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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest blueshoes
































































































































































































































































추석특집 용서영상 3탄































































































































FANMADE for Chusok Day (Korean Thanksgiving Day)































































































































credit 서얌^ㅡ^ / 우리 결혼했어요 갤러리































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I Think I by Byul
































































































































































































































































그럴리 없다고 아닐꺼라고 믿었죠
































































































































It wasn't possible, so I believed it wasn't true
































































































































내가 그댈 사랑한단 이 말도 안되죠
































































































































Me loving you, these words don't even make sense
































































































































괜한 질투일꺼라고 내가 외로운가보다고
































































































































I'm probably just jealous, I guess I'm getting lonely
































































































































자신을 속여봤지만 이제 더는 난 감출 수가 없는걸요
































































































































I hid my feelings before but I just can't do it anymore
































































































































































































































































우린 안어울린다고 친구 그게 딱 좋다고
































































































































Maybe we are not suited to each other
































































































































It would be good if we are just friends
































































































































하나부터 열개 도대체 뭐 한개라도 맞는게 없는데
































































































































From one to ten, we never agree on anything
































































































































How can we have a relationship?
































































































































어떻게 사귈 수있냐고 말도 안돼는 얘기라고
































































































































People say we won't be able to do it
































































































































말하며 둘러 댔지만 이제더는 난 그러기가 싫은걸요
































































































































I've been surrounded by those words and I don't want to be anymore.
































































































































































































































































































































































































난 몰랐죠 그대라는걸 Woo 왜 못봤죠 바로 앞인데
































































































































I didn't realize how I felt about you,
































































































































Why couldn't I see? It was right in front of me
































































































































그동안 이렇게 바로 내곁에 있었는데 왜 이제서야 사랑이 보이는건지
































































































































That whole time you were right next to me
































































































































Why is it now that I finally see that it is love?
































































































































































































































































































































































































I think I love you 그런가봐요
































































































































I think I love you that's how it seems
































































































































Cause I miss you 그대만 없으면
































































































































Cause I miss you when you're not around
































































































































난 아무 것도 못하고 자꾸 생각나고 이런걸 보면 아무래도
































































































































I can't do anything except think about you
































































































































If I look at how things are I know
































































































































































































































































I'm falling for you 난 몰랐지만
































































































































I'm falling for you, I didn't realize it but
































































































































Now I need you 어느샌가 내 맘
































































































































Now I need you, somehow deep in my heart it grew
































































































































깊은 곳에 아주 크게 자리잡은 그대의 모습을 이젠 보아요
































































































































Now all I want to do is take care of you
































































































































































































































































credited to http://www.aheeyah.com/

































































































































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I am here to join the scream, the spazz, the group hug, the party, the joy, the fun and the whatever and whatever!!! Only one word. LOVE.

There is definitly something about these two that draw us to them in the first place. Something is blooming and it is my joy to watch it grow. I am happy to watch it from a distance and let them work on it themselves. If it is meant to be, it will be. I will be right here waiting no matter how many years it will take. Who is with me???

The Goguma Pledge

We the aliens of Goguma planet, pledge ourselves as one united family, regardless of  nationalities, language and gender, to support our Goguma couple with love and sincerity, so as to achieve unforgettable dreams and beautiful memories.

Yo redtulip I'm with you on this!!! I just wish our beloved Yongseo couple all the best to whatever it may be for their future, as long as they stay healthy and their careers go smoothly, I'm contented. They are both deep thinkers and care so much for each other, very matured indeed for their age... Both are truly exceptional individuals!

Yo lovekim thanks dearie for ur constant updates! I'm really appreciative of it, it really brought a smile to my face while working. I can't go online as often during office hours, so u got no idea how estatic I was to read ur texts! Heehee. Love ya! Goguma love forever!

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i tried looking for a picture of yong in a traditional costume and finally found this one from the sweet potato days blog. and they match! isnt that cute. and destined :wub:

































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i love how happy and plauful the two are on their japan filming shots....



















I have one request from yonghwa....



















Can you lick off the ice cream from seohyun's nose??????



















I dare you boy!!! Hahaha



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Guest joojong289


i'm a new user, but I have watched YongSeo from the beginning till now, do not remove any .




I also regularly up to date information on YongSeo every day from this thread .After ep last week ,it really made me so crazy <<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




Two people always surprise me, I never thought two people like that back to friendly (hehe =))) )...............


MBC ep special made me sad (depressed !!!!!!!!!)


but when i hear the information two people being filmed in Japan, it is always good too <3 <3 <3 <3 <<<<<<< 3333333333333




on a few days recent, I imagine about wedding photos of tưo people, "" Yong stood behind Seo , hold her hand and gently hug her in his heart, Seo turned back and caught the eyes of Yong, four eyes looked at each other and ............(i can't continue imagine) it is great is not


it so romantic


sorry if i dreaming so much!!!!:wacko:


dream still a dream forever :huh::w00t:


i will always wait all surprise from YongSeo couple .


YongSeo is real !!!!


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i love how happy and plauful the two are on their japan filming shots....































































































































































































































































I have one request from yonghwa....































































































































































































































































Can you lick off the ice cream from seohyun's nose??????































































































































































































































































I dare you boy!!! Hahaha































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL you even got me out of my lurker mode to comment on this! So cute and playful and dot dot dot. Kekeke~
































































































































































































































































Anyways, thank you to those who posted up the pictures of our couple in Japan.
































































































































































































































































It truly truly truly made my day! XD

































































































































































































































































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Guest KhimJJee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey guys !! does anyone know where i can find a video of ep 24 with eng sub>?

































































































































































































































































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Guest mochiling




i'm a new user, but I have watched YongSeo from the beginning till now, do not remove any .




I also regularly up to date information on YongSeo every day from this thread .After ep last week ,it really made me so crazy <<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>




Two people always surprise me, I never thought two people like that back to friendly (hehe =))) )...............




MBC  ep special  made me sad  (depressed !!!!!!!!!)




but when i hear the information two people being filmed in Japan, it is always  good too <3 <3 <3 <3 <<<<<<<  3333333333333




on a few days recent, I imagine  about wedding photos of tưo people, ""  Yong stood behind Seo , hold her hand and  gently hug her in his heart, Seo turned back and caught the eyes of Yong,  four eyes looked at each other and ............(i can't continue imagine) it is great is not




it so romantic




sorry if i dreaming so much!!!!:wacko:




dream still a dream forever :huh::w00t:




i will always wait all surprise from YongSeo couple .




YongSeo is real !!!!








i second this also, hope it will happen very soon, can't wait to see them in wedding suit n gowns, also other member from the 2 group so niceeeeeeeee................




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Guest tripplemama








































i love how happy and plauful the two are on their japan filming shots....































































I have one request from yonghwa....































































Can you lick off the ice cream from seohyun's nose??????































































I dare you boy!!! Hahaha































































I 2nd that too.....ok now my imagination is running wild....
































trying to avoid one liner here...
































Just wondering what kind wedding photo concept you guys want our couple to have...
































For me, I want them to have the traditional costume in one of the shot similiar to Hwanhee & Hwayobi (eating the jujube..correct me if I/m wrong here)









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Guest littlebiebie

Dear Gogumas...

I always proud of you guys..  I see some of you posted wishlists in MBC board here

For posting in the Message Board you must create your ID first.

Even if we don't know Korean Genxv already posted the step by step procedure in page 1043. It's very easy to follow.

Come on support Yong & Hyun by sending your wishlist to MBC :rolleyes:

redtulip There is definitly something about these two that draw us to them in the first place. Something is blooming and it is my joy to watch it grow. I am happy to watch it from a distance and let them work on it themselves. If it is meant to be, it will be. I will be right here waiting no matter how many years it will take. Who is with me???

yeah.. count me in this ride :D

blueshoes The song is from OST Full house, rite?I used to like that song.. I will soon download it later at home.. Thank you.. :)

joojoong289, mochiling welcome to our GOGUMA world :lol:

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is the eng subbed video of chuseok special already out???
















where can i watched it???sweatingbullets.gif
















blueshoes: thank you for sharing a wonderful video..that song is one of my fave!laugh.gif









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Guest constantia11

dear friends @ Goguma Land.

I'm into this couple so much that I want to reminisce their story from the beginning, but I could not find the link to watch streaming from episode 1. All the video links in sweet potato days and other blogs are removed.

Can somebody give me the links to all their Eng Sub WGM videos (not to download, just watch it)?

Thanks before!!

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Guest monie1909

lunasol i love your insight about how hyun act around other guys.u are so right about that..i noticed that myself..

genxv thank you for the guide to register in mbc board.i'll make sure to register myself later..

jessy,genxv,baby_bothank you so much for the pics of hyun and yong filming..i'm so happy that i think i'm going to cry..Like everyone else had mentioned earlier,it is so good to see them together,having fun in japan despite their busy schedule..i love wgm pd for doing that for Yongseo..tho the reason is for wgm,they gave Hyun and Yong a time to spend with each other.Thank you so much,PD-nim.

Redtulip The pledge is beautiful

And to all international gogumas who posted in mbc board,i'm so proud reading each one of your post.The most beautiful thing i noticed about what you guys wrote are,you guys never forget to thanks all the PDs and wgm crews.Lets make Yongseo International's fans known for being grateful,polite and full of love.Lets bring goguma's culture to korea.By showing PDs and WGM crews our gratitude and love for their work,i hope they will feel appreciated and in retun they will love our Yongseo more.Haha,sorry if i sounded like some goody two shoes,just overwhelmed with latest news about Yongseo..LOVE ALL YONGSEO FANS HERE.

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Guest waniey_haha
















tanx gogumaz for the pic yongg n hyuun filming in japan...and they looked really happy in those picture....wow !!! it really make me become so impatience,,,,,
















juz want to share with u guyz,,,,seohyun wearing hangbok if i'm not mistaken ....in this video and she looks very pretty and kyopta.....
















CUte hyunn in hangbok















around 0:23....









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Guest mochiling




Dear Gogumas...




I always proud of you guys..  I see some of you posted wishlists in MBC board here




For posting in the Message Board you must create your ID first.




Even if we don't know Korean Genxv already posted the step by step procedure in page 1043. It's very easy to follow.




Come on support Yong & Hyun by sending your wishlist to MBC :rolleyes:












yeah.. count me in this ride :D












blueshoes The song is from OST Full house, rite?I used to like that song.. I will soon download it later at home.. Thank you.. :)




joojoong289, mochiling welcome to our GOGUMA world :lol:




littlebiebie thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to have more info og yongseo couple,yonghwa go taiwan today n stay for 5 days 4 nights, do you think hyun will go there meet him since she got 3 days off, maybe whishful thinking, yong n hyun parents will go fliming at taiwan with the couple there. whishful thinking??????????????




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Guest kudougirl
















































thank you very much everyone for posting yongseo japan filming w00t.gif
















they look really really happy there.. i'm happy too biggrin.gif
















when will japan episode air? can't waittttttt w00t.gif

















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Guest Crystal392






Woah thanks so much for all the info, pics, translations and everything :)



OMO They look soo happy together on those pics of them filming in Japan. I swear I felt butterflies in my stomach by just looking at them.






hehehe they were playing with ice cream? how cute!!






*waves to old and new spazzers*






I love you my lovely GOguma family ^___^






EDIT: It feels it was just a couple of days ago we reached the page 1000, and now we will reach page 1050 soon. :D



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yes... *nods in agreement to redtulip's pledge* :D

panGG... i didn't know hyun also wears something of similar colour as yong's! whoa... this just gives me goosebumps! it's like they're really binded by the thread of destiny or what?! :crazy:

lenovo-cuz~! where have u been??? am missing ur posts! i LOLed hard at ur post xD

glad that hyun is getting funnier just like her hubby kekeekek

♥i love_sica♥... did u mean the horror eps? u can find some here and also the ones by sun_sun, but u hafta go backpage to find it :P btw, no one-liner pls.

kimjica... hi~! i thought the chuseok special is a repeat? since it's a repeat i'm sure u can find the eps somewhere in genxv's blog or RDR

hi constantia11~! u can watch it here... :)

waniey_haha, thanks for sharing this~! been looking for this vid... hehe :D

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wow!! more great news!!

tks baby_bo, jessy and genxv for posting Jpn filming pics.

that girl is of course our lovely hyun, no doubt abt that.

did someone think it'll be juri? :rolleyes::crazy::lol:

good suggestion abt regstering at MBC, gogumas.

must let PDnim know abt yongseo int'l fans.

lets spread yongseo love there.

tks so much for making this thread lively gogumas. thats the way!!!

redtulip, that pledge nvr leaves my mind.. ;)

so..gogumas....(uri) aneulkka? okay...(uri) anja!! :lol:

ah! dreamy, thats 'shall we hug' and 'lets hug' btw...hehehe

tks j2,for your endless contribution love ya :wub:

tho i can't type all names...rmbr...

EVERYONE is much loved here..

oh! don't forget tomorrow's part 2 of chuseok special, gogumas.

though the first part was disappointing, we shall not give up alright?

think positive!

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dreamyboo: thank you for the information!blush.gif







































redtulip: count me in!! *reciting GOGUMA'S PLEDGE* uri YONGSEO couple is DAEBAK!w00t.gif







































will tomorrow's special is a rerun??blink.gif
















aishh...seriously, i want to go to mbc and steal the wgm videos!!!ph34r.gif(unedited of course)phew.gif







































waiting until saturday is really killing me!!!and they didn't even show a preview for this saturday's show!









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