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I already voted for today! Hooray! Will be voting again tomorrow....

no.. please check your PM, i send message to you

photbeo,have you voted? we miss her, if she wins popularity award, she will attend the award, really wanna see her accept the award..

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Guest ma0ma0chong

Long time no see! Really hope Lee Yo Won can win the popularity award! But looking at the votes she's still quite far from the second placing. Any ways to get more people to vote for her?

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Long time no see! Really hope Lee Yo Won can win the popularity award! But looking at the votes she's still quite far from the second placing. Any ways to get more people to vote for her?

LYW now in the 4th place :huh:

....check your PM.. a message from me

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vote already but abit problem to key in the contact number..

contac number is filled by 4 digits, you can use any number XXXX XXXX or XXXX XXXX XXXX for 3 coloms

c'mon Guys, you dont't have to vote 1 once for 1 day, but can be many times, just close the link, delete cookies, and vote again

you even can vote three times in a browser, using 3 language english, korea, japan

it works all




lee yo won needs support, she's now in the 4th place..

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QSD love story is unique, i like romance in nangdo days between Deokman n Yushin, too bad the love can't be united....

ahahh,, speaking About Deokman Pretty Boy, do you ever remember that in a scene, Mishil seems "attracted" to deokman, n wants Deokman tobe her another "boy"  

becoz Deokman is "handsome" , n brave also smart, that's why she like her

but too bad, Deokman is a Girl !  

Misaeng also ever said that Deokman is the most Handsome Nangdo 

I sure do remember that part.  Deokman was like shocked when Mishil telling her to take it off.  Haha…There is another scene I can recall that referenced to how good-looking Deokman is.  It’s where Jukbang and the others nangdo are discussing why Mishil giving a personal letter to Deokman.  Jukbang says whenever Mishil finds a handsome and pretty man, she will….LOL.  Mishil has a reputation of luring good-looking men.

Yeah. She's great in crying scenes. During sad scenes, you could see tears welling up her eyes. It's like she's expressing that she wants to cry but she wants to be tough so she just pushes herself to fight back the tears. She's a really great actress.

Absolutely!   Sometimes only a little of tears in her eyes can even touch your soul.  There is this scene where the Queen is sitting on the top and Alcheon saying she should see Yushin before leaving to exile.  Jukbang comes in and asks if she’s OK.  He says Sohwa should be here in times like this to comfort her.  Then she says don’t I have you, Jukbang?  Don’t ever leave me.   Gosh…by looking at her watery eyes feeling so blue already, such a great actress.

Yes what else can I say.... but Yo won is really great.... she is the only Korean Actress that made me go crazy over korean soap opera, and become  a fan of someone away from Philippines. This is the very first time for me to like I mean really like a foreign actress.... coz I have the feeling like what's the use of liking them when they are so far away from me.... but you see if you are going to like an actress no matter how far she is you will admire her....  I wanted to go to Korea because of her.... but I know It wont be easy to reach her there right...

QSD I love that episode also about curry rice...and you are right th Hawangs love to tease her because she was a pretty nangdo boy....

Yowon is the only actress on the entire planet earth that admire.  I’ve never felt so touched or captivated by anyone in the series before, but she got all my heart and soul.  QSD is a beautiful drama in every aspect possible.  Her performance is awesome.

Thanks for the voting link and directions, Ninimi.  Hopefully we’re not too many days behind when it first started.  I shall vote continuously for our Majesty.

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Guest psyche37rain

no.. please check your PM, i send message to you

photbeo,have you voted? we miss her, if she wins popularity award, she will attend the award, really wanna see her accept the award..

Thanks thanks! I'll definitely vote as many as I can!

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Guest lynn_9344

Hi everyone! Ninimi, nice to see this thread is still very much active. I do hope that she will win this time. She has become very popular overseas and I think that many people will vote for her. Lead actors from Brilliant  Legacy are now currently in first place but I am hoping our queen will take the top spot. There's still no news yet on her next project?

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guys, i think start from this afternoon, the cookies tricks can't be used again, maybe the administrator of the pooling has found. so we just can vote 3 times for 1 computer using 3 languages links i post before..

yeah win or loose it doesn't matter, but this is how we show our support directly to our idol.

becoz Our vote is counted, don't just say that we really love / adore/ like until death our Idol but did't do any simple thing to support her, participate in voting as we can do is a good way to show how much we love her :rolleyes:

still hope her to win, eventhough she's been in 4th place now, 3rd place has been taken by Rubi Lin from China :lol:

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I sure do remember that part.  Deokman was like shocked when Mishil telling her to take it off.  Haha…There is another scene I can recall that referenced to how good-looking Deokman is.  It’s where Jukbang and the others nangdo are discussing why Mishil giving a personal letter to Deokman.  Jukbang says whenever Mishil finds a handsome and pretty man, she will….LOL.  Mishil has a reputation of luring good-looking men.

Absolutely!   Sometimes only a little of tears in her eyes can even touch your soul.  There is this scene where the Queen is sitting on the top and Alcheon saying she should see Yushin before leaving to exile.  Jukbang comes in and asks if she’s OK.  He says Sohwa should be here in times like this to comfort her.  Then she says don’t I have you, Jukbang?  Don’t ever leave me.   Gosh…by looking at her watery eyes feeling so blue already, such a great actress.

Yowon is the only actress on the entire planet earth that admire.  I’ve never felt so touched or captivated by anyone in the series before, but she got all my heart and soul.  QSD is a beautiful drama in every aspect possible.  Her performance is awesome.

Thanks for the voting link and directions, Ninimi.  Hopefully we’re not too many days behind when it first started.  I shall vote continuously for our Majesty.

grrrrr... the paragraph i bold...

the scene for sure makes me cry..... ahh she didn't cry,just a littel watering eyes with a smile...... but her words to Jukbang really touch n beat my heart....

yes,,,, really really great actress!

she really can deliver the feeling... it's hard, but she can :)

Queen is very Lonely.... she really need someone beside her, as parents, as friends to support n as a place she can lay down n take a rest for a while....

her mother, the empress has died so has the king, her father

her sister Cheonmeong also died..... and Sohwa her most loving maternity also has gone

Yushin can't do anything since he has married with another woman n just can serve her as a Subordinate..

and love with bidam is so complicated n bring harms to many people...

Sob,,,Sob.... Jukbang...is the rest for the last, the only one she can trust n lay down with.. :tears:


yess..Keep voting for Deokman The Pretty Boy :D !!!

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Guest Deokman_7272k

I already voted for today! Hooray! Will be voting again tomorrow....

Hello psyche can you post this in our pinoyforum please...

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Guest Deokman_7272k


HI what did it say? begging for translation please... thanks

for another QSD variation pls visit this http://hubpages.com/hub/TV-and-old-Pictures-Photography-a-nice-alternative

it's not yet complete but you can already visit and you can share your own views thanks

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Guest psyche37rain

Hello psyche can you post this in our pinoyforum please...

Right! I'm gonna post this in PEX so LYW fans can vote too! I can see some LYW fans in our QSD thread some times.. Keep voting!

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Guest belva

Hello all. New in this thread, but I love Lee Yo Won since QSD. She did a very good job there and is such a lovable character. I cried rivers for Deokman, how lonely her life's been, how deep down she only wanted to be a normal woman who can love and be loved. I was so affected by the show that it was on my mind for weeks after it ended and even after my 2nd watch.

I also went on the watch her other works like Surgeon Bong Dal Hee after I finally got over QSD :)

Just saw that she had risen to the 4th position in the voting event! I hope even if she didn't get to win this popularity award, she will still win the best actress award. I've been voting for her and Kim Nam Gil aka Bidam 6 times a day using Google Chrome and IE. But Firefox and Opera gave me error messages <_<

Anyway I've made a guide with pictures for those who are still experiencing problems voting. Posted in the new Live Journal Community for Kim Nam Gil:


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