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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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i've seen some of u thanking me for translation of this and that..

the credit should go to dear j2, because i've not translate anything.

blame it on my v limited language skills... :sweatingbullets:

thats one awesome piece of work, panGG.

i especially like the yongseo in the workout suit pic. ^_^

puppy love...

angel, another talented goguma. love the rocker couple look. :D

if its not too much, can u make them stand closer and holding hands?

u and your wild imagination has nvr failed to lift up everyone's spirit, lenovo.

come out from your cave, gal. too much imagination alone is not good for u.

share more pls.. :P:lol:

clumsy, u've not shared much? ah, u're being modest.

but when u DO share, it's :w00t: love the macro..so witty!

pollykpy, tks for sharing the news here. sweet yong indeed! :wub:

tks for posting those pics, aneng & miel.

go ahead yong, flaunt it, make the fans go :w00t:

taonaka, gave u a + for that pic. nice! :)

shane, tks for the link. watching it now.

aneng, that MV made me teared up. the lyrics is sooo yongseo. i'm so touched! :wub:

when will they ever tell us where or when did they buy the new ring?

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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































haha. read a random article from paolo choello's blog. :)) and it reminds me so much of yongseo. :)

10 SEC READ: why to shout?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































story sent by Anupam Karn
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A master asked his disciples:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the disciples thought for a while, and one of them said
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you? ‘Isn’t it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you’re angry?’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The disciples gave him some other answers but none satisfied the master.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally he explained:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.’
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Then the master asked:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘What happens when two people fall in love? They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small…’































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And he finally said:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘When they love each other even more, what happens?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































‘Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that’s all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.’































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aaah.. as the cliche goes. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. :) lately they've been looking to each other's eyes often and whisper alot. so they love each other even more.haha. based on the article. haha

































































































































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hello.....hi to all gogumas....

wow, its good to find out about the ring....now we all know that its a new ring......nice.....now, im wondering, when he get the ring? maybe during the fishing trip.....hurmmm hope i can get the answer soon...

guys, did you remember during Trax MV teaser, there is one shot, holding hand.....since some of you already upload yong's and hyun's close-up hand pic (thanks for those who provide it), im going to investigate...is it the same one?....huh...now i need to go back to previous page showing the picture from Trax...

but since im IT Blind, maybe a little bit difficult for me....hahahhahahha...

Fighting for me.......

Fighting YongSeo....

**cant wait for current film in Japan...im eager about what happen there.....


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Guest kellybag
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sincerely komawo sooo much to heartbreak_warfare22 and crystal_malfoy for your links. Really appreciate it...its too bad though the sweetpotato blog videos are not working i.e. the MU vids are not avail for my area and all the YT vids of course have been taken down...thankfully there are still some vids avail on SNED FB...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways thanks again guys, i didnt think i would watch wgm again since being sooo obsessive with the joongbo couple previously, it was pretty tiring...but oh well this couple are too good to be missed

































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301



aneng, thanks for posting the link to that FMV "Like Only A Woman Can". It's beautiful! The song really suits this couple. And to its maker Cherryhana88blossom, thanks to you for sharing your work for us to enjoy and to appreciate.

clumsy, your macros are DAEBAK! I am loling at the contrast in the expression of Jessica vs Jonghyun.

shane09, thanks for the link to the Taiwan Press Con. But tudou is not cooperating with me now. So I guess I'll just have to wait for a link at YT.

Simply because they are such a BEAUTIFUL COUPLE...




Wearing "HER" favorite WHITE



And the GODDESS...




Wearing "HIS" favorite BLUE

Can we skip the 2nd part of the Ueno Juri episode and go to the Fishing Episode instead? Hahaha! I am so so bad!

Is a consensus being reached amongst us that the NEW COUPLE RING's story might be unfolded in that Fishing Episode which was taken last 29 June 2010? Could that episode be a joint Birthday Celebration of the couple?

From the YongSeo Timeline the filming on June 29 [Fishing], the day after Seobaby's Birthday, followed the filming of episodes 19-21 with the CN Blue bros which were shot last 15 June 2010. So that would be the one next in line after the continuation of the Ueno Juri episode.

And by the way WGM Pdnim, how long do we really have to wait for a Wedding Photoshoot?


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Guest Cherryhana88
































































Hello again to all gogumas,
































Another random post from me,sorry if this has been posted before....
































In High Cut Vol 19,(not sure when this was interviewed,before WGM), yonghwa was asked about:
































Q: Ideal type of woman?
































A: I like mild woman (In Korea, ‘Cham’ means woman who is nice enough to be a good wife and good mother.) Is my ideal type too matured compared to my age? (laugh). Woman who takes care of me well, who is wise but not reticent. Too difficult? I hope who looks like Lee Yeon Hee and has nice personality. But an ideal type is just ideal.
































(Some of Hyun's traits were mentioned...=)
































Q: If you have a girlfriend?
































A: I want to go to ski with her. I want to play tricks on the snow, and ride snowboard together. If she can’t ride, I will teach her in all sincerity.
































































(I hope WGM will include this one in the list...)
































Q: If you see your wife ideal type of woman during your concert?
































A: First I finish my concert. Then I will find her. Even though I find her, I cannot confess. Because fans’ love is more precious to me. (laugh) But it must remind me again when I close my eyes to sleep.
































kekeke....I bet when he close his eyes he thinks about Hyun....don't you think??

















































































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im very sad to hear about the videos being uploaded onto youtube....i hope that he'she does remove them.....
































































































































































gahh...such ppl, who do things w/out permission just annoy me....
































































































































































bak on track....lots of new goodies and comments and thoughts....love reading thru them all!!!!

































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Is this twelve days of Christmas? or better still 15 days celebration for Chinese New Year? So much Goodies, so many presents from everyone to everyone everyday.



Some random things from me too.



1. I finally heard the part where Yonghwa said " Seohyun, want to hold hand" after listening to it numorous time. Now I am starting to think that the PD left those clues for us to find.



2. Watching them it is like watching the movie "Pulp Fiction" the timeline is not linear hence we need to watch everything in order to piece together



3. Clumsy & Lenova, everything you post, a mini earthquake happened. You two are so creative and full of humor



4. Ilovesonowwhite, I love the story, it is simple but full of truth. When two person understand each other so well, they do not need to communicate verbally. It is like wi-fi, a lot of data sharing but we can't see it.



5. I have a feeling that it is Yonghwa who gave the new custom made ring to Seohyun. He was the one who suggested they got couple ring in the first place and based on Seohyun character and level of comfort at that point in time, she may not be ready to buy. want to bet again?



6. Cherryhana88 & Pangg, those picture are lovely. Thanks


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































































































@gauri92: a lot of people are mad with whomever that person is who uploaded the subbed videos without permission. a lot of people who enjoy watching YongSeo and WGM have already expressed their hate and disgust to that person by commenting on his/her/their YT channel. there were 26 pages of comments asking to remove the videos as the subbers are pissed. I hope he/she/they read all those comments and remove the videos so all of the non-korean speaking fans can enjoy WGM. *** on a lighter note, I wish WGM PD's make one more wish come true for Yong, arrange a ski trip with Hyun. a wedding photo shoot would be nice and romantic, but in my opinion I would like them to truly enjoy themselves in a ski resort. they can play and be themselves. plus they are relieved temporarily of the pressures and stress of the idol life. don't get me wrong, I also want to see a wedding photo shoot. but when both of them are playing, staring at each other and it seems that both of them forgets that there are cameras around them, those moments are very sweet. I think when the day a wedding photo shoot comes, Yong's jaw will drop. :)

















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Guest bAngs_zatie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aneng,thanks for sharing the vids....its really good....owh,those old memories(lol..not that old..hahaha)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































posting again since i love it..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































while  i'm looking at this vid,i saw the running scenes n i automatically remember  the raley race part in horror special ep..hahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"owhhh...they already practice it bfore"~~~ :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































clumsy,lol,,,those macro are daebak...hahaha :lol: ..post some more if u have any...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































n about the ring,i'm glad they make the new one...i wonder either its given by WGM production or they made it using their money couple saving....can they skip ueno ep cuz i'm really curious about their sudden closeness(i mean with all the hip-hop handshake style n all) n their ring...aishhh,wish time flew past but then,for personal life,i don't want the time to flew fast....sobs3x..:tears:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi....i'm always become silent reader in this thread because i can't contribute anything for all of you Goguma lovers.








Now i'm posting in this thread because i want to say thank you to all of you for giving a lot of good news.








I can't describe my happy feeling because the news that i read in this thread. One more time, thank you so much :wub:








Sorry for my bad english & sorry for not giving anything blush.gif



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Guest Cherryhana88












aneng,thanks for sharing the vids....its really good....owh,those old memories(lol..not that old..hahaha)




posting again since i love it..







while  i'm looking at this vid,i saw the running scenes n i automatically remember  the raley race part in horror special ep..hahaha




"owhhh...they already practice it bfore"~~~ :phew:







:wub:...glad you like the video that I made, I'll be making another one but not sure when I'll be uploading it....My youtube channel



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MTV Ent. News 壹級娛樂-CNBLUE in Taiwan







at 1:06 they show wgm images, is the comment yong did after is wgm related?







If so what did he say? :sweatingbullets:




















edit: yong showing his ring in UBN News
















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Morning Gogumas!!!




Im dying to see how they got their new ring. Hopefully this coming saturday will show how they both end up with the new couple ring.. I really hope this time Yong make it as a surprise present ..




Maybe during their 100th days of anniversary, on his knee with the ring and etc...OMG, im crazy over here with my own imaginary 's idea..




Pray a lot let's hope it is Yong who bought that ring..




One day more to go...


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thanks miel_1301 for sharing all those pictures!!! daebak :) super HQ pictures of our, if you dont mind me stealing your word, "PRINCELY" yong :wub: and i love that set you made of yong in white and hyun in blue! definitely a good one. and i agree i would rather skip the juri ueno episodes to watch older recorded ones!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Caliope i agree! his hands look soo... O.O i love them. lol. and if i remember correctly some other people were talking about his hands too. i think crystal_malfoy and someone else. but i maybe wrong. i think what makes his hands so attractive is the fact that its not TOO too pretty like other idols'. it looks like its been manicured but it also looks like he might bite his nails too :D and i know that for a fact that when people play guitars their fingers create calluses and stuff which can make their hands rough. i love rough hands. does that sound pervy? lol i can imagine when they were holding hands, hyun discovering all his little nips and thinking how perfect they are for her and her smooth hands. fits together perfectly!
































































































































































































































































































































































































taonaka thank you for the picture! i was hoping someone would do that to compare :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo HUGS TIGHTLY RIGHT BACK~ of course you can use it! if it wasnt for you requesting, it would have probably been longer before i would finally do it anyways. glad you like it! and that fanmade vid you shared is super sweet and cute! thanks for sharing. i saw that just now on my subscribtions! lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































magicaL.chubi3 thank you :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































Angel27391 i was looking for a picture to go with that picture of hyun! thanks for pointing it out. i saw that picture of hyun and was like I HAVE TO FIND ONE OF YONG!! i'll try and fix something for you if someone else hasnt already. good find! and thanks for the pic comment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































aneng OMG~ thank you so much for sharing that! its so sweet i love it. fits so well!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































lunasol i'm glad you liked it. i got it off a the cnbluelovelight blog. it was a predebut picture. probably to promote cnblue in japan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































clumsy hahahahahaha those are epic! love it!
































































































































































































































































































































































































DJHinata eagle eye? lol cool beans :D and thanks for the goodies!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































shane09 thanks for the link! showing off the lovely couple ring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj my thoughts exactly!!!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































Cherryhana88 i love that picture of hyun and yong laying beside each other!!! super cute. thanks for sharing. and your post about the high cut interview about...

Q: Ideal type of woman?

A: I like mild woman (In Korea, ‘Cham’ means woman who is nice enough to be a good wife and good mother.) Is my ideal type too matured compared to my age? (laugh). Woman who takes care of me well, who is wise but not reticent. Too difficult? I hope who looks like Lee Yeon Hee and has nice personality. But an ideal type is just ideal.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































reminds me of a poll from naver, that was posted on soshified forums about seohyun...

Seohyun Chosen As "Girl Group Member That Will Be A Good Wife and A Wise Mother"

Girl Group SNSD's Seohyun won first place for a member that is most likely to become a good wife and a wise mother. Marriage information company Wedian and the couple managers used a marriage quotient program with the idol girl group members and revealed the results of marriage quotient analysis. The image of 'good wife and wise mother' is the Korean society's classic ideal type of woman who focuses on supporting the husband and living a wise life. Seohyun won 1st with 97 points, Narsha 2nd with 94 points, and Park Bom with 91 points. Following the three were Eunjung with 87 points, Jun Jiyoon with 83 points, Taeyeon with 81 points, Yuri with 80 points, Goo Hara with 76 points, Park Gyuri with 75 points, Kang Minkyung with 75 points, Jessica with 74 points, Soomi with 73 points, and Ga-in with 72 points.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:) destiny!!! btw, this poll/survey was posted before they got married too!
































































































































































































































































































































































































and you, Cherryhana88 are amazing for making that fanvideo!!! its so beautiful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































redtulip i'm glad you liked them!
































































































































































































































































































































































































i just saw this on youtube. it may have been posted before but this is like speed drawing yong&hyun. its pretty good! just wanted to share something...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks to everyone for all the goodies and such. you guys are amazing. as is yongseo couple! goguma fighting!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sun_sun that is PERFECT!!!! i love it :)

































































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From Yahoo Taiwan site :

Because of the filming of WGM with SNSD's Seohyun, Yong Hwa get most of the attention from the Taiwan press aned reporters.

They did asked him regarding the couple rings. He said that he wears the couple ring all the time because he doesn't want to lose it.

How sweet ......

Thank you for news ^^.... I always smile when I heard news about Yong talks about his couple ring and see at his face that show how happy he is....and proud to show his ring.

Angel27391   I love picture that you posted....They always have something same ^^...and I took your pictures to do this.Hope you like (",)


Edit :  I just found this pic ^^


Credit. >> : as tagged  & 용서쵝오 & Share on DC;WGM and phokar @ Pantip WGM:[CN.Blue&SNSD]The Sweet PotatoCouple


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Guest bAngs_zatie












sun_sun,uwahhhh,thanks fos the yongseo pict in japan....ur fanart work,no doubt the best...n i noticed u make their hand hold..hahaha




nice job....




cherryhana,yup,ur FMV is so cute n beautiful...haha..since i'm not into IT,i only can hope for someone like u to make yongseo FMV...please do it more...tqvm~~




uwahhh,at this time,so many good news i received...lol,i post a lot today here in soompi,must be a really good day to me..huhu~




edit: mommy,i toped the page..lol..hahaha




here the additional pict of yongseo in japan...








credit  as tagged n sun_sun





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sun_sun thank you so much for sharing that picture of japan filming!!! thank you thank you. i'm super excited to see this episode. and look they even both have black bookbags now too!! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































so i was thinking... isnt it a little sad to watch all these chuseok specials that are being aired and not have any cn blue or snsd involved? (sigh) it would have been daebak if yongseo appeared on a show together. but i suppose thats what they have to give up to promote in other countries. cn blue fighting! snsd fighting! and yongseo fighting!

































































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Guest pollykpy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































MTV Ent. News 壹級娛樂-CNBLUE in Taiwan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at 1:06 they show wgm images, is the comment yong did after is wgm related?
































































































































































































































































If so what did he say? :sweatingbullets:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: yong showing his ring in UBN News






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the translation of that part :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa is coupling with SNSD's Seohyun in WGM and fans are really fall into this couple.
































































































































































































































































He even brings the couple ring to Taiwan. When asked by reporters regarding the ring,
































































































































































































































































Yong's answer is awsome.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong : you knew it but you purposely ask this right ?
































































































































































































































































(not sure what the reporter answer as they had cut out that part)
































































































































































































































































Yong : I just knew it, and yes, this is the couple ring. I wear it all the times because
































































































































































































































































I fear I'll lose it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Once again, how sweet.....

































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301



I feel so ecstatic now that I noticed I've put up a couple of posts making this one my third [and my last one for today. Sinchia!]

pollykpy , thanks again for the translation of that brief part of the NEWS [about SeoHyun and the couple ring] at CN Blue's Press Conference. So the "YongSeo Love" has reached Taiwan, too.

sun-sun, that's such a nice artwork. I notice SeoHyun has the same style of clothing [white t-shirt underneath a colored polo shirt] in that photo and in those captures at Kawagoe. And thanks also for posting the additional picture of the couple in Japan.

Because we move so so fast into another page again...

And just to consolidate for reposting all the captures of YongSeo Couple in Japan.


YongSeo Couple Sight Seeing Tour Down the Streets of Kawagoe, Japan

last 21 September 2010




originally shared by aneng


originally posted by: genxv and jessy


originally shared by: genxv and jessy


originally posted by sun_sun

credits: as tagged+original posters in the thread

My "Thank Yous" to each and every Goguma who has been passionately making this thread a "haven" worth ones every visit.

Good Morning, Good afternoon and Good Night to every "Sweet Potato" in wherever part of the world you are.


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