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Aion: Tower of Eternity


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Guest milkygoodness

oo my brother had been playing the beta and is now playing and and my friend has told me to play with her but i'm a bit turned off games for the moment.. cough from wow'ing too much lol + got uni exams = gayness!

but i'll be back to edit this when i start (:

have funsies!

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6 of my friends quit wow to start playing aion already. I''ll be joining them next month after i sell my wow account lol.

We're gonna be @ Nezeken server. And i'm rolling a cleric!

-edit, just started playing awhile ago on Elyos side, im 15 cleric

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Guest ForeverFantasY-

Yes, I love Aion! I was there for preselection and headstart.

Name: Heroine

Server: Ariel

Side: Asmodian

Class: Assassin (Scout)

This is the character I'm playing now.

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Guest shabushabu

Name: Jiyoon

Server: Siel

Side: Elyos

Class: Spiritmaster

If you play on the same server as me, hit me up :D

Soloing gets kind of lonely after awhile ; ;~

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  • 3 weeks later...

This game is the biggest grind and most time consuming I ever played in my entire life. It seems it will take me half a year ish to reach top level at this rate with school/work. SIgh.. lol im 22 only

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This game is the biggest grind and most time consuming I ever played in my entire life. It seems it will take me half a year ish to reach top level at this rate with school/work. SIgh.. lol im 22 only

Since you're rolling Elyos, you should try questing at Krall. After that, try the quests at Theobomos and Eltnen. If you have money, I suggest buying the gathered items from broker and turn in the quests that make you gather things like Titanium Ores.

Here's my info:

Name: Birch

Server: Yustiel

Side: Elyos

Class: Templar

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

I'm one of the girls that play!

i was there for preselection&headstart~ x]

I'm playing on Azphel(w/friends, family, and guildies), race: Elyos, and I got friends on Zikel~

4x ranger and 3x spritmaster =D

gonna get both to 50

I also mastered Cooking! Getting it to 445! Thinking of mastering tailoring.

Maxed aether and vitality gathering =D!

it's not rly a grind if you know where to exp at, and if you got a good group to do instances or elites with. if you need help, just visit aion armory.

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Is it as good as they say ?

My boyfriend was there for pre and headstart and is still brain dead because of it. When he's not with me, he's playing Aion, it's kinda annoying since I truly have no clue of whether it's that amazing or not.

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Guest Dazzle and Destroy

We should all go into one server and play together :)

i'm down, haha. actually, i heard there's going to be 1 free server transfer (1char only) pretty soon =O

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i'm down, haha. actually, i heard there's going to be 1 free server transfer (1char only) pretty soon =O

I've heard about that also and I was thinking about moving to Ariel, since I heard that it's pretty balance there. But I'm afraid that if I move to a server that I like, people from that server might move to a different server as well which might drop the population.

Which server do you have in mind? I'm from California so I usually play on the West side, but I don't mind playing on East.

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Guest Atmosphere.

Game looks so much cooler than WoW LOL...

But do you also have to pay this game every month like WoW as well?

I don't know why these characters sort of reminded me of Final Fantasy online @_@


omfg.. you can edit your character's eyes, hair color... wow i love that!

i hate that the WOW you can't change hairstyle or hair color or eyes D:

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Yes, you have to buy to play, then pay to play. It costs $14.99 a month, but it gets cheaper when you subscribe for several months at one time - just like blizzard's subscriptions.

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