed. PM away. :)

Best regards,


PS. Am I the only one who is continously amazed that the Korean entertainment industry is so different from the one in your country? I mean, knowing and actually experiencing it every day are two different things. Musicians in my country do music, rarely anything else. Sometimes they act, but usually, they make music. They almost NEVER MC. There are lots of mixed bands, but almost no girl/boygroups/idols. And there are always rumors about their private lives, but nobody really cares to THAT extent. And usually these things are forgotten within a year. People seem to cook alot in German television. Yeah ... :ph34r: that's what I find most interesting about cultures that are not your own.

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The following is just my opinions, brought up for discussion, I hope no one gets offended.  Everyone has their opinion, and no one knows all the facts, so even the opinions are based on speculation based on the ‘pieces and parts’ of things we read and see on this wonderful couple, so no one is an authority.   These are just feelings – to be healthily discussed by participants in this blog!



What is all this talk about Yong not being a good fit for Hyun and vice versa?   These two were put together by fate, Kismet, serendipity, whatever you want call it.  Neither one stated at the beginning of of W*G*M that they wanted to be paired with any of the other many idols they already knew.  And the results have been MAGIC! 



Yong Hwa, for his age, is an amazing person.  Who of you out there is the leader and lead singer/guitarist/song writer of a band, taking all of Asia pretty much by storm?  Who of you out there has acted in a TV drama and garnered many fans because of it.   Who of you could MC Inkigayo?  His schedule is killer, yet he always fits W*G*M into his schedule to be with Seohyun.   He could have any fangirl/idol he wants at this stage of his career, yet he stays faithful to his buin – Seohyun.   I’m sure his surprise went wide and deep when he found out how innocent Seohyun really was!   Totally different from her stage persona of cute, flirty & sexy with SNSD.  Yet, he took on this opportunity of trying to show Seohyun that boys can be interesting and fun and that having a meaningful relationship with a boy has value and worth.  I think he has done extremely well with Seohyun, even to the point of taking the heat for the lack of skinship and how slow the relationship is progressing.  I’m sure if he had gotten any of the other SNSD girls the relationship would have progressed much more rapidly, and his star would have risen faster due to the exposure from  W*G*M because of it.  But he got Seohyun.  He could have bailed at any time, quit  W*G*M because of his schedule with his band.  He didn’t, he chose to be with Seohyun. And I think he realized that she is something special, unique.   Somebody worthy of his time and effort, in spite of everything else he is trying to accomplish in this stage of his career.   I am humbled by this young man’s tender heart and deep thinking.  He turned out, by fate, to be the perfect one to take Seohyun on this journey.



Seohyun took this step to go on W*G*M as a learning experience, a teaching exercise.  For her, because she has never felt love or special feelings for a boy, this is a cerebral experience, something to learn from.  Her heart was not engaged, her heart doesn’t know what love for a boy feels like.  I think that has changed.  I think Yong has given her that experience of what it feels like to really care about someone, miss them when they are away from you, happy and joyful anticipating being with them, sharing his ups and downs, and enjoying every minute you spend with them.  I think she has experienced the feeling of having one special person who supports you and has your back – no matter what.  This has given her the increased confidence in herself she has shown since starting W*G*M with Yong.



What does Seohyun bring to this relationship?  She is the ‘moral compass’ and the ‘social ambassador’.  In every social encounter with people outside of the 2 of them, Yong runs to Hyun for support.  See him with Ueno Juri and the SNSD girls when they visited their house and Yong follows Hyun around for direction and support.  She is his social ‘rock’ that he clings to.  In most social situations she wins everybody over with her kindness and honesty.   She instinctively seems to know the right kind word or action to put everyone at ease.  Yong watches how she reacts and follows her lead.  He recognizes the power she has over people in these situations.  Even with the CNBLUE guys when she got on Yong’s case because of his being hard on Minhyuk’s magic, she gave him moral direction, but in a kind and loving way.  I wish the camera would have shown her face when she was chiding Yong on his behavior, because I’m sure she had a smile on her face and warmth in her eyes while she was lecturing him.  And she amazes him in everything she does - pool, wrestling, learning the guitar – the depth of her ability and the fact she seems to learn things so quickly always astounds him.   Cooking’s going to take some time, she is bold and reckless with her cooking, but with experience I’m sure she’ll amaze him in the future, also.



Remember, they at the best opportunities for filming W*G*M are only with each other maybe 1 day a week.  For these two with their schedules there have been entire months they weren’t together.  Yet they managed to keep the relationship moving, with cameramen in their face and managers and security all around them, somehow their feelings for each other grew, under the hot spotlight, for the entire world to see.   Seohyun can only benefit from this experience, and I believe that she is sincerely grateful that Yong was the one to be her teacher. 



What will be their status at the end of W*G*M?  Who can guess?  At least they will end up good friends who enjoyed an amazing journey together.   Someday, off in the future, one of them will be walking along a certain street in Seoul and see a certain café, pool hall, or go to a certain beach, eat a sweet potato, or pass by ‘their house’ and just take a slow walk by it and the memories will come flooding back about a really good time with a very special person.  And they will drop their head and wonder – what is he/she doing now, how is he/she?  I hope he/she is well and happy!  Those memories will never fade, just get burnished by time.



 Will they be able to continue as boyfriend/girlfriend after W*G*M?   Probably not.  Their schedules and their management companies won’t allow it, or, at least would make it so impossible it their relationship would disintegrate because they wouldn’t be allowed to spend any time together.  Long distance relationships don’t work.  Also, at this time in their lives their careers are skyrocketing.   They are living their dreams, what they’ve worked hard for all those years.  For them to risk sacrificing that for a relationship would be a very hard decision to make at this time of their lives.   In the future?  We can only hope.



But my optimistic, ‘Disneyland’ (When You Wish Upon a Star!) side of me says that maybe, just maybe these two will be the ones to break that mold that has been set by the Korean entertainment industry and do something groundbreaking, something so unusual yet heartwarming that the Korean entertainment industry has to ‘cave in’ to their demands or face the ire and condemnation of fans and other idols around the world.  Are these two capable of doing something like that?   They have always surprised us in the past.  I believe they can!                 





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Guest lovekin




Well you might not know that I am a Southeast Asian and a typical Asian upbringing taught me that respect is uppermost. Although since an early age I am living in Europe where social contact is very relaxed and far from this Asian strict way, nevertheless usually I react respectfully to my parents, my relatives, my teachers and people who are older than me (even if there is an age difference of only 1 year) even though I feel like going crazy inside or do not like the situation. I not even dare to address them cheeky. Still it does not mean that western lifestyle does not affect my personality. I have learned to conceive opinion, to challenge everything happens around me (not only in my circle of acquaintances also all over the world) and to speak my mind openly. Well enough about myself, I just wanted to explain to you which role respect plays in my life. Like I admitted before that I expressed my opinion (in previous posts) in a very rough way, actually it was not similar to the way I usually act. But I really wanted to point out boldly the things which get my attention in recent times.




You said that a lot of people here are open to reading analysis and are ok with sceptical points of view!? Well then what is about Xiam9’s opinion? It seems like there are not much people who accept his/her opinion. Of course nobody have to agree with one’s opinion but at least create an argumentation which goes into both views is one of the ways which shows that someone tried to get the point. Some of you come to this thread trying to find a restful place which is different to your stressful life. Also some of you come to this thread because of your YongSeo love (like me). There are various reasons why you joined this thread, why you love YongSeo. Also there are umpteen personalities and views. But it seems like only the positive one are acceptable here. It also seems like you have to adapt yourself somehow. Isn't this thread for ALL Goguma Lovers?! Some people still like YongSeo Couple or theirselves as individuals YongHwa/Seohyun even if they are not agree with/like everything he/she does. For that kind of people it is also unnecessary to find everything positive or try to find something positive in some of their actions. Maybe because they are realistic in person which means they face everything with both points of view (the positive but also the negative one) and then accept everything in the way it is. Can’t this thread be a lovely place for ‘dreamy’ and for sceptical Goguma Lovers at the same time?!




Btw, @gomuma1207 & heartbreak_warfare22, although I really want to give a response to your posts but did not know what to say, actually I did not get any point in your post which related to that what I pointed out. It seems like we talk at cross proposes. I did not expect any explainations how 'real' YongSeo is for some of you because I already read such of things so many times. The fact which I wanted to point out is it that to me this thread seems to became a place only for Goguma Lovers with positive attitudes.






i, too, am of asian descent and that doesn't mean anything.  simply because asian families are brought up with stricter values doesn't mean they adhere to it as they get older.  that's not an attack on you, but i hate sweeping statements like that.  just because you're from southeast asia doesn't mean anything.  many western families are raised just as strictly.




that aside, you do have the freedom to express yourself.  that's great, and we certainly welcome it, but not in the manner in which you initially did so.  there's a difference between censoring yourself and being cautious.  being cautious about your opinions is part of a social grace that should indeed be followed in forums like this one.  if you were to sit with a group of people who were talking about something they enjoyed, social etiquette dictates that you shouldn't spread your negativity without being constructive.  in real life, it's crass and impolite.  there are ways of sharing your opposing opinion by being considerate of those who might not want to hear it.




you're in a forum that promotes positivity, a rule that is inherently implemented.  simply because people don't want to read negative posts isn't the same as not accepting it; it's a matter of respecting an order that's been set to avoid conflict.




xiam9's opinion wasn't accepted because of the way (s)he went about delivering his/her opinion.  this is a YONGSEO forum.  why anyone would come in here and put down either yong or seo is beyond me, or wondering why they weren't paired with someone else.  i don't know why this needs repeating!  (s)he could have expressed herself differently by saying:





yong and seo have their individual good points, but i feel like their growth isn't working for me by staying together.  i personally think they're better suited for someone else.




that is so much more respectful than saying so-and-so annoys me and so-and-so needs someone better, and it's also sharing their opinion that differs from the majority.  that's really insulting to this particular forum.  outside of this forum, his/her opinion is fair game, but all s(he) did was offend those who come here to support yongseo – whether they think they're make-believe or real.




all it comes down to is that you are free to share your opinion, even if it's different from others', but there is a way of doing it that doesn't draw offense from those you're sharing your thoughts to.  i don't know what's so hard about that to understand.


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I read your post twice and I am sceptical about what you said. The reason I already gave at my second point.
































































>>Difficult to say but celebrities are just ‘instruments’ of companies to accomplish their goals which mean make a packet of money. But the worst thing is the managers do not even care about their ‘instrument’s’ conditions and feelings. Just take a look at Yonghwa’s schedules recently and after he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. He could barely rest, wasn’t really recovered his company still made him to sing on music shows just because he is well-liked right now. It is nothing but the cruelly Kpop industry! (look at the suicides in the recent years) But unfortunately there is no other choice for people who have big dreams which are become famous singers and actors, so they have to follow the rules even it is awful and take them a lot of energies. Hope one day all Kpop celebrities will gather and protest against this system like Seohyun’s SM oppas (TVXQ and Super Juniors’ ex-member Hankyung) tried to do/ trying to do. But unfortunately it still seems very incredible.<<
































































I guess you never brought that kind of matters (the cruelly KPop industry) into question right?! And are you an Asian (like Korean, Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese)? If yes, you might know some background information about what is really going on there. (Do not want to speak negative about my mother country. I am proud to be an Asian. Still it doesn't mean that I am satisfied with everything happens there.) You can't never be sure about that everything in the news is true? You also can't never be sure about that if something is not in the news really didn't happen? Do you know how powerful big companies are (like SM Entertainment)? They are able to hide EVERYTHING it is just a question of money. Btw, if you checked out KPop news today, you might came across with celebrity’s suicides in the recent years. And if you know some of the reason why celebrities committed suicide, you might understand what I am talking about.

















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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































Ok, if this is going to get personal please use PM to discuss the issue.
























































th. just one thing, we (goguma shippers) are not blind, we see it, we read it, we analyse it, but is our choice to keep a positive mind about it.
























































In times like this I hate that english is not my mother language and I cant express myself well, but I am going to quote lovekin in this part:

you're in a forum that promotes positivity, a rule that is inherently implemented. simply because people don't want to read negative posts isn't the same as not accepting it; it's a matter of respecting an order that's been set to avoid conflict.
























































We accept reality, but we choose to Believe. See there is the difference I think that you cant accept how crazy for them we are, but I think is our choice to stay true believer of what this couple makes us feel and the things we see through their interactions.
























































How frustating is not been able to express myself better... Well, have a nice day my fellow gogumas, I love you all!!!
























































This is the greatest non related family ever!!! XD









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















I read your post twice and I am sceptical about what you said. The reason I already gave at my second point.








>>Difficult to say but celebrities are just ‘instruments’ of companies to accomplish their goals which mean make a packet of money. But the worst thing is the managers do not even care about their ‘instrument’s’ conditions and feelings. Just take a look at Yonghwa’s schedules recently and after he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. He could barely rest, wasn’t really recovered his company still made him to sing on music shows just because he is well-liked right now. It is nothing but the cruelly Kpop industry! (look at the suicides in the recent years) But unfortunately there is no other choice for people who have big dreams which are become famous singers and actors, so they have to follow the rules even it is awful and take them a lot of energies. Hope one day all Kpop celebrities will gather and protest against this system like Seohyun’s SM oppas (TVXQ and Super Juniors’ ex-member Hankyung) tried to do/ trying to do. But unfortunately it still seems very incredible.<<








I guess you never brought that kind of matters (the cruelly KPop industry) into question right?! And are you an Asian (like Korean, Japanese, Chinese or Vietnamese)? If yes, you might know some background information about what is really going on there. (Do not want to speak negative about my mother country. I am proud to be an Asian. Still it doesn't mean that I am satisfied with everything happens there.) You can't never be sure about that everything in the news is true? You also can't never be sure about that if something is not in the news really didn't happen? Do you know how powerful big companies are (like SM Entertainment)? They are able to hide EVERYTHING it is just a question of money. Btw, if you checked out KPop news today, you might came across with celebrity’s suicides in the recent years. And if you know some of the reason why celebrities committed suicide, you might understand what I am talking about.















I was part of this thread just a few months ago. and I am well aware of the what happens in the Kpop industry. and if you backtrack a few hundred pages, I mentioned the hard life of Kpop idols. yes you can never be sure of everything in the news but what I pointed out in my post is that fans in CNBlue concert would want to see CNBlue. their focus would be on CNblue. and it was said that Seohyun arrived in the concert late and left early to avoid fans. so there's your reason why there were no photographs of her in CNBlue's concert. plus the concert hall is dark and the only place that is well lit is the stage, so it would be hard to notice other people's faces that attended the concert. 








use some deductive reasoning.








my post was my opinion. what is there to be skeptical about? its not like I'm presenting facts. I just cited some of what I read or what has been posted in this thread to make a point and back-up my opinion.








and yes I am Asian.





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Guest .:love_ya:.







lol what happened to our gogumas? :D This episode really got everyone working hehe





Gogumas, let's all go re-watch your favorite episodes of WGM and relax :D





(Oh by the way, I was wondering what are some of the episodes that our gogumas like? :D)





It's Sunday guys :D And besides other gogumas wanna spazz, too. ^^


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Guest Crystal392





....You said that a lot of people here are open to reading analysis and are ok with sceptical points of view!? Well then what is about Xiam9’s opinion? It seems like there are not much people who accept his/her opinion. Of course nobody have to agree with one’s opinion but at least create an argumentation which goes into both views is one of the ways which shows that someone tried to get the point. Some of you come to this thread trying to find a restful place which is different to your stressful life. Also some of you come to this thread because of your YongSeo love (like me). There are various reasons why you joined this thread, why you love YongSeo. Also there are umpteen personalities and views. But it seems like only the positive one are acceptable here. It also seems like you have to adapt yourself somehow. Isn't this thread for ALL Goguma Lovers?!....







Sorry for cutting your post. Just wanted to answer your question: 'what is about xiam9's opinion?'. Not much people accept his/her opinion (actually I would say the majority of this thread) for the reason you mentioned at the end of the paragraph I quoted. Isn't this thread for ALL Goguma Lovers?! Saying 'I've been thinking SeoHyun is too good for YongHwa' isn't acceptable in my opinion, at least not here because the whole point of this thread is to share the love for both of them as a couple.


Found this lovely screencaps on dcmarried:



The surprise


by 완소용서 @ dcmarried









:wub: YongSeo :wub:



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Guest .:love_ya:.







woa s0leill123 how did you make those .gifl file? :D





I want to try to capture some frames and make .gif, too ^^


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I want to spazz about the episode...
































































































My favorite, favorite part was when they were working in the field and SH told him that people keep telling her that she should marry a sweet potato field owner... I just love the way YH was smiling to himself, he told her that now she is the owner of one, but what he left in the air is that they own it together... When she receive the letter he began to make a point that now he was the owner of a plot of land... I just love this man.
































































































I love how he is putting the bar really high. I know that if a guy did this kind of thing for me, I would never ever forget about it... He spend a lot of time planning this and you can see that he cares about her feelings and wants to make her happy.































































































































































































Hi Kerube_chan!
































































































My favorite part was when Hyun missed the 'buried treasure' by inches and you could feel how Yong felt just by looking at his face. I love how things don't always go RIGHT or PERFECT for them (the beach trip, the rain, the failed sofa-scaring-scene, etc.). It makes it more spontaneous and real and doesn't give that 'scripted' feel, y'know? It certainly makes it more memorable and meaningful. hehehe...

















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c'mon gogumas...its getting quite hot in here.

it has to stop somewhere..pls.....


this IS a positive thread rmbr?

too much nega is not good for the heart... ^_^


soleil, tks for the gifs! hugs!

yong's expressions is priceless!! :lol:

could u make one at the part where hyun got down from the bus,

with her arms open up to yong?

i'm always asking, sorry.. blush.gif



call out to d3!

i need u to spam this thread with your awesome caps!

they nvr fail to make everyone happy


where are the naughty and witty lenovo, panGG ,dreamy?

j2, genx and redtulip, yuki..where are u guys?


love_ya, hugs! yes! lets spread the yongseo love


kerube_chan, lets spazz...


tks for sharing the caps, crystal.

dugeun dugeun...



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I have no intention whatsoever to offend anybody here and mentioned it before, too. Even if I gave responses to particular comments, it doesn’t mean that they only relevant to those writers. And you are right if someone is an Asian it doesn’t mean that he/she lives with its norms and values. But the majority take the lifestyle of their origins. In my opinion you can’t compare the strictness of Asian and Western upbringing. They are two totally different kinds (for example associate with each other). I also noticed that you put me in charge of a few things. Well I accepted it since it is your opinion, but to be honest I don’t really care about it and don’t want to go more into it, because somewhere I have a division of opinion also I think you know what respect and politeness is since you told about it. You also refer to real life, well, our society (this thread is included) consists of umpteen classes, cultures, opinions and personalities. For example on the one hand there are some who just accepts everything what happens and just gets along with it. But on the other one there are some who brings things into question, for those people argumentations are produced automatically. To argue doesn’t mean to have conflict with someone. It is rather an exchange of point of views, whereby you might like the opposite view or not, you might want to hear it or not, but argumentations are methods to broaden one’s mind after all. So what is the purpose of avoiding it?
































































@ lovekin & crystal_malfoy
































































Well, Xiam9’s post doesn’t seem like an offense to me at all, even though I am a Goguma Lover, too. But it seems like I am the minority that isn’t sensitive about that kind of matters. It isn’t like he/she is an AntiFan (was written that he/she used to be like YongSeo couple a lot), it is just a different feeling he/she got from the recently episodes. Well I recognize that her/his expression was really rough but it is his/her opinion after all. Still the fact is it that it seems like this kind of opinion isn’t desirable in this thread and that is why I don’t get the point. Even if you don’t like to read such of things or don’t agree with it but is it really necessary to corrupt a post? Can’t an indication of one’s expression given in a kinder way? Can't someone gives he/she opposite opinion to the majority without any comments like someone feel offended?
































































































































I’m not sceptical towards your point of view (well, it is impossible). I’m rather sceptical towards the facts you has given. You said that the concert hall was dark and it was hard to notice someone’s face, then counter question: How can somebody be so sure that this person was 100% SNSD’s Seohyun? Why can't it be that this person was someone else? There are hundreds of thousands girl who is 1,68m tall and has long black/dark brown hairs. Since everybody was fully focused on the boy's performances, how can somebody noticed that there was a girl who entered the concert  hall 10min after the concert started and left 10min before it ends? Seems like the fans also noticed that this person was about Seohyun's height and has a haircut similar to her, but wasn't it dark in there?! And since you said that you know about KPop entertainment well, so what if the news and this very few fan accounts were created by CN Blue’s company or WGM PD’s? Wasn’t Jonghyun discovered by a staff of FNC Media through his website/cyworld!? So there is still a probability that the fan accounts wasn't really from fans who attended CN Blue's concert. Anyway, some of this questions are a little exagerate, but to boldly point out what I wanted to say I had to do it. You still believe Seohyun really went to CN Blue’s concert right? Well, it is your option. I myself don’t think so until there isn’t any evidences, it is also my option which is opposite to yours. But it seems like there are people who felt offended by my skeptics and wanted to prove me the other thing. Whatever, you have your own opinion, I have my own opinion, everyone have her/his own opinion so it is the best if everyone tries to get along with opposite opinions without feeling offended by something/someone.

















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Guest d3j1k0


To th:




You are getting a little out of topic. You are also taking things too personally. lovekin, heartbreak and the others are not convincing you or anybody to see the other side of the story. I try to be neutral as possible and hear out your reasoning but I think you are not even trying to point out anything about the couple but just pinpointing each flaw you find on some of the news or posts.




I repeat, this is a thread for the GOGUMA COUPLE. We are now aware that you find the couple "superficial." We cannot prove you otherwise or give you hard evidence unless WGM or the news report it or just slap it to your face. We get that. But to keep finding holes on the evidences or hearsay that we give you, I keep wondering what you are trying to stir in this thread.




If you hate this couple, you hate it. We can't do anything about it.




I will just remind you once more, as lovekin also said, be considerate with the people here. Think before you post.




If anyone here (as in EVERYONE) get a negative mark on their post, then that just means people disagree with your point. Or you posted a one liner on which you should not do so. So just edit it and end of story. :]


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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































Hi Kerube_chan!
























































My favorite part was when Hyun missed the 'buried treasure' by inches and you could feel how Yong felt just by looking at his face. I love how things don't always go RIGHT or PERFECT for them (the beach trip, the rain, the failed sofa-scaring-scene, etc.). It makes it more spontaneous and real and doesn't give that 'scripted' feel, y'know? It certainly makes it more memorable and meaningful. hehehe...















































































































Hi! I totally agree with you, good point there. With them we just have to be prepared for the unexpected. Not everything is right or perfect, so true. I really love them, they just make me happy.
























































And talking about the "buried treasure" I am reposting what I think it is YH is gift to SH, the necklace. :wub:

































































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  luvtokki: Your post is wonderful, you made me cry because I went so Emo reading everyone else posts :D. And then I found out yours and it was like find a sunny and warm place in the middle of a gray day... thank U...

Even when I´m in the end of my twenties i´m a very sensitive person and I don´t like to read negative things about our couple. I know that this is not a mature thing but I can´t help, if I want to know about the harsh and cold reality, I just need to get out of this thread and go somewhere else, but I like to be here and dream with you guys and hope for this fairy tale to become true, because it makes me happy. So please guys, use the spoiler thing, aware us and give us (to crazy and super positives gogumas), the chance to choose if we are in the mood for read reality... please (no offense).
































































































luvtokki, I also think that Yong is doing his job pretty well, after all that is what Hyun is expecting, to learn about relationships and love and Yong is being too good at it, too much I would say, it is hard to find boys like him these days ^^. So Hyun is lucky to have this man as her teacher, and I think she knows that.
































































































And Yong, he was so blessed too, Hyun is someone who deserves all the effort he makes, she is loyal, caring, always giving her 100% and she is teaching him a lot of other important things, even into the context of the show, because marriage is not only about love and skinship, is about understanding, support, values, trust, acceptance, and she is all that for him, and much more.
































































































And definitely, I prefer a thousand times their glances, shyness, the slow advance, the small caresses than  watch them holding hands or hugging without any emotion, because that is why I like them... because they give us the vibe of real...
































































































Thank U all gogumas for all the goodies, thanks sun_sun for the subs, DJHinata for that beautiful cover ;), Shane, s0leill123, crystal_malfoy,  Kerube-Chan, _d3seohyun, jnj, shml and everyone else for pics, gif and everything!

































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hahah my turn to say my favorite part ... Well let's see .... hum ... it'd be the part when they talked about "irritating slow skinship" XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This was the 1st time they talked about it right? So that means they've actually thought of it, but didn't bring it up to talk about.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm kinda glad that they talked about it, really interesting to see their reactions toward that "sensitive issue" :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This ep was enjoyable, and bet the next up will be EPIC !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, if you believe that a mouse is a cat, in your eyes it will be a cat despite the fact, in your eyes it will be a cat.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love ya all :lol:

































































































































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Well, isn't it impolite to not give a response the posts which related to one's comments?! Isn't Yonghwa & Seohyun parts of KPop industry?! Isn't the way someone behave important for a thread?! Isn't various opinions elements of a thread?! Well, the posts might permeate throughout other stuffs and not fully focused on YongSeo Couple anymore. But if you look closely at those facts they still are related to YongSeo as couple or as indiviuals and also to this thread. It is just like a circulation.
































































Edit: Btw, I not an AntiFan. Can't a fan brings something into question? Can't a fan be sceptical in some views? Can't a fan not believe in everything is said in the news? Can't a fan give his/her opinion in threads?

Well, actually I am not someone who places value on rating of comments. Would I really care about it I won't post any sceptical posts. But I noticed something very hilarious. It seems like people vote a post down even it just contains neutral questions. Does every post really have to have a positive attitude?

















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