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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest anne0129










you can watch it here http://www.facebook.com/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/346207347887?ref=sgm#!/pages/SNSDSeoHyunForever/346207347887?v=app_2392950137























Thank you so much. I am watching it right now and I have tears in my eyes from joy.....I was worried as to where to watch it next and then an angel like you came and put back the smile in my face that only the GOGUMA couple can give me.....Hope you will be uploading the next episode as well again. Thank you so much. :D



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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Found this pic on http://blog.daum.net/ange101/216:
































































































































































































































































This is one of my fave parts from latest ep, hehehe Yong~ was soo shy/embarrassed when Hyun~ asked him why did she have to wear the jacket, he didn't know how to explain it to her xD






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin: I posted the link to where you can find all those articles on my previous post (click on tv/daum). Hmmmm I don't think anyone translates those articles xD But you can use google translator or any other translator to get a general idea about what is it about ^_^

































































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin




Actually, I find it quite funny how some of the girls thinks it's okay for girls to ask questions like that flat out in public. Lets put it in a different situation. It's like saying SeoHyun is doing beautiful work and helping out younger kids that are dealing with cancer. And lets say YongHwa came in to bring up his image too helping out his wife or whatever. If a little girl asked YongHwa, "Who would you RATHER get married with BESIDES SeoHyun in SNSD?"




Does that make you feel better? I don't see how you people are showing "-18". Honestly, is that something you ask your parents? "Mom, who would you rather marry instead of Dad?" I mean SERIOUSLY think before you type back to me. I'm not even kidding this time.




It's like you going up to your siblings and asking them, "Who would you go out with BESIDES your current bf/gf?" I got another negatives, but that I knew is gonna happen. I just figured something out though. Girls don't think for themselves and always agree with each other even though it's really something you should point out.











i'm kind of recalling this all from memory (which is pretty bad to begin with), but when i first saw the translated article, i thought it was pretty rude of the girl to do myself.  and then, everyone started chiming in trying to correct the translation, emphasizing the "besides," which does ease the rudeness just a bit.




but yes, it was a rude question.  however, she's also 14.  not that being 14 excuses her from anything, really, but i would just give it benefit of the doubt.  regardless of wording, who knows what exactly the girl was trying to convey.  like someone else said, if hyun and yong didn't seem to be too offended by it, just let it roll off your shoulders.  i find this is a safer route than getting riled up about it.




if you ask me, personally, i thought it was an unpleasant question – one that those in possession of manners wouldn't say; it's just common sense – but i decided to see the girl as this precocious kid who maybe wanted an answer she wanted to hear but didn't necessarily mean the question out of spite.







crystal_malfoy: where can one get their hands on those articles you listed?  preferably translated!  w00t.gif  or what is that list exactly?


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Guest hallyucraze






Hi, happy Goguma lovers!


Just dropped by to say that I won't be able to translate the upcoming episode of Yonseo because I'll be away tomorrow till early next week.... There is no internet working where I'm going (shocking, isn't it?)


Sorry guys, but I can see some good translators in this thread so I hope someone will do it in place of me this weekend (anyway with your hawk-eyed observation and subbers all around the world I'm sure you'll have no problem following the story line). I've developed some kind of responsiblity(?) that every Saturday you may (or may not) wait for the translation of the latest Goguma episode and without doubt I'm happy that I could be a tiny help in this thread.




It's just that this is the first time I've got this attached to an internet community and when the schedule for this weekend was settled the first thing I thought was, 'Oh, heck! I won't be able to see WGM and do the translation!'. Sorry, I wrote nothing about Yongseo in this post (is it OK? This will be my first and last time to write something like this). I felt like I should tell you about my absence in advance because you guys are like one big happy family that I'm delighted to be part of. I was simply going to write 'Sorry, I can't do the translation this weekend' but it turned out to be a kind of a love letter to you all (oh, am I blushing). See you later!






Ahhh.. jd2lee.. sorry to cust your post! So u are off to somewhere? Well we'll be missing u our truly talented translator. Anyway do enjoy your trip! See u when u get back! I'm sure u'll be on lurker mode when u come back coz we'll be spazzing alot in these 2 weeks! Miss u! come back soon!! :D



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Does anyone still have the cuts of NulSarangae on their harddrive? We could put all the files into one big zip file and offer it on megaupload or something, so everyone can download them. And put the link onto this thread's first page, like it was during the first season of WGM.

i have a few different versions that are clear from all eps. i can help upload in mediafire ... but if shml wanna help upload, it's fine with me! ;) if i'm not mistaken, mediafire doesn't need an account to upload? but i'm not too sure if i can or know how to upload them in zipfile :sweatingbullets: whaahahaha i can be quite a computer illiterate! :Pedit: i recall ichigo losing some files too, maybe thru' this, she can get back some! i really don't mind helping!

j2dlee, it's very nice of u to think about us! don't worry... u just go ahead & do what u hafta do. just make sure u come back to spazz with us when u're free! ^____^

calculator, u've got a point. but we still don't know what's the real situation there. it could just be that minsun didn't think much before asking such a bold question to hyun. i'm sure ppl tend to get nervous & just blurt whatever that comes into mind when they're faced with someone who's very significant to them. besides, ppl with very critical illness can sometimes be a weebit selfish as they know that their chances of living is pretty slim. so i hope u'll understand minsun's position there. :)

edit: yeah...i agree with ur SPOILER, lovekin :)

hello chikaaaaa! ^____^ glad that u're able to spazz again!

crystal! here's one goguma spazzer! *waves* xD

wow... our yongseo couple's articles are in the top 5! ohhh! am so proud of them!!! B)


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Guest Crystal392
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think 'ange101' (owner of the blog I mentioned on my previous post and that's also mentioned on one of tvdaum articles - if I am not wrong article #5) is an ajjuma :) But I am not too sure about it xD Here the keyword is 'I think...' hehehe
































































































































































































































































dreamyboo: *waves* Hiiii!! :D:D Yeah as a fan that makes me happy. Actually, there are two lists of 'Best' and I still don't know what's the difference about those two lists xD Anyways, on the other list 4 out of top 5 articles are YongSeo related :P (the other article is about BGM -backgroundmusic- and Sims xD)
































































































































































































































































Well my lovely Gogumas... I'm off to Goguma sleepland :P
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing ^^

































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
























good thing shml has all episodes. :) problem now is how to upload them.
















MBC and YT might take it down even if the videos are unlisted. we could try dailymotion but I don't know if its ok with the subbers.
















the best way would be uploading it to megaupload or somewhere. does anyone here know how to do that?
















nowadays it would be better to download episodes than to stream it as MBC and YT can take it down in just a few days. and we can watch the episodes whenever and wherever, even if we have no internet connect.
















about Minsun's question, I think it is just an innocent question. lets not just think about it and focus on what Yong and Hyun did for her. she is a cancer patient fighting for her life. maybe she can't watch WGM and is not updated in the status of Yong and Hyun's virtual marriage. we don't know her situation.
















Yong and Hyun paid her a visit. thats whats important. also Hyun didn't seem offended. she panicked a bit that made everyone laugh. I guess she didn't see that question coming.
















EDIT: i think megaupload is better. as rdrsubs is having trouble with mediafire. some parts of different eipsodes are broken. so they have to resplit and reupload the videos





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kbsworldtv [Today]Happy Together: Jung Yong-Hwa(CNBlue), Sam D, Son-Dambi and More! (23:20)UTC+8

source: kbsworldtv @twitter















for those who have kbs world at home don't forget to catch yong hwa on happy together with english subtitled tonight! in this episode mc park miseon teased yong hwa of his 'marriage' with seohyun.








p/s: i'm now in a process of uploading the first episode of yongseo through megaupload. damn, it took a lot of time to finish (currently at 11%).








edit: argh damn it! an error has occurred during the progress so i lost about 21% of uploaded files just like that. oh well, just have to re-upload it again.





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some funny macro
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now how many points that yonghwa gain from seo hyun !!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(first time seo hyun rated him 4 sweet potato points)

































































































































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Guest miel_1301



and at that pic! what's up with Yonghwa's smile?!!! kekekkeke trying to hold something in yong seobang? :P


I somehow missed this observation of yours from your previous post, _d3.


Yeah, I noticed that "restraint" smile as well. But what he might be containing or suppressing with that 'smile' he was somehow giving it away with his 'eyes'.


Hi, happy Goguma lovers!


Woah, I missed out on so much this week, Yong's WinWin, Strong Heart, and Yongseo couple's charity work....


Thank you everyone for awesome pics, fan accounts, links, translations, and so on. Had to go back about 30 something pages but really enjoyed reading all of your posts. Keep up with happy spazzing, Goguma lovers!


Just dropped by to say that I won't be able to translate the upcoming episode of Yonseo because I'll be away tomorrow till early next week.... There is no internet working where I'm going (shocking, isn't it?)


Sorry guys, but I can see some good translators in this thread so I hope someone will do it in place of me this weekend (anyway with your hawk-eyed observation and subbers all around the world I'm sure you'll have no problem following the story line). I've developed some kind of responsiblity(?) that every Saturday you may (or may not) wait for the translation of the latest Goguma episode and without doubt I'm happy that I could be a tiny help in this thread.


It's just that this is the first time I've got this attached to an internet community and when the schedule for this weekend was settled the first thing I thought was, 'Oh, heck! I won't be able to see WGM and do the translation!'. Sorry, I wrote nothing about Yongseo in this post (is it OK? This will be my first and last time to write something like this). I felt like I should tell you about my absence in advance because you guys are like one big happy family that I'm delighted to be part of. I was simply going to write 'Sorry, I can't do the translation this weekend' but it turned out to be a kind of a love letter to you all (oh, am I blushing). See you later!



Awww!!! j2dlee, you'll surely be missed in this thread not because you provide us with translations after every episode ahead of the subs but because I personally look forward to your posts here as you are one of those interesting persons to exchange insights and opinions with.


Have a safe trip, j2dlee. And come back quick, huh?


@j2dlee. enjoy your trip. be safe. :D






i just have to post this away before i log off..






so it's a haunted house kind of thing for the special right? maybe each couple has to go thru a maze of some sort? the adam couple will 99 percent be holding hands as they walk thru it, and khuntoria too, but how about YONGSEO?!!!



kyahhhhhhhhhhhh they've come along way since their haunted house date on episode 3 (which Yonghwa was the one who



hold onto seohyun when he got scared lol), what will our couple do? piggyback hug all through out the course?!!!



*dies* kekkeke i cannot contain the scenarios that are running in my head right now lol









have a good one everyone :D



Honestly, ever since that rumored filming in an Island in an abandoned school for the Horror Episode of WGM surfaced yesterday, my mind has been running through some possible scenarios but the biggest dilemma I have for this couple in a situation such as this is the thought of--- Who between YongHwa and SeoHyun will get terrified, hence, who would be screaming more? I don't think Seobaby is the type who easily gets scared.


So this special WGM Horror episode will be aired first Saturday of September? Did I get the date right?


Schedule of the girls [sNSD] in the remaining dates in August as posted by mossy@snsd thread:


August Schedule




> "Genie" PV Teaser




> 4:00PM SMTOWN LIVE '10 WORLD TOUR in Seoul @ Seoul Jamsil Olympic Stadium




> Departure to Japan




> 2:00PM Girls' Generation Premium Show Case Live @ Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo


> 5:00PM Girls' Generation Premium Show Case Live @ Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo


> 8:00PM Girls' Generation Premium Show Case Live @ Ariake Colosseum in Tokyo




> 08:00PM Y-Star Live Power Music -Save the Earth Concert @ Seoul Jamsil Stadium




> 07:00PM 2010 Incheon Korean Music Wave @ Munhak(?) Stadium


credit: sosiz




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Guest xoxojenniboox3



The we got married forum has been opened! Go and support your favorite couple now ;D sorry for the bother! Spread the word(;


Please come support ^^


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for those who have kbs world at home don't forget to catch yong hwa on happy together with english subtitled tonight! in this episode mc park miseon teased yong hwa of his 'marriage' with seohyun.

p/s: i'm now in a process of uploading the first episode of yongseo through megaupload. damn, it took a lot of time to finish (currently at 11%).

edit: argh damn it! an error has occurred during the progress so i lost about 21% of uploaded files just like that. oh well, just have to re-upload it again.

goodnite, crystal!!! sweet potato dreamz to u! xD

kubih, when will that Happy Together air??? deng, issit after 9pm? i hope it is, since i'll be busy with something till then!!! the english subtitle on KBS is fairly good... hopefully i'll manage to watch it later! >.<



so which one is better? megaupload or mediafire??? any other suggestion? calling for some IT experts!


edit: thanks for the SNSD's schedule update, miel~! i wonder if yong & hyun will have WGM filming during their stay in japan. i hope so!

GeumJanDi, i think yong's getting more than 10 goguma points now!!! keekekek gogumas overload!!! :wub:


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kubih, when will that Happy Together air??? deng, issit after 9pm? i hope it is, since i'll be busy with something till then!!! the english subtitle on KBS is fairly good... hopefully i'll manage to watch it later! >.<








sorry i cut your post dreamyboo...here's the link to check the schedule for KBS World: KBS World Weekly Schedule















do remember to change the timezone to the one applicable to your locale... ^_^






























kubih thank you for sharing the schedule for Happy Together... ;)






























my heart feels a twinge when i see the punishing schedule most korean artistes are subject to... :tears:
























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goodnite, crystal!!! sweet potato dreamz to u! xD








kubih, when will that Happy Together air??? deng, issit after 9pm? i hope it is, since i'll be busy with something till then!!! the english subtitle on KBS is fairly good... hopefully i'll manage to watch it later! >.<















it will be on 11.20pm so you are lucky enough to catch it.








@woollylamb you're welcome

btw, i'm uploading using megaupload since i have join the separate parts into a single big avi file and i could upload till 1gb of a single file. if you use mediafire a limit for a single file is 200mb only.





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Guest lovekim
































































































































































































































































































































Hi potatoes....
































































































































































































I can't catch up!! hahaha! You all are so fast with the news and photos!
































































































































































































j2dlee, we'll miss ya~~ enjoy your holiday!!
































































































































































































I wouldn't read too much in little minsun's question to Hyun actually. I read the chinese trans and it sounds pretty innocent and straightforward to me. Maybe it's the culture, coz I too would ask that kind of question. Just to tease and hoping to get red cute cheeks from the couple. LOL!! (i intend to sabotage Yong in singapore showcase if they pick my question posed to CNBLUE. hahaha!)
































































































































































































Ok...after running around like a crazy woman last night, i managed to get something for our couple. (and the brothers-in-law too, keke!)
































































































































































































Unfortunately, the marriage cert, i'll have to continue driving nazweena crazy about it. Let ya all know once we work something out. Wuri poor naz is also sloggin her wits out with her presentation at work. *hugs naz*
































































































































































































Here's what I got. Shall take a photo again when it's nicely packaged for the couple. But i can't wait to share it with you guys first. So exciting!! I wanna get one for myself too! LOL! and the gift shall satisfy lenovo pretty much. ha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ok...these are bear speakers, attach to your mp3 player and ah.....music to your ears~~ And they are made for BED-side listening. *winks to lenovo*
































































































































































































































































































































































































This is a writing board, which i intend to decorate and also attach the love letter to it. keke!! Wish us Singapore potatoes luck!! Hope Yong brings these back with him to Seoul.

































































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Here's what I got. Shall take a photo again when it's nicely packaged for the couple. But i can't wait to share it with you guys first. So exciting!! I wanna get one for myself too! LOL! and the gift shall satisfy lenovo pretty much. ha!
























Ok...these are bear speakers, attach to your mp3 player and ah.....music to your ears~~ And they are made for BED-side listening. *winks to lenovo*
















This is a writing board, which i intend to decorate and also attach the love letter to it. keke!! Wish us Singapore potatoes luck!! Hope Yong brings these back with him to Seoul.















Ooooooh Great Job lovekim! Those bear speakers are so adorable! it'd be even more ideal if they had pink, but i understand the available colours are not within your control... ^_^ *heh heh*...u should make them share 1 bear so they hafta sit closer to each other... :lol:






























I'm more than happy to chip in even though I'm not attending either session...do PM me the details if u welcome more funds alright? ;)









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Woowww lovekim great choice!!!! Those bears with mp3 function. I don't even know they have such things nowadays. I am very curious about your question. Can whisper to me privately?





I can't wait to see the end results. Goguma aliens hwaiting!!!! Appreaciate all of your efforts.





Edit: wollylamb, the two of us really are a family. Lol, guess for the two adjummas, we don't have the youth. So we can only help financially.


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Guest andalasa
































































sorry i cut your post dreamyboo...here's the link to check the schedule for KBS World: KBS World Weekly Schedule































































































do remember to change the timezone to the one applicable to your locale... 






























































































































































kubih thank you for sharing the schedule for Happy Together... ;)






























































































































































my heart feels a twinge when i see the punishing schedule most korean artistes are subject to... :tears:






























































































































































Speaking about schedule, I couldnt agree more with you wollylamb.. For example Jung soebang himself.. This week, he has to tape WGM on the 17th, then taping for Come to Play yesterday, then fly to Singapore today, Fans Signing tomorrow, Showcase on Saturday and most likely they will fly back to Korea that same day at night coz he has to MC for Inkigayo on Sunday.. :tears: ...
















































Thank you kubih for sharing the news :).. I'll record the show just in case I forgot to watch :D..
















































Hi potatoes....
















































I can't catch up!! hahaha! You all are so fast with the news and photos!
















































j2dlee, we'll miss ya~~ enjoy your holiday!!
















































I wouldn't read too much in little minsun's question to Hyun actually. I read the chinese trans and it sounds pretty innocent and straightforward to me. Maybe it's the culture, coz I too would ask that kind of question. Just to tease and hoping to get red cute cheeks from the couple. LOL!! (i intend to sabotage Yong in singapore showcase if they pick my question posed to CNBLUE. hahaha!)
















































Ok...after running around like a crazy woman last night, i managed to get something for our couple. (and the brothers-in-law too, keke!)
















































Unfortunately, the marriage cert, i'll have to continue driving nazweena crazy about it. Let ya all know once we work something out. Wuri poor naz is also sloggin her wits out with her presentation at work. *hugs naz*
















































Here's what I got. Shall take a photo again when it's nicely packaged for the couple. But i can't wait to share it with you guys first. So exciting!! I wanna get one for myself too! LOL! and the gift shall satisfy lenovo pretty much. ha!
















































































































































Ok...these are bear speakers, attach to your mp3 player and ah.....music to your ears~~ And they are made for BED-side listening. *winks to lenovo*
































































































This is a writing board, which i intend to decorate and also attach the love letter to it. keke!! Wish us Singapore potatoes luck!! Hope Yong brings these back with him to Seoul.































































































Omg!! They looks so adorable lovekim.. Thank you so much for your efforts and other who involved in it..:wub:. eventhough I myself didnt chip in there, completely forgot that I havent submit the why I love YongSeo Couple :tears:.. If there's something I can help, I'd b more than happy to do it.. But I couldnt go to both events :-(...
















































Wish you luck for tomorrow.. I'm crossing all my fingers for you and other potatoes.. Fighting!! :)
















































Thank you for all the angels potatoes for all the great news and pics.. Finally we could hear about our lovely couple :)
















































Edit after reading redtulip's post: hey can I chip in too? Another ahjumma raising her both hands here :D

















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wollylamb, the two of us really are a family. Lol, guess for the two adjummas, we don't have the youth. So we can only help financially.








how true redtulip same age buddy... :lol:






























sorry i shortened your post...






























*sigh*...cannot deny the fact that we're at ajumma age compared to our beloved goguma couple & all the young ones here...funny thing is i feel the same as when i was 21...aside from the creaking bones & joint pains from time-to-time... :P






























i really wonder how the artistes cope with such schedules andalasa...no wonder we always see news of them fainting, being admitted to hospital, etc...*touch wood*...how i wish they had a union to take care of their basic human rights there...at least let them have adequate rest instead of surviving on 1-2 hours of sleep for a prolonged period of time...the same basic feature all the korean idols have are their massive dark eyebags/circles...my heart aches to see these young hardworking kids like that... :mellow:









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