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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























J2DLEE!!! you are DAEBAK! super! thank you so much for the translation. :w00t:
















wow~ honestly...i'm happy that there are a lot of Yongseo lover giving their opinions. But i'm so lazy to read those pretty comments and they are really long with sense too. :sweatingbullets: hehe~ sure Yongseo lovers are DAEBAK too~





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Guest DJHinata

Hello  Everyone !!!! Thanks to   j2dlee For the Translations !! omg you really did a great job translating this ! Thank you thankyou for all you hard work ! you are a nice person You are DAEBAK!!!! ♥ 

So this episode was so cute !!! i love it ! hyun is so inocent !!! And Yonghwa !! keke the best !

Here a few artworks dedicated to  j2dlee Thanks to Sun_sun For the episode with subs!!

And everyone who made gifs and screenshoots !


kekee i'll made more of Yongseo couple artwork this week !! YONGSEO Couple Fightiing ~ 

Edit : _d3seohyun ! i love your post ! thanks for sharing !! 

Yonghwa with this amazing necklace 


Ring ding dong ~ couple ring




LOOOOOOL i found this in FYeah Yongseo couple XD so random

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Guest shorty_babygurl03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^^^ sun sun can u please help me find the link for ep 25!?? please........ last week episode?

































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

Sorry for going a little OT in the middle of you guys' discussion but I'm dying to spazz about one of my favorite scenes from this weekend's episode.....

I love this scene! YONGSEO was beaming! <3

I wonder if Seobaby was trying to tell Yong something when she told him about how people always joke around that she should marry someone who owns a sweet potatoe field :D

And take note of the slight pause Yong had and his little chuckle after he heard that. He seemed very pleased <3

H: I never imagined that I’ll get a sweet potato field for my birthday.

Y: It’s beyond your imagination, isn’t it?

H: Yes.


H: People jokingly tell me that I should get married to the owner of a sweet potato farm/field.

Y (the owner of a two-row-sweet-potato-field): Haha…

H: Really.

Y: Really?

H: Yes.


Y: And now you’ve become an owner of a sweet potato field.

H: I know, even better!

Y (smiling)….



and that was way back in JUNE .

I'm sure you guys haven't forgotten but posting these as well...











Things just keep getting better and better <3 :w00t:

thank you all gogumas esp redulip, yuki and j2dlee for the translations.

@ppsf. woot! thank you! @sun_sun too!

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Quick words before i come back into my new-born daughter wub.gif




Big thanks for translators, subbers, uploaders, reporters, and all gogumas that always spreading love in this thread wub.gif




Does anyone notice that Hyun really comfortable with Yong now, i can tell based on how Hyun lied about Yong's birthday present. Hyun said she didn't prepare anything for Yong since Yong didn't reply her text. Hyun won't lie to anyone that she's not comfortable with, but she now really acts playful toward Yong wub.gif




Thye're now really love to tease each other w00t.gif



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This is why i love this thread it's like we are in a relationship, we argue,we bicker, we laugh and cry but at the end of the day, we are all united in proclaiming our love to this couple. Is it wonderful? Each of us comes from different part of this world with different cultures and traditions and are entitled to our views and opinions of what we feel and see on each episode and it is what makes this thread so wonderful to read and nice feeling inside and out.Our goal basically is to show our support and love for this couple may it be reel or otherwise so come hell or high water lets just do what we love to do (encourage them and  love them of course) until the end while gaining friends all over the world and spreading their couple's love too.



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[10.02.10] 'WGM' Jung Yonghwa, Gave a Sweet Potato Field As a Present.. Seohyun Was Touched "There was no such a man in my life"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[Newsen Park Junghyun Reporter]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa gave Seohyun a sweet potato field as a present.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On MBC "We Got Married' (WGM) which was broadcasted on 2nd, Seohyun(SNSD) and Jung Yonghwa(CN BLUE) went out for a trip to congratulate each others birthday. The place that Jung Yonghwa led Seohyun to was a weekend farm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa presented a sweet potato field to Seohyun. But he also mentioned "The only two line are ours, not the entire field.". Seohyun could not hide her deeply-moved expression. Jung Yonghwa also wrote a letter congratulating her birthday, which impressed Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun said "There were many people that gave me a sweet potato as a gift. But the very first person that gave me a sweet potato field to raise them is Jung Yonghwa.". Continuing on, she said "I heard people saying to me to marry with an owner of a sweet potato field.", and gave him an appreciative words.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Meanwhile, on this day's broadcast, Seohyun and Jung Yonghwa went out for a trip because of their birthday. Jo Kwon and Gain were given a vacation due to their 1 year marriage anniversary. Nickhun and Victoria met members of f(x) and had a joyful time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Picture by=MBC)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Translated by: soCOOL@soshified.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Credits to: Park Junghyun Reporter (pch46@newsen.com), newsen.com
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Original Article: CLICK






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































not even her father,not kyu hyun,minho,or jin woon,or sone die hard seohyun fans.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the only man/the first is Yonghwa (because maybe after this some die hard snsd seohyun fans maybe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































want give her a sweet potato field bigger than yong :D)

































































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Yay _d3seohyun! Thanks for the caps, I was coming to trace the timeline, I'm glad u put the caps up!

WGM are jumbling up the episodes, so it is confusing, but we are talking abt Yongseo couple here- Seohyun and Yonghwa, if it is just acting, we will not have this confusion here. They are building up their relationship like any NORMAL people/couple will in real life/real timeline.

I may need help if I got the timeline wrong, feel free to correct me:

29th June--- Yesterday's episode- Fishing trip

I don't know any July filming- any clue anyone??

3rd Aug--- CN Blue and Seohyun at park for filming, this is when I think the DC pple gave gifts

Also, they did charity event after filming for Minsun, a little girl who is a CNBlue fan who suffers from cancer.

17th Aug--- Chuseok horror filming

29th Aug--- 200th day for Yongseo, they filmed at their apartment in the morning, met up and performed at Incheon Korean Wave Music Festival.

1st Sep--- Sushi/Ueno Juri filming

21st Sep--- Kawagoe, Saitama Japan filming


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Guest shane09












people jokingly tell me that I should get married to the owner of a sweet potato farm/field.










Hee, hee........I have two row of sweet potato field, I'm Landlord also



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Thank you j2dlee's translation ^^  This is just part 1 ...part 2 (end) will coming
































































































































































Edit : Part 1   link































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to sun_sun and jd2lee!
































































































































































You guys are daebak, or is jjiang more appropriate? What is the difference between these superlatives? :)

































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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































@ppsf : thanks for sharing that cnblue fanmeeting in Shanghai i haven't read that news yet. So imagine even just sing tell me ur wish 1 liner song the fans get wild hahaha! and YongSeo fans whether its cnblue or snsd fans are really watching wgm. So they know how lovely our YongSeo couple are wub.gifwub.gif like i said it's only cnblue members and SNSD members (maybe) knows something about our couple. They can deny what it is but their actions speak louder than words and unnies and bro in law can see that. We can see that as well but of course the behind the scene we can't :( only all the peoples close to them might knows something kekeke! DAEBAK.
































































































































I hope when Seohyun goes to Taiwan and Singapore reporters must ask her about the lovely New Couple RING and about Hubby Yong :) coz this past 2 months it's only Hubby Yong been ask because of their Asian tour. So i hope YongSeo Taiwan and Singapore will ask SeoHYun kekeke! it's SeoHyun's turn to show the RING to YongSeo Asia :)

































































































































































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Could u plz  clearify me what Yong did to annoy you ?  Do u mean the latest episodes showing their current status? 
























As fas as I see, they become alot closer .and they went up to the next level of skinship . Soebaby seems to fall for him for real and u dont like what u see, huh?  I think Yong did a great job to dig out the good sides of Hyun that  u never knew or had no interest in before. Its grateful of him to reveal the real hyun  to public viewers like us and make us find out she is a real gem!  





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when i first landed in this goguma planet many mnths back,

and when someone posted of having dreamt of yongseo, i thought its impossible!

but then, after following them day in and day out, i DID dream of them one night!

goodness me! it then hit me that nothing is impossible and

expect the unexpected when it comes to yongseo couple.


so to fazie, welcome to the 'i dreamt of yongseo' club. ^_^

and to the rest who have not meet yongseo in their dreams, believe me,

u will someday.. :sweatingbullets:


tks for those awesome caps, d3. u r jjang!!

nvr fail to lift up the mood here. hugs!


hugs to shane for the caps! daebak! *saved saved*


tks to sun_sun for the links. with subs, it really helps a lot!


hugs to j2 again.


purestupidity, there's a rumour that yongseo did filmed in July.

but it may just be a rumour since no fan acct is shared.


geumjandi, tks for the news..

yong : The only two line are ours

(he said ours, not yours. that means they co owned the land)

hyun : I heard people saying to me to marry with an owner of a sweet potato field.

(did she just gave yong the green light to propose?!) :w00t:


ppsf, tks for sharing.

this is why i love the boys much.

minhyuk & jungshin nvr fail to spill the beans..


congrats K1


dawn, hi5 yongseo style!!


xiam9...ssh!!! fury.gif



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Hey, does anybody know the english song played when she closed her eyes and walked to the field? I think it is the same song as what YongHwa was humming. Thank You :D

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I've been a huge fan of YOngSeo eversince I discovered them, I think in their 3rd episode. I thought they were a perfect match; aside from being both very good-looking, Yong made Hyun feel very relaxed around him, but recently, I feel like SeoHyun is becoming too good for Yonghwa. He's charming and very talented and they definitely have amazing chemistry but especially in these past couple of episodes, he's starting to annoy me, and I sometimes wish that Hyun would be partnered with someone whose personality is as equally strong as hers. Or a much better version of Yong...






I am the one who love this couple so much. If you love Hyun. Try looking into her eyes. You do not feel that she is happy ? She is happy with everything  that she was doing with Yong, I can see it in her eyes . I think Yong Hwa Just as people who’s very sensitive about feeling. He tried to make Hyun satisfied and happy. Sometimes he expects more to it. Because he wanted to make his wife happy. It's that good. he care her a lot and I know she knows it . I think they are all very happy when they are together












Sorry  i am late to post











So That make you all unHappy about this Sorry!!


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Guest sassysnsd

Thank you to the goguma who posted the subbed episode of Running Man! I got so into it! I love Kwonnie and Yong together and Yong was so good. Is it true he was invited back for another episode?

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I've been a huge fan of YOngSeo eversince I discovered them, I think in their 3rd episode. I thought they were a perfect match; aside from being both very good-looking, Yong made Hyun feel very relaxed around him, but recently, I feel like SeoHyun is becoming too good for Yonghwa. He's charming and very talented and they definitely have amazing chemistry but especially in these past couple of episodes, he's starting to annoy me, and I sometimes wish that Hyun would be partnered with someone whose personality is as equally strong as hers. Or a much better version of Yong...




If Seohyun isn't complaining about her 'husband' Yonghwa, why are you complaining about him? ._.






















What's this discussion about YongSeo's relationship and the show D= We're all pretty much 'biased' here because this is a thread for YongSeo fans... And since YongSeo fans all come here, of course everything would be repetitive, no? cause we all think these two are absolutely adorable.












And about their lack of skinship, first of all, WGM staff air everything in a tangled timeline. Like ep 26 (most recent) was filmed in June but was aired after the chuseok special and Ueno Juri episode which were filmed in August and September. You would think they'd air it in chronological order... guess not. Everyone's like so confused at how they're so close then suddenly not. This is 4 months into their marriage (ep 26) so I guess they wouldn't be 'that' close yet. As far as I remember, the Lettuce couple (HyunJoong and Hwangbo) from season 1 didn't even hold hands or have much skinship until the end of their 7-month marriage and throughout their marriage, they're would be these awkward moments still sometimes (I'm quite a religious fan of JoongBo lol). So I think it's fine at how their relationship is progressing. They can hold hands or hug, whatever it is when they're comfortable with it.

















btw, I thought ep 26 was daebak. Best moments include Hyun reading the birthday card/letter "TO HYUN~!" <33 was so cute. And when Yong was left absolutely speechless after Hyun completely misserd the gift he buried in the soil. Oh dear Seohyun, and she went: "Aigoo! I'm all done!" and insisted on getting some snacks afterwards XD



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Guest sally7


Thank you to the goguma who posted the subbed episode of Running Man! I got so into it! I love Kwonnie and Yong together and Yong was so good. Is it true he was invited back for another episode?





Yong 1st appear in Running man ep.7 and he is MVP of episode so he was invite back in ep.11





WGM editing make confuse sometime I need to go back and check calendar before consider they reaction from each episode





here calendar from feb to sep










here ahn_annann separate by month










thanks a lot sun_sun for sub I love every Yong's joke and the fact that Seohyun have CNblue on her player cute!! supportive buin.


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