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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pollykpy








Some fan act. from the just finished CNBlue fan meeting in Taiwan.




Cr Baidu.








Once again, the MC asking about the ideal girls, our Yong hubby answer still the same,




he likes kind-hearted girl who is very supportive in his music, and the fans start




shouting his buin's name.








He said the ring in his right hand actually belongs to Jung Shin chingu, but he likes




it very much so he just grab it, the MC immediately said then the one in your left hand




definitely not belong to other ppl, and he smile shyly and answer : IF I'M NOT WEARING











Omo omo, I feel like I want to faint, really a virtual marriage ??? This is much sweeter than




many real life marriage.....








Yong hubby at tonite Taiwan fan meeting

















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Post #4:


J2dlee, sun-sun, diadonooo1: Kamsamnida! You never disappoint us, instead you always amaze us with your swift translation and uploading. Your contributions are already like reflex results after WGM has aired our YongSeo couple. I was in a bday party but all I can think of is going home and facing my PC. When I got home, lo and behold! there are your uploads and translations! Thank so much!


Can I speculate as to what would happen to next week episode? Please, indulge me. What if, as a surprise to Hyun, Yong would purposely place the new couple rings at the end of the fishing rod?


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Guest Dinatale

Hi Guys!!! Is my first time here, but i always read you, im so happy whit all yours post, im from PARAGUAY, sudamerica, so my english is bad, but i love Yongseo couple, so im happy to be here .. thanks for al the hard work, posting the pictures, spoilers, rumors, etc .. I love Yonghwa and Seohyun, they make me so happy, they are my addiction, i love todays episode, love to see Hyuun jealous, to me is always Yong the one to express his feelings, i think is time to Hyun to show some love to Yong jajaja ..

PD: I think is a litlle sad that Hyun didnt prepare an event for Yongs Btday, he sure felt hurt at that time, whit only a text from her, however he still prepare this trip for his buin, i think thats great!!! He is the sweet husband everybody whant!!! Saturday hope you can come fast!!! Once again sorry for my BAD english!! kisses!!

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Guest korukoru86
































































































it's funny watching today ep..especially the last part..when both bickering in the bus..lol and i really curious what a surprise that yong make for hyun... w00t.gifw00t.gif
































































i love their expression here :wub:..ok back to lurker mode again.. :ph34r:

































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Guest SophiaPia































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DAEBAK :) :):) thanks pollykpy for the lovely news. I like this news. His really proud isn't he? Hmmmm! i guess their is something already but of course cannot admit kekeke! just carry on i don't mind, keep in secret for a while kekeke! I'm just happy if the topic is the ring kekeke! 































































































































































































































































































































































































Once again, the MC asking about the ideal girls, our Yong hubby answer still the same,































































































































































































































































































































































































he likes kind-hearted girl who is very supportive in his music, and the fans start 































































































































































































































































































































































































shouting his buin's name.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He said the ring in his right hand actually belongs to Jung Shin chingu, but he likes































































































































































































































































































































































































it very much so he just grab it, the MC immediately said then the one in your left hand































































































































































































































































































































































































definitely not belong to other ppl, and he smile shyly and answer : IF I'M NOT WEARING
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?

Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.































































































































































































































































































This statement was a little bold on his part, don't you think? Is he implying that he knows Seohyun better than, say, her SNSD unnies? I don't think Yonghwa is an assuming person -- unless he has a good reason to. I suddenly have a fond memory of Yonghwa's blackroom interviews in the earlier episodes where he'd always say that they've grown closer after doing missions and stuff. That was his safe answer: he'd always, always use the word 'closer.' But now, he totally gave us a different statement. I might be saying this based on my bias-ness but I think Seohyun shares stuff with him that she doesn't disclose with anybody else, her unnies included.
















































































































































Regarding the birthday issue: In my opinion, it's quite fishy that Yonghwa would just forget Seohyun's b-day. If he remembers how Seohyun likes Keroro so much, don't you think it's possible that he'd forget something as important as Seohyun's birthday? Besides, she has the same b-day as Minhyuk, and I can only imagine how Yonghwa's bandmates are going to pester him to death if he didn't send her a b-day greeting. I'm pretty sure he purposely avoided greeting her. This guy is up to something. I can see that little smirk of his threatening to come out while they were bickering inside the bus. *i'dbesoembarassedthoughifhereallyforgotherb-day* LOL.
















































































































































I cannot get over 1) Seohyun's glare when Yonghwa asked Ueno Juri to call him oppa and 2) How her eyes almost popped out of their sockets when Yonghwa asked her to take a picture of him and Ueno together. That was the first time I've seen her jealous -- and I liked it. A little jealousy wouldn't hurt once in a while. As much as I love Ueno Juri, I was so happy when she left the house. I can't believe I'm saying this about my favorite Japanese actress. And who else squealed when Tamaki Hiroshi was shown?! I also liked the 'couch talk' after Ueno Juri left. I agree with what the MCs have said -- they were playing push and pull, trying to get a response/reaction from the other. It's funny how the picture of Ueno and Yonghwa came out blurry. Even the MCs commented on how Seohyun seemed to have done it on purpose. Haha. 
















































































































































The reason why I'm excited about the next episode is because the couple is on their own again. For the past few episodes there have been guest appearances (CN Blue & Ueno Juri), so I'm quite expectant of how much they've grown comfortable with each other's presence. I was disappointed due to the lack of preview, though. It's going to be a long week ahead with lots of requirements to submit and exams to study for. Please come quickly Saturday <3 Please pardon the long post, I only comment rarely so just bear with me. Haha. 
















































































































































Oh, thanks to j2dlee for the translations! And to everyone in this thread for your insightful posts and wonderful caps.

the MC immediately said then the one in your left hand

definitely not belong to other ppl, and he smile shyly and answer: IF I'M NOT WEARING






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG I think I just died <3 So Seohyun checks if he wears the couple ring? LOL. Thank you pollykpy for sharing the news.

















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Hello everyone!!!:D








weeee its my first time to post here,,Im so happy finally I was able to post!!!








I super love YongSeo couple, I always read your post guys and I enjoyed reading it.








For today episode I can say that there's so much improvement on Yong and Hyun relationships and Im happy for that,can't wait for next episode!!!








Thanks for the subs and tranlations guys,youre the best!!! kamsahamnida!!!








I just want to share this song/lyrics hope you like it,,everytime yong and hyun having eye contact this is the song that comes in my mind..hehe








 When You Look Me In The Eyes :















If the heart is always searching,








Can you ever find a home?








I've been looking for that someone,








I'll never make it on my own.








Dreams can't take the place of loving you,








There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true








When you look me in the eyes,








And tell me that you love me.








Everything's alright,








When you're right here by my side.








When you look me in the eyes,








I catch a glimpse of heaven.








I find my paradise,








When you look me in the eyes.








How long will I be waiting,








To be with you again








Gonna tell you that I love you,








In the best way that I can.








I can't take a day without you here,








You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.








When you look me in the eyes,








And tell me that you love me.








Everything's alright,








When you're right here by my side.








When you look me in the eyes,








I catch a glimpse of heaven.








I find my paradise,








When you look me in the eyes.








More and more, I start to realize,








I can reach my tomorrow,








I can hold my head high,








And it's all because you're by my side.








When you look me in the eyes,








And tell me that you love me.








Everything's alright,








When you're right here by my side.








When I hold you in my arms








I know that it's forever








I just gotta let you know








I never wanna let you go








Cause when you look me in the eyes.








And tell me that you love me.








Everything's alright,








When you're right here by my side.








When you look me in the eyes,








I catch a glimpse of heaven.








I find my paradise,








When you look me in the eyes.

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








**j2dlee, we can't thank you enough. never have I seen a post with more than 60+. :) we will wait patiently for the continuation of your translations. the back room interview, the couch talk, and the bus bickering speaks volumes. how Yong answered the questions in the back room interview is very interesting. his hard work has paid of. now he can confidently say that he knows Hyun very well. and he is always consistent in saying "an ideal is just an ideal" and even mentioning Chiaki and Johnny Depp, w/c he knows the Hyun really likes. he is giving Hyun assurance on what he is saying about the ideal type, that it really means nothing. and I think Hyun understood Yong. **now about the birthday trip. guys are pranksters. and we will always pull pranks on people we like or very comfortable with, or someone very special or someone that knows us well. because they would understand. my guess would be Yong purposely did not greet Hyun on her birthday because he prepared something extra special. but it backfired because Hyun was expecting a greeting from him and she displayed her disappointment, which I think Yong did not expect. most are girls here right? tell me, for example, if today was your birthday and there are only 2 guys that did not greet u, 1 is your boyfriend and the other is a colleague, which one would you scold? I think you would answer boyfriend. I feel like this example is similar to what we saw in today's episode. also Hyun getting angry tells me her comfort level with Yong, that she can be open with him. Hyun's unnies said (in Horror movie factory) that Hyun bottles up her emotions and frustrations with them. but with Yong, she openly expressed her dismay. both Yong and Hyun are interesting people. they match each other well. and looking at their progress together, I dare say that they have crossed the border from virtuality to reality. they may not be aware of it, but they sure express it. just thinking out loud. :)



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 Do you have the problem  about posting?

















I typed many messege but when i reply

















It disappear......i think I have some problem !!!


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Guest .:love_ya:.

Ahh I think I just died too lol yong~~~ seobang's answer about the couple ring is just daebak!!! Hahaha

does any one know whether Juri filming took place first or the horror filming took place first? I'm trying to gather all the pieces because it feels like yong and hyun are not only pushing and pulling to get each other attention but it also feels like they pushing and pulling with us too lol sometimes it seems like they're not that close but sometimes it feels like they're a real couple lol

I'm getting mix feelings rite now hehe

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From 1:06-1:17




When Yong asked if Hyu~n was alright, she replied "It's... not ok..." with Yong rubbing on her shoulder whispering the word, "Mianhe" (sorry), I can finally say that this couple has finally crossed over the friendship/courtship zone. Although the Horror episode was the cake I've been craving for for MONTHS, today's episode is what I'd describe as a finishing touch. The icing of the cake.




I doubt Yong would even forget about his buin's birthday, considering that his band member, MinHyuk, shares the same date. He knows her favorite, Keroro. They are celebrities for crying out loud!! I doubt the SoNes will disregard celebrating or not making an issue of it. Lastly, him forgetting Hyun will be contradicting what he has said before... "I am confident that I knwo Hyun more than anyone else." Mind you, that was not the first time he said that. On episode 12, SNSD unnies asked Yong what he'd like to know about Hyun (since he was quiet and not even interacting with them), he replied "I already know everything."




For Hyun to show her disappointment, it is definitely an improvement in her side. She is finally becoming more and more vocal about her feelings. I remember watching the intimate note program of SNSD and I don't even remember her expressing her anger or frustrations with the unnies. If she did, I think it was just for laughs.


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Hello...i think when they talk on the bus, YH never see SH eyes. Usually when they're talking YH always look at SH, face to face & see her eyes. Probably he is nervous because he will give SH surprise for her first birthday with him :wub:








This is only my thought, please forgive me if i'm wrong blush.gif



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aww hyun is finally showing her jealous side haha








































































i just noticed that our YongSeo couple and VicKhun couple all was at Sbs Gayo...and Seobaby danced with Khunnie!!! Lol i wonder if anyone remembered that









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Ahh I think I just died too lol yong~~~ seobang's answer about the couple ring is just daebak!!! Hahaha




does any one know whether Juri filming took place first or the horror filming took place first? I'm trying to gather all the pieces because it feels like yong and hyun are not only pushing and pulling to get each other attention but it also feels like they pushing and pulling with us too lol sometimes it seems like they're not that close but sometimes it feels like they're a real couple lol




I'm getting mix feelings rite now hehe







According to my knowledges the meeting with Ueno Juri was in September 1 and the horror filming with other couples was on 17th August.




Hope I could help you out a little bit.





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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello gogumas!before going to bed,i decide to post something here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so,yong really had something up on his sleeves that he purposely didnt send a happy birthday text message to hyun,so yong decided to surprise her.and i was imagining that after yong surprised hyun,and hyun felt sorry and terribly guilty about the whole bickering incident in the bus that out of the blue hyun hugged yong?lol or maybe held/touch/whatsoever yong while saying "mianhe"?? :wub::wub: i know this could be impossible cause usually yong's the one who would initiate the skinship thing but wouldn't it be great if it is hyun's turn now?lol *so much for my goguma dream*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways~ thanks all for the caps,gifs,pics,download and streaming links etc (sorry..i cant remember your id..the pages were too far back to look for them up and my internet acting weird tonight :(:( ) THANK YOU! and goodnight from me here :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit; and j2dlee,i just read your translations.thank you sooooooo much! *hugs* :wub::wub:

































































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Thank you magicaL.chubi 3, Goguma06, Kerube-Chan, lunasol, SophiaPia, noo,cailel23, K1L1On1Mr4, hacker 8, raindrops_919, mandyemily, Yukai (your drawing’s awesome!), shane09, korukoru86 (for the gifs), pollykpy (for the fan account), Dinatale, rhowone (welcome to the thread), and many others for kind comments.




Redtulip: your translation of the Yongseo’s lists is all correct! By the way, No. 6 in the second list reads ‘supporting each other’s dream,’ to answer miel_1301’s question.




miel_1301: I love your post. I agree with you 100% that in this episode with Ueno Juri Yong killed all 'I' type related speculations and unnecessary worries of fans. The first thing (besides ‘it’s been a great day’ kind of comment) Hyun said to Yong was how does it feel actually meeting his ideal type. You can see that she had been suppressing this issue/question all day while Ueno Juri was there. Yong was quick to catch that Hyun might feel jealous (I’m sure it’s the first time for Hyun to feel something like that since she has no previous relationships) and simply replied to her, ‘An ideal is just an ideal.’ Yong, I’ll give you another 100 Goguma points on top of what miel_1301 has already given to you!




dreamyboo: I think he said ‘so needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun’ because the interview was still in a line of ‘who do you like better, UJ or Hyun?’




nynyaah: I’m also amazed how openly she shows her true feelings in the later episodes. Yong was bold enough to say that ‘I think I know her well enough’ in front of the SNSD members a few episodes back. I think the difference is that the SNSD members come to know Hyun naturally as they’ve been living together for many years; but Yong intends to know Hyun better by observing her subtle gestures, listening to her words, monitoring her works and so on. Of course the SNSD girls are like a family, but the kind of attention and intimacy that Yong gives to Hyun is totally different from what she’s been received from her unnies, I think.




hearbreak_warfare22: We’re lucky to have you in this thread providing us a man’s point of view. I think a similar thing happened to Nichkhun and Victoria. NK lied to her on purpose that he had forgotten his photo diary or something, expecting her joy would be doubled when she saw it, especially after the bitter disappointment. But his plan backfired, as she still couldn’t get over her disappointment with him and didn’t understand why he had to lie to her about it. Hahaha! Stop playing with women’s delicate emotions, men! Anyway, there’d better be something special prepared for Hyun when they get to the destination, huhuhu....








(backroom interview)




PD: How was your birthday?




H: I didn’t do anything special on my birthday. I had a schedule in the morning and did a birthday party with my fans and SNSD members in the afternoon….




H: He (Yong) was so mean……!




For the Yongseo couple born in June, nothing happened on their first birthdays together?!




MC Park: It’s their first meeting after spending their birthdays separately. Does that mean that they didn’t do anything special for their birthdays?




SO: Oh, they must feel sorry…




Y (ringing to someone): Hello, boss. I’m Jung Yong Hwa. Will be there soon. I’m in Shinchon now, will set off shortly…to the field.




MC Park: To the field? To harvest?




Y: Hahaha…. Is the weather over there cloudy, too?




Y: It’ll be okay even if it’s cloudy, won’t it?




Y: Got it. See you later.




Y (it’s about time she turns up…)




MC Kim: She is Pippi Langstrumpf today.




MC Park: Yes, she’s like Pippi.




H: Kkyah!




H: Hello~




Y: Oh!




H: Where are we going today?




Y: Today?




H: Yes.




Y: I don’t know, either.




H: What?!




Y: We only need to get on this bus.




H: Where are we going?




Y: Where do you think we’re going?




H: Hmm…. Chungsong Village?




Y: We’re going to Daemyunghang.




H: Daemyunghang?




H: What do you do in Daemyunghang?




Y: Fishing.




H: Fishing?




MC Park: Didn’t he say they're going to the field?




SO: Yes…to the field.




H: Really? Fishing?




Y: Yes, let’s go fishing!




H: Oh~




Yong hubby seems to have prepared something….




Y: Hahaha!




H: Let’s go!




Y: You’re wearing a picnic outfit today.




H: I know~




Y & H: (to the driver) Hello.




(In a bus)




Y: Am I sitting in a window seat?




H: Yes.




H: If we had a driver’s license…




Y: I know…




H: We’d be driving our car.




H: Ah…..




Y: I’d forgotten all about it...




Y: I’ve been happy because I haven’t thought about it…




H: Ah…..




Y: I think today’s going to be a really sad day.




JW: Star~~t!




Y: Star~~t!




Hyun’s fidgeting with her mobile phone








Y: I saw you at the autograph event.




H: The autograph event?




Y: I saw it in the news…




Y: I’m always monitoring you.




H: Oh~ is that so?




Y: Always.




MC Park: Why can’t they meet each other’s eyes?




H: By the way, yesterday was MinHyuk’s birthday, right?




Y: Yes (keeps looking outside).




Y: We had a schedule.




H: Is that so?




Y: So we bought the cake late in the night to congratulate him.




H: MinHyuk and I have the same birth year, month, and date. You know that already, don’t you?




Y: Yes. It’s 18th of June.








Y: …Why?!




H: You are really….mean!




MC Park: She said he’s mean!




Y: Why?




H: You didn’t even send me a text wishing me happy birthday.




JW: Really?




NY: She must feel let down…




H: I’m really disappointed in you!




SO: Didn’t he really…?




Y: I’ve got my reasons.




NY: He’s got reasons!




H: Hmm…. I’ll give you a chance to explain yourself.




Y: Hahaha…




Y: To be honest…




H: Yes.




Y: No, nothing.




H: Hmm…..




Y: I’m sorry.




Y: I was going to send you a text at midnight on the dot.




H: Were you?




Y: I was waiting for the moment, but after the schedule it was past midnight.




H: Hmm….




H: But, so many people have tried the same thing.




H: They say ‘I was going to text you on 12 o’clock, but am 1min late, sorry!’




Yong Hubby didn’t even do that…




Y: I wasn’t just 1 min late.




H: Really…?




Y: It was so late, I wasn’t sure whether to text you so that you could see it when you woke up.




H: Hmm….I see…




MC Park: He didn’t do anything on her birthday, she must have been disappointed.




H: It’s oka….oka… No, it’s not okay.




Y: …!




JW: She’s not okay!




MC Park: She’s pretty clear about how she feels.




Y: I’m sorry….




H: No.




Y: I’m ashamed…




H: No, it’s okay.




Y: No, I’m ashamed…




H: Hmm… (not saying that he shouldn’t be, though)




Y (shouting through the window): I’m sorry! I’m feeling so guilty!!!




H: Haha, it’s alright!




Y: I’m really sorry….




H: No…




MC Park: They look awkward.




MC Kim: It’s because he forgot about her birthday!




Yong: This is a week later, after my birthday.




H: Yes.




Y: You didn’t send me a text either, did you?




H: I did! You didn’t even reply to my text!




MC Park: Really?!




SO: Oh…..




MC Park: He even ignored her text?!




Y: Really?




H: You’re just too much! I’m not going to text you from now on.




Y: No, I haven’t received any.




H: I really sent you a text.




Y: No, you didn’t.




H: Yes, I did.




H: You’re lying!




Y: No, really!




H: You’re a liar.




Y: I swear that you didn’t text me.




H: I swear that I sent you a text.




H: In the morning…




Y: Yes?




H: You texted me saying ‘It’s my birthday’.




Y: I did.




H: I was texting you when I had got that message.




Y: No, it didn’t come! After I sent you a text….




H: I did text you!




Y: Really?




H: Yes.




Y: You’re saying that I ignored your text?




H: Yes.




Y: No, it’s not possible.




H: Humph!




Y: I was holding my phone in my hand all day.




H: It doesn’t make sense.




H: I sent you a text.




Y: No, after I texted you saying ‘it’s my birthday’…




H: That’s the moment when I was sending you a text. So I said in the text ‘I’m about to text you…’




Y: Really? Why didn’t I see that one?




H: Where’s the text gone?




Y: So I was sad (not receiving a text from her).




H: You must be joking, I was sad because you didn’t reply to me.




MC Park: Today our couple is fun to watch!




H: So, where did the text go?




H: What’s happened to the text…




They’re going out to celebrate the wife’s birthday, but….












Where are we going…?




*Aww….The trip would’ve been better if Yong had just acknowledged his fault (I doubt he actually forgot his wife's birthday, but he could've just sent her a simple text, especially if he already knew how it felt not to hear a word from your spouse[!] on your birthday)and distracted her with something else rather than keep fighting with her(?) and making excuses… Anyway, looking forward to seeing what Yong has in store to make up for missing his wife’s birthday.



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Daebak episode! :w00t:
































































































































































































Watching their bickering on the bus, I can't help but think, so this is the Rapper Hyun the unnies are talking about. Haha, she was speaking too fast and too many words were spewing out of her mouth. :lol:
































































































































































































I especially liked that few seconds, when UJ left and they just sat on the couch while they were still marveling of meeting her (making those "waah, can't believe we met UJ" sounds), then suddenly there's this silent pause and both of them looked at each other in an odd way (like, uh oh it seems a serious talk is brewing). It seems like they are trying to feel/weigh each other's moods on how to bring up the awkward talk about their awkward situation (husband-meets-ideal-with-wife) in the best way. That's when Yong broke the ice with the question, "Did you like it?"
































































































































































































The way Yong said that he knows Hyun more than anyone else feels like he's saying he knows her best than ANY OTHER GUY out there. Marking his territory again? Just a thought, haha! :P
































































































































































































Ah, I can't wait for next week. Wonder what Hyun's reaction will be. I'm really looking forward to it.
































































































































































































Edit: @J2dee Waaah! Thank you so much!! I was about to log out, haha! Because of you, the second part of the episode seems more fun than the first part to watch. The first part was :wub:blush.gif . The second part was :lol::w00t: .
































































































































































































This (the way they explain their text messages) obviously tells us all that they text each other like how a normal couple would. You know like, I was about to text you...blah blah... Even the time they texted each other appears to be at the exact same time. (Great minds think alike?) For all we know, their messages probably bumped into each other in mid-air. :lol: And he monitors her always? Ah, Detective Yong is back!

































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