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Eunhyuk and Gyuri on MBC's We Got Married?!

Guest luviyu

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Guest cutedimple06

im excited if that happens.. and also in Idol army where kara and 2AM collide. There was a scene where they prank calling SUJU members and leetuk passed the phone to eunhyuk and boom was teasing gyuri that she wants to speak with siwon.. lol.. and eunhyuk response was like "oh! not to me?" haha.. If I can find the link for that I will post it in here..

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Guest Atmosphere.

I'm actually curious with Gyuri's personality.

I just hope it's not scripted.. cause if it's not scripted, and she really does have princess syndrome O_O

I am so curious if she really has the princess syndrome! And that's it not part of her concept!

And would love to see EunHyuk too!

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this would be really interesting... they are so opposite... eunhyuk can be the shy type. gyuri funny and confident one. this would really hilarious.

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I love Gyuri, she always has something sarcastic or cocky to say. I really hope she brings her princess syndrome with her if they do get together for WGM, haha. Eunhyuk won't know whether to die of happiness (because she's gorgeous) or misery (because of her personality).

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Guest subdwfreaky

^ misery? aww, come on...Gyuri's not that bad....if you guys watch these two regularly(like i do :P ) Gyuri actually treated Eunhyuk quite good(well, just quite...lol). :lol: and Eunhyuk seems to like her a lot as well. backup to my claim? evidences?

them coupled in Miracle+some Sukira moments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNX1nGqIQTs

Sukira moments(attractions all around): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYHzqGL_iLs

all their interactions in shows(including idol army/strong heart/etc): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZPk3h3O-2E

happy moments(mostly in sukira): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZPk3h3O-2E

to topic starter, if you'd like to quote these links into your first post, feel free to do so, Eunhyuk n Gyuri have so much chemistry, only those who never watch will say they don't match...(plus they look so good, individually n even more so, together lol)

if they ever join WGM, i'm definitely going to watch it again, attentively. xD

i've never been such a huge fan of WGM couple other than JoongBo, but if HyukRi joins, my obsessive fandom might just go up to a whole new level..hahah...

thank you so much for this topic, seeing anything HyukRi just makes my day~~

so my answer to the question in 1st post: i'm definitely on netizen's side this time.^^.

WGM PD~~please do us this favour.. :P

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haha i wouldnt' mind gyuri's attitude. i know the whole "goddess" thing is a concept and she seems like a friendly person. it would be nice to see a different image of her.

i think eunhyuk would make a great husband!lol. eeteuk toooooo.

but seulong needs to find a partner first before them.. there's a line for WGM. lolololol.

i like how they ended with jokwon and gain's songgg. tehehehe.

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