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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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To J2dlee: u are the best, thx so much for the sub. If possible, can u plz translate Jungshin's part, too? Also other couple as well under spoiler of course bc i want to compare their dialogues. Sozy 4 demanding. Thx again

































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi all^^.... This Ep is super cute...a lot of skinship (in the way of our couple) and Yong show how to protect his wife ... and make me think about Yukilovesyou's Translation ...wife's message to husband.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit : Thank you j2dlee for Translation































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did Hy~un really say this? Or is it from a fanfic? It sounds familiar, so I think it's real.. but, I'm not sure! Can anyone refresh my memory before I spazz for no reason?! :w00t::lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can not get over tonights episode.. I keep rewatching their parts.. our YongSeo couple is so perfect! They were made for each other.. their teamwork was amazing! :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































J2dlee thank you very much for the translations. Much appreciated :)
































































Reading the translation, I think Yonghwa is more scared than he seemed. But because he need to protect his buin, he had to be manly like that. Very admirable.
































































Now I can sleep with beautiful Yongseo dreams hehe. Ah~ see you gogumas on Tuesday :wub:

































































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Yongseo part’s done!!




























I’ll think about what to do with the rest of the episode=3 Do you still want it?



















































































Sorry to cut ur post. but can u please continue translating the rest of the epi. wanna know what happen the rest of the epi. thx so much for ur work!!! =)




























Btw, i really luv how Yong mustered up all his courage to protect Hyun eventhough I believed he must be scared to death. It nicer to see ur partner protect u when u know he also scared in that situation. and love the skinship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait for next week. wish the preview come up sooner.





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Guest hallyucraze




Quote from j2dlee




Yongseo part’s done!!


I’ll think about what to do with the rest of the episode=3 Do you still want it?




J2dlee... OF COURSE WE LOVE FOR YOU TO CONTINUE with the translations! It somehow made me feel they're for real!!!




... this episode... SKINSHIP OVERLOAD!!!!!!! I love it!!! :D


TO: J2dlee, redtulip, yukilovesyou... my dear potatoes thanks for the translations! it made watching the show more meaningful!!




Ahhhh... our seobaby is really comfortable with Yong now eh?? holding hands!!! N dun wanna let go! :P She's so dependent on Yong then.. Yong choding must be truly happy!






J2dlee dun u stop what u are doing!! we love u very, very,very much!! :D


Ok! off to watch the show again! :P



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Guest Dandelion7


Thank you j2dlee for subbed and everyone who posted all lovely pics, yt and caps :D . I was so happy after watching today episode. Actually, I was so tired and had a lot of reserch paper and homework to finish due to this monday but our YongSeo couple made my day :D . Have a good night everyone. (I'm off to finish my homework and paper)


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Hi every Goguma Lovers

I would like to say thank you for every one that share  your feeling about yongseo

Its so wonderfull

Relation between them is so butifull.

I will keep in my mind

Irealy Love you YongSeo

and special Thanks for every clip picture  Links  


@ J2dlee:wub:     

Because of You so i can understand what they talk together

Thanks so much

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Guest waniey_haha
















jd2lee tanx u so much for the translation.....a big hug.....
















wow...it looks like gain and jokwon also surprised and excited when seeing hyuuun n yooongg holding hand !!
















like many of us do.....w00t.gifw00t.gif ... i bet they will also be double triple surprise when they watch this episode where YONGSEO taking pic.....hugging each other....don't forget the CNBLUE members  and SNSD unnies....of coz they will tease themm ...overload of skinship=  teasing overload  from them...









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Thanks for the kind comments, Goguma lovers.




I'll do the rest of the episode after dinner, is that okay?




I nearly died laughing while watching Jungshin's solo mission. I'll share some of his monologue(?!)...




Don’t you dare come out!




Don’t even think about coming out.




Oh, sundae!




Don’t you dare come out while I’m reading this!




Uh, you keep moving? Keep moving?!




Uh, hello.




(To the granny ghost)




Do you know where the dica is?




Dica… Digital Camera…




You first.




(To the girl ghosts)




Is there anyone who is my fan?




Could I borrow you lantern?




Go easy on me.




Don’t you dare come towards me!




Here’s a hot plate of fritters~ Fritters~ I’ve got courgettes~bean curds~




(To the Sadakos)




Ah, really-let’s not do this.




120, yes? 120 plus 2, minus 15…600…? Phew…..




Don’t you dare come out!




HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! He's super ultra cute!




(jnj: hmm? What message?)



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Guest bintangkalerbiru



it's amazing how many ppl are spazzing on this thread. watching while reading all the post are super fun!!! thanks everyone for all of your post. some of the scenes that you guys pointed out, i didnt even realized it before. wow..it's like watching with hundreds of people,not just by myself. i really love you guys a lot!!! ^_^

my day wont complete if i don't give my thanks to j2dlee and redtulip for the translation. thank youx100000

you guys are one of the light of this thread!! :wub:

anyway,i don't have anything more to spazz on this episode because all of you have said it well..this episode really makes me love our goguma couple more. wow..their level of skinship has been shoot up really fast!! i was rolling on the floor and giddying so much watching them together from the start of the episode to the last. yongseo couple in this episode is super lovey-dovey!! :wub:

i just want to quote this little things (thanks to our angel j2dlee for the translation:

Gain: You guys are holding hands!

JK: Really! They are holding hands!

yes ADAm couple,we saw it, and we saw it all through the horror scene. :lol:

anyway,happy spazzing everyone!!! love you all!!! ;)


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Guest Crystal392



Woah You guys have been very busy spazzing :) thanks to everyone for the translations, screencaps, gifs etc :D

You really are awesome.

Woah This thread has moved like 10 pages since the last time I posted xD

Goguma jjang!!!

Thanks everyone ^_^


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Guest _hachimitsu

Juz finished watching today's show...its really good! Really liked many parts of the show (holding wife's hand tightly in the classroom, change holding seohyun from left to right, tidying the t-shirt.....and many more parts).

I really wish seohyun would hug Yong Hwa from the back (like the rest of the 2 couples)instead of Yong Hwa missing out so many times from wanting to hug the wife.

"Hey....Wake up Seohyun...we want more skinship and intimacy between the two of you. Like that, all the netizen will have fun spazzing about the intimate moments and not let us wait till our hair turn white for juz a bit of closeness each week"

Sigh....wish she gets a chance to read it..

annyeong.. aishh cant resist to slamdunk some trolls kekekeke^^

Cant believe i'm posting again after posting those goodies and caps. Was planning to post only when new artwork is available. ahhh. anyway, welcome to our yongseo thread  :wub: (gogumaland? goguma planet? LOL we have soo many names~)

As a fan I am also happy with our couple's progress. About 7 months ago, even "holding hands" seems like something impossible for this couple, but hey, look at the more recent episodes. They started to show their trueself, and slowly but most importantly gain trust and respect from each other. I saw people put minus on some posts, most probably they are non regular yongseo fans in this thread? so I just want to express my opinion on this. I believe most goguma fans will agree with me. 

I saw lots of new spazzers (and lurkers?) so I'll try to write this in the most simple, short and diplomatic way I can. Please forgive me if I somehow offend anyone.

Many of us mentioned this almost every few pages: All three couple in WGM are unique. Adam couple is one of those a hilarious and laidback couple, Khuntoria reminds me of my seniors friends (just figured out i'm younger than them ops..) who's mostly same age with this couple - a free spirited couple who wanna enjoy life and love, while our Yongseo couple, they're like love at first sight. One day, you somehow found something precious and you don't want to lose it, ever. I still remember there was a pool or something about this couple, and most of the people said Yongseo reminds them of their own first love story. Slowly, but surely. Those babysteps in any romance fairy tale is what Yongseo is made of. 

WGM, obviously is a show. However, what's reel and what's real, we dont know. I love this couple, that's the most important thing. What's so special about WGM is, there's missions, or "couple guidelines" given by the PD, but there's no script. So the couples here don't have specific "characters" that have to be. At some point "faking" might not even exists. They can be cautious (its a show on national TV, yo!) but they are also just being themselves. 

A person's LOVE STORY is affected by your personality. That's where our 3 couple represent: Couples with different personalities, background and goals. Even in real life we'll see different type of couples. If you're a fan of seohyun, SNSD, yonghwa, CNBLUE, been following this couple and read news and updates of them (in this thread especially), then things such as "skinship" and "intimacy" must not be taken lightly. We all have different cultures, different opinions, different persons who came to love yongseo. But hey, they are different too!  Yonghwa respects Seohyun. Everytime they meet, he see her true self and by now he understand her even more. That's why their skinships happens slowly, to let her be comfortable of such things. To gain her trust. To have skinships worthy of being skinship. Because in this kind of love story, everything is precious.

and bam! Their duet few weeks ago, holding hands infront of an ocean of fans (not to mention national TV, and the internet) with zero awkwardness and those really happy smiles and sparkling eyes. This thread had more than 780 people during that special night (eh.. why does it sound wrong hahahaha~) another bam! The latest episode few hours ago (filming date a bit earlier than the duet), blimey.. I was LOLing, smiling, and occasionally went awwwwwwww or sometimes went gaga and yelled DID-THEY-JUST-OMG?? Need to remind you all of the other sweetness? nah, Gogumas are awesome spazzers, I'll let you float around gogumaland happily   ^_^

SO. Asking Seohyun for more skinships? I like that, but I want to see her own  interpretation of "skinship". Yongseo style. A skinship that happens when it should happen, and not to please other people. Saying Yong missing out soo many times compared with other couples? Eh hell no. I think he's the happiest person that night. Didnt he showed off his couple ring (after oceanprince's epic yell^^) with that giddy smile during Listen to CNBLUE in Singapore (after filming of today's episode)? Yongseo has many precious moments together, some of which we might see it soon, or some only for them to know.

Whats my point really? Other than the above things, I hope all fans (new and old) will love and respect yongseo as the way they are. Support them in WGM and outside of WGM. We are not some psycho fans and we wont let any "trolls" feel happy when they want us to be unhappy. (hoookay so we're kinda delusional but a goguma can dream~ its Gogumaland, yo!)

And as mentioned in my previous post,  yongseo surely gain lots of new fans after that epic episode. me likey~

Did i bore everyone? HAHAHA I'm sorry I love this thread and those 'little2 posts' is plain blehhh, so,


credit: DCgal + shane09 for reposting it here^^

*yess will finish dwlding HQ vid in 5 minutes* and, Thank you j2dlee! Eh I just remember i'm going to a korean restaurant tomorrow... should i eat something yongseo-ish? LOL :D

EDIT: OMG LOL The MCs were really into this show! Especially yongseo's part (maybe because they were the first to go in?) haha~

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j2, u've already answered my PM, buddy, tks


and tks again for jungshin's part. this boy is much loved by everyone


okay...u know i always have something to ask u every week right? sweatingbullets.gifblush.gif


so, may i know what these prizes are for?




saw yongseo checking out one of the prizes



i wanted soo much to ans to the one nega post abt our hyun, <_<

but dang! after spazzing soo much abt those lovely moments,

i just can't get angry w anyone..

not worth it!


so to the one....

i am opening the door to yongseo world for u and let u see that we believe in the

saying 'slowly but surely' :)





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i realized after reading j2dlee's translation(thanks dear!),hyun was the one suggesting that they need to connect the love on their shirt together..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she obviously knows that they need to hug each other and stay close..but she's totally okay with it..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and that part was not even in the mission, her suggestion was out of her freewill^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun buin is making the moves now..she's giving the green signal.. :phew:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong, what else are you waiting for?GO FOR IT!! blush.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Goguma06



Hi all Goguma lovers!!!!

It's my first time posting here (or on Soompi) but i've been lurking for a long time. I discovered Goguma couple back in July, i think, and from this moment onward i never stopped to love them!!! There are so many things to say about them!!

I prefer this couple because, like namy of you said, we can see the progression of their relationship. They are a really "real" couple because i can easily identify myself to them. They are down to earth and really cute. I don't care a single second that they don't do as much skinship as the other couple because they are communicating with their eyes and it's there that the love that they have for each other shows up.

 I think the reason why i loved them so much is because i see myself in Hyun sometimes. Her reactions are similar to mine and she is just a little bit older then me.

 Oh i would like to be able to meet a guy like Yong~~ He is so loving, gentle, caring, ...awww (would be good if ll the guys had those qualities...¬¬ XD) . I discovered him "You're beautiful" and i wanted to try to watch We got married because of him (and i absolutely don't regret!)

When i discovered this thread about Yongseo couple i was so happy because i had found people who shared the same vision that i have about Yong~~ and Hyun~~

I have so many things to say that i seem to have forgotten all what i wanted to say... XD

First of all, i am completely in love WITH THIS EPISODE!!!!! It was definitely the best episode so far...........the amount of skinship was to a level never seen before.

Daebak ^^

The moment i prefered:

1. In the first part of the episode (before they enter in the Haunted school) we can see that Yongseo couple are always next to each other,,,(like if they were linked my an invisible tread) When all the couple leave the bus, some of them are taking distances from each other, but Yongseo couple are moving together.....they are so cute!!!

2. When we see that naturally they held hands in the haunted house and how they don't let go of each other hands. The awkwardness is at O%

3. Of course when they are taking the picture and they are like a true couple watching a movie, a friday night, on the couch ...so lovey dovey!

Oh i absolutely can't wait for the other episodes !! Oh why is there just one Saturday by week....

Sorry for my bad english....i am a french canadian :)

Hope to enteract with all of you, Goguma lovers!!! ^_^

YongSeo hwaiting!!!!


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Guest miel_1301



Thanks to all wonderful Gogumas who've posted screen caps, shared their thoughts, observations and impressions even before redtulip and j2dlee came to our rescue to give us the partial translations for episode 23.

The thread got literally flooded with screen captures, showing every small detail of the "natural intimacy" displayed by the YongSeo couple that I wouldn't trade for any other kind of "skinship" before the rolling cameras just to satisfy the curiosity and thirst of people who've long wanted for this couple to publicly display their affection. This couple does "things" their own way, at their own time and at their own pace.

It seems like after having watched the YongSeo couple for 23 episodes now, seeing their growth and transformation right before our very eyes, we can already interpret their actions and reactions quite accurately.

As the old cliche says, "ACTION really speaks louder than WORDS!"

Some more random caps and comments...


Victoria showering our Seobaby with some lovin'. SM family indeed. She was the one who tied the cloth band around Hyun's waist.


All throughout the journey of the YongSeo couple inside the haunted/horror rooms, we saw a YongHwa whose hand tightly gripping at Seobaby's hand and at times switching from his left hand to his right hand. But in these particular scenes we saw an added "comfort" on Yong's side...


When they went inside the room and before they saw the math equation to be solved, Yong was holding Seobaby's hand with his right hand.




And when Seobaby got suddenly startled with the noise, she voluntarily dropped to the floor/ground.


Then when she finally stood up, Yong heightened the "comfort level" by holding Seobaby's hand with both of his hands, gripping on it even more tighter.

Thanks again j2dlee for the trans of some of the parts of Jungshin Chinggu.

YongHwa must have felt proud of his dongsaeng for being able to pull through such special Mcing job. Jungshin must have felt initially nervous but seeing his Hyung and his Hyunsoonim with him, he must have mustered any initial jitters.

Good job, Jungshin Chinggu!

shane09, I missed thanking you for those gifs. They even made the scenes more vivid and alive.


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Thank you again dear jdlee for the translations and for not giving up when technology got in the way (urgh, it's so frustrating when that happens!). Looking forward to the rest
































I have to say I really enjoyed all the couples in this episode. Usually I only see the Adam and Khuntoria couples during live stream, but today it was nice to really see them all together and their different personalities. One of my biggest WGM dreams has always been to see an episode where the couples compete, so this was totally DAEBAKK and I am one happy and satisifed fan.
































To Mr/Ms. PD: the other things I wish for are a ) Filming in Japan b ) Wedding photoshoot. You're working on these right? heheheh
































hachimitsu I enjoyed your post, it wasn't boring at all!! YES, we are definitely not psycho fans, just mildly delusional..hahahahha. I'm with you, let's support Yong and Hyun on and off WGM.
































Saw this fanart on DCInside. Pretty.
































Source: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=480410
































Credits as tagged

































































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Guest waniey_haha
















miel tanx u for the screencaps...im also think that part was super sweet..yoong tried to calm hyunnn .....wub.gifwub.gif
















both hand give more warm to comfort hyuun at that time....sweet.....

























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well said hachi. hi5 yongseo style!


gen, i don't watch the other 2 couples, but tonite i find Adam couple funny

and khuntoria couple caring

but my heart belongs to yongseo still..hehe


the MCs keep harping on yong being scared. i think he did feel scared too.

assuring hyun all the time is also another way to tackle his fear.


and he overcomes it because 'he's the man' and 'wifey comes first'.



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