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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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In my opinion, Yong's answers to the questions related to Hyun show that he is trying to keep the whole thing focused on CNBlue's promotion and not his "marriage". As happy as I am that one of the MCs is a Yongseo fan and we get to hear Yong talk about Hyun, I can't help but think that Yong feels bad for getting more attention than the other boys just because of Hyun. At the end of the day, they are there for the band's promotion.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahh hope I make sense (>_<)~!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































Don't worry, you make sense in what you're trying to say. :)
































































































































































































Still, we also have to consider things in the big picture. Like, even way before he got married to Hyun, he's always been getting more attention than the other boys because of YAB as Shinwoo. And when they debuted, they have to promote themselves as CNBLUE (with Yong's case, not as Shinwoo anymore but as part of a band even though it seems his character Shinwoo stuck to him and fans are still starting to appreciate band music, considering band music is not very popular in Korea). I think the band music prejudice makes them all the more work harder promoting themselves, hence you can practically see Yong in most talk/variety shows at the beginning to introduce to the mass viewers that he's got a band now as well as introduce band music to mainstream. That in a way, he was casted in WGM so that viewers would know the Jung Yong Hwa and not be stuck to the Shinwoo character (cause they're like total opposites :lol: ) and by letting the members as guests in the show will make viewers get to know the personalities of members as well. Didn't some of us fell for Jonghyun, Jungshin and Minhyuk just because of WGM? :P
































































































































































































The other thing as well, he was married to an SNSD member. We all know how popular the group is in Korea, hence, more and more people are tuning in to them. It really can't be helped that he will get questions about Hyun more than the usual. I assume that he's got this thing coming(Hyun questions) due to both their popularity.
































































































































































































And so, Yong is always being careful or safe with his answers because more than the usual people are interested with his marriage to her (and it's still ongoing). He doesn't want to take sides and perhaps upset both sides (his fans or Hyun's fans), just an ok answer to suit everyone. :phew:
































































































































































































In my case, I'm just glad that both have been paired with each other and that both have been good and care genuinely to each other. They seem to enjoy being together as well, so let's all then enjoy it with them. :D
































































































































































































Watching Yong's face whenever he's asked about his marriage, it didn't seem to me that he's tired of being married to Hyun, hehehehe. So, cheer up, @maryclaude. :)

































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hi guys....*waves hard* ^_^ thanks everyone for sharing ur thoughts, pics, links & news~! luv ya all~! *hugs*

something interesting caught my attention...(during 9 Entertain interview in thailand)

Q: What are your ideal types? (Jungshin is so cute imitating the interviewer's talking speed. He speaks really fast even I have to admit)

MH: I actually like a girl that feels like a friend.

YH: I like kind-hearted girl and must not be a liar.

JH: ... I like a cheerful girl that is fun to be with.

JS: I would like someone that can understand me well.

he's still consistent with his answer~!!! yay~! :phew: oh, he doesn't mention feminine anymore? (he even added the word "MUST"!!!) so now he has learned that beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder!

(Many Yong Hwas inside, crying Yonghwa, sweating Yonghwa, but only smiling Yong Hwa comes out.

I love the detail, earing and cheekbone)

Yong Hwa:

Recently, my parents call and ask me often, "Do you have anything hard? Are you alright?"

Then I always answer, "No, nothing is hard. Things are going well always, you don't need to worry about me."

Although I have hard things, that's what I myself have to overcome. So I will keep saying so.

here's the pic that yong drew... ahaha he's forever hilarious!


sighh.. i'm proud of him being independant & not wanting to trouble others but at the same time i also wish that he could at least not put all the burden onto himself. he's indeed a triple A!


rainie_chu, thanks for that quote... its really insightful~! luv how the poster expressed her thoughts on seohwa. :)

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Guest SophiaPia








kekeke! redtulip i'm addicted to YongSeo couple :)






@Solleill123 thanks, is this photo new? kekeke! what's that hubby Yong vs Goguma ? hahaha! i think this time wifey Hyun knows who she will choose. Even if they ask her again Jhonny Depp or hubby Yong i think she will choose hubby Yong hahaha! 








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A gif of Yonghwa showing off his couple ring ^^

































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SNEAK PEAK OF UENO JURI EPISODE!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:
































































































































































































Found this on yt.
































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: keoconvoineverdie
































































































































































































It was raining that day, hahaha!
































































































































































































Edit: Is this really how to post videos here? My first time. Why isn't the video showing? :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































I wonder what he said at the end. Haha!
































































































































































































@soleill123. Seems Yong has been asked who to choose as well. :w00t:

































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LOL, I'm mildly addicted bordering on addicted. I was being conservative in answering though, heh. :P




I just want to share something I intentionally wrote for my LJ. I only wanted to write a short entry for my adoration for this couple, but it turned out to be a litany of sorts about what I love most about them. Some of you guys might be able to relate and give me comfort that no, I am NOT imagining things.







I totally agree with your litanies and you are NOT imagining things (I guess that's how the majority of the goguma's feel).  This is precisely why I fell in love with this couple.  Theirs is a typical "boy-meets-girl" scenario.  It's akward but definitely cute :rolleyes:.  And you can really see how their relationship progresses.  One thing I admire with Yong is how he handles and respects Hyun, he does not take advantage of her in every episode that they do.  And because of this, I can see that Hyun's starting to be more open and really get comfortable with him.  Lastly, you can see that both of them is really trying to make their "marriage" work.  Let's hope that the friendship they formed because of  WGM leads to a positive one :wub: 





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SNEAK PEAK OF UENO JURI EPISODE!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif

Found this on yt.


cr: keoconvoineverdie

It was raining that day, hahaha!

Edit: Is this really how to post videos here? My first time. Why isn't the video showing? :sweatingbullets:

haha i was about to post that... u're fast! :)

LOL it's ok...it has been like that for quite some time already... that's why some of us prefer to link the media... it's ok at least the url is there...thanks, rouenna~! :D

i'm not too sure if anyone has posted this... but hyun is sure a tigress in here! she has improved a lot in her dance (as in with her expression... no offence but she used to be quite stiff :vicx: )

seohyun RAWRRRRR

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redtulip, that's very creative of ya to create a quiz! kekeke my score shows that i'm extremely addicted to them!!!! waaahhahahaha and i think so too! my bf thinks i'm crazy~!!! he kept on "tsk tsk tskk" on me whenever i browse for them, looking at their pics with a silly smile on my face, putting them as my desktop background, editing their pics, trying to make MV outta them....wahahahahah he thinks i'm nuts! he even told me that i haven't been paying much attention to him... whoops!!! :sweatingbullets: he told me "u'd better not force me to watch this sorta stuffs..." boo-hoo! anyways, sorry for my offtrack rambling... and thank u! :D

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A gif of Yonghwa showing off his couple ring ^^



































He's so cute! I love him. :P
















rainie_chu Even though I think he was struck by her beauty when they first met, I agree that it took a little while for him to start to really see her as his "wife". As for her, I think the 1st real indication for me was when she showed how upset she was that he wasn't able to attend their concert. After he apologized, she immediately suggested he come to the one in either Thailand or China, I think. He didn't give a definite answer until she made him promise before singing "I Am Sixteen" for him. And then how embarrassed she was by it. She is adorable. I love her, too. :lol:
















Next episode looks pretty funny. So it seems like YongSeo is so wrapped up in each other they don't even notice who is there or who is waiting on them. Awwwhhh..... :lol:









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































@Roeanna: thanks for sharing the sneak peek of tomorrow's episode. what could be the question asked to Yonghwa when he was in the van? My guess is who would he pick between Ueno Juri and Seohyun, then a picture of Seohyun showed up. so maybe he chose his wife. :) ***@redtulip: my score was 27. :)

















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sneak peak

heres a sneak peak of yongseo meeting Ueno Juri.


Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun

During the interview:

How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?

YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.

Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?

YH: Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.

(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)

Cr Baidu Goguma Couple Translated by : 小雨

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Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun







During the interview:














How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?







YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.














Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?







YH:  Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.














(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)














Cr  Baidu Goguma Couple  Translated by : 小雨







Wow you beat me to it.




Anyway, 1 million goguma points from me to Yonghwa. You did not let us down again!!!! Yippeeeee.




I am right about you since day 1. That is your charm!




Heartbreak_warfare22, dreamyboo, Rainie_chu: Thanks for trying out the test. Hope you have fun. I am a addict too. Gogumas Chingu High Five!!!




I am so happy!!!





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sneak peak
































































heres a sneak peak of yongseo meeting Ueno Juri.






























































































































































































































































Could any kind goguma translate what they are talking in the preview ESP what Yong said? Yes!! It's tomorrow!!! Ueri Juno looks kind of different from the movie. Her face looks bigger in the preview. Sorry! No offense to those who like her.

































































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Guest SophiaPia








Thanks to the translations :)






more practice and wife Hyun will be good in cooking :) 






like to give aigoo, wife Hyun like to give aigoo as well :)






quiete feminine, that's  wife Hyun s well :)






aigooo! hubby Yong are u sure Juri Euno is ur ideal girl hahaha! it's seems like Juri Euno and wife Hyun same similarities that's why u said ur "i" girl is Juri Euno it's just that u can't say loud enough ur "i" girl is ur wife Hyun kekekeke! 






i guess, it's also hard for hubby Yong that time kekeke! but his right "i" girl is an "i" girl, wife is wife hahaha!  of course u will choose ur wife :) 






hahaha! both really busy talking and staring w/ each other that they don't even notice their idol kekeke! and SeoHyun keep looking at juri Euno, she get star struck w/ Euno :)


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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































uwaa the PREVIEW PREVIEW is just daebak!! i love it when they ddint noticed Ueno juri at first since they're lost in their own world. ahahha:))
































































im excited to see SEO-UENO interactions more since seo baby really like nodame cantabile ever since. i am very happy for her! and plus yong-ueno would
































































be interesting for sure. hahah:))
































































and ive seen the interview cnbkue had today. i just squeeled at the part where the host ask cnblue to compare them to  a korean artist.
































































yong you better not be too obvious. it's showing off already..  he said that the host since she;s wearing 11. can be seohyun since she's wearing 11,
































































still seohyun. ahaha:)  and the thing that made me squeel more is because, yong knows her wife well. he knows what is her number in snsd. :)
































































i think that's sweet.  since i dont even remember seo's number, or even my snsd bias' number at their oh outfit. >>><<<

















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Guest seohyun_yh




Comparison between Ueno Juri and Wifey Seohyun



During the interview:






How do U feel about meeting your ideal girl?



YH: Good cooking skills, like to give aigoo and quite feminine.






Then, who is prettier, Ideal Ueno or Wifey Seohyun?



YH:  Ideal is just ideal. Wifey Seohyun, of course , is different.






(Wifey Seohyun is the Highest!)






Cr  Baidu Goguma Couple  Translated by : 小雨



i love you Yonghwa!!  :wub: I was waiting for  his answer.  :sweatingbullets:


though, a friendly user of this forum, gave me your point of view about it. ^_^ 


Thank you Crystal_malfoy.   ^_^



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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































I am totally spazzing over the preview this really confirm me that SH have a really special place in his heart. It is not only the way he looks at her, the way he express about her and now this, the guy is really constant with his answers about her and "I" thing. I want to spazz more but I am at work.
































































































































































































NoteO totally out of topic but does anyone know a good program to arrange photos. better if I can DL for free.
































































































































































































bye!!! Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas.

















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