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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I'm guessing Yong purposedly did not greet her for her birthday because he planned to GIVE THE POISON FIRST AND THEN THE ANTIDOTE :rolleyes: kekeke.. just like how Crown J did before he held an event for InYoungs birthday.... :wub:




And might also want to know what would Hyun's reaction be. Trying Hyun's patience on how long she can hold herself from speaking what's on her mind... :wub:




I love how Hyun's eyes got all big when Yong asked her to take his picture with Juri.. Ueno Juri has served her purpose and I was glad to see a jealous Hyun. :wub:



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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello gogumas!havent been here for a long time..altho i havent had the chance to spaz with all of you,i never failed to visit this thread now and then or watch/stream wgm.it's just that ive been too busy with my internship,that's how no spazzing from me!anyhow,miss all gogumas tho :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've just watched today's episode and i cant help to giggle when looking at yong's troubled face.when those two were bickering and there was an awkward silence between them,yong's face was like "ottoke!what should i do now!ottoke!ottoke!" hahahaha it is sooooooo nice to watch how comfortable they are with each other in that episode.just like real couple,bickering with each other.hee now,i'm looking forward for the episode when they're in japan!altho uri pd-nim will not air the episode sometime near but i can't wait!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































too bad,there's no preview for next week's episode.if there is,at least we'd have a glimpse of what will happen next week between yong and hyun and as usual,speculate;making our own goguma alien theory w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways, thanks to all of you for the caps,translations,fan accounts etc. really appreciate it!hehehe :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: thanks sun_sun for the upload.low quality?never mind!as long as we could watch our yongseo :wub::wub:

































































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so earlier while i was waiting to watch today's episode i was working on some fanart. kind of plain stuff but it helped kill time! lol. hope you guys like them!
































































































i saw the picture of hyun in the snsd thread and thought it was darling! and then i saw the picture of yong in the your beautiful thread and it just fit so well together! lol. black and white, i know... (sigh) i'm a biggie on the black and white. but i really liked this one! and if you want a wallie, here is one:
































































































my next one is really plain too. lol. but i really like this one too. its probably because i used the lyrics to "Y, Why". the faces just fit the song so well, i couldnt help it! haha.
































































































this one was actually a HUGE picture that i just resized above, but if you want the full sized wallie here you are:
































































































and a bonus one! this was a quicky :)
































































































i really want her to visit busan with him! and eat some kimchi jjigae! i'm not sure where this picture of hyun is from. i've seen her with one of her unnies and stuff in another but i'm not entirely sure. it was a filming for something. and the picture of yong was an airport picture :D









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Guest Angel27391




@magdal, dreamyboo Haha!! I love the fact that they are becoming more and more alike. Especially seeing the photos posted by our Gogumas!!


I especially love this one by clumsy!!



My edition was a really simple one(I'm sure our Gogumas here can do better) .Thank you for liking it!!


@jnj Thank you!! I'm actually not good in phto editing and I'm sure you loved sun_sun and Hinata's editions.



@panGG I KNOW RIGHT!?! That's how I felt too!! I love to see more of your work of Goguma art!!! There will always never be enough of Goguma love, right? :D and I love your "Sweet Holiday" version of YongSeo!!One added into the YongSeo couple clothing line photoshoot~


@sun_sun Really nice edition!! I love how Yong holds Hyun's hand~ It seems like eventhough they took the pictures at totally diffrent time and place, Yong and Hyun's poses can be similar and their hands can fit perfectly in each others!! :wub:


@Hinata Oh!! with all that similarities of YongSeo and your amazing photo editing skills, it perfect!! and it looks like YongSeo did a couple clothing line photo shoot together!!! LOVE it!!

I knew that there would be a lot of talented Goguma photo-editors!!!


Introducing the YongSeo couple clothing line photo shoot(by Gogumas)






"Matching blue and white top + jeans, the feeling of rock , giving you the Calm, cool and collected!"






"What do polo tees remind you of? Holidays!! Bright pink color brings out the energetic side of the couple,telling the world that they fell in LOVE! Sweet Holiday~"




LOL!! :lol: Added promoting lines to the photos~ They look really good!!! I hope they can actually do a photo shoot for a clothing line together some day!!






@panGG you have just added another amazing one to the YongSeo couple clothing line. :w00t: another one with similar poses!!! I'm falling for YongSeo similarities!!






"Black and white couple look,simple and elegant but still not forgetting the cuteness of the couple.Aegyo overload~"



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Guest SophiaPia






i did watch the live stream base on facial expressions of wifey Hyun she feel a bit jealous and at the same time she don't know what to do really. She is surprise by the presence of Euno Juri and for hubby Yong he is a bit nervous as well and his sweating like hell on that moment kekeke! yeah! it's nice if Chiaki is there and for sure Yong will be (HUGE) jealous. Still don't know what to say i just wait for translations :) 




and re: Hyun being upset. I'm on her side, yes! of course she will be upset w/o any bday greetings from Yong. Esp. from Yong. Whether it's 12midnite no reason hubby Yong :( Yong should sent even simple Happy bday txt to Hyun. And i know Hyun is telling the truth about She sent bday message to Yong and no reply bck even thanks. Grrrrrr! i hate that. So at that point less point to hubby Yong hahahahahaha! no preview for next week but for sure it's the continuation of the bday fishing trip to Hyun.






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sun sun - thanks for the early upload of RAW vids.










Hoping to get trans soon!!!! our dear j2dlee. muah!



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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








/me bows to panGG




You must some professional in photo editing, those pics are awesome wub.gif




I'm loading the YTs now, hopefully can come back later then spazzing with all of you guys wub.gif



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Guest choconutella
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@panGG i love your black and white wallie of yong and seohyun :wub::wub: and would you mind if i take them as my laptop's wallie?thank youu so much for your beautiful artwork :)

































































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Angel27391 you are too funny! haha. i'm glad you liked the SweetHoliday! :) and yay for being included in the "YongSeo Couple Clothing Line" lol. :lol:
















































K1l1On1Mr4 please stand up! lol. i am NO professional. its just making stuff for fun. haha. i wish i could do more. i'm not up to par to some of the other amazing photo editors! but thanks abunch!
















































choconutella of course you can use it for your wallpaper! its a good feeling when people want to use the pictures i 'shopped! :)
































































































thanks jnj! you know what i was about to type your name as? lol jyj :)









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panGG, i like the quicky one! daebak!!


next stop Busan!! yes!!


i wish they have more time and yong could bring her back with him to Busan


instead of this fishing trip...


yong choding acting much aegyo infront of his ideal


lucky for hyun, she did not see this..





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Guest shenibabi




iam a big fan of seohuyn


she never shows her emotion in front of camera like that


so this ep make me surprise a lot


she improves so much


but i dont like yonghwa in this ep


by the way let see next ep


yongseo always surprise us,right?




yongseo cut









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thanks shenibabi for the links ;)
















































and of course semi-fly for the download links (runs to go download!)

























































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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































































I am going to give Yong the benefit of the doubt, I think he didnt send a happy BDAY message because he wanted to surprise her the next day with an special event.
















































































































About SH is reaction, this may sound bad, but how I love this, if she is jealous is because she care and this show a lot improvement in their relationship.
















































































































YH was been a total fan boy, how I wish Chiaki could have make an appereance.
















































































































By the way, I love SH is buns, she looks so cute and as someone pointed out, after the first glance YH couldnt make eye contact with her... Affected much Yong... kekekekeke
















































































































Happy spazzing gogumas, have to work tomorrow so I am going to sleep the couple of hour I have left.

















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ahhh~ its been so long, our thread has grown so much *talking like a grandmother* ahaks~

seriously goguma shippers are so warm and welcome! i love you guys the most!

seriously so many sharing is caring thingy!

@semi-fly : tq for the link, really cant wait in big view! so that i can analyze all yongseo moments ^^

@panGG : wow u really amaze in your graphic editing! flawless! gonna save it all! i love the sweetholiday the BEST! DAEBAKK!

@jnj : agree!! they should have filming at Busan, i wanna see Seohyun meeting the in laws.. here maybe we can see more of seohyun affection towards yong since she in Busan, yong's hometown! she must be proud =)

@sun_sun : wow u're so fast! thx because i managed to watch it..then saw semi-fly post, so gonna watch it moarrr~! yongseo the best, still amaze me in so many ways!

edit: OMG! hyun is so freaking kawaiiiii~!!! those tiny hmmm what shud we call her hair???? so cute!!

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omo!!!!i'm very late to spazz!!!
















sooo many good news...phew.gif like,







































1. yongseo couple going back from kapan to korea
















2. seohyun disappointed to her nampyeon? (its an improvement)^^
















3. yonghwa's surprise to her buin...
















4. yongseo couple interaction to ueno juri (very cute) DAEBAK!







































love this episode!!w00t.gif
















but, after the ueno juri part is seohyun's bday celebration, right? they celebrate it on june 29
















sooo there's no behind-the-scenes of our couple mc-ing together???!!! blink.gif 









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Guest magicaL.chubi3
































































































































































































just waiting for the translations. hehe~ really wanting to know what they've talked about.
































































































































anyway~ panGG you are really awesome. :D
































































































































i'm not also good making art. hehe~ but i really love yongseo couple so i just want to share
































































































































what i've made. :)i was inspired by them. oh~ by the way, i made this around May(hehe~ so long) but still just wanted to share it. :) gogumas fighting! :D
































































































































































































































































































oh~ i topped again. :D:o

































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hi everyone...my special thanks to sun_sun for the video of today episode..i dont want to give my opinion for todays episode nor to depend yong..but i will admit im hurt everytime thers someone who belittle or blame yong..ya im a boice and luv yong so much ( as if hes like a showbiz son to me hahaha).but i dont blame those who questions yong..but please give him a benifit of doubt, i can feel his a nice boy...








i admired hyun, i knew about her since i watched WGM, and since then i liked her..and i luv her more coz shes so understanding with yong..








im so happy though their personality are not the same and still they click..for me they are perfect for each other..and i enjoyed watching them..it makes me feel young at heart again..how i wish they will never finish with their wgm thing but i know someday it will end ...so lets enjoy while it lasts








one thing im sure i will be yongseo supporter even after WGM..they will remain in my hearts...








again thank you all..one thing i can say about this thread ..its the best ive encountered..intelligent, artistic,levelheaded person, camaraderie, etc..name it all its here...im happy and proud to be in this group...









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today's episode shows a side of seohyun that we don't often see..known to just bottle up her emotions, it was a nice surprise to see her affected by yong nampyeon's fanboying over ueno juri..eg. the bulging of the eyes and her miffed and silent reaction whenever yong and juri talk..
























( don't you think it was funny when the 3 of them were cooking the pancake together? hahahahhhaha..three spoons were working at the same time..hahahahahh..if we over analze it: hyun buin is trying her best not be outdone by her ueno juri unni and at the same time giving a signal to her nampyeon; "Hello! I'm still here!"..heheheheheheh)
























regarding over yong's not sending hyun a birthday greeting: i will give him the benefit of the doubt..he looks calm and there's this a bit of smirk on his face while hyun was talking that she's upset..i strongly believe he is up to something..and as the preview said: a trip that yong nampyeon prepared..hhmm..i can't wait for next week..i'm sure it would be epic and my take is that this birthday trip would be another turning point in their relationship and i am excited to listen to their realizations, esp hyun, during their backroom interview..
























see you guys next week!





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i hope today's episode is not a repeat of the infamous 'b' incident.


we've agreed to respect everyone's views, peace gogumas


did yong purposely didn't send text to hyun, thinking its too late to do that?


idk if guys find it petty, but girls DO want to feel their importance.


and to have a guy thinking of her no matter how late it is,


shows that he means a lot to her. :wub:


on the other hand, yong surprised fishing trip can also mean he wants to do


something meaningful with her.


god knows if he wants to confess his love for her :lol:


(the new couple ring)


but i'm curious as to why hyun said "everyone said that"


hey panGG, this is what i mean by over analyse... :lol:


edit: and why am i getting a minus..seriously...geez



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