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Superstar K Winner, Seo In Gook [서인국]


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Jellyfish is indeed forbid any fancam videos during Inguk's 2013 concert... If I'm not wrong, they wrote the official warning to take down those videos (or was it from another Heartrider? I'm forget :| ) So it's understandable that the fancams of his 2013 concert is hard to find. The only fancam from his performance I got at the time was when he danced to Crayon Pop's Bar Bar Bar, wearing their costume complete with the helmet :)) :))

@kimnabong Thanks for the vids! Yes, it's from Supra Inguk concert. Yeay, thank you! As for the last video, LOL! I've just seen gifs of it before, never really watch the actual video. Hahaha he told the fans "Hajima, hajima, hajima!" =)) =)) 

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I've been on DC all night just refreshing and refreshing for updates about the SSK concertIn guk was the last!! FINALE!!!and they introduced him as the superstar of SSKgahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHe sang Finding myself, Tease, Calling youomonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<3<3<3<3he sounded sooooooooo goodlots of pix already....the above are the best two so far
For finding myself, they set up the stage as his Comfo office,and introduced it as the Comfo companyWhile he was singing they were showing clip from KOHS
Here are some links from instagramhttp://videos-a-3.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/10613504_272922239564483_1508584168_n.mp4

The last link is by far the closest one so far!! 
More photos14926554505_a08bee6e47_o.jpg
and some super super nice fan did some audio recording and uploaded as in guk was singing(so the quality is not good)https://app.box.com/s/wvqjgemd7n4gtlo9a487

EDITThe audio file (good quality) for Inguk's whole segment herehttps://app.box.com/s/iopx8sb5d33nffxptv8g


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FINALE. Awwwwwwww IN GUK IS REALLY HOT POTATOES! THE MILLION VIDS ON INSTAGRAM!!! Okay. I exaggerated the million. BUT STILL! I wonder why he didn't sing bomtanaba...
...............Hahaha. Thanks for the heads up @popscreen7 I will totally break those links. We can't afford to lose them! I saw that crayon pop vid too but I can't find it anymore TT

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I LOVE the photo of In Guk's silhouette!!! so pretty!!
so many photos!!!http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=sig&no=632118&page=1

and i uploaded the other 2 hd vids to YT as wellTease

Calling You

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Yeay, thank you so much @cecilia! As I expected, he sang Finding Myself and they included his KoHS moment :x
I'm soooooo proud and happy that he was the finale! The closure! I was getting frustated waiting for him, hahaha, I mean every participants of SSK concert tweeting on SSK account but there's no news whatsoever about our Ingukkie. But then of course, he was the superstar of the concert so he must've kept hidden >:D<
Is MNET gonna air this concert, by the way, like last year?
Nice to meet you again, singer Seo Inguk! >:D<

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OH MY GOD. The way he sang FInding Myself with eyes closed! So heartfelt  :(( and then in the last part when he slowly opened his eyes with a smile as if he just got off a trance. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Can't. contain. self.  ~X( \m/ =P~ 

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The internet is overflowing with photos and vids from last night thats driving me crazy!!!!! He was in real good condition last night! His voice is like honey!! Die die die die die

And even though he said several times last night that he was nervous, he looked really confident and at ease! Like a real sunbae! Gahhhhh

I dont know about u guys but being a singer's long time fan, live perf really touch me deeply (much more than film or drama)..its amazing how a song that lasts a few mintues can make u laugh and cry! Listening to the live recording and hearing the fan chants gave me goosebumps and made me teary :( heuk TTTTTT

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The internet is overflowing with photos and vids from last night thats driving me crazy!!!!! He was in real good condition last night! His voice is like honey!! Die die die die die

And even though he said several times last night that he was nervous, he looked really confident and at ease! Like a real sunbae! Gahhhhh

I dont know about u guys but being a singer's long time fan, live perf really touch me deeply (much more than film or drama)..its amazing how a song that lasts a few mintues can make u laugh and cry! Listening to the live recording and hearing the fan chants gave me goosebumps and made me teary :( heuk TTTTTT

those fan screams made me feel like they were only waiting for him and to think it's just three songs! what happens if it's another concert?????

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Thank you for the video, @kimnabong. I don't understand it either but he said about "sexy", right? LOL why did Inguk keep saying sexy in every Isenberg interview? When he and Sistar were the model, he kept saying "sexy Hyorin" many times, now Park Min Young is sexy :P (If I'm not wrong about the translation, that is)
Our Ingukkie like everything sexy, indeed ;))

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cecilia said: The internet is overflowing with photos and vids from last night thats driving me crazy!!!!! He was in real good condition last night! His voice is like honey!! Die die die die die And even though he said several times last night that he was nervous, he looked really confident and at ease! Like a real sunbae! Gahhhhh I dont know about u guys but being a singer's long time fan, live perf really touch me deeply (much more than film or drama)..its amazing how a song that lasts a few mintues can make u laugh and cry! Listening to the live recording and hearing the fan chants gave me goosebumps and made me teary :( heuk TTTTTT

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I'm the same with you; which made me remember, sometimes, I came across comments that said Inguk should just give up his singing career for being a full-time actor. Even though I know and understand where they come from, to be honest I don't want Inguk to give up his singing and I'm sure he doesn't want to do it, either. He's always saying in the interviews many times that he want to do both, that the amount of love he has for singing and acting is same. His acting is amazing, but his singing (and musical skills) is amazing, too. I love all of his talents; his acting, his singing voice, his piano and guitar performance, his composed songs, his rap, etc. I will always support singer-actor Seo Inguk, and Seo Inguk in general. :x

yes. me too. what makes him very special is that he's good in all he does. the rise as a singer may be slow because he has a lot of things on his schedule but as long as it continues rising, it's okay for me.

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To be honest i really dont like the headline of that article ...theres precisely an article with that title in korean and its attracting anti's to leave hurtful comments :( so many times in in guk's interviews hes complained about newspapers sensationalising what hes said and twisting the truth...this is another example.....

Anyway the clip was pretty cute and funny...pmy talked about how in their last shoot she accidentally punched him in the face really hard and even though afterwards he was really cool about it and said its ok, when they comtinued filming he kept subconsciously pulling back if he thought she might hit him again

The real funny parts were (1) he wrote his answers to the questions on top of the sticker which is meant to cover his answer instead of underneath it. The mc asked how long have u been doing this and he said 5 yrs, and mc said then why did u write it here! He couldnt help but laugh embarrassed

(2) he was asked what score he would give pmy out of a 100 (when he was by himelf and shwme wasnt around( and he said, because theyre not that good friends/close to each other, he gives her 82. Then he is told that pmy actually gave him 95. Lol his reaction is hilarious, hes like, why r u doing this to me????

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cecilia said: To be honest i really dont like the headline of that article ...theres precisely an article with that title in korean and its attracting anti's to leave hurtful comments :( so many times in in guk's interviews hes complained about newspapers sensationalising what hes said and twisting the truth...this is another example..... Anyway the clip was pretty cute and funny...pmy talked about how in their last shoot she accidentally punched him in the face really hard and even though afterwards he was really cool about it and said its ok, when they comtinued filming he kept subconsciously pulling back if he thought she might hit him again The real funny parts were (1) he wrote his answers to the questions on top of the sticker which is meant to cover his answer instead of underneath it. The mc asked how long have u been doing this and he said 5 yrs, and mc said then why did u write it here! He couldnt help but laugh embarrassed (2) he was asked what score he would give pmy out of a 100 (when he was by himelf and shwme wasnt around( and he said, because theyre not that good friends/close to each other, he gives her 82. Then he is told that pmy actually gave him 95. Lol his reaction is hilarious, hes like, why r u doing this to me????

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Agree with you on this! I remember he said once on TAXI that he's very easily used. Everytime he went to a variety show, the next day he knew, those shocking news came out.

LOL, so that's what he said! No wonder he covered his face, then. He was really embarrassed... ;))

Thank you again for translating, @cecilia! :)

oh dear. what kind of comments were there? is it somehow related to the otp? somehow when i think about the headline, lmh-pmy shippers will really react. (minyoung and minsuk+sooyoung=minyoung) kkkk. but i really thought the video was super funny. he looked like good friends with pmy even if they weren't that close. oh and really thank you so much for the insightful posts. they're like light in a dark world. i understand so much better.

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