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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































GeumJanDi, thank you for the caps. Seohyun is really pretty. I cannot get over how pretty she is. Yonghwa must've saved a nation in his previous life to get a buin like Seohyun :PNot that i believe in reincarnation...






























































































































































































































































Watching this episode already made me anticipate next week's episode. It's gonna be DAEBAK (quote Ueno Juri) ke ke.






























































































































































































































































Yonghwa is a sweet guy. I have no doubt that he purposely ignored his buin's birthday just to surprise her after that. If he really did forget, it must be accidental. To be honest, Seohyun must have thought this too (we know how smart and logical she is) so that must be why she kept on smiling while interrogating her nampyon in the bus.






























































































































































































































































I trust these two so much that i believe none of them will purposely try to hurt the other. Ever.






























































































































































































































































P/S: I miss Yong Choding and Hyun's aegyo. I hope we get to see a lot of those next week :)

































































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Yong's face when Juri said Chiaki will arrive tomorrow and Hyun's so excited...


and Hyun's face when Yong told Juri to say "Oppa"...


Hyun's so cute...I think her head hit at roof ูู^^


They talk about the driver license again...and noticed at Seulong's face I think they didn't got it yet...(I guess ^^)


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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!




Thank you sun_sun, shenibabi for the link; Angel 27391, PanGG, semi-fly, DJHinata, magicaL.chubi3, GeunJanDi for the caps; joelyne, uh-ohxev, blueswim_boo for the translation; Hi, lenovo, jnj, _d3seohyun, heartbreak_warfare22, baby_bo, and many other Goguma lovers!




Here’s the first half of today’s episode (sun_sun’s video Part 1-Part 2 ½, with Ueno Juri). I’m going out this afternoon, will do the rest of it when I get back. Is that okay? See you later~




Yong: Have we got any flour?




Hyun: I think we have….




Y: Can you make it (Kimchi Jun)? *jun=fritters, pancakes




H: Uh, why, why not?




Y: Isn’t it your first time?




H: Yes…




Y: What should we do (if it’s the first time)?




H: We’ll be okay, haven’t you made it before?




Y: No, I haven’t…




H: Really?




Y (to Ueno Juri): Do you know CNBlue?




JinWoon: I want to ask her whether she know us (2AM), too.




UJ: (nods)




UJ: I did some research before coming here.




Y: I’m your fan.




UJ: Thank you.




H: Pancake powder!




Y: Pancake powder? Don’t you need flour as well?




Y: No, Seo Hyun. I’ll do it.




Y: I’m embarrassed…




H: What’s there to be embarrassed? It’s great! I’m so happy!




MC Kim: His wife is behind him and his ideal girl is in front of him…He’ll be both feeling awkward and happy.




Yong: Where’s Chiaki..?




(Hyun turns instantly toward them)




UJ: Chiaki will come tomorrow.




H: Really?!




UJ: I came a day early to meet you.




Y: Hyun likes Chiaki.




H: Yes, I like him.




UJ: Thank you.




Y: No, she means Chiaki…








H: No, I like you very much, too.




UJ: I’ve been watching you.




H: Really?




UJ: Gee, gee, gee, gee…




H: That’s right!




UJ: You’re amazing.




H: Thank you.




Y: If I were Ueno Juri, I would make you dance.




H: …..








H: Please wait for a bit.




Y: Aren’t you tired?




UJ: No, I’m okay.




H: Let’s make it here together.




H: Actually, this is my first time (to make Kimch Jun).








H: Kimchi Buchimgae(=jun).




UJ: Let’s do our best!




UJ: Aren’t there any instructions on the package?




H: There’s no instructions about Kimchi Jun.




UJ: Huh….. It’s okay, it’s okay.




Y: You sure?




MC Park: Is she going to use milk in Kimchi Jun..? This is not a pancake.




JW: Surely not~




Y: Why did you bring milk?




H: To make a batter.




Y: Isn’t it for making bread?




H: …?




Y: It’ll become bread!




H: You’re right.




UJ: Bbang (bread)?




H: Help me.




Y: OK.




H: How much should I put in it? What if I put too much in, again…!




MC Park: Wait, isn’t it too much?




UJ: How much do we need?




H: I don’t know…




UJ: Just eyeball it.




Y: Is your Korean alright?




UJ: Annyunghasimnikka (hello)?




Y: Annyunghasimnikka, Ueno Juri imnida (Hello, I’m Uneo Juri).




UJ: Annyunghasimnikka, Ueno Juri imnida.




Y: Hankuk neomu joayo (I like Korea very much)!




UJ: How?








Y: Neomu joayo (I like [it] very much)!




UJ: Neomu joayo!




MC Park: Her fans will be very happy to hear that.




Y: Oppa (an older brother, or a male who’s older)!








UJ: Oppa!








MCs: Oh~ no way!




Y: Practice (calling me Oppa).








Y: (glancing at Hyun) No, nothing.




Y: What else…




Y: Daebak (jackpot, great, awesome….)! Daebak!




UJ: Daebak…?




Y: Great, great!




UJ: What does it mean?




H: It means… awesome…?




UJ: Daebak, daebak…




Yong’s looking for something and UJ comes in




UJ: There, a ladle.




NaYong: Ueno Juri looks like a landlady!




UJ: Should we start?




H: Yes!




UJ: Okay! Let’s make it big!




MC Park: Oh~ She’s something.




Y: Great!




UJ: Shall we make it even bigger?




H: Yes, bigger!




Yong tries to stop the girls




MC Park: It’s like a cooking competition between Korea and Japan.




MC Park: Kimchi Jun should be thin…




Y: It’s a bit thick…




(Backroom interview)




PD: How did you feel at that time?




H: I was glad that she cooks! Ah, even Ueno Juri cooks…She is 25 years old now. And it gives me hope that I’ll be as good as her when I become her age.




Y: It became a pancake!




Y: It looks tasty.




H: It should be.




UJ: Hmm~




H: Is it alright?




UJ: (thumbs up)




UJ: Joahae (I like it)!




Y: Mashissu (It’s tasty).




UJ: Mashi, mashissu-yo (It’s tasty).




UJ: It’s delicious~




H: Thank you~




Y: Daebak!




UJ: Daebak!




H: Hahaha!




UJ: I’ve brought gifts for you.




H & Y: Really?




UJ: But I’m not very good at…




UJ: This one, you (Yong) give it to Hyun, and Hyun gives this one to Yong.




MC Park: She made them herself?




Y &H: Wow~




UJ: I wrote your nicknames in the mugs.




Yeobo & Dangshin (honey & darling)




NY: She writes Korean so well.




Y & H drink water from the mugs made by UJ




Y: Daebak!




H: Daebak!




H: Thank you so much.




H: Is that okay if I call you ‘Juri Unnie (sis)’?




UJ: Yes, since I’m older than you.




The premiere rehearsal




Y: Hello, I’m Ueno Juri.




UJ: But this is…




Y : (holding a sweet potato)This is a mike.




UJ: Annyunghaseyo (hello).




Y & H: Oh~ It’s Ueno Juri~!




UJ: Ueno Juri imnida (I’m Ueno Juri).




UJ: And…um….Daebak!




Y: Hankuk (Korea) daebak!




UJ: Hankuk deabak!




UJ: Thank you.




H: And… (taking out a camera)Tada!




MC Park: Oh, pancake powder! We should send some to her.




Y: Miss Juri…. (bringing out his phone)




H: Do you want me to take a picture of you?




MC Kim: ‘Do you want me to take a picture of you?’!!




MC Park: Look at her eyes!




Y: To boast to my band members~




MC Kim: She didn’t sound so pleased.




H: One, two, three!




H: It didn’t come out very good. Hehe…




MC Kim: The picture is blurry.




MC Park: Did she do it on purpose?




UJ: Thank you.




H : Thank you.




UJ: Until we meet again next time…




UJ: If you come to Japan, please let me know.




H & Y: Okay. Bye~




UJ: Bye~




MCs: Bye~




(backroom interview)




Y: When I first saw her I was like, ‘Oh, my ideal whom I’ve wanted to meet is in front me!’ I was nervous in the beginning, but as we spend time together it feels like we’ve become friends.




PD: Who do you like more, Hyun or UJ?




Y: Of course, Seo Hyun.




PD: What does an ideal mean to you?




Y: It means just a type I like.




PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?




Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.




Now only two in the house




Y: I can’t believe what’s just happened.




Y: Did you like it?




H: I liked it very much!




H: Hmm~ I liked it so much.




H: Ueno Juri is your ideal, right?




Y: What’s it like to actually see her?




MC Park: It’s a sensitive issue.




Y: Yes, she’s my ideal.




H: So? What was it like?




NY: You should be careful, there.




Y: I think it’s just the same.




MC Park: What’s the same?




Y: …as the image I’ve been imagining.




H: Hmm….You’re right.




Y: Hey~




H: Why?




Y: You’re not jealous, are you?




H: No~




H: No, I’m not like someone~




JW: That kind of remark, ‘I’m not like SOMEONE~’




MC Park: But everybody feels the same.




Y: Seo Hyun must be sorry, not being able to see Chiaki.




H: I know.




Y: Go to Japan and meet Chiaki.




H: I want to!




Y: You’ll be able to (meet Chiaki).




H: Really? Good~




MC Kim: They’re playing pull and push (milddang).




Y: An Ideal type is just a type.




H: Yes.




Y: You should bring Jonny Depp here and cook a steak together.




H: Haha! Ah, really!




The next day…




MC Park: Oh, it’s Ueno Juri.




UJ: Hello, I’m Ueno Juri. I love you. Daebak!!!




MCs: Hahahaha!!!




NY: And that one is Chiaki.




UJ: Deabak! Hahaha!




MC Park: She keeps on (saying) Daebak.



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Guest Wilhelm1066























I fell in love with this person in just this picture (Screencapped by GeumJanDi):















Isn't she becoming more beautiful for every episode of WGM and especially in different apperances as a SNSD member: she has a completely different aura around her nowadays. I thing that this new egoism suits her. Or is it me, she's the first I spot even among a sea of people or on stage performing.





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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























wah~ j2dlee thanks for the fast trans. :w00t: you're DAEBAK! keke~ :lol:
















weh~ really thanks. Goguma! hehe~ saturday is Goguma day! :w00t:





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Guest Goguma06



Thanks everyone for the caps and the information about this episode!

@J2dlee: Thank you so much for the translation!! Daebak^^

I really like how Yong says that he think that he is the one who knows Hyun the best!!! It means that he really cherish his relationship with her and that they are really close!!!

Yongseo is real!

Of course is Yong had to choose between Ueno Juri and Hyun he would choose Hyun!! Good job man!

And like he said: Ideal is just ideal....wife is a other thing much more important! awww Yong~~

For the birthday thing...i really think that Yong prepared something for his Buin ! He always have been caring  so i really think that he didn't forget her and that he prepared a big surprise!!

Can't wait for the next episode! I am sure that it's going to be sweet! Maybe Seohyun will be so touched and that she will cry XD....would be so sweet


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































Thank you so much J2dlee!!!!

PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?

Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.
















































































































I almost cry in this part, he was been sooo sincere. Man how can we not love them???? AHHHH They are so cute together. And I agree with the MC that they were playing pull and push in the sofa, YH wanted a reaction but SH didnt say anything directly... But I know he figured it out by himself, he is an smart boy.
















































































































Yonseo I love you!!! Happy day my fellow gogumas!!!

















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j2dlee you are Daebak!! Thank U!!




My heart is just fluttering just reading the transcript. What Yong said in the interview about Hyun vs Juri and their conversation in the couch!!! He really wants to emphasize to her that an ideal type doesn't mean anything compared to someone real. I think that is why he mentions Johhny Depp and he is the one that brings out Chiaki in the conversation even though he also feels a little jealous about it. It was very sweet of him to ask where is Chiaki for Hyun and then tell her that she should go and meet him when she is in Japan. 




If he was so starstruck with only Ueno Juri why would he be thinking about Hyun's ideal guy and bring it as a topic of conversation with his ideal girl. He is showing that in his mind he have Hyun first and cares about her. 




In the end, he wants her to understand that Ueno Juri is really nothing to him.




This episode was recorded recently after Horror Special and a long time after the B-Day trip (June). Feelings are there, they can't deny it!! What we don't know if they have already verbally express them (unless we analyze Yong's I don't know why song wink.gif). Also, Yong is the only guy who have cracked Hyun's cool/calm/polite/I don't pay attention to guys demeanor. If not, why would she be feeling kind of jealous and hurt about things he do (Juri) or not do (B-Day)? 


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































































































































































































wow! kamsahamnida j2dlee. Now it's clearer what happen. So Hyun bring out the ideal question kekeke! and Yong ask Hyun if she jealous kekeke! of course she is, it's just that she don't want to admit it :) but you really can see in her eyes kekeke! Yong u better watch out once Johnny Depp and Chiaki's turn hahaha! Of course Yong will choose Hyun because she is the wife :) 
































































































































































































































































k i'll wait for part 2 translations :) hmmm! why i feel mix emotions in this episode :( maybe not enough time it's feels so short again the episode. We need to wait for saturday again aigoo!

































































































































































































































































































































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Its funny that I'm yongseo addict at the level I can percieve what hyun feels or her emotions just looking at her eyes. 
























Her usual eyes are sweet and sparkling when she is happy and in a good mood (calm and polite one)
























Her eyes become sharp when she doesn't like something when someone or something upsets her. U can see several moments of her sharp eyes in this epi. 
























U can easily notice when her feeling is not good.Even though she also has smiles on her face,her eyes don't look happy ,they look disappointed or sad, like fogs/clouds intruding her usual bright eyes.
























Eyes are the display (window) of hyun's heart. I think yong noticed it already for a long time , especially her first sharp eyes on him when he missed her first concert.haha  
























PS- I luv hyun's shocked ,unbelievable (eyes)looks when yong asked her to take phots of him and Juri.        
























- According to their arguement of bday texts, I reckon both of them don't usually talk on phone at that time. They only called when it was in need or for filming's sake. If not that so, they wouldn't have to wait for texts and would just call each other to complain of what they didn't like.:P         
























- From above pic of sad yong going to cry on the bus (its hurt to see him like this, plz do not blame him for now, guys), it seems he was regretful and sad that he tried to prepare a surprised trip for his wife but their arguement ruined the atmosphere before the real trip would even start awwww I dont blame any of them for now. I think The PDnim meant to not give us the preview of next epi becoz she wants us to doubt and to look forward to their ending including spazzing what will happen in all long week haha 
























 j2dlee Thank you alot for your usual translation. U never disappoint us when we gotta rely on your skill wub.gif 





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Thanks j2dlee! cutting portions of translation for comment








UJ: I’ve been watching you.


H: Really?


UJ: Gee, gee, gee, gee…


H: That’s right!


UJ: You’re amazing.


H: Thank you.


Y: If I were Ueno Juri, I would make you dance.


H: …..






Gotta love this- obviously he loves to watch his wife dance. He's so funny that sometimes he just blurts things out about her w/o much thought.





Y: Oppa (an older brother, or a male who’s older)!




UJ: Oppa!




MCs: Oh~ no way!


Y: Practice (calling me Oppa).


Y: (glancing at Hyun) No, nothing.


Y: What else…




Y: Miss Juri…. (bringing out his phone)


H: Do you want me to take a picture of you?


MC Kim: ‘Do you want me to take a picture of you?’!!


MC Park: Look at her eyes!


Y: To boast to my band members~


MC Kim: She didn’t sound so pleased.


H: One, two, three!

H: It didn’t come out very good. Hehe…

MC Kim: The picture is blurry.

MC Park: Did she do it on purpose?






This was so cute- happy to see Hyun show how displeased she really was in this episode. (and would like to think that she did make the picture blurry on purpose :lol: )





Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.




Interesting comment- considering what we see happen next on the bus. This could be what now excites him. interesting!





Now only two in the house




H: Ueno Juri is your ideal, right?


Y: What’s it like to actually see her?


MC Park: It’s a sensitive issue.


Y: Yes, she’s my ideal.

H: So? What was it like?


NY: You should be careful, there.


Y: I think it’s just the same.


MC Park: What’s the same?


Y: …as the image I’ve been imagining.


H: Hmm….You’re right.

Y: Hey~

H: Why?

Y: You’re not jealous, are you?

H: No~

H: No, I’m not like someone~


JW: That kind of remark, ‘I’m not like SOMEONE~’


MC Park: But everybody feels the same.




Y: An Ideal type is just a type.

H: Yes.


Y: You should bring Jonny Depp here and cook a steak together.


H: Haha! Ah, really!






Yong knew and she knew. Their eyes communicated that, even though she communicated something different verbally. But it would have been nice if Hyun admitted her jealousy right then, too!....to see where their conversation would have headed.




So interesting what happened on the bus. And brings back so many memories :lol: .... I chalk it up to miscommunication at this point, and they are now at the stage where they are discovering and learning so much more about each other. Still feeling each other out. So it is comforting to hear Yong say (more in the present) in that interview, that he likes the journey he and his 'wife' are on together. Of course I agree, because their coupling was basically arranged, not really knowing each other before this show.


Can't wait to see what Yong planned for her birthday and what happens next week!


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j2blee, you are really fast today. Thanks so much once again.



Dear Gogumas, sorry that I can't help much today cos was out having goguma party with some Yongseo lovers.We watched the live stream together. So fun. Tripplemama, remember we were saying that we can't get a look at that 2 piece of paper on the fridge to see the full list today. Our dream came through. Here it is.



First posted by korean fan:Name posted in the picture



Second posted by:http.//www.krdrama.com/bbs/thread-369430-136-1.html   



Third translated in baidu by: mynld



Fourth translated in English by: red tulip @soompi






Left Side: Things we want to do during married life



1. Get a Driving License



2. Ride a bike in a trip



3. Compose a song together 



4. Charity Event



5. Regular Execise



6. Guitar Performance together



7. Save money for a ring



8. Visit Busan



9. Visit both family



10. Write a diary






Right Side:  List of promise



1. No lying



2. Grooming Everyday ??



3. Every morning, to start the day with a ?? smile (can't see clearly)



4. Do not eat fast food or processed food as much as possible



5. To be frank with opinion with each other



6. Hweighting for each other's dreams



7. To read books??



8. To be nice to the brother and sister in laws.



Maybe j2blee or anyone who can read Korean can verify whether what I translated from Chinese is correct.


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Guest miel_1301


(backroom interview)

Y: When I first saw her I was like, ‘Oh, my ideal whom I’ve wanted to meet is in front me!’ I was nervous in the beginning, but as we spend time together it feels like we’ve become friends.

PD: Who do you like more, Hyun or UJ?

Y: Of course, Seo Hyun.

PD: What does an ideal mean to you?

Y: It means just a type I like.

PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?

Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.

I have been waiting patiently for the appearance of our angel in the thread. Thank you so much, j2dlee!

This is the blackroom interview of YongHwa that I've been dying to be translated because even just looking at the serene expression on his face while talking and by just listening to what he was saying [even with my little understanding] the air that he was exuding in that interview is full of "warmth".

What he said might have pretty summed up his current emotional state. With so little words but with so much meaning into them----"A wife is someone I go on a journey with...Together."


And this statement...

"I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else."

This is simply overflowing with "conviction". Is he indirectly saying that, seven months after their first meeting, all his hard work, patience and dedication are now finally paying off? Has he started to reap what he has sown? Is he saying that he has earned the complete trust of SeoHyun, hence, he now very well knows and is very much secured of his position in the heart of SeoHyun?

I regretted having said in my post some pages back that I would have rather skipped the 2nd part of the Ueno Juri episode. I was such a fool for saying so. And thank heavens the PD thought of this concept of inviting Ueno Juri and incorporating the "Ideal type girl" as a catalyst to show the development in the relationship of this couple and even contributing in the transformation of SeoHyun. SeoHyun is indeed a revelation in this episode with Ueno Juri.

The whole "couch" convo scene after Ueno Juri had left was a very beautiful one when the couple--- both YongHwa and SeoHyun--- processed the whole situation very naturally, albeit in a push-pull approach--- with SeoHyun wanting to elicit a straightforward response from YongHwa by asking, "What is it like to actually see your ideal?" and with YongHwa finally giving a closure to the matter and putting it to a rest when he reassuringly reiterated, "An ideal is just an ideal". And he somehow even felt a little guilty that he is the only one who was given the chance to meet his "I" girl knowing very well that SeoHyun has also been a long-time fan and admirer of Tamaki Hiroshi [Chiake Senpai] apart from Ueno Juri. He was showing so much care and consideration for SeoHyun's feelings. YongHwa just witnessed the breathless expression SeoHyun gave out after learning that Hiroshi Tamaki will be coming to Korea the day after [the day when SNSD had to leave for their activities in Japan]. Probably for him, given a choice, he would have preferred it to be the other way around--- the WGM crew having invited Tamaki Hiroshi instead of Ueno Juri--- just so for him to give SeoHyun the satisfaction and the happiness of having to meet the person whom she has long-time admired. He would have willingly and self-sacrificingly endured his own jealousy if only to give SeoHyun the time of her life with her idol--- Tamaki Hiroshi. YongHwa just earned a thousand more goguma points, if he ought to be rated at this point.

This Ueno juri episode was filmed on September 1st---- hence, it was filmed after the Horror Episode and even after the 200th Day Anniv and Korean Wave. This is pretty much the current state of this couple.

I shall patiently wait again for the continuation of your translation for the 2nd part---- "THE BIRTHDAY" issues that seem to be the topic of "healthy" discussions here amongst the gogumas.

Thank you to all Sweet Potatos who posted screen caps, art works and shared your thoughts. I really would like to name each and everyone but I find it quite tasking at times since the "legions of gogumas" are even increasing in number each day. hahaha!


Thanks redtulip for the trans of those lists of "Things To Do" and "Promises". Finally, we have a glimpse of what are written on those 2 pieces of papers. But I didn't quite get item NO.6 on the "Promise" list--- "Hweighting for each other's dreams". Is it "Fighting for each other's dreams."?


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j2dlee~!!! thank u so much for the trans.... U'RE DAEBAK!!! keekekekek :D

Kerube-Chan...i 2nd ya on that~! i luv how yong answered all the questions. like u, i also think that it was a very sincere answer coming out from him. i still can't get over with the interview session so lemme post it here kekekeek :D

PD: What does an ideal mean to you?

Y: It means just a type I like.

PD: And Buin(a wife) to you?

Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun.

note that he mentioned CONFIDENT... it's like he's marking his territory there & it just shows that he just confirmed hyun's feelings for him. and why did he hafta say "So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun."??? is he answering the ideal question or the "who do u like more?".... anyways, i'm very touched by his answer. this ep shows a lot about their current relationship. their ship is certainly moving on strongly despite all the big waves that are hitting them. jyeaaa~~! i wish them all the best in the future!

omo... so many BEAUTIFUL new wallies & fanarts!!!! thanks so much panGG, DJHinata, Angel, & umm... if i missed anyone pls forgimme >.< have saved them all while reading all u gogumas posts! haha gosh had to backtrack 10 pages! :wacko:

panGG... *hugs u for all the lovely artworks!!!* KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! i love ur Busan pic the most!!!!! u're a GENIUS! very creative!!!! oohohohohoh pls do make moreeeee yah! :wub:

lovely_ocean, i thought might forget to thank u about the meccha thingy... but i remembered! surprisingly.... keekek so THANKS SO MUCH for telling~! :D

sophiapia, it seems to me that all the not-so-gentleman actions from yong was done for the sake of seeing hyun's reaction. haha he needed to confirm her feelings for him. i find him funny. he seems to get insecure fast eh. well, at least we now know that hyun actually does express her jealous side. it seems to me that yong is enjoying seeing the jealous side of her. too bad hyun is quite stubborn in admitting her real feelings. but who knows they did discuss it over the phone? ;) haha yong u'd better not overdo it. the same goes to u too, hyun, since u know he's the jealous type.

*waves to all the gogumas* :D

wokeh...i wanna watch it again kekeke

edit: saw u guys... cailel, redtulip, miel....*waves* :D thanks for sharing. hahaah today's favorite quote of the day is yong seobang's special confession! *faints* i'm sure all of us gogumas can't get over yong's answers to the PD-nim! ekekekekek

yes, i agree with ya, K1L1On1Mr4.... when yong said that, it speaks volume eh~! xD

oh, and one more thing... when he said "Y: A wife is someone I go on a journey with. Together... I know more about Seo Hyun, and I’m pretty confident that I know more about her than anybody else. So, needless to say, it’s Seo Hyun. & when he mentioned CONFIDENT, is he saying that he knows her more than hyun's unnies & her parents??? uwahhhh yong is really daebak!!!! this answer will surely win hyun's heart. xD

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








/me also bows and thanks j2dlee




Thanks for translation, i will patiently wait for your next translation :)




Yonghwa boldly said that he knows Hyun more than anyone else, that's enough to tell the whole world that he has very special room for Hyun in his heart. I'm glad this couple so perfectly match each other. I'd like to make them as role models for my children in the future wub.gif



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Guest raindrops_919


i've watched today's episode, totally DAEBAK :lol: *i think i'm getting used to say this word now*




THANK YOU SO MUCH for all share, translation, picture, everything on this thread, SARANGHEE  :wub:




you all DAEBAK !  :w00t:




yong really is planning on a surprise for hyun and he didn't send any bday message on purpose *sincha*  :wub:








Hyun really looks like a girl in love, look the way she dressed on fishing trip, she must be wake up early to make that hair do, and i think she put some make up too, she brought 2 bags, so i think she prepared some food as well.. even if she was upset because yong didn't text her the night before..




At the backroom interview before fishing trip, hyun really sounds so dissapointed, for what i imagine the feeling she might has..i think she waited yong's text and really wishing on it, and the fact that the text didn't come even until midnight might make she really sad, even i can imagine she cried because yong didn't text her *omo, i'm sooo much sensitive*




the whole bickering thing at the bus is just make me smiling like a fool, this is really an EVIDENT that Yong has an important place in her heart *maybe the most important??* Yong, you must be so happy, the whole question you asked on sweet holiday is answered already.. :wub:










i'm totally into this couple, they are real..




see that my heart even fluttering watch them i must say what comes from the heart always touch another hearts..




believe in YONGSEO.. :wub:




p.s: now i want next SATURDAY :w00t:


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kyyyaaahhh, out from lurker mode again!




i'm really waiting for the translation of part 3, specially what seohyun said that made jinwoon gasp and the other mc react????




waiting, waiting, waiting...




i wonder, when will yonghwa meet all of the snsd members???




but i also want a cnblue guesting again, i love in when yong gets jealous, even with his members....




i didn't know i'd top this page, sorry nothing to share...



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Guest mandyemily

just come back from dance performance.

have read the translation thanks to j2dlee. :wub:

im actually surprised that yong will be able to say he knows more about seohyun than anybody. :phew:

that is a very confident statement.

wonder what leads him to know that. <_<

we seen a cute jealous seohyun haha -_-

i'm not too concerned with the never sent birthday text incident.

yonghwa looks totally like he has something up his sleeve thus he nv text her.


and not because he forgot or anything.

now i'm excited about the continuation of this episode. :lol:

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A little contribution to the community :)
















Started it back when the 'Bag Incident' was still the hot topic. But then I forgot that I was working on it... Surprisingly, Yong was easier to draw though I am more used to drawing girls. Am not too satisfied with Hyun and it's kinda simple but... I am a kinda lazy like that :P
































Using it as my Siggy. Hoping that you guys enjoy it :)
















[Edit] Forgot to say my thanks to j2dlee for all the translations :) and Semi-fly for the raws (I also hunt for your raws and comments in Gloria forum by the way).
















Now back to lurker mode and playing Civilization V...









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