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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest fabregas215

crystal_malfoy & baby _bo:  i'm glad that it's true after all.its just that both of them don't really confirm it to the press. 

like Yong,he always appear in variety show, but he did not mention about it all..

why do i feel ep 19 is still the best..

hyun,please speak informal to Yong..

i can see how yong really want to hear her speaking informal..

poor yong...LOL

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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: DC Inside
































































































































































































































































































































































































hyoyeon obsessed with hyun's hair??? haha
































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't help but remember when yong said he would want to smell the hair of his ideal girl...love love love
































































































































































































































































































































































































I must say, Hyun's hair is definitely her crowning glory...it's very beautiful and it looks really healthy
































































































































































































































































































































































































and wifey looks hot and simple at the same time...
































































































































































































































































































































































































her style for today resembles what she wore during the rehearsals at KBS half year special
































































































































































































































































































































































































and it's RING ding dong time!!!

































































































































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Some goodies to share.

Cr: baidu & naver

Their black room interview dressing.


Cr: Xenial1203@baidu

Comparision of Yonghwa's (?) room before and after the cleaning (?)



Top picture: Before the cleaning

Bottom picture: After the cleaning

1- Somebody mentioned that it may be earphone Beats by Dr.Dre

2- Perfume

3- Earphone box

4- Dark coloured box

5- Purple coloured box

7- Black table top

8- White coloured cupboard door

9- the corner of a brown box

P.S: The Mickey wedding softtoy and the Display with the guiter are gone~~Don't know where they are?

I am amazed at their eyesight but I think no.8 should be the wall rather than the cupboard door. If it is really Yonghwa's room (which I also think very likely cos WGM installed the camera there), I can now understand why Jungshin can just go in and took the photo (the one taken in the train that we all love so much). This guy knows the where about of the things inside his hyun's room including the bloody hands and has no reservation at all touching Yonghwa's things. Guess Yonghwa really indulged in his brother as well just like how he is indulging Seohyun currently. No wonder they keep saying that he took good care of them in their interviews.

Edit: Finally managed to upload the pictures. *wipe my sweat* need to go upgrade my computer skills.

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yesss....I saw the ring...as well...yuhhuu....hahahaha...suddenly happy because she still wear hers...:D




































ring ding dong...hahahaha





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Guest oceanprince




hey guys! thanks for the seohyun pictures. is she wearing the ring? it looks like she's wearing! any uplcose pictures on that?




anyway, i've got a pic to share




credits: xiecheng @ mr-cnblue.com and klaritia@ cnblue's thread.




this is taken after the SG showcase, at the hotel? i'm not very sure. but what matters most THE ring is the only ring he wore! oh yeah! i saw inkigayo mc cuts, he wore the ring too. our jungseobang and hyunbuin sure are faithful!




to those who capped those stares in ep 20, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


i really loved the scene when yong asked hyun to use their eyes to speak




reposting a picture that crystal_malfoy provided from dcmarried






they are showing their love with their eyes!


i can totally imagine what they are saying to each other with their eyes.


HYUN: do you love me oppa?


YONG: oh buin ah. i love you so much.




HAHAAHHA! okay thts lame. hahaha! i'm too stressed up with my school work! that im going yongseo crazy! hahaha.




btw, this is a clearer fancam of the interview part of SG showcase! LOOK AT YONGHWA'S FACE! HAHA. the whole crowd was seriously teasing him. it's so funny. i'm laughing like a mad student right now! :D





credits: Delphinite@youtube



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Guest miel_1301






@bezbezbez, thanks for those airport captures of our SeoHyun. I read that the girls arrived safely in Japan although Tifanny is wearing a support cast on her ankle.


oceanprince, thanks for that other link to the Fan Meet [Q/A] portion. That vid clip is very clear. I really can't get over that portion of the Q/A. The "teasing" by the audience really ignited and brought about those spontaneous reactions of YongHwa.


Because it seems that lately we have been in this "RING DING DONG mode", here are some photos to share:


YongHwa during the SG Press Conference last 20 August 2010.


These are also good captures of THE RING on his left (ring) finger.












cr: on pics+jovenaloon@cnblue thread



I, personally, would like to be sure that I am looking at ONE and ONLY ONE kind of ring on his left [ring] finger. hahaha!!!


So, this is how the [new] couple ring looks like?









Reposting the pic where he was showing off his ring:




cr: on pics



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Guest _d3seohyun


I am amazed at their eyesight but I think no.8 should be the wall rather than the cupboard door. If it is really Yonghwa's room (which I also think very likely cos WGM installed the camera there), I can now understand why Jungshin can just go in and took the photo (the one taken in the train that we all love so much). This guy knows the where about of the things inside his hyun's room including the bloody hands and has no reservation at all touching Yonghwa's things. Guess Yonghwa really indulged in his brother as well just like how he is indulging Seohyun currently. No wonder they keep saying that he took good care of them in their interviews.

Edit: Finally managed to upload the pictures. *wipe my sweat* need to go upgrade my computer skills.

thank you for the pictures.


kyaaaaaaaa. i just realized that there is already a camera set up in the bedroom hahahahha

good, good, VERY GOOD! :lol:



@miel_1301. is that really a new ring? can you post a close up of the old ring then so we can compare? tnx!




lol @hyo with seobaby's hair. poor fany :(


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Guest biiianx
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From CNBLUE thread, posted by saturn:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hehehehe it makes me happy that they keep a lot of presents given by fans, I am sure the fans who gave them the presents that were shown on the ep were really happy ^_^ The thought that someday we will see all the beautiful gifts that were given by SGgogumas makes me really really happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekim: I really can't wait until you share your fanaccount. Thanks thanks thanks soo much for everything you've shared. Why where you and biianx crying? I hope everything is alright.... maybe tears of happiness? :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: blueshoes: I've watched 'Running man' cuts and YongHwa is so smart :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy I'm crying because i'm kinda frustrated because after going to the showcase and recorded almost everything... my memory stick got CORRUPTED and all my files were DELETED! I haven't save any video T___T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's really really frustrating experience for me :/
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway thanks to you and lovekim for the comfort. I appreciate it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank GOD to the many fancam from other fans. You are all heaven sent ^_^

































































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Guest Phan2~


























That's a really good pictures of the ring,is it gold? i think gold ring are affordable for them la...at it will last forever :wub:






just want to thanks again for the RDRsubs,you guys really amazing,and good quality video too^^






going to watch it now~


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Hello again spazzers..I'm still on HIGH DOSE of GOGUMA LOVE!! laugh.gifw00t.gifsweatingbullets.gifwub.gifhappy.gifbiggrin.gif































































































































































star sapphire thanks for sharing your experience while attending CN Blue SG showcase..You guys really had an awesome time there.It feels like i'm one of the crowd when I watched all the fancams posted on YT..And I like the goodies you bought..Really cool..































































































































































jnj thanks so much for sharing the links to Happy Together..































































































































































jesc09 thanks for posting the link to Jossa's fic.And for your info Jossa updated her fics [Yong and Hyun's Infinite Playlist] Deeper Conversations































































































































































Naz, I'm glad you had tons of fun after going through a hectic & busy week.. 































































































































































blueshoes thanks for sharing the Runningman link































































































































































miel_1301 the photos of hyun is really awesome..Thanks again for sharing it here..it's ok Yong missed the Seoul concert,he still can attend SNSD concert in Japan right??!!And the photos of Yong at SG press conference is really WOW..He looks so handsome there..And the RING!!! Is it the same ring they bought?It looks new to me..And love the pics where he shows off the ring..































































































































































crystal_malfoy *wavesmadly* hiya..it has been a while since i last posted..LOL..too much goguma love tempt me to spazz again here.rofl..and thanks for sharing those awesome caps of Yong & Hyun..































































































































































lovekim all you YongSeo SG teams was awesome..Thanks so much for the updates & infos..Really appreciate it 































































































































































_d3seohyun wow thanks for all the YT links on Hyun's perf at SM Town concert































































































































































bezbezbez those photos of Hyun at the airport is awesome..LOL to Hyoyeon who's been holding Hyun's hair..I wonder what she's thinking??































































































































































Ahh the list goes on and on and on..To everyone whom I forgot to mention so sorry but thank you so much & I really appreciate you guys posting the links,photos,translations,comments & news about our beloved Sweet Potato couple
















































































And to my fellow spazzers in twitter genxv, Naz, OmoOna, Tiara, Katsy, Lyra, crystal & Erica it was fun spazzing with you girls.. *hugs*































































































































































Hope all of you had a great Monday..Another 4 days to go..





























































































































































































































































































































































































































yukiandjudy2 uploaded eng subbed preview for next week

















































































































































































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It's Sunday here in the states and that means I finally have time to watch Running Man, Happy Together and all the fan clips from Singapore Boice. I have always thought Yonghwa has his manly charms and is kind hearted but what I realized today is he is also very driven, dedicated even when he's tired, completely respectful of others and he is alarmingly smart. He pays attention to every little happenings around him before he speaks of takes actions. Truly? This guy is mature and charismatic beyond his age. I read in some Singapore fan's remarks that in real life, Yonghwa isn't as handsome as Jong hyun and Min Hyuk. Personally, I think a person's attractiveness is in the entire package and how they "carry themselves". In their small gestures and in the sparkles in their eyes and definitely in how they communicate... so Yonghwa is extremely attractive in all those ways. He must by now, have so many chances to be around other celebrity girls who are beautiful and talented but he sees something special about Seohyun. The same unique special things we can see in her. The more I watch them together and see them interact with others when they are apart, the more I know in my heart, these two people are sooooooo meant to be together. I know Korean fans are often against their male idols having girl friends and wives so the idols are forced to hide or stay single. I am hoping that this time, the Korean fans support these two so they can freely be together in real life. :sweatingbullets: Please... THAT would be so so nice... :wub:

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















just watched the subbed preview, thanks to yukiandjudy. :)












all I can say is Yong is an extremely jealous guy. he is seriously ticked off when Seohyun is naturally speaking informally to Jungshin. he is seriously jealous of how she can speak banmal naturally and the way she interacts to Jungshin. hahaha.












*jealousy towards someone means that you like/love that person. :)












but as soon  as Seohyun was hurt, he immediately stood up and took care of Hyun's injury. he truly cares about Seohyun. :)





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hello ..its my first time to chat here..and its just 2 days ago that i got be in these forum...but im goguma since the beginning it just that im into other sites...anyway whenever theres news about the 2 i got hooked and i love how you support the 2 to the point that we want them to be a couple even in their private life..






and crystal we have the same thoughts..ynghwa has the qualities that outshine others who might have a much better physical looks coz what yong posses are something much more than face looks...






Im a seohwa sweet potato forever...



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crystal_malfoy I'm crying because i'm kinda frustrated because after going to the showcase and recorded almost everything... my memory stick got CORRUPTED and all my files were DELETED! I haven't save any video T___T




It's really really frustrating experience for me :/




Anyway thanks to you and lovekim for the comfort. I appreciate it :)




Thank GOD to the many fancam from other fans. You are all heaven sent ^_^







biiianx i feel your pain...but do cheer up alright? you were there at the showcase in person & that is a once in a lifetime experience (these precious memories can never be deleted or get corrupted) to be part of CNBlue's 1st time in Singapore... ^_^














hopefully CNBlue comes over for a full fledged concert soon and you will get the chance to see them in person again... B)





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Guest miel_1301



@miel_1301. is that really a new ring? can you post a close up of the old ring then so we can compare? tnx!



Okay! Let's all try to compare.


The OLD RING [originally posted by sally7]




And now, this is The RING [suspected to be NEW] he was seen wearing during their Singapore Press Conference/Fan Meet/Showcase.




I don't know if my eye sight is failing me, but THE RING he was seen wearing, and flaunting as his couple ring, in Singapore looks different (and looks new) from the old couple ring they bought in episode 1.


I think we ought to get the CLEAR view of THE RING Seobaby has been wearing lately for us to be able to reconcile.


Because I guess we still have to wait a couple of months more to know the story behind their (old) couple ring which will be told in WGM --- if indeed there is a story (which I would like to believe there is).



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Guest MrsAthenaG




A weekend of activities for our couple has brought the gogumas together once more to share all their fan accounts.  I'm happy to see everyone enjoying our couple's events and thank you to all who have contributed to the happiness of this thread.  I have updated my Megafolder of YongSeo videos including Ep. 20 and will continue to do so in this megafolder for future episodes. So feel free to post this as a reference for all newcomers and existing members for their viewing enjoyment.  I will post both the Mpeg files and AVI files.




AVI FIles:  http://www.megaupload.com/?f=CV8SALLJ


Mpeg Files:  http://www.megaupload.com/?f=J2CC1ZSQ




Again, these are the videos I recreated into one video each week and subs belong to SoshiSubs, Nulsaranghae and RDR.  Enjoy and have a great week ahead.







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Guest crystalblue





Okay! Let's all try to compare.






The OLD RING [originally posted by sally7]














And now, this is The RING [suspected to be NEW] he was seen wearing during their Singapore Press Conference/Fan Meet/Showcase.










I don't know if my eye sight is failing me, but THE RING he was seen wearing, and flaunting as his couple ring, in Singapore looks different (and looks new) from the old couple ring they bought in episode 1.








I think we ought to get the CLEAR view of THE RING Seobaby has been wearing lately for us to be able to reconcile.




Because I guess we still have to wait a couple of months more to know the story behind their (old) couple ring--- if indeed there is a story to be told (which I would like to believe there is).




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Guest blueswim_boo



Just drop off this pic just because she so perfectly gorgeous here..Hyun,good luck in Japan.Wish you the best


cr: dc inside


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Guest crystalblue


ARghhhh! This thing is acting up and won't let me post replies to a post. Oh well, so Miel_1301... thanks for the proof as I've BEEN noticing he has worn the new ring for quite some time now (just not on WGM since the filmings are so far back in dates). I think I recall him saying Seohyun gave him a really nice gift. I don't think it was the tea for his throat. I am hoping as a crazy fan of this couple that she got them new rings. Wouldn't that be the greatest? Thanks for the close up proofs!


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















does anyone here know links to running man (yong's episode) with eng subs?












I have nothing else to watch. :(












**ow, just a friendly reminder. DO NOT POST ONE LINERS, DO NOT QUOTE IMAGES. :)





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