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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest jechod
















































CNBlue @ City Square Mall









































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Guest lenovo












































































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episode 5 of yongseo has been uploaded to MU.

please do not post this link outside of this forum thread without permission. thank you.

[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 5 | MU *latest

[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 4 | MU

[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 3 | MU

[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 2 | MU

[eng] wgm yongseo cut ep. 1 | MU

cr: nulsaranghae

+ i will upload episode 6 and 7 later on. in fact, i'm uploading episode 6 right now. for episode 8-19 you can find them at rundevilrunsubs.

Really great of you that you compiled all of them. Once the list's complete, maybe we can place them onto the first page, otherwise they might get lost, since the threads so active, especially on weekends. I once did a blog for WGM to collect all the links - maybe we should gather all of them somewhere, including the other couples, so fans know where they can go to. Does anyone know if there are downloads available for the Khuntoria and the Adam couple?

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jechod, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! yong sure looks good in that blue shirt! *drooolzzzz*

i really admire u for taking time to update us here! :D tq so much~!!

LOL lenovo-cuzz!! same here!!!! my heart's beating like mad now! *dugeun-dugeun~!

it's like as if i saw them myself! *faintzz*


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maybe this can help.
































































































dunno where to get the file for other couple except http://www.2oneday.com/forum their official forum. but of course got to post something. Just like soshi.
































































































but for adam couple, you can try this page; http://wgmadamcouple.wordpress.com/.
































































































for khutoria couple i just subscribe to loveT2S‬‎.
































































































they also update thry dailymotion.

































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Guest blueshoes


















And to share, here is my rough trans of text preview from Chinese, as posted by hihi_hehe, credit sweet potato thread, baidu:






the Kimichi challenge of YongSeo couple



To SeoHyun, who just turned 20 years old with little experience in Kimchi preparation, is trying her best with notes taken in Kimchi making.



YongHwa also challenge Kimchi making with his talent as being a "housewife", the couple hope to bring freshly made Kimchi to the brothers who just moved into their new dorm.



With Hyun commented by Yong making Dwaejangjjigae in "manly style" with large portion of mushroom & tofu last time, Yong now commented the Kimchi has the taste like "Sea (or Ocean)" What ingredient did Hyun include in her receipe that makes Kimchi taste like Sea?






Too salty may be?!?! :sweatingbullets:












Edit 2: There are 2 versions from Baidu, the other one with heading "Even Hyun Buin don't know the how Kimchi would end up taste like" (follow by similar context) Hyun wanted to take care the younger brother in laws by visiting them with fresh made Kimchi and at the same time, brother in laws are busily cleaning up the house to welcome their sister in law. What are the brother in laws going to do to warmly welcome Hyun sister in law?

















as preview (at 0.04) , Hyun put salt so much to a bowl








pic cr 우리 결혼했어요 @ daum





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Guest kyonyuki






Hey, i just came back from the fan meeting. I saw all 4 of them up close and yonghwa is freaking hot. He is very cheerful and he was like touching the fans' hands. I can't really take a video of them since they were walking very fast and my camera had no battery. My battery was used up because i was taking pictures of them. BUT YONGHWA IS SO HOT!



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Hello gogumas~~ ^^v

i always love your posting here.

wait, is that 'BANANA' word on his blue shirt during the fansigning event?

kinda remind me of the first breakfast hyun share with yong for the 1st time : BANANA lol

btw, i'm curious. do you guys know anyone or any site that sell YongSeo goodies?

after watching YongSeo WGM, i am very determine to learn guitar.

right now, i can play C but G its hard ~_~ so i understand hyun said that time why it was hard to play G!

but my guitar doesn't have pick, so i play with my nail and its very hurt lolz silly me.

so im wondering if somebody is producing the YongSeo goodies for example, guitar pick or anything related to the instrument stuff, i definitely WANT to buy them!!!

yeah we should have YongSeo goodies you know!

why am I so excited about this? haha~

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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































thanks to those who helped in translating!!! I love you all <3
































































































current available translation:
































































































english: I love YONGSEO couple because...
































































































tagalog: Mahal ko ang tambalang YONGSEO dahil...
































































































mandarin: Wo ai rong shu fu fu ying wei...
































































































spanish: Yo amo a la pareja YONGSEO porque...
































































































thai: Chan Rak Koo YONGSEO Prau...
































































































russian: Ya Loobloo YONGSEO Para Patamoochta...
































































































malay: Saya sayang pasangan YONGSEO kerana...
































































































french: J'aime YONGSEO couple parce que ...
































































































cantonese: Ngo oi YONGSEO fu fu yan wai...
































































































vietnamese: Tôi yêu couple YONGSEO bởi vì...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope someone could help us on the missing trans... and I think there are more that I missed so feel free to add
































































































btw. we're nearly done with it. I'll post it here as soon as we are done :) aja!

































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maybe this can help.

dunno where to get the file for other couple except http://www.2oneday.com/forum their official forum. but of course got to post something. Just like soshi.

but for adam couple, you can try this page; http://wgmadamcouple.wordpress.com/.

for khutoria couple i just subscribe to loveT2S‬‎.

they also update thry dailymotion.

Okay, if I get this right, you need a certain number of posts to access the files. As for the files kubih so kindly uploaded, I created this:


I put all the links into a Jdownloader container, that's easiest. You can download them all at once at your own time. Jdownloader is so practical. The container file for the our "Vegetable Couple" is under WGM II with all of kubih's links. Thanks a ton, dude!

thanks to those who helped in translating!!! I love you all <3

current available translation:

english: I love YONGSEO couple because...

tagalog: Mahal ko ang tambalang YONGSEO dahil...

mandarin: Wo ai rong shu fu fu ying wei...

spanish: Yo amo a la pareja YONGSEO porque...

thai: Chan Rak Koo YONGSEO Prau...

russian: Ya Loobloo YONGSEO Para Patamoochta...

malay: Saya sayang pasangan YONGSEO kerana...

french: J'aime YONGSEO couple parce que ...

cantonese: Ngo oi YONGSEO fu fu yan wai...

vietnamese: Tôi yêu couple YONGSEO bởi vì...

german: Ich liebe das YONGSEO Paar, weil ...





Added German. :)

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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































































































































current available translation:
































































































































english: I love YONGSEO couple because...
































































































































tagalog: Mahal ko ang tambalang YONGSEO dahil...
































































































































mandarin: Wo ai rong shu fu fu ying wei...
































































































































spanish: Yo amo a la pareja YONGSEO porque...
































































































































thai: Chan Rak Koo YONGSEO Prau...
































































































































russian: Ya Loobloo YONGSEO Para Patamoochta...
































































































































malay: Saya sayang pasangan YONGSEO kerana...
































































































































french: J'aime YONGSEO couple parce que ...
































































































































cantonese: Ngo oi YONGSEO fu fu yan wai...
































































































































vietnamese: Tôi yêu couple YONGSEO bởi vì...
































































































































german: Ich liebe das YONGSEO Paar, weil ...
































































































































swedish: Jag älskar YongSeo paret för att..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I added swedish! ^^
































































































































@kyonyuki AH! I hope you had a fun time there :)

































































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Hi Hi,

Watch this for the Jungshin Chingoo wave created by Seobaby...JungshinChingoo & More Jungshin Chingoo

Ooooohhhh Jungshin Chingoo, you have already become everyone's friend. I really hope you have a lot of things to share with us tomorrow.

P.S The boys looked really good in the photo.

Edit: wowww, there are so many fancams from their arrival in Singapore Changi Airport. Here are what I think are the best cos taken before they exit the security area. Can see that the makeup artist doing some final touch up especially on Jungshin before they left.

Link 1

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Guest bezbezbez
































































































































































































































































































































here is our cover page draft...hehe...
































































































































































































any suggestions guys?

































































































































































































































































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Guest kyonyuki






My link


Sorry about the quality, my camera sucks.


But better than nothing for now right? Wait for the high quality ones later.



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Guest lenovo














BANANA??? - reminds me of SEOHYUN's train Aegyo.










BANANA Milf Cf- Seohyun










I'm backtracking a bit today... kekeke.



















i spotted this SEXY/energetic video of SEOHYUN - Dream Concert.



















And her hairstyle is the same as when she did the WGM - pool episode.










I thought if this was the same day, MAN her energy is all up.



















She's dancing well here.




















Can someone clear this out? - WGM filming and Dream COncert --- all in one day?

















































RE: I LOVE YONGSEO --- Are we going to repeat, give a transalation of our own dialect of what we've written already? --- Do you know, it's harder for us to express it in our own dialect(Tagalog/Filipino) coz its longer??? hehehehe. :sweatingbullets:





























YONGHWA gives the ladies a KISS



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am at my university right now and I can't wait until I arrive home to watch all your amazing fancams!!
































































































































































































































































Thanks to everyone for sharing them and updating us about the latest news of CNBLUE on Singapore.
































































































































































































































































YongSeo fans are awesome <3

































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22




















btw, i'm curious. do you guys know anyone or any site that sell YongSeo goodies?
















after watching YongSeo WGM, i am very determine to learn guitar.































right now, i can play C but G its hard ~_~ so i understand hyun said that time why it was hard to play G!
















but my guitar doesn't have pick, so i play with my nail and its very hurt lolz silly me.
















so im wondering if somebody is producing the YongSeo goodies for example, guitar pick or anything related to the instrument stuff, i definitely WANT to buy them!!!
















yeah we should have YongSeo goodies you know!
















why am I so excited about this? haha~































I don't know where to find YongSeo goodies. I think fans create them themselves. I'd like to get my hands on the clay figures though. :)
















Hope someone would sell yongseo goodies online. I'm sure it would be a hit. :)
















about playing guitar. its been 8 years since I touched and seriously played guitar. but after watching Yong and Hyun, I grabbed my old guitar and started playing again.
















the first song I studied after 8 years of no guitar is Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard. hahaha. its a little difficult at first but after practicing I can play it well now.  currently I'm trying to play JYP's I have a girlfriend, though its hard learning it by ear. hahaha.
















learning guitar needs a lot of patience and practice, also a few calluses on your fingers. :)





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bezbezbe, yah you are right to say you need as many of the "I love Yongseo couple because" in other languages to fill up the page. At first I was thinking why the heart is not in red, then i feel that gold is more unique. Also, Gold symbolise forever too as it is very long lasting. Are you able post all the pages in the notebook after you are done? I will imagine that it is going to be wonderful. Thanks for the hard work.

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Guest Yukilovesyou

Hi potatoes, just came back from CNBLUE fansign with Judy and we're so tired. Wanted to share some of the photos we took, and please pardon the quality as we were spazzing the whole time so our hands were really shaky.

Judy and I kept screaming Yongseo, AVATAR, Jungshin chingoo and Seohyun but our views were blocked so sadly, we didn't really see their reactions.

Also, Judy said that she saw Yongseo gifts given to them!! Did any one of you potatoes happen to be the ones?  B)

And I'm really upset now because I didn't manage to get the showcase tickets. I went to the SAM machines, called gatecrash hotline and tried online booking but none of them were working. Does anyone know where can I get them? :( I just need a pair of tix, the category doesn't really matter.

Photos below (from left to right): Jungshin, Jonghyun, Yonghwa, Minhyuk. :)



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