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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Everyone we need to help snjeung and rdr to remove the wgm videos of http://www.youtube.com/user/sujufanz1997 and http://www.dailymotion.com/bolly-rani-mukherji




I don't know what to do if someone has an idea... :unsure:



Some people have been reuploading vids without permission.






We won’t be making the posts public until that person takes the vid down.











If you want to see WGM again, you guys should ask sujufanz1997 and bolly-rani-mukherji to remove the reuploaded vids.







Until then, no more WGM subs~


















thanks to ace and everyone else for letting me know







If you guys find any more reuploaded vids, please let me know ^^







source: snjeung


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Guest Wilhelm1066
































































Do you remember this episode from SNSD's visit at WinWin; when Sung Yuri from the former group Fin.K.L very seriously, when she understand it's OK by the SNSD-girls, to retell how she always remind them that they must date, date and date and search for love and cherish it.
































And the SNSD-girls very solemnely listens and nodding their heads in approval.
































So of course is Seohyun very well aware what's expected of her from the SNSD-members: Date, date and find love.
































































































































And even if Taeyeon's own experience of WGM isn't that great, she does acknowledge the search for love. And Yonghwa is probably a catch and a perfect object for dating, even after WGM.

































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Hello everybody~
































































































































































I just found an interesting video of Yong's voice imitation at tudou. 
































































































































































Remember how Yong always imitates Hyun to make her giggle? ^^ 
































































































































































This vid is a medley of Yong's imitation of different people, including cuts of WGM
































































































































































( though the maker of the vid missed out the parts where Yong imitated Hyun :S ) 
































































































































































I'm very impressed with Yong's talent!
































































































































































While Yong's talented in acting and singing, Hyun is talented in academic studies and dancing - they compliment each other and make a match made in heaven! ^^ 

































































































































































































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Everyone we need to help snjeung and rdr to remove the wgm videos of http://www.youtube.com/user/sujufanz1997 and http://www.dailymotion.com/bolly-rani-mukherji

I don't know what to do if someone has an idea... :unsure:

source: snjeung

i am sad to hear that snjeung and rdr are halting their subbing for the wgm special...i tried messaging bolly-rani-mukherji but seems like she has blocked any messages sent to her to go through at all...it's too bad there are people out there taking advantage of this and i wish they knew that what they are doing is affecting a lot of wgm lovers out there like myself..

i guess until they are removed we won't expect any subbing from both sub teams right? :(

EDIT: i just checked back on bolly-rani-mukherji page and she did remove the vids...hmm.weird i just saw it...sorry


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Ah, it sucks that we won't have the episodes subbed for a while but I totally understand. A great big thanks to those who have taken the time to type out the translations!!! FIGHTING!
































































































For those who have requested... I've updated Destined to Love You (Yongseo fanfic)
































































































Chapter 8 is for you (y'all know who you are) ;)
































































































































































































PAGE 4...
































































































happy reading...
































































































*P.S. Sorry for past 'one-liners'... got a bit excited and forgot... :sweatingbullets:

















































































































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Guest Crystal392






Thanks to everyone for the links, pics, translations and everything.






I hope the people who uploaded sneunjg and rdr's subbed videos will remove them.






I want to share a video with all of you (I haven't watched it because the internet I have doesn't have access to YT but it had lots of views on dcmarried so I think it's a very good video XD). Sorry if it has already been shared blush.gif




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Guest mochiling








hi everyone!!!!! looking forward today WGM, hope it not a rerun again. it will be good if it show the footage that is edited or  the scene after the horro ep when they stay overnite at the school. maybe the wives cook for the hubby again cos it chuseok what, thay why they play e rerun of wives cooking in last ep. if really like that i will be happy over the moon.




hope it will happen!!!!!!!!! those who watch live can update me after watching.







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annyeong sweet gogumas (does that make it sweet sweet potato? kkk)
































































crystal thanks for sharing that fanMV dear. You always find such great vids. I really enjoyed it! *hugs*
































































prncsscharming oh, I am squealing so hard at your story! It;s DAEBAKK! I will post a longer comment on your fic thread ok?
































































And talking about fanfics, check out clumsy and jossa's latest updates too. With so many talented goguma writers we never run out of things to spazz over. Kamsahamnida writers!
































































weegeez hi there. I feel like you are new (and if not, my apologies, this thread moves so fast) Welcome to our goguma planet! Also, anything off-topic or not Yong & Hyun related please put in spoilers. We like sharing different thoughts and opinions, but hope you can be considerate of other YongSeo shippers feelings as well. I'm sure you don't mean to cause any unhappiness.
































































Also, double posts are frowned on by moderators and can get this thread into trouble. So for next time if you find you need to write more you can edit your first post or wait for another post by someone else to come through before posting again. hwaiting!
































































Saw this cute clay-art on DcInside. I love the work by the artist. So adorbs!
































































Credits as tagged
































































































































Also posted on DCInside are these closeups of Yong & Hyun in their own world at the back of the bus. This was when Nickhun was holding up the mirror for Victoria. What sweet nothings are you two whispering huh? kkkk XD
































































credit: 러블리용서@DCInside

































































































































































































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news from someone..

ooohh...makes me doesnt like it :(

just my heart seems hurts read that..

YONGSEO..fighting !!!

yonghwa, remember, you are lucky get her...

no man be like you...

seohyun, open your heart..

and talk to him your heart...

i know, you are like each other....fighting!!

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Guest toomuchsmiling
























Just dropped in to share this FMV I've been working on.







www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSbSdyVz26kYongSeo - Pyramid







Hope you all enjoy it and allows your imagination to run wild!


































i saw this last nite wen i was forward tracking (not backtracking xD (from this post but i saw later it was posted up video instead of link style later on~)) But USUALLY i don't watch FMVs but i saw u used the song 'pyramid' which i love so i was like 'why not?' and thought it was the most AMAZING cut/edit. ^____^ I posted it on my twitter and facebook so i hope u get more views b/c it's FANTASTIC! :w00t:
































annyeong gogumas~!!! ^_________^


























































aww, only part 5. =( that person who uploaded that part, i saw a bunch of people commented and told her to take it down, as well as i. hope some people messaged too. i think she'll take it down. ^^ hopefully! ^^
















wooo! for pics in japan!! and woooo! for getting to watch recent WGM that arne't ancient/archaic from months ago. *cries tears of joy* :lol:









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Guest Hikari1309




weegeez , sorry but your post make me really sad, I hope in this thread we spread things that make us happy because we love Seohwa.




crystal_malfoy thanks for that MV. how really cute they are






edit :


anyone can help?, I want pic of Seohwa (all over body)  when they buy a gitar and when they donate blood, they wore similar type of clothes.



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Guest mochiling
































Ah, it sucks that we won't have the episodes subbed for a while but I totally understand.  A great big thanks to those who have taken the time to type out the translations!!! FIGHTING!
































For those who have requested... I've updated Destined to Love You (Yongseo fanfic)
































Chapter 8 is for you (y'all know who you are)  ;)
































































PAGE 4...
































happy reading...
































*P.S.  Sorry for past 'one-liners'... got a bit excited and forgot...  :sweatingbullets:
































prncsscharming: thanks for the fanfic, have just read it, so touching and sweet.
































hope new chapter coming soon
































good job man
































cheer all yongseo shipper
































































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First let me say, I understand all these rules and thingamajigs can be new to many people and I hope nobody gets discouraged from posting. Planet Goguma is open to all who love YongSeo but we're going to be a positive thread, yeah?
































































So please, for the love of YongSeo and all that you find holy:
































































1) No one-liners (less than 20 characters)
































































2) No quoting images or videos (just remove the [ img ] or [ media ] tag from the post you are quoting)
































































3) Let's talk about Yong and Hyun. There are many other forums covering every topic under the sun on soompi. And if the topic you want doesn't exist request a thread for it.
































































) No bashing may it be Yong, Hyun, another artist, their moms, pet fish or other goguma fans.
































































































































Check out the full soompi rules here
































































Check out the full thread rules here
































































And above all, have fun y'all!

































































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Guest k.rivera19










Do you remember this episode from SNSD's visit at WinWin; when Sung Yuri from the former group Fin.K.L very seriously, when she understand it's OK by the SNSD-girls, to retell how she always remind them that they must date, date and date and search for love and cherish it.








And the SNSD-girls very solemnely listens and nodding their heads in approval.








So of course is Seohyun very well aware what's expected of her from the SNSD-members: Date, date and find love.
















And even if Taeyeon's own experience of WGM isn't that great, she does acknowledge the search for love. And Yonghwa is probably a catch and a perfect object for dating, even after WGM.















I just notice in the video that Seohyun was looking at her couple ring after Sung Yuri said to date secretly ... sorry if this has been posted already :sweatingbullets:
















sorry!! i forgot the rules =(








i know no one liners








i love this thread too!! sorry again



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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hello gogumas.....^_^.... Anyeong  :wub:

I miss u everyone......:wub::wub:

First Big Big Big Thanks everyone...Big Thanks for all goguma shippers in here.

but....Oh. I have to back track these thread..so many page I haven't read, coz I was very busy few days ago.

Are there happy news about them?

I wanna share my new fan mv lovely skinship 24

Here is the link:


And.......I have an interesting topic about yongseo couple...I hope you are not bored by this post...and so sorry if it is not interesting..

Why Do YongSeo Couple Start to Look Like Each Other?

I saw many pictures of yongseo couple... then I feel they look similar. so I think if this was just my feeling or do they really look similar???

So I try to find any information about this, and I found an interesting science fact about this.

I found this article:


                                   Why Do Couples Start to Look Like Each Other?                           


By Amber Angelle

25 June 2010 10:46 AM ET

While you may be familiar with the old saying, “opposites attract,” in reality, what the heart wants is someone who resembles its owner and that resemblance increases the longer two lovebirds stay together.

University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an  experiment to test this phenomenon. He analyzed photographs of couples  taken when they were newlyweds and photographs of the same couples taken  25 years later.

University of Michigan psychologist Robert Zajonc conducted an  experiment to test this phenomenon. He analyzed photographs of couples  taken when they were newlyweds and photographs of the same couples taken  25 years later.

The results showed that the couples had grown to look more like each other over time. And, the happier that the couple said they were, the more likely they were to have increased in their physical similarity.

Zajonc suggested that older couples looked more alike because people  in close contact mimic each other’s facial expressions. In other words,  if your partner has a good sense of humor and laughs a lot, he or she will probably develop laugh lines around their mouth — and so will you.

Other evidence has also shown that men and women may be initially  attracted to partners with similar personalities. In 2006, scientists at  the University of Liverpool asked participants in a study to view  individual photos of men and women and judge their personalities. The  participants did not know who in the photos was married to whom, but the  couples that had been together the longest  were judged to have more similar personalities. The researchers  concluded that, “possessing personality traits that are attractive may  be causal in making a face attractive.”

It turns out we may even be hard-wired to fall in love with people sporting DNA  that is similar to our own in some ways. In a study of twins,  University of Western Ontario scientists found that not only did the  study participants tend to pick partners with similar genes; the spouses  of the identical twins were also more alike than the spouses of non-identical twins.

Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each other.

Here is the original link:

Why Do Couples Start to Look Like Each Other?

And other studies have shown that partners who are genetically similar to each other tend to have  happier marriages. Similarities in personalities and physical features might be one way to gauge genetic similarity. (Another link)

And here is some pict of yongseo couple:











And I like this:

"Couples may start to look like each other because in some ways they already are like each other."

And I've heard that couples who look alike, they are destined to each other.  I don't know about that's true or not, Only GOD knows.

Whatever happens later at yongseo couple I hope they're happy.

So what do u think gogumas?...

oh sorry for long post and mianhae if it's not interesting...and sorry for super bad english

EDIT: @ Baby_bo ..Thanks.... I didn't know you already post my video in here....Thanks DEAR...^_^:wub:

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Guest SophiaPia






Thanks genxv : i noticed that too while Khuntoria doing their mirror thing the YongSeo couple at the back got their own world kekeke! really sweet inside that bus wub.gif they really become close now like what redtulip say it's true. The awkwardness is gone. Now they really comfortable w/ each other. We can say that seoHyun is shy, but i notice Yong as well is shy. And he really is gentleman asking permission 1st to Hyun that they hold hold hands kekeke! sweet. I wish in the coming episode we will see more sweetness.




@ ichigo_kawai : yes! YongSeo are meant to be wub.gifwub.gif




at the moment i'm now in livestream but looks like the channel for we got married is not working :(:( it might be a re-run but still i want to see.


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