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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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don't understand what they say in the bus but i just understand that she said "you're lying"(or something like that)







and they argue







wonder it's about what







edit: jnj me too i was relieved..because juri and yong become friendly toward each other, i felt bad for hyun


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Guest Cherryhana88








Thanks everyone for the info and the goodies,and for the lovely comments, I really appreciate them...




A macro for you ringdingdong lover












Modified:Too bad I can't watch the live streaming thing... :(



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i heard them mentioning minhyuk's name..

since minhyuk share the same birthday as hyun, don't tell me yong forgot to call her?!


yong said 'mianhe' again..


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Guest reeneesie
































































their part just ended in a really strange way...
































argh;finally some jealousy fron hyun when she see that her husband and his fave actress talking so
































































about the hyun dissapointed to yonghwa, i think it is bcoz of his absent from coming to her bday party...
































all her sm family was there but her husband was not there so she quite dissapointed..
































and yong said that hyun not congratulate 4 his bday and hyun arguing said that she had send to him...
































well just wait another translation from another one since i just said it from my point and their act bcoz i only know korean a little bit...just take it for a little pinch of salt if my translation are wrong.....

















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Guest magicaL.chubi3








@panGG: *hands up* cheoyo(me)! cheoyo(me)! lolz. I so love the love fight. hehe~ seohyun was jelly. i can't stop myself saying that! haha! :D



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About the live streaming




I've learned the lesson that I need to leave it open at least 1+ hrs earlier on my comp. Its like reserving a seat for yourself before it will get full when there are more viewers haha  




OMG ! the epi is full of talks that I really love it. I can't wait to know what they discussed in the bus . It sounds serious. Jinwoon even ohhh @ hyun's saying . 








yup i did the same but i leave it open in the morning and stream it later till mucore then wgm...i learnt the hard way too!




yeah talks that full of love...hyun's tone is different here...kinda pissed! anyway DAEBAK!!!




something fishy going on...why yong kinda afraid to look at her?



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Guest princessjulia




@panGG: i know, right? lagging so badly but i had to endure for the sake of love...wub.gif


I'm waiting for the mighty keoconvoi to upload the clips soon... thank you this early...and also j2dlee for the translation later... love yah! thanks heaps!



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okay, i seriously want yongseo to meet tamaki now!
























aigoo...yong ar...now i see the fanboy side of u...
























can u all see that fiery look on hyun?
























am i the only one that glad to see juri leave the house?   :phew:















































I was thinking about that too . If  Tamaki was there with them, I'm  absolutely sure Yong would get jealous of hyun BIG TIME and Hyun would fangirl on him BIG TIME as well.
























U see  tamaki's looks ?  He is like a model of  Johnny Depp in asian style !!!  hahaha  





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its the first time i'm seeing hyun angry like that even tho she is still smiling.

woah...see them bickering like that is not good for my heart.

what can be the issue that makes them so serious this time?

what a cliffhanger...nice one pdnim... -_-


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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yo~ng did not send a birthday message to hy~un and she was disappointed. Yong tried explaining saying his schedule ended after 12am so by that time her birthday was already over. Hyun said that even if it was over/late he could still send her the message.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then yong proceeded to argue that hyun didn't send him one too when it was his birthday last week but hyun did send him one in the morning on his birthday, and he did not even reply her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh man...here comes more disappointment...take it easy gogumas~~~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hopefully there's a big surprise coming up : )

































































































































































































































































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Too much conversation, in need of translation, need to understand :tears:

J2dlee dearie HELP

Seohyun looks absolutely adorable in her outfit when she met up with Yonghwa at the bus stop/place, her hair looks good bunned up. I think Yonghwa though so too, cos he was avoiding eye contact for a bit in the beginning, he must be thinking: OMG she is so CUTE!! My wifey is a cutie!!!

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LOL why does this remind me of Khun doing the whole ignorant I forgot everything thing so as to make it a bigger surprise for Victoria hahahaha. Just that it kinda backfired cos he just kept failing.
































I'm sure Yonghwa's plans would turn out better, especially since they seem WAY closer right now. I think he's planned this all for a while. My friends and I sometimes intentionally pretend to forget someone's birthday so that they feel like we've really forgot, and WHOO the surprise becomes even bigger XD

















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noo i lmao like crazy at your "tamaki is the asian version of johnny depp" comment. :lol:
















































jnj i think it has to do with her birthday party or something because she mentions something along those lines during the backroom interview about her unnies. but of course this is just speculations.
















































hyun~ yong planned something special for you! and i love that she's being a GIRL about this whole thing. lol. it really sounds like a GIRL in a relationship getting upset at things like missed birthdays. (sigh) yongseo is REAL!!









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































ugh! i missed the live streaming. so it was Ueno Juri part 2 and a bus going to the fishing trip? guess I'll have to wait for the YT videos but based on what u guys are saying, seems the Hyun got angry this time. although she's not the type to express her emotions openly. what could have happened? and I guess it wasn't like the time Yong forgot to tell Hyun about his Thailand schedule. Oh, so Hyun was really jealous when Yong was beginning to be close to Ueno Juri. she feels a sense of ownership to Yong now I guess. thats only natural. :) both Yong and Hyun worked hard to where their "marriage" or relationship is at now. :)

















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what?! they argue over that?!

aigoo... :sweatingbullets:

Ahah!! that just mean one thing, gogumas..


oh! and rmbr gogumas, this is filmed in June..so....


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Guest magicaL.chubi3
























@cosmiclatte: ooh~ i see~ that's why she's disappointed. If it were me i would too. Thanks for the trans. :) Yong~ hm~ :mellow:
































oh~ i topped the page~ keke~ nothing. this thread is really fast. :):w00t:





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Yo~ng did not send a birthday message to hy~un and she was disappointed. Yong tried explaining saying his schedule ended after 12am so by that time her birthday was already over. Hyun said that even if it was over/late he could still send her the message.




The yong proceeded to argue that hyun didn't send one to him too when it was his birthday last week but hyun did send him one in the morning on his birthday, and he did not even reply her.




Oh man...here comes more disappointment...take it easy gogumas it's ok : )







Oh thank you very much cosmiclatte and eensiemeensie. So it wasn;t rumors but the birthday greetoing.




Wow, thats so bad of you Yong! tsk tsk tsk (but we love you anyway!! XD




SeoHyun seems like a real gf/wife to be mad about this. I don't blame her, my man would have gotten an earful tooo..




But awww.. on the other hand YongHwa is really busy and it is super nice of him to arrange this trip. Hope all is resolved and love overcomes ^^





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cosmiclatte thanks for the clarification!
















































purestupidity i agree! seohyun was damn cute running towards him. and his all smiles! :)
































































































and here is yong from that day. i didnt know this was the day they went fishing/birthday. but just wanted to post because his so cute. i love the blue bag! and i wonder if this was before he met up with her, or maybe while he was waiting? lol. and its so cute how THIS time he arrived earlier then her to get on a bus together. :wub:
















































































































































just because we love gogumas!
































































































i was just thinking, too bad we cant do tags lol









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i love the part where hyun was like skipping on the roadside.

she looks and sound so happy there...


aigoo..i think both of them are waiting for each others text, hoping to see...



yong to hyun" 'Happy Birthday, Seohyun Buin. Sarangheyo'

hyun to yong: 'Happy Birthday, Yong Nampyeon. Sarangheyo'


u two just play hard to catch eh?


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