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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






Because I love stalking dcmarried and sharing pics with you:


*More pics of pretty Hyun~, I think she is saying: "I can't hear many voices on Goguma world" :lol: hehehehehehe



cr: dcmarried



I just finished watching their cuts and the ep felt soo short. I couldn't stop smiling while they were making kimchi. :lol: And next week's episode is going to be so :wub: I saw Yong touching Hyun's fingers at the preview ;)




I just saw CNBLUE FANMEET & MINI LIVE IN SG 21/08/10 (Talk p2) and OMG oceanprince I love you!! hehehehe you are soo awesome for screaming 'SNSD' @1:26, and when YongHwa pointed at his ring I was giggling and squealing so much. and he was smiling so much and then was a bit shy ^_^ hehehehehe YongSeo blush.gif:wub:




crinkle_twinkle: Welcome to the Goguma planet/YongSeo thread!!! *throws confetti*



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*wave wave* crystal_malfoy, you are not the only one in goguma planet. Just a lot of shy people who are not yet ready to spazz. I was like that lurking for a period of time before I become more familiar with the thread. Anyway, we have more and more new Yongseo supporters joining us everyday. Should have hand out Soompi website flyer at the showcase. Haha.

One observation, Yonghwa said that the disadvantage of being famous means that they have to eat more "beautifully" at restaurants. I have two questions

1) Does this realisation come after last week spagetti lunch with Seohyun, which your unique way of eating spagetti was being broadcast? If not, I will think that you totally forgot about the cameras when you are with Seohyun.

2) How can you eat "beautifully" with chilli crabs especially there are some fans watching too? It is not a dish that you can eat without licking your fingers and sucking the juice from the crab. 

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Guest miel_1301






Just because I can't resist posting this...


An Angel from Heaven indeed!




cr: on pic+mat_hi@snsndthread


Annyeong potatoes!


If a female were to join CN Blue as the fifth member, what will be the conditions and how will you make her feel welcomed?






Yong Hwa: We have yet to think about it but I hope she will mix well with us.


Yonghwa-yah! It's soooo obvious you're hoping that Seohyun would join CNBLUE! You even asked her to quit SNSD and join CNBLUE once, and she's the only female artist that mixes so well with all of the other members. Kekekeke! B)



Sorry to cut your post, Yuki.


And oh! I also read that the 5th Female Member if ever to join CN Blue should be a keyboardist.


Yong, if you have SeoHyun in mind then in your dreams...that will be just in your wildest dream. hahaha!!!



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Guest Crystal392






redtulip: *hugs* About your observation and questions, I was thinking the same thing. I think it was somehow influenced by the ep 18 of WGM where they broadcasted him and Hyun eating spagetties together, and also about them wanting to eat chilli crabs but having lots of fans looking at them. hehehehehe


miel: Thanks for sharing that pic. Hyun~ looked so pretty @ SMTOWN concert :)


Reposting this pic posted by Powerof9:




That's a screencap from the latest ep, it was on of CNBLUE's rooms. I am praying that someday we will see also on a WGM episode the gifts given by Gogumas from Singapore (and who live near there and were part of the project ^^). It would be soo awesome, just thinking about it makes me smile.


Sooo who is excited for next saturday ep? We will see a really caring Yong~:






Yong looks worried and Hyun looks happy blush.gif:wub:



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Guest lovekin


wah!  i'm so stupid. 바보!  all this time i thought jealous!yong was in this e.20, but it's really for next week?  haha, i'm kind of disappointed~ sweatingbullets.gifthis is torture.  actually, ever since i discovered this forum for this couple, i've become more impatient for every episode.  i like having things to talk about and squealing about it somewhere.  aha. laugh.gif




edit: to kubih - or anyone who knows~


is the rating for the show good or bad at this point, compared to season 1?  i'm just curious!


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Happy Sunday dear YongSeo shippers.Wow it's been an awesome weekend forthe CN Blue boys & SNSD girls.Idk why am i so tempted to post  this week.Maybe it's the YongSeo virus.Goguma love overload ;-)  










First of all  CONGRATULATIONS  to the YongSeo team who went to the SG showcase Yukilovesyou, Nazweena, oceanprince, DeeOmfg, hallyucraze, star sapphire,lovekim, tripplemama, Norabella, jnj, bezbezbez, biiianx & the rest of potatoes for accomplishing our mini project for YongSeo200th day anniversary..  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! 










And a BIG THANK YOU goes to all SGBOICES & YongSeo shippers who went to the fan signing/meeting & showcase for all the awesome photos & videos you guys posted.You're all DAEBAK!!And oceanprince girl you're Jjangg... 






























Sorry Yukilovesyou I repost & edit your photo































credits: Yukilovesyou 



















And on the same day SNSD is performing in the SMTown Concert.Thanks a zillion to biiianx, clumsy,1sweetlove, GeumJanDi & other potatoes who posted the awesome photos & vids of Hyun 



















This week episodes is worth to spazz for..From the Kimchi making to themassage seesion & feeding each other is all DAEBAKK...I remember in Ep 6when the brother in law ask Yong to feed Hyun she didn’t want to..That was film somewhere around March if I'm not mistaken..wub.gifw00t.gifcrazy.gifsweatingbullets.gifhappy.gifbiggrin.gif































credits: Nulsaranghae for the vids 



















MH: Hyung, you have to feed her










SH: No, I'm fine










MH,JS,JH: Feed her..Feed her..Feed her..










YH: When we get more comfortable...We are going to it later










YH: Right?










SH: Yea~



















3 months later somewhere in June 2010..Without any doubt or hesitation




















I guess they're really more than comfortable with each other now.. 










Thanks for sharing the Ep 20 caps shml,sunshine, blueshoes, Mxiahcky, ♥♥PowerOf9, crystal_malfoy & everyone who posted their comments, I enjoyed reading all of it..










A huge thanks to Kubih, Trent &genxv for your effort in collecting all theWGM Sweet Potatoes vids which some of them no longer available in YT..Yuki & redtulips thanks for the translations..The WGM episodes can be downloaded from the links below..










Sweet Potato Days creditsto genxv..You can also lookup for updates, info and everything about YongSeo..










And to all my goguma friends have a great weekend..
























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Guest toomuchsmiling




He goes abroad --- proudly showing off his wedding ring. She stays back home --- not wearing hers. Later she held hands with another man. Aiigooo!!!Yong: WHy girl??? --- kyahaha!






LOL, funny. Which reminds me of what this other poster said. "if yong is jealous of bro jung shin, wouldn't he be jealous of Seohyun's family?"


uh YEAH. i can't wait to see his reaction for THIS one :ph34r:


I mean Jungmo of TRAX is part of her family but did that stop him from being jealous when she said he had taught her guitar? uh NO.




ahhh, it's killing me!! next week ep looks daebak but now i feel AGAIN so freaking behind with the eps!! i wanna skip to the latest!!! man, what DATE are we on in the WGM time frame on this couple? like June?? don't tell me May. ahh


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























I just visited rdrsubs site. we might be able to watch eng subbed ep 10 later tonight.
















Translating status:
















Goguma Couple Episode 20 ---------- 80%
















Running Man Episode 5 ---------- 40%
















Timing status:
















Goguma Couple Episode 20 ---------- 50%
















Running Man Episode 5 ---------- 0%
















Typsetting status:
















Goguma Couple Episode 20 ---------- 0%
















Running Man Episode 5 ---------- 0% 
















yahoo! the episode might be up in a few hours.





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Guest Rouenna










Hello to the Goguma family!! :w00t:








Thank you for sharing everything on this thread. This has been an enjoyable weekend for all of us. Been laughing non-stop reading the posts here. :lol:








It seems to me, based on last week's ep to the recent, that Yong and Hyun's relationship is now on an entirely different level compared to previous eps. I mean they really surprised me, especially Hyun. Talk about openly staring at Yong, when Yong said to "use their eyes to speak" instead of talking. (Shyness/Awkwardness totally went out the window). And putting her hands on his neck without a moment's hesitation is just totally :w00t:.








Almost the whole episode is just them making the usual kimchi (nothing too interesting for some) but somehow, just looking at them, I didn't think making kimchi is that much fun! :wub: Like we all said, these two make little things much more meaningful and enjoyable. It's cute the way they lean over that big bowl and mixing the vegetables up while smiling and laughing. :wub:








I can't wait for next week. I wonder if Hyun will peek inside Yong's room and the two of them sort of stay there for awhile just talking. Waaah!! :w00t: If the room with the keyboard is Yong's, bet she wouldn't resist playing the instrument herself. Haha!


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Guest wting89
























































































seohyun must be proud. yong oppa dint forget to show off his ring even in sg. a really dedicated hubby indeed. I'm jealous! :)








































































minhyuk's surprised face when snsd is mentioned. cutie minhyuk. yes, we sg goguma warriors approve this heavenly couple.








































































p.s i can see a smile forming in yong's face already. u like tht alot, don u?!

















































































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Guest 1sweetlove








Hi GOgumas! ;)








___Here's for you, a video of Hyun at SM CONCERT!




She's so CUUUUUUUUUUTE. :wub:



















credit to glean26








____AN other one, where she's playing with Sunny! :P



















credit to http://seople-zone.com/
















THe holding hands was completly planned, B) SEE IT HERE, THEy GRABBED THEIR HANDS SIMULTANOUSLY! :ph34r: SO no need to worry!! :lol:








But still It was a cute moment, I support this couple in 2nd position, after SEOHWA, of course!








here's the video :
















credit to janedoe24able ;)
















TO deqduzz, WELCOME, dear!! Hope you'll post a lot, and join the fun with us! :w00t:





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Guest t.sarahsarah
















































yonghwa and seohyun look so cute in the latest episode..making the love kimchi :wub:






























































poor seohyun cut his finger while preparing meal for her husband and brother-in-law in the






























































preview..Yonghwa seems to worry for his wife a lot :wub:






























































i'm really anticipating for their wedding photos..huhuhu






























































i think that they should do couple match making.. ^_^






























































seohyun will bring her SNSD unnie, while yonghwa bring his CNBLUE dongseng and






























































FT.ISLAND to their house..there will be exactly 9 couple including our YONG&HYUN.. :P






























































do you remember JOONGBO couple play this during the 1st season of WGM..??

















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Guest 1sweetlove








Has someone already shared this?








THis is a video made by fongnaam123, There are some of Seohyun's fanboy. :w00t: Not all, because she has soooooooooo many boys that like her.... :wub:








here's the link :



















Yong seems to have a lot of rivals. :wacko: BUt no one from them will beat him. :lol:
















ANd, again a big thanks to fongnaam123 blush.gif





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Guest blueshoes








Yonghwa rush @ Running Man






Yonghwa hide @ Running Man



















I like this shot .... yonghwa so clever





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Guest wootae.luv
































































































A comment that made me LMAO

"Kyu acted like he had to hold evil's hand." *LMAO*
































soo nothing Serious !!!
































































































*off to watch ep*

















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Guest lenovo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was about to go SeoKyu shipper :crazy: (TRAITOR!!!! haha!) but after seeing Yonghwa's interviews... I was like. "OH MY GOD, he loves her..."































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so gonna be LOYAL from now on! :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- though i noticed how Kyu's thumb kinda caressed Seohyun's hands while they were HH???






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr; snsdfan16@ssf






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































good thing fengz told me how sibling-like they are. hahaha.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and gosh... Yong's so freaking HOT!!! HOT! HOT! HOT! - his English accent is really really really TURNING me ON!, Driving me mad. Uuuuugh! Better than..... nevermind! hahaha. I wish to make it my ringtone, alarm tone, all tones! hahahahaha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much everyone!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































OCEANPRINCE - I am forever grateful for your SCREAM effort which led to Yonghwa's RING show off moment.

































































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Guest 1sweetlove








Didn't you know GOGUMA'S FBI :ph34r: , that Seohyun made a secret confession :wub: to Yong in a CF?








Here's the video, dear! :
















credit to lilmiznaughty56












See at the video from 0:33.








If you lypsync what Hyoyeon is saying to Seohyun :ph34r: , you'll see that shes asks Seohyun,something like :
















Then it appears on the phone YES, NO, YES, NO :o .............








ANd At the final IT IS A......................... :P





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