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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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WAAHHH... thank you everyone for the goodies.


panGG your observations were so fun to read. 2 big thumbs up! And Michael Buble' song is just perfect.


clumsy, I saw lenovo's post of SeoHyun on the phone then I saw your macro and its as if you read my mind.. Well, we were probably all thinking it..kekekeke. 'Thank you guys for those pics.


whimsicalchild, haenna Hyun is gorgeous in those TRAX photos. I want to ship a full size posterboard of this to CNBLUE's form. Anyone have an address? LOL


OMO,_d3 why is Yong staring so intensely at his buin? Is kimchi a code word too? LOL. I agree with PanGG, I think they are hugging themselves because they are afraid of what they really want to do. Think about it, if you had no desire whatsoever to hold the other person, you would walk normally like you would with a friend. But instead they seem so conscious of the other's presence.


Edit: Haha, the banmal version is awesome clumsy



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panGG, i lurveeee ur detailed observation! it would have taken me some time to notice what u spotted! u're truly a goguma FBI agent!! :w00t: daebakkkkkk~!

omigoshhh, lenovo-cuzz... u just gave me a heart attack in ur spoiler! ROFL!!! xD notti, notti gal! kekeekke

k_tin, now u make me wanna see hyun too.... >.<

thanks clumsy, miel, haeanna, whimsicalchild for the pics~! clumsy, ur macros are :wub: !!! ekekek... but hey, who knows she was talking to yong!!!

jnj, i'm so with u > BEFORE: yong seobang and NOW: yong nampyeon kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :wub:

and as for yong, he's calling hyun jjinggg~~ kakaakakak deng i'm making up things now! xD

owhhh nothing to share... but i hope someone will answer this question of mine as i'm still quite fuzzy about it.


i do.... after watching the previous ep & their duet! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(sorry if this has already been brought up)

edit: haha d3, if u didn't capture that scene i won't know that yong was totally ogling at buin's kissable lips! thanks for that!

genxv!! yes, yes... i also agree with u & panGG about them hugging themselves. hhhahaha yong must've sensed that he's gonna turn into a wolf if he doesn't keep his hands together! xD

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Guest hilaria
















hi gogumas, thanks for all, translation, screencaps, photos, video, etc etc..you guys rockkk








yongseo fighting! goguma fighting!

Awwww, so true!!!!! It was like his excuse that he can chase her... I wonder if in the actual shoot they went further beyond the car- probably on the curve street, with no cameras, PDs, manager around - and gave each other stolen hugs and kisses!!!!! --- Ohm why not???!!!!








lenovo i imagine the same thing when i watched the running aka chasing part.. maybe it's just their excuse, so they can stand away, hidden from PD, cameramen n our sights lol..








every episode is always interesting... i cannot choose which one is my fav epi now








i wonder why yong look sad n tired on KBS award event, maybe because hyun bui just flew away to LA








then at the green concert n JKS fans meeting, he's super duper happy..hmmm maybe because hyun buin is coming home? haha...








thanks again, guys.. it's been a pleasure joining goguma planet





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panGG and d3, tks for those caps.


each time someone post a cap/s with their observations, i'm sure


the rest of us will go and watch that scene again.


and only then it hits us..ah...now i see it..


so tks for sharing those precious moments..


tks to whimsical & haeanna too


wait till yong see his beautiful blushing bride!! :w00t:


clumsy, the banmal version is way much better! tks!






the whole goguma planet feels it too, but shh...don't tell the PD ;)^_^




ah, dreamy, can u photoshopped that pics clumsy just posted?



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more pics from TRAX album credits coldnoodles@tumblr
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ she looks sad :( wearing a pretty wedding gown without your dream groom is really depressing :tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my god, I demand a yongseo version of this one!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ yong hwa-ssi, please try to understand, this is work... -_-
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: _d3seohyun, sis I'm itching to edit that one and delete Jay Oppa! evil*laugh

































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Guest _d3seohyun
































































@clumsy. tnx!






















































































































































omygfghjkl;'kjhgfjkl;! did someone hear my "nooooooooooooooooooo!" after seeing that last pic?! :lol:






















































































































































that's one beautiful shot..but noooooooooooooooo! yonghwaaaaa!!!! hahahha


























































































































































































































































































































































































































aigoo! those pics are double trouble.






















































































































































no wonder seobaby was in a rush to make a phone call right after landing in seoul :P













































































































































































































remember his reaction to jungmo oppa? :sweatingbullets:







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301

Hahaha!!!! The set of photos posted by clumsy of Seobaby with TRAX.....Aigoo!!! Aigoo!!!

Please...pretty please can someone do something about that 3rd photo?

But still this photoshoot for TRAX's new album makes me wonder. Is the right concept really a wedding attire?

Or could it be just a goddess simply in that white dress?

Thanks lenovo and clumsy for the arrival photos of Seobaby. I saw two more captures of her, while walking behind Sooyong, still on the phone. Must have been quite a long phone convo with "someone". hahaha!!!

And to whimsical & haeanna, too, for the initial sets of pics from the New Album of TRAX.

It can't be denied though, SeoHyunnie is really fitting the description of a GODDESS to a T.



aigoo! those pics are double trouble.

no wonder seobaby was in a rush to make a phone call right after landing in seoul :P

hahaha! _d3, really DOUBLE trouble...literally DOUBLE trouble.

Rememeber Yong's HOLIKA First Photoshoot with that Japanese model? He's got only one "Yoja" in that CF.

While Seobaby has got two "Namjas" beside her. Aigoo! Aigoo!

No wonder too that, that "ARRIVAL phone convo" seems to be quite a long one.

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ please edit your post. One of soompi's rules is NO ONE LINERS. please edit your post. thank you. **anyway, thanks for the TRAX pictures clumsy and haenna. Seohyun is truly a goddess. anyone of you guys have links to fanmade drawings of YongSeo like the one with the guitar, making kimchi, surprise at the airport, and the latest, the failed hug attempt? can anyone share some links or post it again? please and thank you. :)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
















































































































OMG! aigoooooooooo SeoHyun baby so lovely. She is beautiful whether she is wearing hot pants, jeans, dress, wedding dress awwwwwww! i luv it. I must admit girls generation are all lovely. 
















































































Thank you all for sharing photos of SeoHyun @ the airport + the trax promotional photos. For sure YongSeo wedding photos are more sweet. Trax + SeoHyun is just work. YongSeo couple wedding shoot is about 2 people inlove awwwwww! kekeke!
















































































I really love SeoHyun style, simple but nice. Sexy but still feminine :)
















































































Maybe She call her parents to inform they arrived safe then inform hubby Yong as well. eeeeeeeee! what a lovely daughter and a lovely wife.
















































































Hopefully now wife is back, before hubby goes to asia for concert tour, they meet again and have a dinner together :)

































































































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Guest hilaria
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































looking at seohyun with the wedding dress makes me cannot wait for yongseo's wedding photoshoot. they will make a gorgeous married couple
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PD if you read this, can you grant our wish pleaseeeee :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i just saw this picture and i found it;s very sweet on how MH looked at them with those warmth smile/eyes
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. as tagged
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe we can also hope MH to spill some beans :P

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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About them crossing their arms, they should just hold hands!!! Guess they also do not know what to do with their hands at the moment so just fold it.




@jnj, I support you with all my heart. I really think they are in a relationship since the slip of tongue by Minhyuk. Next saturday, we will be able to know since it was shot last week. So all the Gogumas FBI will have to work overtime. We cannot miss any details since we have practiced for so long and sharpen our weapons well. 





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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















hey guys!!! I've noticed something strange. please watch part 1 again of episode 22. at around 4:20-4:26, whne Hyun was getting the side dishes made by her and her mom, look at the right part of the screen. there was no equipment there but as Hyun was getting the side dishes, suddenly some equipment magically appears! haha. i think its an editting glitch. :)





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Guest _d3seohyun





























































































































































































































about the in a relationship topic. do you guys really think so? like seriously speaking? you think?!































































































I know the feelings are there,,,but you guys think they're already there? I want to hear and read































































































answers and esplanations please hahahha



























































































































































































































































































































LOL. dya12341 uploaded this on youtube for Seobaby hahahha




































































































































































































































































100902 TAMAKI HIROSI in korea (for seohyun)



















































































































































































































































































































Is he still in seoul? I want him and Yonghwa to be on the same event and have a picture taken together.































































































That'd be a perfect gift for seobaby :D












































































































































































































































































































@dreamyboo. DAEBAK!!! the one with the laying down pic also please!























































































































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*aish, i can't post any pics, photobucket hates me tonite and the feeling is mutual* <_<






d3, do u have the capped scene of yong being shy after hyun asked the boys



if he (yong) behave the same with her arnd.



i'm asking since dreamy brought up the BIG question.






in rgds to your q d3, well, maybe we're there and they're not....yet









lvlvlvlvlv...welcome to this thread, but erm, u just broke one of the rules dear.



no one-liner allowed. come, i'm sure u have more things to share with us



i'm sure someone will help u with the link






hilaria, would nvr have noticed it if not for u to point it out.



quoting minhyuk's infamous line 'i didn't know it by then' ^_^









redtulip, hi5 yongseo style.



weapon? err..i only have my binoculars and my anteanna...will that do? :lol:






dreamy, i love it!! hug hug yongseo style haha



yong can put his scarf arnd wifey...



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hi to all gogumas. i just found out a way how to register on imbc (thanks to crunchroll@vickhun thread) so that we could give mission ideas and feedbacks to yongseo couple. i would put all the steps in the spoiler. thus to anyone who are interested to contribute anything (like requesting a wedding photo shoot to the PD), you may follow these steps:






1. Visit iMBC




here. On the homepage, try to find option 회원가입 (Register) on the top right corner, then click on it.




2. You will be brought to another page, do not panic, try to find the option Foreigner living in abroad and click on it.






3. On the following pages, make sure to check "I Agree" in all tickboxes and press the purple button at the very bottom.






4. For the info sheet, put in your personal info and verification code, press the purple button again and you are done! (Note that there could be a pop-up window when you try to key in your desired username. On the pop-up, simply repeat your desired username in the blank field)






5. Once you register sucessfully, go to wgm website and you should be able to post an entry by clicking on 미션 아이디어 (Mission Idea) or 시청자의견 (Feedback) on the left side menu.








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