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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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First of all thank you sooooooo much once again j2dlee!






In the latest interviews the SNSD members acknowledges that Hyun is more beuatiful than ever, and that gives me some hope, 'cause this latest episode made me dispair over Seohyun's rigidity; "the unflexible Seohyun maknae" as SNSD member used to call her...




I felt sorry for poor frustrated Yong, but it is hard to love a Godess, you really can't expect to much in return for your emotions, since she sits as of bronze on her divine pillar.




But all this transjumping in the timeline makes me woozy: Are they close or not? Do they make spontaneous touching? Do they eat the icecream sincerely, because they want to, or do they just do it to gain more spotlight as individuals?






I felt for him too, especially when he questioned her about holding hands and she reacted like my 6 year old niece...."ewwwww". That's why I give this guy a million goguma points. He just takes it in stride and keeps plugging away.




I'm only basing these impressions on the flow of their conversation on the bus.... but


I'm thinking that while they were silently sitting there on the bus after their argument, a million questions were swimming thru their heads and one for both of them was, how close are we really? He seemed to kind of point out the rigidity when he was making fun that she always folded her arms and turned her head in a certain way in response to him. He seemed to say, "you always do this, it is something I always expect, and why?" But with him pointing this out to her and then adding, "I'm the only guy who asks or confronts you with these types of questions, am I right?", is also maybe his way of saying that he observes her intuitively, does not see her on this pedestal, and would any other male dare to ask her about it?




But maybe Hyun, known as the pure and innocent "baby", is used to being indulged... and she may subconsciously know that he rattles and shakes her steel reserve, and is why her first response is to fold her arms with him. Her show of anger towards him about the birthday texting that didn't happen told him that she probably thinks of him as more than just a friend-- I mean, you may be angry with a friend if they forgot your birthday but I don't think its normal to call a *friend* mean, a liar (twice) and that you will no longer be texting them again!




This opened up Yong's eyes a bit and I think he was/is trying to get her to see *the difference* between him and all the others. I love this guy and the patience he has shown with her. His ego has been bruised quite a bit throughout; he must truly like and respect her.




So the talk about the lack of and (his) desire for skinship was interesting in light of all this!




I also believe that because he does not treat her as the cute and innocent baby, she has opened herself up to becoming a young woman.




An interesting bus ride. :) I think it was their first real talk about their relationship.... whatever it is at this point!


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"Are they close or not?" ----> this question just they can answer that !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We can just judge from "how close they sit on the bus", we can just judge from "how she/he takes care of other", that's what we can do.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WGM is a show, we can never expect more than that, I must say, WGM is the spotlight for both of them ! Some gets their popularity through WGM, some doesn't . In their eyes, WGM may be a job, but do you know , in their eyes, their relationship is a job??? I bet you don't, ha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You say Seohyun is inflexible .... hum ... because she didn't react the way you liked when she was happy over Yonghwa's gift? Or she just sat there and did nothing for him??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Please define me what flexible means?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the more Yonghwa tries hard to approach Seohyun the more she opens up
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the more she opens up the more their relationship grows
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If they're not close, Seohyun didn't go to Cnblue's concert after this b-day event!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and if you are gonna ask "are they close?"," are they dating?","are they honest about their feelings" I think no one can't give a BEST answer that you want, because we are not Yonghwa or Seohyun

































































































































































































































































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Guest .:love_ya:.






I am a little bit confused by their relationship too. Although the jumping in the timeline does not dazed me. Still it seems like they used to be closer to me. I was persuaded that both of them are totally honest about their feelings and actions which they showed in the show. There would be never any acting between them and so on. But recently I am not sure about it anymore. Are they really different from the other (generally) WGM couples? Is WGM just an object to promote them as individuals in their sights or not?





PS: Yes I know a lot of you Goguma lovers will vote this post down. Whatever, this is just my opinion. Nevertheless I still like them as idividuals they are. Besides for me a love relationship needs more qualities than those you are able to see from the show, so god knows if their virtual relationship works out for real or not..









I think.....they're not any different from the other couples cuz everyone has already fell for everyone in the show hahaha :D But yeah, they're all on the show to promote themselves and make money. Real talk! can't argue that :D And I truly believe every single one of them shows most, if not all of their sincere and real feelings, to their partners, too cuz I think it's kinda hard to control your feelings sometimes especially around friends or ppl you're attracted to that you may end up liking. Your feelings being exposed is somewhat inevitable :D therefore, the only difference would be their ability, willingness and determination to hold in their feelings, so they won't cross the line that was drawn to separate acting and reality. Skinship between couples is a good example? :D (I don't even know where I'm going with this lolz plz forgive my ramblings guys :D) But ok, this is what I want to say lol :D I think they're getting closer, no? :D in this episode they started skinship (wait, or was it long ago? I can't remember anymore, the time line messed me too lol) then they were holding hands in the horror episode and in September, we saw Hyun jealousy and then recently Yong said he has to wear his ring otherwise he's gonna be scolded by someone hehe. From where I see it, they seem to be (or already are! :D) closer to each other :D


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Hi, guys!
































































































First, I'm so glad that Yong bought Hyun something extraordinary. I wouldn't have been as impressed as I am now if he had done the whole cake and fireworks thing. Good choice, my man! Kudos to you! Can't wait to find out what the buried treasure is...
































































































Second, I've updated my fanfic, Destined to Love You. It may be a bit dry since it's all about explanations and only has a little foreshadowing... BUT, please enjoy it never the less...
































































































Chapter 10: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=348764&view=findpost&p=16510284
































































































Happy reading..

















































































































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Guest dancer87
































Hi there peeps,















Hi there, i’ve been a long time goguma lurker, haha is that you call it? I started to get to know this couple in june. I got to know them thorough yonghwa who I had seen in you’re beautiful but I honestly didn’t like him att all there, he seemed too quite which he was but I so got the totally wrong imporession of him at first. I was quite surprised the first episode I saw them. He was being really talkative and you could really tell he wasn’t shy especiall with girls hehe, omg I can’t I’m actually spazzing about someone like that. Anyway I I was bored one day and I was brosing my computer and i stumbled upon the lin it was just supposed to be like for fun I was just gonna look at it casually, but from the first episode I got hooked right away. And since I found this thread I’ve pretty much been stalking this thread every day, I kinda wish I would stop liking them so much cause sometimes I feel I waste so much time on them, but I can’t its just too sweet.haha But so I’ve followed up with you guys’s thoughts about the yongseo couple until here and pretty much agreed on most things But right now I’ve decided to come out of my lurking mode and post something because I feel that after this episode I have a few thoughts, it kindof left me with a different feeling than what I usually get from the gogoma couple.Sorry about the long post but Its a postitive post so dont't worry :D I like psychology so its a kinda psychologocial analysis of the two






























I read the previous post with Wilhelm, and him saying that he doesn’t understand this anymore and so on, you know what I mean, and I’ve kindof also had that feeling after this ep, the feeling that they aren’t that honest with each other anymore which is what made them so special. I'll try to explain at first as what kind of relationshop i see them as so you guys can kinda understand where i'm coming from. Like I always imagine that even if they might not have so much “skinship” or what you call it here now, I believe that when wgm would end for them they would then suddenly realize, if they had not yet, how much the other one actually means to the other one. And then perhaps carry on with something after the show even, based on feeling. Since from the beginning they were both so unsure about everything and laughinh and so on,but since shes never had anyone to hug, kiss or hold hands with she would only have to go with the feeling of the moment. So for example if a moment comes he’d ask her if its ok for him to hug, hold hands and even kiss ( haha) her and then she’s say its ok. Something like that at least. I think its that honest, and I believe that it can be true because they are both free spirits at heart and therefore not really restrained in the way they act, like they can easily laugh of things together and basically be cute together.






























I think that makes what go good together is that Yonghwa is a very out there kinda guy, he speaks his mind but also speaks whatever. While seohyun is also happy she always speaks just whats on her mind, and instead of containing herseld she say like “what?!” here is where they suit well together, He speaks his mind based on situation she speaks based on what she knows and analysis.yong knows that he is a I don’t care flirtatious kinda guy but in an innocent way but she doesn’t get it, she takes everything he says to heart to be true and that is what brings the truth out of him. He’s confident in himself so he jokes and jokes and jokes, and shes kindof just innocently being herself and kindof in her own world, and I think yong needs someone like her someone who is stable in life, he’s personality makes him able to adapt to anything,but with that i think he can easily feel lost so i think he needs to find one place where he can truly feel most comfortable, where he feels at home. OS he wouldn’t have to adapt anymore he can just be, which is how he cn be with sh. its like, he can joke and be however he like, but he wants a reaction from her, while hyun can joke but she doesn't care about his reaction, but she still laughs at yongs jokes, i think he likes that kinda of honesty in a person






























With this episode the dynamics between kindof changed at first is what I think. Now the question is, in what way. Many people may worry how they are acting now but I was also worried and first and I was like thinking are they like the adam couple now or something, always kindof bickering, talking about skinship and how they should do it, and so on. Not that there is anything wrong with the adam couple I like them a lot, they have there own way to go, but I really feel/felt that our yongseo couple is special. Now based on how I think this couple is I tried to draw conclusions based on how they act now and what could have lead to that. What is it that made the dynamics change that drastically? So I took it step by step, now I can see. From the morning I think that perhaps yong had an idea about how there current relationship status was, since both didn’t send an sms to each other to congratulate he prob didn’t think that she felt so strong about him as maybe he does. You can tell though that he is shocked by her ourburst on the bus and that’s why he continually says sorry afterwards, which shows how much he cares, if he would have known she thought that much of him I think he def would have been more eager to send the bday message.






























Anyway after the long talk, she says I sad you didn’t send anything, and I think that right there is what changed it, she doesn’t really realize it but sensed theres something different hence she becomes more talkative that we’ve usually seen. When he thought nothing was special between them he kindof just pushed back his feelings but once he found out, He looked quite sad in the episode the feeling comes forth and I think that that is because he’s trying to restrain it because he doesn’t what it to become awkward and a guyy who is used to do anything he wants, it wud need quite a lot of control. So thats why he tries to put the ideas forward that he’s different and so on, so that she just gets in his mind that he’s different but that he is only different to her. Then when they talk about the skinship in the gag concert, he suddenly says “what if seohyun was like that” here is where we can hear how the dynamic change and everything, instead of joking he says it seriously he is acting quite vulnerable infront of her and really asking this question while b4 it was mostly him who knew everything and she just kinda followed, at least relationship wise. I don’t think he would have asked this question if she hadn’t said that she was sad because of the text thing. I think he really likes her but has to restrain himself from doing anything and that’s why hes becoming quite sad, and so he puts these ideas into her head. He cant sponanteosly touch her without them both noticing because if he did that he would be so vulnerable to her and so he kindof wants her to get the idea first. However she doesn’t want to realize anything tho so she just acts normally because I think she doesn’t really trust these feelings because firstly its her first time feeling them and secondly its infront of a show. Now the scene which I think stands out so much is the scene when they get off bus, and it looks like they are about to hug, theres so much tension when they get close but not like “oh my god” but like “is it ok?” Or something,and that feeling is coming from both of them. its like they really want to hold each other but they won’t know the other ones intentions or there own and that’s why they stop themselves from doing anything. I think they just need to have a moment, I’ve come to think that that’s maybe why as you all noticed they held there hands so tight during the horror ep because they didn’t just want to do it for the viewers, theres so much uncerantity there that when they do something they would have to be certain, no boundaries no limits etc. That’s why a simple holding hands to them would prob mean yes I like you and they are maybe afraid to admit that to each other.






























Sorry about this but considering ive been such a long time goguma fan ive had all these thoughts in my head with not really anypeople to share it with hehe. Just a few friends who likes kdrama too but not really into wgm but not to the extent like you can talk about it here. Sorry for the super duper long post, hope it was ok :), love to yongseo couple!!:D:P

















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AGB Nielsen Korea ratings for WGM episode 52: nationwide: 11.5% (#10), Seoul: 12.1% (#10). Last week: 11% (#9) and 11.7% (#10).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: _xeth@twitter

































































































































































































































































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Guest shane09



































































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Then when they talk about the skinship in the gag concert, he suddenly says “what if seohyun was like that” here is where we can hear how the dynamic change and everything, instead of joking he says it seriously he is acting quite vulnerable infront of her and really asking this question while b4 it was mostly him who knew everything and she just kinda followed, at least relationship wise. I don’t think he would have asked this question if she hadn’t said that she was sad because of the text thing. I think he really likes her but has to restrain himself from doing anything and that’s why hes becoming quite sad, and so he puts these ideas into her head. He cant sponanteosly touch her without them both noticing because if he did that he would be so vulnerable to her and so he kindof wants her to get the idea first. However she doesn’t want to realize anything tho so she just acts normally because I think she doesn’t really trust these feelings because firstly its her first time feeling them and secondly its infront of a show. Now the scene which I think stands out so much is the scene when they get off bus, and it looks like they are about to hug, theres so much tension when they get close but not like “oh my god” but like “is it ok?”

sorry to cut your post! but I agree here and will also note the scene where he takes it upon himself to unfold Hyun's arms one by one. Once he did she looked confused and out of her comfort zone, and that move might have also made him pause to think cuz it looked like he looked up at the crew for a second... but he seemed determined to make his point and she surprisingly did not make a fuss. If you watch him you can see in his expression that it was something he just had to do at that point in time. He understands her naivete and has always been safe with her... but in that one moment, and b/c of her outburst and sadness and her own willingness to somewhat talk about the skinship issue, she probably gave him hope that things might be changing, and he made that move. She may not verbally admit that she is open to exploring the possibility of holding hands or hugging, but she probably will not refuse him if he tried it. He didn't then.... but I think the move to unfold her was almost symbolic with the goal that he'd like to help her open herself up more to him, and maybe even others.

Haven't her SNSD unnies remarked at how much she is changing and even us here at this thread have noticed how she is looking more and more like a beautiful young woman these past couple of months? Her unnies have even suggested it may be because of whatever is happening on the show with Yong...and I think that is a good sign that she has been responding and maybe even help her grow. So again this week, it was an interesting show!


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Guest yongseo_fighting

First and foremost, I have to say thanks to j2dlee, redtulip, yukiandjudy, sun_sun and any others that helped in translating and uploading the show. I need to echo here. We are really blessed with all of you n this thread. This episode is indeed an interesting one. I in fact like the long honest conversation that they poured what they are thinking in their mind on the skinship.part. DAEBAK!!! I am now wondering what did yonghwa do to the old ring. Melted?!! and Hyun did not probe further. My guess is that he melted the ring and then added into the new ring... haha... what a thought...sweatingbullets.gif well, guess I need to wait for another week to know what happened and what was the birthday gift from Hyun.. knowing her, her birthday gift would be meaningful as well....

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Guest kyo0501

Hello. I been a yongseo fan for awhile now. I never post anything because I don't know what to post since I'm a little shy. But I read this thread everyday for news of yongseo. Thank you everyone for sharing pic,video, news of my favorite couple. Anyway, I just saw the raw video of the latest WGM ep, and yongseo in this ep remind me so so much of hwangbo and hyunjoong couple (my fav couple of season 1). Huynjoong took hwangbo to the farm in an ep of WGM in the past, and they worked on farmed, fished, and celebrated hwangbo birthday. So watching yongseo doing similar activity remind me of a nice memory of joongbo. I can't wait to see next week ep to see what yong prepare for hyun for her b-day =D.

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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































hi there....
































































































































































































Just a quick share since I'm on a 5 min study break...
































































































































































































Click below!!!
































































































































































































SNSD performed at Busan in 2007
































































































































































































*credits to aslotuss21 over at YT
































































































































































































Could this be when Yong oppa watched them live for the first time...as he said in the first episode..?!?! :w00t:
































































































































































































Hyun Buin looks so young and adorable here........
































































































































































































And I totally loved the last episode (altogether now...PURE LOVE!!!! :wub: ) but I have a feeling...I will love the next one even more...
































































































































































































Who's with me..?!? ^_^
































































































































































































And to j2dlee...your translations make me want to master my Korean studies....ppalli..ppalli...RESPECT!

































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i'm trying to absorb what everyone is saying abt last night's episode,

*tks for sharing your views, gogumas* :)


bear in mind that this epi was shot in late june.

4 mnths into their marriage, yongseo had their first serious bickering,

talked openly abt their slow skinship, and what more, yong nailing hyun with his

"i'm different".


now coming back to the horror special, Aug, 6 mnths into their married life.

see how close they sat on the bus, with yong leaning onto buin, them touchly feely,

walking step by step, gripping each other's hand all the way till the last mission.


then comes to the UJ episode which was in Sept.

highlight was on hyun's jealousy. the emo hyun which we've nvr seen before.


and until recently, yong's claim of wearing the new ring.

instead of the usual, 'i'm afraid of losing it'

he now said 'if i don't wear the ring, i'll get busted by someone'


isn't that so sweet for a husband to always want to make his wifey happy,

to be sensitive to her feelings, and to treasure their relationship,

watever it is. ;)


like i said before, we are into a roller coaster ride, what with all

these haywired timeline.


but see how their relationship has grown so much in front of our eyes, gogumas.

and with them, we are also becoming better at analysing/over analysing things.

i know i do!! :lol:


i'm sorry that i can't write as well as some of u,

but i think my dear gogumas will understand what i'm trying to share...

i hope! :sweatingbullets::lol:

now coming back to the recent episode,

i still want to know what happen to their texts... :P


to new spazzers, a BIG welcome to Goguma Land.

yes, we can now proudly say we DO own a land. ^_^


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"Are they close or not?" ----> this question just they can answer that !




We can just judge from "how close they sit on the bus", we can just judge from "how she/he takes care of other", that's what we can do.  




WGM is a show, we can never expect more than that, I must say, WGM is the spotlight for both of them !  Some gets their popularity through WGM, some doesn't .  In their eyes, WGM may be a job, but do you know , in their eyes, their relationship is a job??? I bet you don't, ha!




You say Seohyun is inflexible .... hum ... because she didn't react the way you liked when she was happy over Yonghwa's gift? Or she just sat there and did nothing for him??




Please define me what flexible means?




the more Yonghwa tries hard to approach Seohyun the more she opens up




the more she opens up the more their relationship grows




If they're not close, Seohyun didn't went to Cnblue's concert after this b-day event!




and if you are gonna ask "are they close?"," are they dating?","are they honest about their feelings" I think no one can't give a BEST answer that you want, because we are not Yonghwa or Seohyun







Well first of all I do not want to start a war or something like that. But counter questions:




1. Who judges the status of a relationship by the gap at sitting?!




2. Was a Behind the screen shots of them ever published? NO, so how is it possible to judge the way they take care of each other outside of WGM?!




3. Where is an evidence (a photo) that shows Seohyun really attended CN Blue’s concert?




This one is an example that exactly shows what I wanted to point out. In my opinion this is just a superficial post included with a big positive point of view and see it got a high reputation. Do not attack on hihi_hehe.




Well now I try to answer the question up there myself:




1. I never occupied myself with something like judge somebody’s relationship by the gap at sitting. Usually your sit adjustment depends on your mood or comfort. You do not have to be close with somebody to sit close to them (like road traffic) and it does not mean that you are less close with someone if you sit a little bit further even in a love relationship. Based on YongSeo’s bus drive, the sits are placed quite close together so they have no alternative.




2. Repeated quotation: ‘WGM is a show!’ Since both of them decided to be in this show so it is their job to act like a love couple and because real love couples care about each other a lot they have to do it in front of the cameras, too. Even if they are not in the mood they still have to pretend, therefore it is called make-believe-marriage. They used to repeat that the other one take good care of them inside and outside of WGM. But god knows whether it is in reality really like the way fans interpret it or not. As a part of a show, of course you want it to success and to be successful in a reality show means apart from to be funny also to make audiences believe that there is no acting and everything is spontaneous are the best ways to get sympathies. To make the show popular you have to promote it well so the best thing to do is try to mention it in every single show you attend. By the way, recently Yong said that if he won’t wear the couple ring he will be scolded by someone. Automatically everyone applied to Seohyun. But what if this someone is his manager or WGM PD’s who want to promote their show aboard?! Difficult to say but celebrities are just ‘instruments’ of companies to accomplish their goals which mean make a packet of money. But the worst thing is the managers do not even care about their ‘instrument’s’ conditions and feelings. Just take a look at Yonghwa’s schedules recently and after he was diagnosed with vocal cord nodules. He could barely rest, wasn’t really recovered his company still made him to sing on music shows just because he is well-liked right now. It is nothing but the cruelly Kpop industry! (look at the suicides in the recent years) But unfortunately there is no other choice for people who have big dreams which are become famous singers and actors, so they have to follow the rules even it is awful and take them a lot of energies. Hope one day all Kpop celebrities will gather and protest against this system like Seohyun’s SM oppas (TVXQ and Super Juniors’ ex-member Hankyung) tried to do/ trying to do. But unfortunately it still seems very incredible.




3. Although there was several fan accounts even news (but god knows how many news are just rumours) which said that Seohyun attended CN Blue’s concert at the end of July. But how come there is not even a slow quality photo of her in/leaving the concert hall? Nowadays if you go to an event you take a camera with you. There are also a lot of fan cams of this concert even from the second floor so I failed to comprehend how no one took a photo of her. It is only take you a few seconds. Maybe you could not see her clearly or not sure if the person was really Seohyun but is not it usual that fans take picture of everything which brings them under suspicion?!




Well my views up there seem very negative and suspicious. Actually they are not that bad still not as good as some of yours. But what I want to say is the opinions of Goguma lovers became really one-sided for me. Actually I used to visit this thread a lot and liked to read all the posts because they were varied. But recently I am bored as hell of them. What attract my attention is apart from good news, pictures, videos and translations there are also repeated enthusiastic posts which are mostly just imaginations got high reputations and almost all critical analysis got negative ratings. Actually I never took care of ratings and that kind of stuffs but I could not overlook them here. Seriously are the most of you so blinded by those (scripted) reality shows? Well only god knows how much reality shows are scripted still they will never be non-scripted. No matter how big your love for something is do not accept critical points of view is just close-minded to me. I do not want to judge anybody of you since i do not know anybody personally. It is just something I noticed and wanted to point out. And since viewers, shows, PD's, celebrities and companies depend on each other, it is just like a circulation, I think us viewers affect the plot of shows a lot/the most also the more or less bad situation of Kpop celebrities. So actually you cannot blame them if they really act because at the end they just want to satisfy viewers by doing what viewers want to see even they do not like it or it is not the usual way they react. That is also why you can read/hear again and again that some stars are off-screen different from on-screen. So at the end almost everything depends on viewers.




I daresay that this post will also be a [-] one.





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some more caps from me..


either hyun maybe initiating the skinship or she just feel happy to finally

arrive at the secret destination



take me yong nampyeon



oops! the camera!




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Guest shorty_babygurl03
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i need help! can anyone please pm me the youtube link for ep 25 with eng sub...... i cant download videos from other sites... the download isnt complete it stops at half of the video.. im so depressed with this! please just message me..... would really appreciate it!

































































































































































































































































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Guest d3j1k0






I found your post quite an interesting read :] it was refreshing to have read from another perspective. However, I don't think this is a place to release your frustration just because people disagree. Disagreements are bound to happen since each and every individual are entitled to have his or her opinion. But do remember that this is a thread made for goguma fans.




As a fan, I did get offended when you found our post "boring" and "biased." People here tend to spazz and go crazy on the same darn thing because we found it adorable--that's why a lot of posts tend to be repetitions of others. Also, aren't you biased yourself? :)




Btw, I did agree on your 1st point. The space between people indicate their comfort level toward each other, like when YongSeo got on the taxi. There was a big gap in between them. I think Hyun was getting suspicious of Yong's intentions and where they were going. Yong on the other hand, (imo) is being secretive and sly about the whole event/mission or whatever you guys want to call it. He didn't want Hyun to figure it out so soon.




On your 2nd point, you are absolutely right. WGM is a show, and all of us are aware of that. Yong and Hyun are much more aware than we are too. This is probably what holds them back, in my opinion. To Hyun, Yong is the first "guy." There are times where I think Hyun contemplates on whether Yong is doing those things for her or for the show. Those thoughts are inevitable. However, to me, those two have become so emotionally close, closer that Adam couple (who are still having troubles understanding each other), that there's no denying that something has made those two so precious to each other.




As I have mentioned before, I am an avid fan of the Adams, and I can't help but compare the two. But looking at the Goguma couple now, I have to say they have become more realistic and lovely than of any other couple I've observed so far. I'm young and only know so much but even I can see something blooming out of that goguma sprout. Something much sweeter and much more beautiful.




Th, I am not trying to convince you that these two are real or that you should even agree with me. I am just being vocal about my point of view. I just hope that you'd be so kind as to consider which thread you are in. Ty, have a nice weekend. (^-^)v


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th. Honestly, no one is blind to the fact that this is a show. These reality shows have been created to promote idols and their personalities. Anyone who follows Seohyun closely will know just by interviews with her Unnies and testimonies from managers, Seohyun is incredibly pure. There is a reason why they weren't lovey dovey from the first moment they met, or strong on skinship by the second or third date. The complete awkwardness during the first time they met proves to me that Seohyun is not the best of actresses.






























I myself as a fan of this couple choose to interpret their stares, their conversations as something more than friendship and something that is parallel to their real feelings for each other. That is my opinion as a fan. This is what I love about this thread, people are aloud to voice out their opinions and spazz crazily about this couple. We encourage posts that could discourage other people to be put in 'spoilers' not to discredit anyone's opinion but so that other fans will not feel sad when they read the posts. We want to build a positive and happy atmosphere in this thread. Some people come here after a hard day at work and simply wants to enjoy this couple.






























As much as this is a make-believe marriage, for them to work closely with each other, it makes sense that at the very least they have built a strong friendship. Whether there is anything more than friendship is up to what fans choose to believe in. Many choose to believe that they are more than friends, some believe they have a crush on each other but that an opinion a fan can have.






























Seohyun is a caring person, if Yong says that Hyun gave him a gift when he had vocal nodules, I choose to believe what Yong says is true. Also about Seohyun being at the concert, it was as good as confirmed as multiple people saw her go in and out. I think perhaps there was no camera on her because the audience area was really dark or cn blue fans were more focused on filming cn blue than Seohyun. There was another rumor that she went to their concert in Japan but that was never really confirmed in the news and remains a rumor.






























Goguma lovers are awesome and positive! That's why I love this thread because we choose to look at the positive in all situations. Sorry this isn't structured well, but I just typed as I was thinking! :D






























EDIT: Topped the page, so I'll repost J2dlee's awesome translation!








Hi, happy Goguma lovers!








This is the first half of today’s episode (Part1-2 ½ from the link posted by blueshoes), there was lots of talking… will do the rest of it as fast as I can!








Ep20, From a girl to a lady








In a bad mood on the bus going to Daemyunghang…








JinWoon: Because of the texts…








Yong: What did you do during the vacation?








Hyun: I went to school.








Y: You didn’t go anywhere particular?








H: No, unfortunately.








H: Isn’t it (unfortunate)? Why didn’t I…








Y: This is combo, combo!








H: Combo…?








Y: Folding your arms, then turn your head.








H: Why?








Yong already catches on to his wife’s habit








Y: I just thought you speak with your arms folded, but,








Y: Like this (folding his arms, and turning his head), ‘unfortunately’!








H: Hahaha!








Y: I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, I’m right, ain’t I?








H: I don’t know.








Y: Arms should be diagonal.








MC Park: He’s trying to liven up the mood, to make her laugh.








H: Ah, really!








H: It’s not funny!








MC Park: But men think it’s okay once girls/women laugh.








Female MCs: Just because she laughs that doesn’t mean that she has forgotten about the troubles.








Seulong: Really?








JW: Has she not?








MC Park: Unless the fundamental part of the problem is solved, women don’t forget.








NaYoung: That’s true.








Yong, whether knowing women’s psyche or not…








Y: You have to do it this way…








H: So I’m like that…. (unintentionally folds her arms)








MC Park: Her arms!








Y: Told you, told you!








H: What’s this~!








Y: I’m the first person to tell you about this habit, right?








H: Yes.








Y: That’s the reason I’m special.








H: Hmm…








Y: That’s the reason why I’m different from other men, you know?








H: …








Y: I can catch on to even such a small thing.








Y: I’m the only one who tells you about this kind of thing, ain’t I?








H: Y-Yes…








Yong hubby tries to brainwash his wife…








Y: (I’m) different, different, different, different.








H: Is it a good thing?








Y: Of course it’s good, of course, why, why not?!








H: Is that so~?








MC Park: Is that so~?








Anyway, this is why Yong’s important.








H: Not long ago, there was a Music bank (?) performance….








Y: Yes.








H: It was fun, seeing you at the music programme after a while.








Y: Yes.








H: Come to think of it, that was the same programme where we did the ring performance after we got married.








Y: That’s right.








H: So it was-








Y: By the way, my ring…








H: The ring is totally…








Y: Do you want to know what happened to the ring?








H: What happened?








Where has the ring gone?








Y: I really wanted to tell you this.








H: (jokingly) Is it melted now?








Y: That’s right!








H: Really?!








Y: It’s melted!








H: That’s not possible!








Y: It started burning up slowly…








H: So, it’s gone, forever?!








Y: Yes, forever.








The ring is gone!








H: Huh~!








H: Then this becomes just my ring, then…








H: Ah……








Y: No, we have to replace them.








Y: By the way, I’m sorry.








H: What for?








Y: For not texting you yesterday.








H: It’s okay!








Y: No, I’m going to fill it up to 100.








H: Fine.








Now 98 left… and the bus is going to the countryside…








H: I just remembered something!








Y: What?








H: Haha!








Something so funny that makes her laugh just thinking about it?








H: Yonghwa oppa~!








Y: Huh?








H: Don't you know what this is?








H: Gag Concert!








Y: Ah! Did you see it?








JW: What’s that?








This shocking image!!








A Comedian: Yonghwa oppa~








A Comedian: Because you didn’t buy me a pink guitar, I bought it with my money!








A Comedian: You’re really stingy!








A Comedian: Give me a back hug~








And a provocative skinship!!








H: Really! You looked really scared.








Y: Did I look really scared?








H: Yes!








Y: I was really scared.








H: Hahaha!








H: Someone made gifs out of that clip. The title was ‘Provocative Seo Hyun’. And when I saw it, I was so surprised!








Seo Hyun senorita, very assertive in skinship.








Y: Hahaha!








Y: What if, Seo Hyun, you act like that?








Seo Hyun, what if you act like that?








H: Eurgh…. If I act like that…(imagining)...Eurgh!








MC Park: We’ll be happy if she’s like that!








Y: Seo Hyun, really…(imagining)








JW: Don’t imagine it!








MC Park: They’ve become awkward after imagining it.








H: That Seohyun (in the clip), and people around me keep talking about the skinship. Asking me why I’m so slow…








Y: Is that so?








H: Yes.








MC Park: They’re talking about the skinship!








H: (talking to herself) Should I do….








Y: Shall we hold hands, then?








H: Eh~








Y: Why ‘Eh~’?








Y: I shared the same waiting room with 2AM before the (Music Bank?) stage.








H: Really?








Y: Lim Seulong sunbanim (=senior) told me that ‘It’s…. irritatingly slow.’








H: Haha! Really?








NY & MC Park: Well done, well spoken!








H: Why is that?








Y: ‘irritatingly slow…’








H: Haha!








Anyway, with the help (?) of Ong, they start talking about the skinship.








What’s in their minds?








MC Park: Oh, the atmosphere…








SO: They wouldn’t restrain themselves even further because of me, would they?








(backroom interview)








H: In the beginning, there were many people telling me ‘You shouldn’t hold hands, never!’ But after a few episodes, they started ‘When are you going to hold hands?!’ I was like ‘What are you talking about?’








Then they told me ‘You should initiate holding hands!’ I really….really don’t know what to do…








Y: By the way, besides the birthday text…








H: Yes?








Y: No gift for me?








H: No gift for you?








Y: I prepared something already for you in Daemyunghang.








Yong anticipates a gift from his wife








H: It’s been a week, already.








Y: What about a week before, then?








H: You didn’t even reply to my text. If you had done, I might have prepared something.








H: No way.








Y: Is that so?








Y: Okay.








Y: I’m hoping for the future.








H: What future?








Y: You’re hiding it from me on purpose, right?








H: I wish I was.








Y: (timid skinships) Unfold your arms, this one, and that one.








JW & SO: Oh~








Y: I have a high hope~








Will Yong’s wish come true?








The bus keeps going…








Y: I can see the sea!








H: It’s a beach.








Y: Now can you feel that we’re going to the sea?








H: Yes!








Y: Can you see the crab field?








H: Oh~








H: Can we catch crabs as well?








Y: Do you want me to?








H: Yes, I like crabs!








Y: Okay, no problem.








But against Hyun’s anticipation, the bus is passing the beach and going to the little village…?








Y: We’re getting off here~








H: Are we?








Y: Yes.








Finally, to the place as Yong has planned…?








H: Oh~








Y: How do you feel?








H: I feel good.








Crowds: Kkyaoh~~








(girls: It’s Jung Yong Hwa! Men: It’s Seo Hyun!)








MC Park: Oh, they are popular!








Y: We have to take a taxi from here.








Y: Just 2mins, 2mins!








Yong parts with his wife…








MC Park: He must have prepared something!








MC Park: He told her that they’re going fishing.








Y (handing a piece of paper to the taxi driver): I can’t say that we’re going to this place in front of her… I’ll bring her now.








Y: You first.








H: Thank you.








This way Yong hubby’s secret tour starts…








Y: We’re going to the beach.








H: How long does it take?








Y: (to the driver) how long does it take to get to the beach?








The driver: About 10mins.








H: Only 10mins?








MC Park: The driver is cooperating well.








But….this place….?








MC Park: There’re heading to some place…








MC Kim: But it’s definitely not a sea.








H: How come there’s a sea in this place?








Y: There’ll be…








Is this Daemyunghang….?








H: No way that there’s a sea…
















As they keep going….















Going to the mountain…?








Y: We’re there.








H: You’re lying, aren’t you?








Y: What lying? Let’s go!








Y &H (to the driver): Thank you~








Where are we…?








JW: I think he totally deceived Seo Hyun.








MC Kim: She’s abducted.








H: I can’t see a sea, it’s not possible!








Y: Why can’t you see?








H: How is there a sea in the middle of…








Y: You can see once we take a short cut.








H: Eh~








Y: Turn left, turn left!








H: But, but,








Y: I’m bringing you somewhere nice~








H: Hmm….








Y: Let’s walk slowly.








MC Park: He’s more nervous even though he knows what’s going to happen.








Y: Feeling good, right?








H: Yes.








Y: You have to close your eyes from here.








H: Why?








Y: Keep them closed!








H: Yes.








Y: Not even a peek!








H: Okay.








Y: Ddu Ddu Ddun~








He even sings the BGM by himself















Wants everything to be perfect, R-Romantic guy Yong.








H: How far?








Y: Just a few steps more.








Y: You’re not peeking, are you?








H: No.








Y: Dadadadan~








And finally…!








H: What’s it?








Y: Be careful, be careful.








Now, Yong’s secret gift is revealed!








Y: One, two, three, Ta-da!








H: W-what?








NY: Hahahaha!








Look over here, look over there… no matter how hard you look….








MC Park: What are we supposed to see?








H: …the field!








MC Park: Did he buy her some land?








Land owned by Seo Hyun?








NY: Huh!








JW: If it’s true, he’s daebak!








SO: Daebak!








Y: What kind of a field do you think?








H: Hmm…








Y: This is my gift for you.








H: What?!








Y: Sweet potato field!








MC Park: He bought the sweet potato field for her?!








JW & SO: Wow~








MC Park: How much did he pay for a square meter?








H: Huh~! Really?!!








He bought a field for Hyun since she likes sweet potatoes?!








The sign: Yong (heart) Hyun’s sweet potato field








Y: I have a letter as well.








NY: He’s really cool…








MC Park: I guess CNBlue is selling well these days.








MC Kim: They must be!








Y: I’m a man with f-f-f-field.








MC Park: Omo~








H: Really?








Y: I’m a land owner.








H: Wow~








Y: Am I a man of ability or not?








H: Yes, you are.








H: Woah~








H: Then we can eat all the sweet potatoes from this field?








Y: Huh?








Y: Actually, we have to plant it first, before harvesting.








H: That’s true.








The season is not yet…








Y: But d-d-d-don’t assume that the whole field is mine.








Don’t assume that it’s my land!








H: Then what?








Y: Only two rows are mine.








Only two rows are mine!








NY: Only two rows?








MC Park: Ah, it’s a weekend farm!








Yong’s gift is a weekend farm?








H: Two rows? Where?








Y: Over there…








H: There…?








H: Haha! That’s fine.








Y: Isn’t it?








H: Then we have to plant it first, don’t we?








Y: Yes, we do.








H: (our) two-row-field!








Y: Haha.








H: Hihihi!








(backroom interview)








PD: What’s the story behind the lease of the two-row-field?








Y: I was worried in the beginning. Since it’s a birthday should we celebrate with fireworks, baking a cake together, and so on….?








Yong was thinking of every possible event…








Y: Since Seo Hyun likes sweet potatoes, I thought nothing would be better than giving her a sweet potato field as a present.








PD: What do you think of his gift?








H: Really, there are many people who give me sweet potatoes, but no one has given me the field itself where I can actually grow sweet potatoes. It was a special gift that no one has thought of before.








MC Park: It’s good that she likes it.








H: Will there be other people who will give me a field as a present? I don’t think so…








H: Oh~








Now she opens a birthday card…








H: Joo Hyun!








(Yong is suddenly embarrassed…)








H: (reading the card) Happy birthday to you! Sorry for the belated birthday message. Keuk keuk. During the short period of being with you, I’ve come to learn many things from you.








MC Park: Aigoo~








H: And our thoughtful Hy~un,








NY: Uhhooh~








H: I always feel sorry that I could give you only so much, but thank you for always taking care of me. From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday to you. From Yo~ng.








Y: Kkk…..








H: Oh… thank you.








Y: Be careful.








H: Yes.








MC Park: Wait, they’re holding hands!








MC Kim: Just a little bit further~








JW: Eh~








Impatient viewers…








Y: We have to put this ‘Yong, Hyun’s Sweet Potato Field’ sign.








H: Where?








H: Here?








Y: Yes, these two rows.








H: Oh~








MC Park: It’s really good fun when you dig them out later.








She is also an owner of three-row-field?








MC Park: When you dig one out there are so many underneath to follow.








Y: Like this?








H: Eee~








MC Park: Kanghwa sweet potatoes are the most delicious of all.








H: Haha, it’s cute.








Y: Good~








H: Yay~








Yong & Hyun’s sweet potato patch!








Y: We have to change our clothes, too.








H: Then we have to work, too?








Y: Huh? Yes.








H: Field labour!








H: My birthday gift is field labour?








Her birthday gift is field labour?!








Y: Don’t you want to do it? Then just sit over there and watch.








H: No, I’m okay.








Y: I’m going to do it on my own and eat them all on my own.








H: Hahaha!








Anyway we are a newbie weekend farm couple.








Y: Hahaha!








H: Woah~








Y & H: Guma~ Guma~








Making an instant sweet potato song…















Here’s the translation Part 2 (from part 2 ½ (5:21) to part 3 in nouonnnie’s channel posted by blueshoes).








Y&H: Hello~








Kind looking landowners greet them…








The boss (?): It’s a long journey, isn’t it?








Y: No~








H: I like it here very much.








Changing clothes for the field work…








First… (Yong comes out)








MC Park: That pants!








NY: Omo!








Y: It feels cool.








But he runs to the field alone… (with a white bag in his hands)?








NY: He’s prepared another event for her!








MC Park: He’s holding something in his hands!








In the middle of the two-row-field…?








NY: He buried something in the field.








Y: Hahaha!








MC Park: If she can’t find it, they have to dig the whole field later!








NY: I know~








Yong hubby returns after the mission (?) accomplished








H: I look like a country girl.








Y: I like it.








(red pants and a scarf around her neck to finish off her look)








H: I’m done!








Now heading to the field to plant some sweet potatoes!















Going to the field with the boss








MC Kim: Do you know how tricky it is actually to manoeuvre that kind of cart?








NY: Yes.








H: Shall we do it together?








Y: Can you do it?








H: Yes.








H: Wait, wait.








Y: I’ll do it.








Hard labours are for the husband








Y: (panting)








An aftereffect of a secret running…
















Y: (panting)








H: Are you okay?








Not so smooth start for the two-row-field owners.















Now to get sweet potato shoots








The boss: You cut these shoots and plant them in your patch.








MC Park: Look, sweet potatoes!








Y: And there will grow sweet potatoes from these shoots?








H: Aha~








The boss: Yes, these roots will become sweet potatoes.








H: Hmm~








A real countryside drama, the Yongseo Diary








Y: A sweet potato field!








H: Sweet potato!








Y: We’re there!








H: We’re there!








Yong is exhausted as soon as they get to the field.








H: What are you doing?!








NY: He’s already tired!








Y: Let’s rest for 3mins.








H: Aigoo…








The sun is blazing








MC Park: I guess it’s really hot over there.








The boss: You’re done with resting?








H: Yes!








Y: Y-Yes…








The boss: Now you have to learn how to plant, don’t you?








H: Yes!








A bunch of sweet potato shoots for each one








The boss: Now hold this…








The boss: Seo Hyun’s is so popular-








H: No, I’m not~








Y:….(an uncle fan)?!








H: Hahaha!








In a happy (?) atmosphere, they start planting the shoots.








The boss: Seo Hyun, look closely.








MC Park: He only pays attention to Seo Hyun.








The boss: You push this stick to the ground, then…








It’s a lot easier than they thought!








H: Woah~ it’s really easy!








Y: Yes, it is.








H: Hold it down, and push~








Y: How far should they apart?








H & the boss: about a palm-width?








Y: Uh! Then, Seo Hyun, you do the next row.








The row where Yong’s gift is hidden








H: Yes!








Y: And I’ll do this one.








How will Hyun react to the surprise gift?








H: This’ll be fun.








Yong starts planting shoots first








Y: What…?








The boss: I don’t think it went all the way down.








Y: Oh, I’ve cut it.








Y: Why doesn’t it go down?








Y: Ah, really!








The boss: It costs 100won for each shoot.








Y:…! (deep sigh)








Meanwhile, Hyun buin….








MC Park: Hyun’s good at everything.








The boss: Oh, Seo Hyun’s so good~








H: Really?








The boss: Yes.








H: Thank you~








The boss: You have to push it diagonally.








Hyun: Yes, diagonally.








NY: Yes, he did it.








Y: Okay, done!








MC Kim: There must be a skill involved in this.








The boss: You’re doing well.








Y: I’ve got the skill now, it’s nothing.








H: Are you confident now?








Y: Yes, I am good now.








H: Are you?








The boss: You shouldn’t sit on other shoots!








Y: Really?








Y: The boss likes SNSD…








H: Haha!








The boss: Continue planting shoots as you’re doing now, and please come down later for snacks.








H: Ah~ thank you!








Even hearing about food makes their mouths water








The boss: We’ll boil some potatoes and…








MC Park: It’ll be so delicious.








Till the moment that they can have some snacks…








H: There are so much works put into sweet potatoes that I eat every day.








Y: If you carefully dig up sweet potatoes here…








H: Yes?








Y: You’ll find potatoes.








H: What?!








What is he talking about?








Y: There’ll be potatoes…








H: While digging up sweet potatoes?








Y: There are potato seeds left in this field…








Gives her a kind of warning (?) before the surprise event








H: Hmm…?








Y: Look carefully…








H: You’re tired now, aren’t you?








Y: Huh?








H: I think you’re tired.








Y: I’m always tired.








H: I know…








Planting shoots & a secret mission: such a hardship








H: I never imagined that I’ll get a sweet potato field for my birthday.








Y: It’s beyond your imagination, isn’t it?








H: Yes.








JW: Who would ever think of it?








MC Park: True.








H: People jokingly tell me that I should get married to the owner of a sweet potato farm/field.








Y (the owner of a two-row-sweet-potato-field): Haha…








H: Really.








Y: Really?








H: Yes.








Y: And now you’ve become an owner of a sweet potato field.








H: I know, even better!








Y (smiling)….








Y: This is no easy work!








Y: If you have to do it alone, it’ll be really hard.








H: I know.








MC Park: Yes, it’s a hard work.








H: You did well just buying two rows!!








It’s lucky that it’s only two rows…








H: I’m grateful.








Y: Are you?








H: Do you want some water?








H: Hehehe~








Y: I’m grateful to myself!








H: Hahaha! What would it be like if you had bought like, 9 rows?!








Y: I’m proud of myself.








During the short break…an outdoor concert in a sweet potato field!








To the sky, ha! Get’em ha!








Even while drinking…








Y: (lalalala!)








H: (sweet potatoes, listen to the song~)








This is the Yongseo couple’s way to grow sweet potatoes!








H: Hahaha!








Under the blazing sun…








NY: But they did a lot!








It’s been an hour…








H: Woah~ good~








Now the secret spot is near!








JW: That stone.








MC Park: Yes, there!








Y: I’m done.








H: I’m not done yet.








Y: You only need to do 5 more.








Y: I can see it now.








MC Park: Hahaha!








H: It’s fun, isn’t it?








Y: Yes.








MC Park: He’s like…








SO: He should be more patient.








H: Then help me here.








Yong rejects her SOS…








Y: No, you have to do it.








H: Do I?








Y: You have to do it on your own.








Y: I’m not going to help you.








H: I’ll do it by myself, then!








Y: (sorry, Hyun, I can’t help you)








MC Park: He can’t help her even if he wants to.








Hyun buin keeps working oblivious to the situation








MC Kim: She’s nearly there.








And it’s just next to her!








MC Park: That stone, isn’t it…?








NY: Yes.








H: About 3 more….?








Y: Yes, till the end.








MC Park: She should be able to find it!








H: Now only 2 left.








NY: Uh? Uh? She removed the stone.






































But…nothing….is… happening….?








MC Kim: She missed it!








MC Park: She didn’t see it!








She missed the spot by an inch








MC Park: And now she’s done!








H: I’m done!








MCs: Hahahaha!!!








Oh my god
















MC Park: I knew this would happen.








NY: What should he do now…?








MC Kim: Hahaha!!!








H: I’m done, finally~!








Y: Where are you going? They’re apart too far.








H: No, I did it correctly.








Y: No, let’s do it again.








H: Why?








Y: Let’s put just one more in between.








H: No, they have to be apart.








Y: No, just one more.








MC Park: Woah, this is crazy.








He can’t tell her the truth since it's a secret...








H: Woah~ I’m so proud!
















H: Let’s go! Snacks!








Y: Where’re you going?








MC Kim: He should call her to come!








MC Park: She shouldn’t leave…








H: What are you doing over there, come!








Yong’s gift buried in the ground forever…?!








After the tournament, now it’s time for dinner








Jung Shin: It’s dinner time, so bring out your packed meal.








They open their boxes…








Jo Kwon: Start with Khuntoria…








Nich Khun: Tada~








JK: Woah! They look delicious~








Boiled rice, side dishes and desserts, Vic mom’s 3-set packed dinner.








Hyun: Tada!








Rice balls looking as smart as Hyun buin








Yong: Have a look at this, look at this!








Gain: They’re seriously good.








JK: It looks so tasty~








Then, what about the oldest Adam couple?








Shop-bought sandwiches…!








Gain: Just eat these!








JK: I want to eat rice, too….








Gain buin didn’t have a time for packing a dinner due to her busy schedule…








In between lovey-dovey newbie couples….








H: This one is tuna and…








The oldest couple’s feeling left out…








Gain: Should I at least taste whether they are actually good or not?








Gain: Ya, give me some.








Y: There’s always this kind of person in school, who takes others’ food by force!








Eventually decided to take other couples’ food…








NY: So that’s how they substitute other couples’ food for their dinner.








I didn't translate the preview, for it's already done by other kind Goguma lovers. Thank you for waiting, will be back later to spazz with you guys!
















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what happen here?


th, i kind of agree with u abt the whole K-entertainment system of overworking their

artists. its v true, its happening. only they (the artists)

can put a stop to it if they united, or if there's a union for this. idk


However...i personally


WANT TO BELIEVE that that someone implies to hyun.

WANT TO BELIEVE that they care for each other outside of fliming (propolis)

WANT TO BELIEVE that they sat close because they WANT to sit close

err...yeah, if i'm blinded for unable to separate reality or not.

just let me be...


i forgot the golden goguma password :lol:


aigoo, u sound angry, th.

sorry, maybe i don't put my words correctly,

now don't misunderstand me, th.

of course u're not forcing me to change what i believe, no one can.

peace :)


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  j2dlee, redtulip, yuki, sun_sun and all those who bring here all the goodies... Thank U guys!































































































































































































j2dlee... I do not know we'd do without you, the wait would be unbearable ^ ^!
































































































Ahhh I don´t have much to say, you have said it all, only that I really really really love Yong, that guy, I think he is having a crush on Hyun (give her a sweet potato´s field is the most romantic thing in the world, and lets not mention the "I´m special" and " I monitorizes you always") and it made me sad to see him so insecure :tears:... He was so clueless about Hyun feelings towards him in this EP, his face about Hyun´s reactions was priceless... I  think he needed to hear an "I like you oppa" from her, not  in a romantic way, just an "I like you for who you are" would have made him very happy that time ... But our Seobaby is our Seobaby, and Yong likes her just the way she is! haha
































































































But Yong, now you know that she really likes you right??? You lucky guy :rolleyes:.
































































































I´m joining to the club "I don´t know why is for Hyun" hahaha, the boss even say "SeoHyun is so popular" haha and because of Yong´s face, I think he memorized that sentence LOL, then put it in his song ^^. Noo seriously, the song fits with his story with Hyun, his Hyun...
































































































Thank you all gogumas for everything, It took me the whole day reach to this point but I was very happy reading all your thoughts!
































































































Welcome to the new spazzers and have a very nice day/night all of you ^_^
































































































Edit: I just read about "WGM is just a show"... again ¬¬. I was in a very happy spazzing mood.... YES, we all know it is ONLY a show, but please... let us be!
































































































And I really love the fact that SeoHyun has CNBlue´s music in her Iphone? whatever it is ^^
































































































































































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I do accept your opinion cause I know everybody have their own opinion even you do not concur it you still have to respect it.




I not an anti fan actually I am somehow addict to them. I follow their news and watch the show every week. I just wanted to point out some facts in general. Is was no offense on Goguma Lovers.















I did not ask you to stop believe in the things you believe even if they are true or not. There is no rigths which allow me to forbid you anything.




I just said some facts which got my attention & my opinions which I expressed in a tough way to point them out (at nearly the end of my previous post I said that actually my view is not that negative). I am fine if someone dissents and have nothing against your opposite point of view.





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