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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mochiling






Thanks genxv : i noticed that too while Khuntoria doing their mirror thing the YongSeo couple at the back got their own world kekeke! really sweet inside that bus wub.gif they really become close now like what redtulip say it's true. The awkwardness is gone. Now they really comfortable w/ each other. We can say that seoHyun is shy, but i notice Yong as well is shy. And he really is gentleman asking permission 1st to Hyun that they hold hold hands kekeke! sweet. I wish in the coming episode we will see more sweetness.




@ ichigo_kawai : yes! YongSeo are meant to be wub.gifwub.gif




at the moment i'm now in livestream but looks like the channel for we got married is not working :(:( it might be a re-run but still i want to see.







:rolleyes:SophiaPia : you watching the live stream now???????? update me :rolleyes:whether if it a rerun, hope it not







thanks ya :rolleyes:








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Taemay dear, don't do it... Don't turn to the DARK SIDE...




This forum supports and loves our beloved Yongseo couple. Don't think too much abt it, Suilli is only a young sisterly figure to Yongseo, take things positively and turn away from negativity. KEEP THE FAITH!




Love love love
















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hi gogumas

re-run or not, i took half day leave and here i am...

crazy much? :D i don't care!!

hope we're not disappointed...


ack!!! its the horror special again!!! aigoo

ah, nvr mind...

i can watch this 1000x and nvr get sick of it!!

gogumas, maybe we should look out for some edited scenes?? ;)

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like aneng said. its the HORROR special rerun. (sigh) maybe if we're lucky their cut some of the old one out and show unseen scenes... if we're lucky. :(

































































































































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Its a rerun of Horror Episode tongue2.gif

































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like aneng said. its the HORROR special rerun. (sigh) maybe if we're lucky their cut some of the old one out and show unseen scenes... if we're lucky. :(






sorry dear, i doubt it. fat chance they will do that...MBC can be lazy bump :lol:


i'm not trying to kill the mood here. i'm streaming it live now...yeah re-run... -_-



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hi gogumas











re-run or not, i took half day leave and here i am...







crazy much? :D i don't care!!







hope we're not disappointed...






















ack!!! its the horror special again!!! aigoo











ah, nvr mind...







i can watch this 1000x and nvr get sick of it!!











gogumas, maybe we should look out for some edited scenes?? ;)











aaarrrr i knew it fury.giffury.gif




but i think in the end we'll see the preview for saturday episode?


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very well said, otty~! hyun is certainly a lady who stands firm on her beliefs. :)

desirenhope... hah! the same goes to me after seeing ur spoiler... DENG, that's what i call a real SPOILER! >.< hahhhh... *shoos all negativity away*

genxv~!! omo, i wonder what did they whisper to each other there! kekekeek they're so couple-like there. it seems like... well, u know how yong likes to be boastful at times, he's the choding yong after all. ok here goes... during the WGM horror, it seems like yong was actually trying to show other couples & us audience that they, the yongseo couple also have already reached the intimacy level that all have been expecting. it's like he didn't wanna lose out with other couple too or should i put it in a better sentence... it feels like he wanna tell the other couples & the world that they are already closer than they think ... but of course it still depends >.< oh ya, remember when yong & hyun just got back from their horror quest, adam couple commented >.< (omo! that's so long eh!!! :P )

ichigo, thanks so much for the article & ur FMV is superb! about the article... i sometimes talk like my bf & likewise, my bf does the same things too at times kekeke. we act like each other. even my character is quite similar to his. i used to be very messy & lazy xP but after being with him who is very particular, neat & quite a few of the opposite characters that he possesses... deng, my parents even asked me since when u started being that particular about stuffs & etc wahahahah! ever since then i realized, ahhh we're indeed a couple. even ppl say that we look alike, which i still don't think so but maybe what they meant is that we have the couple look...i dunno, it just could be that. oh no... another long blab from me >.<

hi gogumasre-run or not, i took half day leave and here i am...crazy much? :D i don't care!!hope we're not disappointed...edit:ack!!! its the horror special again!!! aigooah, nvr mind...i can watch this 1000x and nvr get sick of it!!gogumas, maybe we should look out for some edited scenes?? ;)

ohohohoho not another rerun ehh... oh well... <_<

edit: s0leill123 uh ohh...pls forgimme for posting the RDR & SNJ subbed vids.... I'VE REMOVED ALL ALREADY. thanks for the warning :) didn't notice the "DO NOT REUPLOAD" sentence @_@

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so i'm kind of sad that its a rerun but kind of not since i pretty much love this whole HORROR special. its still running but yongseo's part is done and i was just speculating. i wonder if they filmed what happened AFTERWARD. after the games and such. they looked like they packed bags like going on an overnight trip or something. or was it just stuff to wear for the different games? and if they didnt stay overnight, which i doubt they'd want to since it was freaking scary. if they rode the bus back home, can you them sitting in the same sitting arrangement falling asleep? because after a long day of filming and games and scary "ghost" you'd be exhausted right? i'm just imagining right now how it would be if yongseo were sitting in their backseat with hyun's head leaning against yong's while yong tries REALLY hard to stay awake to protect his wife but will eventually fall asleep too and leans his agaisnt hers. OH GOD I CAN REALLY IMAGINE IT! lol. sorry for my spazzing, its late and i'm tired and i'm watching yongseo. and i really hope they show a preview today! it would be jjang!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hello dreamyboo (waves SUPER hard) i rewatched your "Y, Why" video whil waiting for wgm today. i love it :) have i told you that already? haha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj i think it was only 1hour and something long last week for the horror special. that was your question right? lol.

































































































































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hi soleil, i finally meet u here! ^_^

so how long was the show when it first aired last week? 2hrs?


i think we still have time for some 'surprises' since

adam's part ending soon..pls PD...

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hi soleil, i finally meet u here! ^_^







so how long was the show when it first aired last week? 2hrs?













hi jnj yeah i don't post much here :sweatingbullets: but i come evereday







the horror special was 1h05 long last week







edit: dreamyboo the warning is not from me it's from snjeung's blog i just copy paste the message because she put the subbing on hiatus







since you didn't know and removed quickly it's ok :)







but someone still don't want to remove the videos.. :( so no subs because of that


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Guest SophiaPia






it's re-run of horror episode.




i guess this coming saturday is the continuation of Euno Juri and same w/ other couples. Aigoo! the more i'm looking that Japan BTS photos the more i wonder when they will show the remaining episodes that we'd like to see. I miss the YongSeo couple :) we got saturday guys YongSeo couple fighting!


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panGG *waves back hard* LOL~! hahaha glad that u're watching it again :wub:

oh, spotted jnj...olla~! how come u're able to watch the WGM chuseok special? u're not working right now are u? hmmmm kekekekeke :P

i should wave to everyone too....*A BIG WAVE TO ALL GOGUMAS* :D

ahh deng, after edited some stuffs, my previous post became weird. soompi is not kind to me now T.T

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yes, panGG, that's my Q. tks for answering :)

u too soleil

idk if this has been discussed here, but...

while vic & gain sat on their hubbies right side,

hyun is the only one who sat on yong's left. (because of the couple t shirt)

imagine, IF...

the hand touches hyun or

hyun failed to solve the math prob on time...

dreamy, i took 1/2 day leave today....just to watch a 1 hr re-run?!!!

feel cheated!!! :lol: my bos will flip if he knows the reason i applied leave.

is it ended aleady? should we wait somemore?


so thats what they call chuseok specials huh? nice one PDnim <_<

i backread, and found some interesting posts.

sorry if i don't mention everyone's name but gogumas contribution here is

much appreciated and loved.

i agree with u, otty!

she is not afraid to voice out her views.

whether its because of *someone* ;), or her upbringing (tks mom!)

i'm v glad she put her foot down and that nobody insist she does it.

seohyun fighting!!!

okay, idk what happen to this thread earlier, but i'm glad i was not here to

witness it or else i'll be UPSET.

happy happy thoughts, everyone :D

sorry for the long post

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































the YT account sujufanz1997 is a stubborn prick. sorry if Im really mad but because of that loser, the subbers might not want to continue to sub WGM episodes anymore. in their their site (rdrsubs and snjeung wordpress) it was clearly stated to not reupload their videos without their permission. I don't know if this guy has permission, but I think he doesn't, and this dude has the nerve to reupload the videos of part 1 of the horror special, not only in YT, but in their blogspot site. a lot of people are pleading to this guy to remove the videos but then he uploaded another 1. changed the name of the video but credited snjeung and rdrsubs. and he states "do not share OUR video to others" when clearly he/they just took the hard work of our subbers and claimed that it is their video. A lot of non korean speakers like myself love and appreciate the work of the subbers. because of them, we can enjoy watching WGM. Im an impatient guy, but I don't pester the subbers with nonsense questions because they are subbing WGM episodes without pay. they do it for all of the fans. they have a lot of things to do with the subbing process and their personal agendas. then someone stole their hard work. it is utterly disrespectful. I know most of you guys commented on his YT account to take down the videos of rdrsub and snj. I already commented. for those who hasn't, please comment and ask to take down the wgm videos. we all love that show, and without the subbers, we can't fully enjoy the show. I apologize for my ranting. I know this thread is a happy place. but someone is threatening to ruin our happiness by taking videos that is not rightfully his and claims that he owns it.

































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dreamyboo of course, of course! when you make more, let me know! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj your welcome. and your super dedicated! took off half the day to watch this? a true goguma alien :wub: haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and just found something random to share. everyone was wearing these bands around their arms. does anyone know what it was for? and seohyun was originally wearing it on her left hand but at the end of the episode she's wearing it on her right. weird and random, i know. and of course RINGDINGDONG
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously? i topped again?? lol. nothing to share. will be back to share later.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong at listen to cn blue in taipei press conference. RING~ DING~ DONG~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest magicaL.chubi3




@ichigo_kawai i really love what you found. w00t.gif i wasn't the type to read such long article but i read it until the end. hehe~ my mind was all yongseo... phew.gif keke~ how i wish it's true. :wub: that would really be great! super great! :D


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Guest andalasa
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo of course, of course!  when you make more, let me know! :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jnj your welcome.  and your super dedicated!  took off half the day to watch this?  a true goguma alien :wub:  haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and just found something random to share.  everyone was wearing these bands around their arms.  does anyone know what it was for?  and seohyun was originally wearing it on her left hand but at the end of the episode she's wearing it on her right.  weird and random, i know.  and of course RINGDINGDONG































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously? i topped again?? lol.  nothing to share.  will be back to share later.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think that bands were mosquito repellent. I remember Yo~ong wore something similar to this on their fishing trip. That time, we got all excited 'cos Hyu~un wore the same band around her wrist, but it turn out its mosquito repellent :)...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope I make the right observation sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But to why it was  changing from Hyu~un's left to her right, I really have no idea.. To match with Jung soebang's?  sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you all for your amazing posts, translations, caps, news and many more... :) *back to lurking mode*....

































































































































































































































































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Guest Norabella
































Hello gogumas...
















I can't help thinking about this.
















When our Yongseo couple was taking a photoshoot of themselves..I could not help but wonder who on earth - except our YongSeo, would have the time to think and really take good care and concern to make sure that their hearts on their t-shirts matched with each other. I mean...this is supposed to be a horror episode but SeoHyun really wanted so much to ensure that the hearts joined together. Aigooo..Seo Hyuna...what are you trying to show to us??? he..he...However we love the part so much don't we?? and yes to see Seo Hyun move her hand and place it at Yong's waist...I believed many of us have died many times..he..he.. :lol:
















So gogumas..are we ON this Saturday??









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