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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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PART TWO baby!


















LET'S trend #yongseo people.. w00t.gifw00t.gif











thank you..i adore more hte cnblue...and seohyun is happy in their company..



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Guest anizet






did someone upload the raw cuts of yongseo already? can i have links? :wub:









lets trend this on twitter #YongSeo200thday :DB)



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Guest haeanna
















@ anizet
















































here you go, AND since we go another page for others as well....





















































cr: diodanooo1
















and monie too..
























BTW, can anyone post the link for the preview?? haven't seen it yet..








thanks in advance! :wub::wub:
























OFF to watch latest ep for the umpteenth time
















and for all that have twitter, don't forget #yongseo trending starting today until Monday for their 200th anniversary~~
































EDIT: @ jnj
















yes..yong feeds hyun the sample food i think..








it's on second cut around 4.10-4.12..








now it seems natural for YongSeo to feed each other..








really stay true to their words.Remember in the episode where hyun 1st meeting with cn blue in laws where the boys asked Yong to fed Hyun the Goguma but he refused, said that when they are more comfortable they will do it..and Now...look at them. :wub::wub::wub:









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here u go anizet.

for those on tweeter, happy tweetting? lol is there such a word!

Q: is the starter of this thread still active here?

it'll be awesome if the first page is updated regularly.

oh! nvrmd, i'll just PM her


haeanna, i can't believe i miss that! tks for pointing that out.

off rewatching..

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Guest bAngs_zatie












ohohoh...finally,come out from my lurking mode...hahaha




aww...lol..this week ep is full of laughter..hahaha,i crack up the minute CNBLUE boys fail to surprise Yongseo..hahaha(can't get anough how funny is jungshin holding the paddle..haha)...




yong is so caring :wub: ...i d0n't like how they edit the groccery shopping scene :crazy:..but lol,the boys keep eating the sample food..hahaha




hahaha..i set a record today..my 1st time watching WGM live...(i try bfore but TVU hate me :angry: )...




n thank u for the link..wanna watch it again while waiting for the sub!!!!




btw,here is my twitter acc-------> Follow Me on twitter




let us make yongseo to the top....btw,is it #yongseo or #yongseo200thday??????





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Guest Crystal392



Hiiiiii everyone!! I just woke up and the first thing I did was grab my iToich and check this thread hehehe :lol:

Thanks to everyone who shared info, screencaps, links about YongSeo. I haven't watched the latest ep yet but I've read all your posts. Thanks thanks.

Awwww Hyun gave some gifts to the boys? I am sure they were super happy ^^

Welcome new spazzers!! So the trending has begun? #yongseo right?

Hope you will keep sharing screencaps. Thanks yangyoseob and welcome back j2dlee!!!!! *throws confetti*


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Guest nnn_ natnat
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hey people!!! i i don't post here often but i want to today, it's another active weeek for seowha!!! yayyy
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i really look forward to this week with subs, looks like another great episode, hope this meeting isn't as awkward as the first
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and i can't wait for their stage colab 2morw as well, wonder what song they'll sing... maybe CN Blue's LOVE and SNSD's OH?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it would be great if they could sing a slow, powerful song...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks for all the caps and youtube links
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































does anyone have the link for the preview next week? or did they not show it?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seowha FIGHTING!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit. i would love to see yong's reaction to hyun and kyuhyun's duet lol (the sight of them holding hands was ><"!!!)

































































































































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Something I read from the chinese sub, just to help while waiting for the subs from our great j2blee-

When the brother in laws sat far away on the sofa from Seohyun, Seohyun asked them to sit nearer. Minkyuk said that seat is for their hyung.

They asked Seohyun to guess which room belong to who. In the first room, it has many English books and CDs. It is Jonghyun's room and he self praise that it belongs to someone who love to study english.

When they are in Yonghwa's room, Jungshin pretended that the toy is his to distract Seohyun. Of course, Seohyun managed to guess correctly based on her sixth sense.

All the shoes in the living room belong to Yonghwa and Seohyun questioned whether it smell. She said Yonghwa is a lier cos he mentioned that there was not enough time to pack the shoes. She told him to put them somewhere which Jungshin gave a thumb up. Guess they all felt  she had wifey power or saying something that they don't dare to tell their hyung.

The bother in law all requested for different food which Yonghwa said Seohyun already had some ideas what to prepare so asked them to choose from the 3 dishes. He further added that he already tasted all of them. The question is we only saw him eating once, the soup, so when did he tasted the rest. PD cut scenes?

Yonghwa asked Minhyuk whose dish he thought will taste better. Minhyuk said he like spaghetti best and still insisted when Yonghwa asked him whether he wanted to learn how to cook rice cake. Then Yonghwa asked him whether he like SNSD or CNBlue so of course this time he had to answer cnblue.

Yonghwa sent Minhyuk to keep an eye on Jungshin but in the end Minhyuk became part of their spaghetti team.

The rest is their care and concern when Seohyun cut her finger and end off with them stating that they look forward to the kimchi.

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i can't believe i just signed up for a twitter account just to support the #yongseo trending project on our goguma world here... :wub:


it took me eons to even twit my 1st phrase...twitter doesn't like me somewhat and i tried it on both mozilla firefox & IE too...finally succeeded after refreshing my browser countless times...


added a couple of you...but am quite an idiot at this, so please follow me @lamb_bleats (woollylamb was already taken :tears:) so i can follow you back! ^_^



Edit: I found Hyun~'s cooking style rather adorable & hilarious... :P she's generous in everything including the amount of cream in the spaghetti (or rather fettuccine judging from the pasta used) sauce...i'm not an expert in cooking...but it's best to approach cooking as a science for a beginner & use specific measurements...*heh heh*...


let's hope Hyun~'s cooking will improve soon otherwise Yong~ should volunteer to cook instead since nowadays married couples share equal chores these days...in fact some guys are betta at housework than gals are...my hubby's betta at cleaning than i am...but don't tell him i said so... ;)

j2dlee, you were sorely missed last week...i'm soooooo happy you're back! :w00t:


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Guest tripplemama
















































baby_bo sorry to cut your post...
































"at around 2:41 to 2:43 , did i hear Seohyun call Yonghwa "YOBO" ???
































please i need help cause that's what im hearing but i don't understand korean so i wouldn't know if im correct! kekeke"
































I heard it too..repeat it like few times...
































she did call YOBO rite....









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Guest anne0129












Hello everybody!!! Seems like soompi and I are on speaking terms right now and I am able to log in without any problem and have no problem connecting at all. Waahh!!! :w00t: So funny this episode, right from the start when they failed to welcome Hyun, but loved the fact that they were able to succeed in their revenge plan B. Hyun seems so at ease with the boys but it seems like Jong Hyun is still the shy and quiet gentle guy he is no matter how comfortable Hyun is with them. Love Yong choding and jealous Yong and I keep wondering if Jung Shin was ever called to Yong's room after filming this episode. Hehehe!!! Just love the Boys Over Flowers theme song playing when Hyun cut herself, hahaha!! (I get it that Yong is Jun Pyo, and Hyun is JanDi, who is Min Hyuk, Jong Hyun and Jung Shin then)... :wub:








Thank you for all those who posted links, gifs and pix from the episodes and to all new spazzers welcome and j2dlee welcome back.








Hope soompi will not act up on me anymore. :unsure:



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Guest Crystal392



i just checked twitter and the Gogumas have been trending #yongseo since the ep was aired I think.

Woah there is soo much people at the thread! Hope you can join the trending. Just go to www.twitter.com and add #yongseo on your tweet (message). You can write 'I love #yongseo' or 'Happy 200th day anniversary #yongseo' ^_^ Those are just suggestions. Let's trend yongSeo until their 200th day anniversary, hopefully we will reach the top 10 tweets. Let's all show the world Goguma power ^^ :lol:

^hey welcome to the thread!!! OMG why I didn't think of 'Oh'? :o maybe she will sing a remix of Gee and Oh!: my first love story.... Oh oh oh oh oppareul saranghae :w00t: they probably rehearsed today or will rehearse later :wub: any news if Hyun is on Korea right now? :o


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Guest scatterbrain

hahaha...i also love the F4 scene. keep repeating that part

i picked up some words here and there and i think the MC said that SeoHyun got only a small cut but everyone was really concerned.

so funny that both jonghyun and minhyuk frantically took their first-aid kit boxes(so each of them has their own first aid kit?) :lol:

i think the caption reads: we are CNBLUE F4 + HyunJandi :wub: the F4 theme song makes it funnier.hahahaha

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Guest baby_bo






Yes, Seohyun and her unnies are back from Japan.


Here's a picture of Hyun from today's Ystar live concert. And i think she's wearing her ring again :)







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woollylamb , crystal - i think i'm not the only one who do not have

any tweeter account.

u guys mind showing us how to sign up?

lets show the world our yongseo love, gogumas!!!

chinese subs are up. that's fast, redtulip.

tks for translation. so thats why jungshin chingu gave the thump up,

yong getting his first nag by buin...hehe

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Guest Yukilovesyou

Are we gonna all trend #Yongseo at a certain time or something? I thought I saw someone say 12am KST few pages back.

Thank you for the pictures baby_bo! I see blingbling too :D

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Guest baby_bo




Are we gonna all trend #Yongseo at a certain time or something? I thought I saw someone say 12am KST few pages back.


Thank you for the pictures baby_bo! I see blingbling too :D



hehe no prob.. im still waiting for a an HQ seohyun pic to make sure that's really her couple ring kekeke


And yes, i guess we are trending #yongseo starting now.. but they said to start it later at 12mn not sure! but we can all start now though hehehhe



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Guest haeanna
















@ baby_bo
















i was about to post the same pic...u sure are fast..
















yes!! Ring ding Dong time..
















Seohyun as usual looks gorgeous~~









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Guest digidigibob

Hello Goguma fans!

If I remember it right Min Hyuk wrote something like "Yong Hwa-hyung likes Seo Hyun" on the white board right?

I'm just wondering what was Seo Hyun's reaction if ever she saw it. Too bad it was not shown on the episode!

But nevertheless, the episode is still DAEBAK!

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jnj~!!! *hi-5 yongseo style* xD gahhhh!!! same here!!! i'm one of those who doesn't tweet or issit twit??? tweety? ahhah sorry for being lame :P we should try to twit ehhh...have u started??? i'm gonna try to register myself later! let's join in the fun...i hope we won't be too late to twit!

genxv~!!! ekkekeke thanks for the enlightenment! *hugs* :D deng, i feel small here >.< hahah! i shall try to twit later? that's if i successfully register myself? haahah jnj & i are both newbies in this thingy unfortunately >.<

redtulip, thanks sooo much for the indirect trans~!!! at least i'll know what to expect...:) (heh heh haven't watched any one of them yet -.-"...thanks monie & heanna for the links!!! ^_^ )

thanks everyone for the pic & links!!!!

yay~!!!!! j2dlee ish back!!!!!!! anticipating for ur trans, dearie! xD

*off to watch ep20* ^___________________^

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