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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















































naz sis that fanart is soo cute <3
















This is a question to all Hyun fans BEFORE WGM:
















I am not 100% sure about this, but I think I read somewhere that SNSD girls went to a fortune teller or something like that and the FT told Hyun that if she 'expossed/showed' her sexy side (because she seemed so shy on many variety shows) she would be extremely successful, and many people commented that will probably never happen because she was innocent Seobaby. But now she has grown up and I feel she is showing more her sexy side. My question is, what I said is true or did I dream it? :o

















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Guest baby_bo




naz sis that fanart is soo cute <3


This is a question to all Hyun fans BEFORE WGM:


I am not 100% sure about this, but I think I read somewhere that SNSD girls went to a fortune teller or something like that and the FT told Hyun that if she 'expossed/showed' her sexy side (because she seemed so shy on many variety shows) she would be extremely successful, and many people commented that will probably never happen because she was innocent Seobaby. But now she has grown up and I feel she is showing more her sexy side. My question is, what I said is true or did I dream it? :o



Hello Sis!!!


This is true. Here's the clip :)


SNSD Physiognomic Judgements of Fortune:SEOHYUN


SNSD will have a performance today in Japan before going back to Korea for YSTAR and HALLYU CONCERT!!


My gosh this week will be a week full of YONGSEO LOVE!!!


I'm pretty excited with what song they will sing and how they will arrange it!!! ottoke!


I actually changed my mind about the song, i love COMPLETE and FOREVER but those songs are for S♥NES so to avoid you know what i mean here are my choice of songs..




















I chose honey bec of this part of the song kekek


"when the day we loved comes, i thought about the things we did together.



Now, you are right beside me, holding my hand.



When i look at you nothing is in my mind.



My sweet baby, Im so happy.



Just as i am now, because this is love.






honey , i love you.



Ive changed myself from a selfish person



My heart gradually warms up, you make me happy.



Im perfect for you."



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I found the preview (sorry not in eng)

서현, '금녀의 집' 씨엔블루 숙소 찾은 이유는?

서현이 씨엔블루의 숙소에 갔다.




여 태껏 단 한 번도 남자들만 사는 집에 방문해 본 경험이 없는 서현. 씨엔블루 도련님들은 서현 형수님의 방문을 설레어하기도 했지만, 또 한편으로는 이제껏 여자 손님을 맞은 적이 없어 '금녀의 집'이라고 불려도 손색없을 숙소를 공개하게 된 것에 적잖이 긴장하는 모습을 보였다.




아니나 다를까 여자의 손길이 닿지 않은 씨엔블루의 숙소 상태를 확인한 서현. 생각보다 사람 냄새가 덜 풍기는(?) 부엌 상태와, 이때가 기회다 싶어 먹고 싶었던 음식을 사방팔방에서 외치는 도련님들 때문에 맛있는 요리로 형수 노릇을 톡톡히 하겠다는 의지를 불살랐다고 하는데.




과연 서현은 '바다 맛 김치'를 탄생시킨 큰 손의 위력과 따뜻한 형수의 손길로(?) 씨엔블루 도련님들의 입맛을 만족시킬 만한 요리를 완성할 수 있을 것인지. '서현 형수님의 씨엔블루 숙소 방문기' 편은 오는 28일 저녁 MBC <우리 결혼했어요>에서 방송 될 예정이다.







credit: dcinside


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naz sis that fanart is soo cute <3

This is a question to all Hyun fans BEFORE WGM:

I am not 100% sure about this, but I think I read somewhere that SNSD girls went to a fortune teller or something like that and the FT told Hyun that if she 'expossed/showed' her sexy side (because she seemed so shy on many variety shows) she would be extremely successful, and many people commented that will probably never happen because she was innocent Seobaby. But now she has grown up and I feel she is showing more her sexy side. My question is, what I said is true or did I dream it? :o

good morning crystal_malfoy... :)


u're certainly not dreaming...*heh heh*...though they didn't visit the fortune teller in person, it was more of their photos being shown to the fortune teller...oh i just saw that baby_bo shared a clip...thank u & i'll be forwarding the link home for later... ^_^


here's the article:


[NEWS] Fortune-teller – “SNSD’s Seohyun Will Achieve Great Success if She Uses Her Sexiness”

06 08 2009


Cable channel Y-STAR’s ‘Curiosity’ aired a segment titled ‘Fortune-Telling Using Faces! SNSD’s Episode.’ The producers of the show first showed a fortune-teller the faces of SNSD members. They then visited the group at a CF filming site and got their opinions on the fortunes.

According to the fortune-teller, “Yoona’s eyes are shaped like those of a bird. Her will is strong and she is extremely competitive. She has a habit of finishing things she starts, and it seems like she would be a good disciplinarian. Jessica’s high nose ridge means that she has the most popularity among guys. This is because she has a high nose ridge and it looks like the tip of her nose protects the rest of her nose.”


The fortune-teller also said, “Maknae [the youngest] Seohyun’s ‘charming fat’ under her eyes stand out. ‘Charming fat’ under the eyes is the symbol of sexiness. She is the type of person who can achieve great success if she uses her sexiness. Sunny has a nose that brings money. Either she will be rich or those around her, like her parents, will be rich.”


The responses from SNSD were varied.


Yoona was surprised by the fortune-teller’s comment about her being very competitive, saying, “Once I concentrate on doing something, I have to finish it.” Jessica was satisfied and clapped her hands after hearing that will be popular among guys. However, Seohyun felt awkward after hearing her fortune, saying, “I’m not sexy.” When hearing about Sunny’s ‘Good Fortune Nose,’ Tiffany responded by saying, “Sunny normally gives and buys a lot of stuff for other members.”


‘Fortune-Telling Using Faces! SNSD’s Episode’ broadcasts at 10:30 AM on the 5th.


Source: Naver

Translations: jreddevil07@soshified


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Guest Crystal392






Woollylamb and baby_bo: Thanks for answering me so fast ^_^ Is soompi acting weird to you? Because I just saw only 3 people at the thread? O_o soo weird... Anyways, thanks again for answering me. Hehehehehehe I am sure Hyun will be a very successful woman ^_^


S0leil thanks for sharing the preview!! Hopefully someone will translate it to English soon :D



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Guest _d3seohyun

@s0leill123. thanks for the preview. google translation didn't help me much :P

I just wanted to point out Yong seobang's precious smile when his buin was taking care of him :wub:


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hahaha yeah they should have a new name :P Avatar family? hehehehe






CNBLUES: Burning-Lovely-Untouchable-Emotional-Sexy :lol::lol:






Sooo are you excited for Saturday's ep?






Here are some gifs:





















































haha. i totally love that "CNBLUES: Burning-Lovely-Untouchable-Emotional-Sexy"












..and i wonder what jungshin is holding in his hand at the first .gif? lol.






cant wait for this weekend. family band and family episode!


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Guest miel_1301

this is how I read Seohyun lip.

I'm obsessed with them too much

time to break.


credit origianl gif : on pic + I.said.hi@snsdthread + miel_1301@seohwathread

Thanks sally7 for that gif. You lip-read Seobaby's lips close to a "T".

@miel_1301. thank you for reposting i.said.hi's large gif of seobaby.

that's my favorite part too. i wish someone could make a gif of her part

at the end(the whole dance before her salute). oh boy, the way she moved :sweatingbullets:

was that really yong seobang's innocent wife? she is all grown up now huhuhu and i guess having a man

in her life really brings out her sexy side when needed hahhaha i hope she shock

the wits out of us and the whole cn blue on their sunday's performance. nothing too scandalous though :lol:

The leader, Taeyeon and the maknae, SeoHyun are the ones that have been garnering good feedbacks about the Genie Japanese MV. Seobaby really surprised even their fans, the SONES, for how she turned out and executed those moves in the MV which according to them is a big improvement from her/their previous music videos wherein she would show the same facial expressions. Fans now are anticipating what she will do next for their future songs and MVs.

"Someone" I guess really deserves the credit for making Seobaby more and more beautiful each day and for bringing out that hidden side to her.

Knowing the nature of this couple, I would like to think and to expect that they will pull something out of the "ordinary" in their performance.

O.M.G...... Seriously at a loss of words here.

really, really cannot wait! Thank God August 29 is only 2 days away. Thank you to everyone who shared the news.

Sorry if this has been mentioned already (I have to backtrack a lot y'all, can't wait!!) When I heard this I remembered the press conference in Singapore where the boys were asked "what if a girl were to join the band?" (question starts at 2:10 .

They answered by saying they would like to have a member who plays the synthesizer (also known as a keyboard). You know who plays a keyboard?

Yes, genxv! They want a keyboardist. And if I may recall, YongHwa even said that the 5th female member should be someone who should be able to "mix well" or "go along with them", something along those lines. And who is the ONLY female artist whom the CN Blue bros know and who probably at this point in time they are already comfortable with? These CN Blue boys simply adore SeoHyun.

And so to share the same stage with her in a performance, even if they just have to accompany the couple, is already an honor for them.

@crystal malfoy, I love the addition of letter "S" to the acronym [of CN Blue] for this "new band" with the inclusion of SeoHyun--- resulting to CN B-L-U-E-S.

Although for me, I wouldn't want to limit the letter "S" for Seo Hyun to merely mean "SEXY". I think the "S" can stand for SUPERIOR, as it would encompass everything in her and would make an appropriate representation of her---- superior in beauty...superior in talent---superior in personality... superior in her academic endeavors etc...etc... just superior in everything she does.


Ah, okay! crystal_malfoy, I am just sharing my own POV of what the letter "S" can stand for [and I am not in any way imposing it].

And by SUPERIOR I mean and I use it within the context of not comparing SeoHyun nor seeing her compete with anyone else but with her own self, as always having a "superior standard" that she sets in anything she does and in anything she focuses on, as opposed to MEDIOCRITY.


Just because I am loving YongHwa for his public display of his feelings for Seo Hyun---

From the airport...


cr: on pic

To the Fan Sign...


originally posted by: crinkle_twinkle

To the Main Showcase...


cr: on pic

He has been consistently bold, faithful and devoted in showing beyond and outside of Korea that he has


originally shared by: blueswim_boo

"someone special".

A good day to all gogumas!

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Guest Crystal392
















































_d3seohyun: You are the queen of screencaps indeed :lol: He was really happy when Hyun was cleaning his arm... hehehehe and when she cleaned the wall too, he was like a little boy smiling.
















panGG: Thanks :D
















I will repost the gif:
















































I wonder the same, what does Jungshin have on his hand? And did you see Yong frown for a sec when he saw Hyun's injured finger? :wub:
































miel: 'S' could also be for smart or sweet, or sincere or singular ^_^
















Superior just seems... superior than everyone else and I firmly believe that no one is better than the other as a whole, each person is unique and that's what makes us all amazing































. Hmmmm maybe we can come up with another acronym.... hmmm but I am a bit sleepy right now so my brain can't come up with something good :P
































lenovo: Hey!! *waves* hehehehehe are you calling all your nightmorning shifters? I miss all your spazzings! They were soo fun to read ;)

















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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































Earlier this morning, my mind was so filled with that YongSeo perf that I imagined her playing the piano as well.... but does that mean no SKINSHIP????? aaarrrrgh!!!! :crazy:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But since they love MUSIC so much so... i'm sure they are sharing something special.































































































































































































































































































































































































so... if that would be the case then --- PLAYING INSTRUMENTS with your partner is the new --- SKINSHIP!!!! LOL! :wub:
































































































































































































SEOHYUN says -- "I'm not SEXY"??????
































































































































































































well Hyun, we'll let your HUBBY be the judge of that!!! haha. He's always drooling, eyes sharp wanting to eat you alive.... YOU'RE SMEXY GIRL!!!!
































































































































































































Well, Yonghwa woudn't be happy with that fortune telling... He's so much of the jealous type he wouldn't want his Buin to flaunt her sexiness in public......
































































































































































































Becoz for Yonghwa....
































































































































































































Some things are better left UNSEEN & UNHEARD inside the Soundproof bedroom. right _d3??? hahahaha!

































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Guest Crystal392
















































Btw, Goguma Couple 200th day anniversary will be on Aug 29th right? I wonder if Korean YongSeo fans are preparing something for them... awww I want to at least send them a card or something :)
















And that day is their perf together with the other CNBLUE boys :o
















Destiny?? blush.gif:wub:






























































YongSeo integrated bulletin
















miel: Don't worry it's ok ^^ I was just sharing my POV too :lol: I liked your explanation and thanks for sharing those pics. {Btw, I sent you a PM (: } He is showing the world he is already taken hehehe :)

















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Guest tika_imnida

preview for tomorrow already out,,someone plis translate

용화♡서현 : 혀~언 형수님의 손길이 필요해!

용서부부, ‘바다 맛 김치’를 싸들고 씨엔블루의 새 숙소를 찾다!

남자들만 사는 집 방문은 처음인 혀언과 금녀의 집에 처음으로 여자 손님을 들이게

된 도련님들!

지난 번 공항에서 형수님한테 톡톡히 당한(?) 경험을 떠올린 장난꾸러기 도련님들은

‘방문 기념 깜짝 이벤트’를 가장한 ‘미니 복수 혈전’을 꾸미는데~

곳곳에 남자 냄새(?)가 가득한 숙소를 둘러본 혀언, 형수님 노릇을 톡톡히 하기로 마


먹고 싶은 음식이 너무나도 많은 도련님들을 위해 직접 요리에 팔을 걷어붙이고 나


‘상도동 큰 손’ 주부 혀언, 과연 도련님들의 입맛을 즐겁게 해줄 수 있을까?

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Guest lovekim
















































































Here's what I saw on Sweet Potato baidu:















































































































What's the reason for SeoHyun to visit CNBlue's "girls-restricted" all male only - dorm?






























































































































































SeoHyun visit CNBlue's dorm. Her first time visiting an all male home, and the brothers-in-law are happy & excited about her coming. Yet on the other hand, coz they wanna welcome her to their "non-girls" dorm, and to be shown on national tv, they feel nervous too.






























































































































































SeoHyun too, confirmed that their place is definitely "free" of female existance, and noticed their under-used kitchen. The brothers-in-law took this opportunity to make noise and insist on eating cooked food! and that ignited SeoHyun's "will" to cook!






























































































































































SeoHyun, who had already made kimchi that tastes greatly of the Sea, with her love and generousity (in terms of food/ingredients), will she be able to satisfy the stomachs of the brothers-in-law?






























































































































































Stay tuned for the episode airing this saturday!






























































































































































Credits: 小雨 & XO酱






























































































































































This is just a loose translation on my part okie. Hee! Please forgive my grammar or vocab...lols!

















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Guest lovekim
















































































Oh yesh...here are some of my photos from the Showcase in singapore. ( i told you i'm slow...kekeke!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Other stuff to come~
















































P/s: Clumsy!! I think my pc'c acting weird with soompi. Can't seem to read fanfic thread nor reply. Give me some time okie!! Love, love and love ya!

















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Not sure whether this is correct but they look like making Ddeokbokki in the next episode. That is what Yonghwa promised to make for Seohyun in episode 2 cos he claimed that he can make it quite well. Seohyun likes a person who deliver their promise.

I love how Seohyun looking quite happy vs Yonghwa's concern look in the preview when she cut her finger. It must have warm her heart with his actions.

Haha, I laughed thinking about the last scene last week, the 3 brother in law hiding behind the kitchen waiting to take their revenge. They may be idols but they are still young boys. Dont think it will be Seohyun that will be frighten cos she may be block by Yonghwa.

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Guest windstorm34








hello =)




will someone help me...




I love yongseo couple and i am hoping if anyone knew where can I find an eng sub of episode 6 yongseo couple??? Please..









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Lovekim great pics!!!








JongHyun and YongHwa even looked at you at that same time in one of the showcase photo, well done girl!!








Thanks a lot for sharing the goodies... so many of them :)








But how come some of your pics are taken from above and some are from in front? You moved around?









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@crystal_malfoy and @miel_1301, i think you guys both have some good ideas. some words i was thinking about were maybe "sprited" or "sterling".






sprited because she's cheerful, motivated, happy a lot, and... well you guys get the idea!~






sterling means genuine and reliable. also worthy (worthy of our yonghwa's love! haha).






but i think the acronyms CNBLUES is really great. and if fits so well since her name is Seohyun.






i just wanted to throw in my two cents. see what you guys think! and not just you guys EVERYONE! :)


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wow...so many pics & gifs to see! thanks gogumas (pls forgimme for not mentioning ur names as i'm rushing for some stuffs at work but i still do sneak a peek once a while ohohoho xD) for the pics, gifs, infos & links~!!! ^______^

hello =)

will someone help me...

I love yongseo couple and i am hoping if anyone knew where can I find an eng sub of episode 6 yongseo couple??? Please..


hey there... ^_^ here's where u can watch all the subbed eps--> WGM - seohwa

enjoy watching~!

edit: oh at the acronym thingy created by crystal, i'd like to add some more...kekekeekek xD

C = Code

N = Name

B = Burning

L = Lovely

U = Untouchable

E = Emotional

S = Saint, Serene or Sublime

(gahhh i'm supposed to work! >.<)

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Guest saranghaex130
















































Hey everyone! Letting you guys know that Jossa updated her fanfic here: Amazing Fanfic
































And that soshified has subbed episode 41 of YONGSEO :D:D:D
































It's the one where they go to the park and play sports + find out about the driving test :) Enjoy! 
































Have a great weekend everyone! :D sweet potato tomorrow teehee
































































Topped the page so sharing gorgeous pic of Seohyun :)









































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