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How was the weather today?

Guest bonjour tristesse.

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Overcast all the way up into mid afternoon.

I know a lot of So Cal people have been yappin' about the non-summer-like weather lately, and I honestly don't see the big deal; it's not like So Cal never had a summer w/ many overcast days (sure they're rare, but they have happened). It was continuously overcast for weeks on end back in summer 2003 (I specifically remember because I had to walk home from summer school everyday that summer). And even with the overcast weather, it's still HOT.

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Guest creaturedreams

Atrocious, it was so wet and windy I couldn't even leave the house for class .. Although I guess that's a good thing!

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Guest starlightt*

I liked today's weather lol. It was really hot for the first few hours of the morning, then there was a large thunderstorm in the middle of my class and knocked out the power, went back to hot and then now there's a nice storm again XD

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