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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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luvtokki liked your mission requests!


I've been waiting for all the CNBlue members to visit with all of SNSD's members, or just a few is fine too with the quad-druple date, but more than one at least.


If a quad-druple date, who should we match up with whom? :D




Yong- Hyun, of course!


Jungshin- SooYoung


Jonghyun- Hyoyeon or Tiffany?


Minhyuk- Jessica




Where should they go/what should they do-- eat out or eat at SNSD dorm, or have a party at YongSeo's house? Games and music? Or karaoke/ bowling/ mini-golf?


I know that Yong's bros were awkward at first even with just Hyun so can't imagine with most of SNSD! But in the end, I bet it'd be a whole lot of fun to watch. :lol:




It'd also be fun to watch YongSeo play in the snow (I think the snow is sooo romantic) and then perhaps a sleepover at the resort with hot baths and talking by the fire... :wub:


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Guest Crystal392
















































luvtokki: I loved your list!! Hopefully WGM PDs will listen to you. Let's all flood MBC website with suggestions of what we want to see our Goguma couple do, if I'm not wrong the instructions on how to leave a message are on sweetpotatodays blog ( sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com ) :D






























































qwenli: Those pics are ♥ And yeap, lots of cameras :lol:






























































constantia & toomuchsmiling: Yeah I love that fanmade video :wub: that song fits our YongSeo like a glove!!! I hope the kiss rumour is true! *fingers crossed* Remember the piggyback ride was also a rumour and almost no one believed it because they barely had skinship and it was true!! I am hoping the kiss rumour is true too ;)






























































Sharing again the amazing fanmade video to the ones who haven't seen it:








































































































































































































Thanks to everyone for the pic, links and everything. I am 99% sure Hyun~ was talking about her Yong~ nampyeon on Daum Search Ad Campaign :)






























































I'm so excited for 'Gee' japanese version, good luck to uri Hyun~ and her amazing group SNSD! ^_^






























































1 more day until the next WGM ep!! *squeals*






























































EDIT: Also congratulations to Yong~ and CNBLUE because 'I don't know why' is No.1 on Oricon Indie Single Weekly Chart and 'The Way' is No.7!! That's amazing because they are under an indie label and they haven't done promotions in Japan besides the concerts they had there ^_^ I am so proud of our boys and uri Yong~. And soon SNSD will release the whole 'Gee' MV japanese version (the girls looked so pretty on the teaser) and they are also doing amazingly well on Japan. I am a very proud Goguma :D

















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Guest lunasol


I know it was already posted the fancam of Yong at Inkigayo watching Trax performance, but I am not sure the rest of the videos of him backstage were posted.




For those interested here they are:




First one (Hardworking Yong studying his cards, distancing himself)






Second one (Already posted:  Yong watching Trax performance 2:26)






Third one (Short clip. At the end, ~0:30, Yong is excited after an explosion)






Fourth one (Short clip. Is he leaving SBS after Inkigayo?)






Fifth one (Short. Doing FT Island moves while watching them. Then bored? disinterested? while a girl or girl group is performing)






Cr: outshan at Tudou




What I found particularly interesting is that his demeanor is very serious and partly restless compared to the other MCs. In some parts it kinda looks as if his distancing himself from Sulli, constantly giving his back to her, or even crossing in front of her without even looking at her. Also while watching the performances the only times he was "having fun" was with TRAX, with FT Island, and after the explosion. I know part of the reason is he takes his job seriously and probably is very tired after CNBlue's hard schedule. However, I bet if Hyun was there with him it would have been totally different. He will not be distant, because he will be next to her. They will look at each other. They will talk about the performances while watching the monitors. They will smile to each other. And probably knowing Yong he will tease her.  I really wish we have more clips of Yong and Hyun when they were MCs together!! Or better yet, they should MC together again now that they are extremely comfortable with each other biggrin.gif.






I read some pages ago that some of you were kind of worried about Yong and Sulli because Yong said before meeting Hyun that he liked the cute type such as Sulli and/or becuase he sang Lovelight to her in the HahaMong show. To calm your worries just watch their interactions here backstage just last sunday. Does it seems like he is interested? No. Also, she is 16 (5 to 6 years younger than him), which at his age he will see her as still a kid. Also, as some of you have said, he didn't even sang to her the darling and you are my lovelight part. Besides, f(x) is sister group to SNSD, so them together is a BIG NO NO.




Realistically, what could happen is that maybe she will develop a crush on him, which is normal, especially at her age. Heck here people of all ages have developed all kinds of crushes on him (as an ideal bf/husband/son/friend/brother,etc), so it will be understandable hahaha. In fact, i am not sure if I should say this but I wondered if she is looking at him while he is giving his back to her? Maybe she is just watching the monitors or performers. However, what is important is that from his part I can say with extreme confidence that he will not develop a crush on her and that is what should matter to us Gogumas, right? Hope my comment helped calm some of your worries. smile.gif 







Just one more day!! Is it me or this week has gone so slow??!!!! The worst thing is that they didn't even show us a preview sad.gif 






Hey Crystal! Exactly! I totally agree with you! 




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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































Oh my ... tomorrow is the day ! kekeke Can't wait ...
































































































































































I need to prepare myself if anything happens ... hahaha .... Can't even imagine what is going happen between Yonghwa and Seohyun :wub:
































































































































































LOL ... I've never considered Sulli as "a threat" ... Yonghwa once said Sulli was cute, that does not mean anything ! Besides that, Yonghwa sang love light to her, it's just his "duty" to do that !
































































































































































and I think we know "Love light" is meant to whom :phew
































































































































































































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Guest Crystal392






lunasol: Actually I'm hoping Yong~ will stay as an Inki MC for a very long time soo he will be an MC when SNSD makes their comeback in Korea. Probably by them they won't be filming WGM anymore (but I hope they will *fingers crossed*)... hehehe but I can't wait to see them interact! Specially when the MCs interview the performers/artists ^_^ I am smiling by just thinking about it. hehehehe








I also feel a bit sad when people say bad things about Sulli (I've seen some Gogumas post not so nice comments about her on YT

:( ), she is like Hyun~'s little sister! And about all the ones who say Yong~ said she was his ideal type, actually on the interview he said his ideal type was cute girls and the interviewer asked him like who and he said he didn't have an ideal type and he kept asking him (uri Yong~) and in the end Yong~ said like Sulli... but many speculated it was a safe answer because it was a hot topic a couple of weeks ago GDRAGON had chosen Sulli as his ideal type. There is nothing to worry about Gogumas. Just trust on uri YongSeo ♥ ;)



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thanks for sharing those videos lunasol! i've not seen those before! in the 2nd video, the one you said he was watching the TRAX performance, i also noticed at around 2:00ish, during sulli's copyright song, it features other smtown artist like SNSD! he looks like his watching the video really intently! but sulli walks and blocks his face so we cant see anything. but who knows what his looking at?! lol he maybe looking at some mc screens, but i seriously think his looking at the playback screen showing whats being aired :) thanks for sharing! and he did look really happy watching the TRAX performance so cute. and i'm thinking that he probably does like the song. 1, because TRAX is a band like himself and i'm sure he fully supports that and 2, his wifes pictures are floating in the bg. :wub:
































































































































































































hihi_hehe i know what you mean about preparing! lol. and i think i'm probably going to have a marathon before it starts. lol.
































































































































































































joelyne that fmv is so cute! i love how its edited too! thanks for sharing.

































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thanks lunasol & joelyne for the vids~! lunasol, yong certainly looked like he's trying his best not to create any rumors in those vids. kekeke for buin's sake eh?

luvtokki, no worries... we're still reading ur previous post although the paragraphing looks weird kekeke ;)

crystal... *waves* :) yeah, i agree with what u posted in ur SPOILER. i also wanna add my own SPOILER ekekekek :P

no doubt sulli is a very attractive girl. like u, i also get the impression that he said sulli just for the sake of answering the question. he may think that sulli is a very cute girl, a type that he would like. but as far as like is concerned, we've seen many proofs of how much yong likes hyun. his bros even scribbled it on their white board at home when they knew hyun was gonna pay them a visit. it's like they're trying to help him out by conveying it to her as they all know that she's very dense & naive in relationship. however, something has been bothering me... i wonder what's the real purpose of WGM? to participate in WGM, one has to be ready to fall in love & when it ends, what will happen? i'm sorry... but IMO, the downside of WGM is that it may cause some hearts to ache by the end of each couple's journey. i dunno, it seems cruel IMO to some. after it ends, some will end up having a secret relationship, some remain as friends, some lost contact. i've been watching yong outside WGM, and it seems like he's still searching high & low for more green lights from fans & even antis. why am i saying this? quite recently (starting july?), he & hyun have been flashing their rings very frequently wherever they go. they're known as a fake couple in WGM. and yet they're doing something like this. when their time ends, won't it be very sad not to be able to flash the ring anymore? don't they ever thinkg of this? i'm sure they do! unless they are planning to keep on cruising without anyone knowing about it after WGM? well, this is just my thought on them.

edit: panGG, what u posted makes me happy! xD i think it's probably he was looking at his buin's pic & trax is after all related to hyun 'cause of their MV. ekekekek oh & there's jungmo oppa too! LOL... he must be eyeing jungmo's guitar skill LOL!

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Guest seohyun_yh



 I read some pages ago that some of you were kind of worried about Yong and Sulli because Yong said before meeting Hyun that he liked the cute type such as Sulli and/or becuase he sang Lovelight to her in the HahaMong show.


 Seohyun is too pretty and cute, seohyun´s cute too.


it´s incredible, why he did not respond Seohyun? mmhm, again I have my doubts about yong, sometimes he seems to have feelings about Seohyun, but now with this...


 then for him, Sulli is more beautiful than Seohyun, and "he liked the cute type such as Sulli" the correct and appropriate response would have been: "i liked the cute type such as Seohyun"   


 I wonder if he knows his wife is so popular with guys idols, many guys  idols want to Seohyun as their ideal girl.

 Hyun, I’m glad you have more flexibility  now! Good job! Do you like Yonghwa? Then tell me, I’ll push for you!  What am I talking about? (fans laugh) Hyun, let’s take good care of our  skin. You have to maintain your skin health. Don’t lose to Jiyoung or  Sulli! (fans laugh) Because you’re goddess!(fans cried)


I now understand the message from sooyong.



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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































there is no CORRECT ANSWER for that such question ... why couldn't he answer Sulli?
































































































































































































































































now ... who is his WIFE? SEOHYUN ! that's just what it is ... Can we know the future to correct what we've done? Could he know Seohyun was gonna be his wife later?
































































































































Don't you think that's really amazing to pair up two different people without any relationship together ... YongSeo is one of a kind ... I bet at that time they didn't even know they would be husband and wife .... but now they've been 7 months together
































































































































































































































































and right now ... I'm in the fire right now ... no text preview is out yet ! *sobs*
































































































































dying to know ...
































































































































tomorrow seems so far

































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Guest kudougirl






seohyun_yh i have already understood what sooyoung mean since i first read the message in soshified. and i love what sooyoung said. 

Don’t lose to Jiyoung or  Sulli! Because you’re goddess!



but remember: an ideal type is just an ideal type.





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so i went on a super duper seohyun picture hunt and came across this girl who makes a ton of .gifs, mostly snsd ones. but here are a few i grabbed. credits to fieryphoenix.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this one is of yongseo on the bus. she reversed the picture order so it looks like his leaning back into her instead and moving away from her. love it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































and also i found this magazine scan, asta tv mag, with our favorite yongseo couple featured inside for october 2010.
































































































































































































































































































































































































not sure if any of these were shared already or not!
































































































































































































































































































































































































just wanted to let everyone know that RDR just released the full dl link for their subs for episode 25 w00t.gifw00t.gif streaming links will probably be up soon. i just happened to make my daily stop over there and i already dled it. :) thanks to RDR so much!

































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Guest seohyun_yh






there is no a CORRECT ANSWER for that such a question ... why couldn't he answer Sulli?




now ... who is his WIFE? SEOHYUN ! that's just what it is ... Can we know the future to correct what we've done? Could he know Seohyun was gonna be his wife later?


Don't you think that's really amazing to pair up two different people without any relationship together ... YongSeo is one of a kind ... I bet at that time they didn't even know they would be husband and wife .... but now they've been 7 months together




and right now ... I'm in the fire right now ... no text preview is out yet ! *sobs*


dying to know ...


tomorrow seems so far



ok ok  XD    Seohyun is my favorite member  :wub:


I am sure that if Seohyun gives answers such those of Yonghwa, a lot of   fans of yonghwa would  make comments like mine, I don´t understand what was my mistake, just because I gave my views on that point . :lol: i like yongseo and I am not an anti fan. XD


I'm eager to watch the episode of japan.  XD


seohyun_yh i have already understood what sooyoung mean since i first read the message in soshified. and i love what sooyoung said. 


but remember: an ideal type is just an ideal type.





of course, you´re right,  :wub:   but  it was Ueno Juri, and the answer that he gave was so sweet  :wub:



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Guest haeanna
































































































































preview is out..anyone care to translate. ^_^

































































용화♡서현 : 밭에서 생긴 일!

















더블 생일을 기념하기 위해 버스를 타고 어디론가 향하는 용화♡서현!
































목적지를 궁금해 하는 혀언에게 요옹은 자꾸만 바다로 낚시를 하러 간다고 하는데~
































하지만 도착한 곳은 풀벌레 소리 가득한 넓고 푸른 밭?!
































용 남편이 현 부인을 데리고 난데없이 밭으로 간 이유는?
































































그리고, 용 남편 특별 기획! ‘묻지마(?) 생일 나들이’의 하이라이트!
































현 부인에게 깜짝 선물을 전달하기 위해 맨손으로 흙 파는 것도 서슴지 않는 용 남
































































‘007 시리즈’보다 더 숨 막히는 용 남편의 선물 전달 작전, 과연 성공할 수 있을까?















































































source: imbc
































































































from google translator seems like both Yong and Hyun have surprise for each other. :wub:
































































anticipating tomorrow's episode~~ :rolleyes:

































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Guest DJHinata

Hello goguma lovers !! Thanks for all the sharing ~  

a few images , when i saw it i just can only think in yongseo couple ~


yonghwa give it flowers to hyun


yonghwa  and  hyun  sharing an icecream~ ♥


yonghwa  helping to  hyun   with her homework in his own way


i hope some of this images for real some day

and the best of all " i reaaaally want this for their wedding photoshoot


Can you even imagine? this season in we got married is season  kiss

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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































preview is out..anyone care to translate. ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source: imbc
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from google translator seems like both Yong and Hyun have surprise for each other. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anticipating tomorrow's episode~~ :rolleyes:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks haenna :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tomorrow is the day yahooooooooo! like what i said before, i had a feeling since Hubby Yong has a surprise to wifey Hyun but he don't know that (maybe) wifey Hyun has a surprise from her too. Since this is their 1st bday together as a couple. MAYBEEEEEE THE (NEW) RING/NECKLACE WILL COME OUT kekeke! can't wait for tomorrow. Lovely

































































































































































































































































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Guest YourStar
































Google Translation:
















Yonghwa ♡ Seo: What Happened in the field!
















To celebrate the double birthday somewhere on a bus destined pupae ♡ SNSD!
















I keep wondering destination Hyun and Yong to go fishing in the sea ~
















But where insects arrive full of the big blue patch?!
















Present for his wife to take her husband out of nowhere into the field for the reason?
































And special planning for her husband! 'Do not ask (?) Birthday outing of' Highlights!
















Present to deliver a surprise gift to his wife with his bare hands digging the soil also does not hesitate for the South
































'007 Series' more than her husband's gift delivery operations for a breathtaking, really could be successful?
















































































I think Yong is going to dig goguma for his wife!~ :w00t:

















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Guest lovekim







Preview Text loosely translated:





(please excuse inaccuracy)





Yong and Hyun: What happened in the field!





To celebrate / remember both their birthdays,  Yong & Hyun rode on a bus to some (unknown) destination~~





Yong told curious Hyun that their destination will involve fishing~ but when they arrived, all they could hear in the wide open field were sounds of insects!





What was Yong seobang's reason in bringing Hyun buin here?





And....Yong seobang's special event "No questions asked(?) birthday outing" all planned out.





To deliver that surprise gift to Hyun buin, Yong seobang used his bare hands to dig into the soil for it!





It's is even more nerve-wrecking than (watching) "007 series" as we see Yong seobang battle to present the gift to Hyun buin, will he succeed?


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! digging sweet potato then maybe digging THE NEW RING hahaha! every saturday i'm excited hmmm! what will happen i hope this bday episode will be another SWEET AND DAEBAK EPI. So in reality it will be double bday celebration w00t.gif Daebak kekeke! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for the translations tomorrow is the day. Goguma day yehey!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Lunasol - thanks for all the videos. Actually I think Yong and the other 2 MCs behave pretty normally, I was an MC before so I know its rather normal to stay quiet and try to remember your lines before the next time the light is turned on you again.




















































DJHinata - The pix are so cute!!




















































Lovekim - Thanks for the translation. Who wouldnt be moved if a guy used his bare hands and dig out a present for you? Really Really looking fwd to sat's ep. :wub:





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