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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest biiianx








































































Ohmygoodnesss, i'm such a fail fan. I didn't even know there was a Yongseo couple soompi thread with 900+ pages until my friend told me :S































































































































Oh well, better late than never right? xD































































































































I'm probably not the only one dying over the fancam. Gooooodnessss. Hyun~ and Yong~































































































































I feel like an idiot smilling to myself to the laptop keke. When Yong reached out his hand for Hyun i almost died, seriouslyyyyyy!































































































































/brb faints from over spazzing.































































































































Sharing it once again, doesn't hurt to watch it more than once 10000 times!































































































































































































Oh and a heads up, i know you all are waiting for eng subbed goguma but we're really sorry that it's gonna be delayed mainly because our exams are being held in these 2 weeks and there's only a few people that are avaliable to sub, but we'll still try to get it done asap, probably within the next 24 hours! Btw this is MODsweettaeng from rundevilrunsubs for those who visit the blog and chat often ^^
































































And i'll be dropping by here often! Aish, should have earlier known there was a soompi thread. Alright, back to mugging ):































































































































Annyeong sweettaeng, I just like to extend my deepest THANK YOU for your effort of subbing videos, specially WGM Sweet Potato.
































































Your work is truly appreciated!
































































Please do visit here at Sweet Potato couple thread often as I am also avid visitor of the rdrsubs blog.
































































Again, "Thank you" and "Best of Luck" on your exams :)
































































Bianca here, Sweet Potato Shipper.









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Guest miel_1301

OMG! I know!!!! and i think Minhyuk waved to his sis-in-law and hyung too.

kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! those moments after the performance is even more special!

i'm just sitting here in front of my pc, but how come I feel like i've been running a marathon!

my poor heart! :lol:

Hahaha!!!! Oh gosh! I think I'm running a fever now after watching all these fancams.

My whole body is shaking. Tell me ladies...please tell me that I have not gotten crazy. hahaha!

When Seobaby was singing "LOve Light" by herself, did you all notice that YongHwa was singing along with her (without his mic)?

The delight and pride in YongHwa's face are just beyond words.

So the boys sang the whole song "Love" before the special stage with SeoHyun. How come the account at CN Blue thread mentioned that the boys sang only half of the song "Love"?

And I think there was something wrong with YongHwa's ear piece cause it seemed that he kept adjusting it.

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@ 2:22 till end

did hyun pat yong's shoulder??? and she waited for yong. she looks like she's saying hurry hurry and yong ran to her.

 hahaha. ugh ugh...hihihi

mimayree: I noticed that too but its hard to figure out... we need the help from our Gogumas investigators to find out what really happen...I dont know either if they hold hand again and Yong let go Seobabys hand coz he need to get his guitar.....Gogumas investigators/GBI (gogumas beureu of investigation) SOS.......need help with this...Thanks in advance....Do we have the list of GFI.... we should have so we know who to contact if we need help like this...Isn't it a good idea???...anyone wants to be in GBI?????


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Guest Shane1430276559
































Why is it only 2 minutes i think? The time is so short..I'm sure all of us want more from our lovely Goguma couple right? But I'm satisfied as well to see them like that...wub.gif...wub.gif...wub.gif

















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Guest mimayree

Thank you everyone for the fancams im  super happy it's sunday noon here and i've watched every single fancam

that's been shared.... I JUST LOVE THIS THREAD SOOO MUCH!!!!=)


We definitely need them.. hihihi.=)

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Guest blu3bird80




My link watch these carefully...

hyun held yong shoulder sliding hand down, ahh!! yong forgot his guitar.. look at how he released Hyun hand..


my heart seriously can't take this much xcitement..


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Guest Shane1430276559




Why is it only 2 minutes i think? The time is so short..I'm sure all of us want more from our lovely Goguma couple right? But I'm satisfied as well to see them like that...wub.gif...wub.gif...wub.gif



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Btw this is MODsweettaeng from rundevilrunsubs for those who visit the blog and chat often ^^










And i'll be dropping by here often! Aish, should have earlier known there was a soompi thread. Alright, back to mugging ):



















Gamsahmanida sugohaseyo to you and everyone over at RDRsubs. Do well for your exams.





















Do you know how much I appreciate your team's subbing.Our lifeline....thank you thank you thank you :D :D:D






























I can't believe I normally lurk and posted 3 times tonight....the LOVE must be in the air.How in the world am I supposed to sleep now....the Goguma couple is the BEST!!!














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Guest hallyucraze






mimayree: I noticed that too but its hard to figure out... we need the help from our Gogumas investigators to find out what really happen...I dont know either if they hold hand again and Yong let go Seobabys hand coz he need to get his guitar.....Gogumas investigators/GBI (gogumas beureu of investigation) SOS.......need help with this...Thanks in advance....Do we have the list of GFI.... we should have so we know who to contact if we need help like this...Isn't it a good idea???...anyone wants to be in GBI?????




Hmmm..jhetd... from my point of view.. I think after the end of the song Hyun actually kind of link her hand to his arms.. then he said something to her, that he has to pick up his guitar, that's when she slowly let her hand drop.. then she went running to the exit door.. upon not seeing her hubby behind her she turn around & called to him to hurry which he did & actually left his dongsengs behind! :D




anyway that's my point of view.. but if there are other goguma detectives who can spot differently do enlighten us! :D kamsa hamnida!




Now i will see LOVE LIGHT & RDR in a whole new way~ YONGSEO style!! :w00t:



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Guest Crystal392
















































































bluebird: I think you may be right... I am not 100% sure they held hands, I think so but it was too dark to tell. But I am 100% sure that Hyun was holding Yong's arm :wub: She first touched his should and then his arm... then Yong had to go to pick up his guitar and she waited for him.
















































OMG I feel like the phoenix. I've died and come back to life many times in the past couple of hours :lol:
















































Thanks soo much RDRsubsteam for all your hard work. Take your time :D

















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Guest sweetgio17
































Aii diosss miooo!! el amor el amor!!!kkk
















omg,,,,these two past days i cant sleep,,my mind wake me up around 5 or 6 am, just to check this thread!!!!
















this couple is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
















they are just perfect!!!!!
















ottokke!!!!!!! jajajaja
















LOve love love everybody clap clap clap

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















































watching the fancams, at the ending. Yong was the first one to let go of hyun's hands in order to bow and thank the fans.
















then they both walked off but Yong forgot his guitar. so he went to the stage to get the guitar. Hyun was waiting for him at the hidden stage door and motioning to him to hurry up. :)
















in Seohyun's duet with Kyuhyun, after the performance, she just walked off without waiting for Kyuhyun.
















and the distance of their arms is different, with Kyuhyun there was a significant distance while with Yong, they were so close. in fact, she held onto Yong's hand longer than Yong. :)

















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Guest mimayree

nyahahaha. i think he told hyun that he'll get his gutar first and hyun let go and went to the exit.

yong actually think hyun will wait for him. so as soon as hyun's approaching the exit yong called hyun to wait

and hyun told him to hurry and yong ran leaving his brothers behind. well of course the bro's understand it. hehehe

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Guest blu3bird80




@hallyucraze i prefer your version.. don't want to believe my eyes (I"MMMM SUPERRRR YONGSEOOO BIASSSSSSSS) ekeke..

*but still yong hand movement is.. hmmm.. LOVEEEE...

hold hands or arm link YONGSEO & all GUGUMA PLANET ALIEN is DEABAKKKK!!!

*dies* need sleep but got so much guguma in my system.. ARKKK!!


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Guest pamparampap
































































































































































































































































thanks for their pic perform !
































































































































THATS AWESOME !!:w00t::w00t:
































































































































oohhh #Yongseo !!
































































































































you make me feel dying !!
































































































































now it's 00.15 AM at my place ..
































































































































but this thread so many user !
































































































































494 User(s) are reading this topic































































































































































































































































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oohh it's Yongseo LOVE !
































































































































































































































































back lurking :phew:

































































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Guest sweetgio17




ai mi dioosss!!! gogumas!!!!(english is not my strong subject but ill try my best!

u have to watch carefully around 5:33 min


look the hand of both of them!!! like they were holding hands but he had to go for his guitar and let hyun hand,,,u can see it clearly around 5:33!!!!!!

WATCH it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thk hyun hold yong's arm too !!!!!

i thk hyun is not the type to hold guy's arm if there is nothing between them as she was anti-guys before...

can it be after went through the ghost house experience few days back...they skinship level jump few levels??

are they official now as it is really weird tat hyun was holding on to yong's arm..

dieeeeeessssssss....so happy right now


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Guest exceptional.chic
















i'm going to sleep now. what a nice way to end my day. actually, it's already morning here in my country but waiting for the fancam was WORTH IT.








thank you for sharing the last vid. i clearly saw the part when hyun pat yong's shoulder as if she was saying" wait for me" and everything. yaaaa, seriously, they should sing together in some music shows more often.








i can't wait for next saturday. thanks everyone! :)








*ooppps, sorry to topped the page. i have nothing to share. :|








anyways, take care everyone!





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