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My Beauty Diary 我的美麗日記 Facial Masks

Guest xfriends4lyfex

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Guest prisonerzero

i have a box of the 10 pc Strawberry Yogurt ones ($12.99) and I have tried it twice so far and I love it! When i wakeup in the morning my face is extremely smooth and soft and it's whiter. I will continue to use them since I have not gotten further breakouts from them. My mom uses the red wine one and it makes her face smell like wine xD but besides that it's awesome too. But I've heard the best one is black pearl?

:o Where did you get it for 13$? SaSa has it for 18$ and I'm like "Ahhh, too expensive."

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Guest angelic_betrayal

Does anyone know where I can get it in NYC? I really wanna try it >_<

Do you go to Flushing?

I saw a ton of boxes of these masks in the Chinese mini mall next to McDonalds on Main Street!

One of the stores on the right side sells them but I didn't see how much they were <_<

Haha, maybe I'll go back there one day or if you happen to find them tell me the price!! :D

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i didn't know the name of the masks and i was just googling it before i saw this topic

im actually using one now!! ^o^


it makes my skin feel super smooth

i was so sad that i couldn't get it in NYC bc my cousin bought it for me in taiwan

but then i just read flushing sells them so i'm going this week! ^o^

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

I have seen these masks like a thousand time, but I figure nobody on soompi was talking bout it. Then it must not be that great. Totally should have bought some in Hong Kong :(

I guess I will just have to spend more money and get them here.

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I know this might have been said a million times on other azn product threads, but do some snooping around azn supermarkets or Chinatown, that might get you somewhere. Even if you can't find them, you might find some other overseas treasure as well ;)

And the English My Beauty Diary site is constructing their 'Global Distributors' section. Their website is here: http://www.beautydiary.com.tw/en/, but something tells me they haven't updated in a while, since they don't have Japanese Cherry Blossom, Mixed Berries and the new Luxury White Peony Tea mask.

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Guest xfriends4lyfex

So I tried the Red Wine one last night and I loved it. It made my skin feel so smooth and my skin glows! Normally my cheeks are really dry in the morning and the only way my makeup doesn't flake is if I use my Philosophy Hope in a Jar moisturizer, but today I didn't even use it and it was perfect. The mask was soaked with serum but it wasn't dripping with water or anything when I put it on so that's great :) I don't know if I have to keep using the same one for a while to see more difference but I'm using the Strawberry Yogurt one because it smells soooooo good I wanna eat it hahahaha.

Love them but a lot of them are REALLY similar. Like, alot of them whitens, brightens and moisturizes, things like that.

Black Pearl - the first one I tried and one of the best ones :) Was really calming and refreshing and DID whiten.

Sake Yeast - whiten and moisturized but its kinda irritated my skin. Like a slight burning sensation.

White Truffle - its in the 'Luxury' series, and I can see why its better than the 'Natural' line ^^ The material is more comfy but be careful- its kinda easy to rip. It whitens more than Black Pearl. But this one is more pricey.

Aloe - I don't know if its just me or it made my scars less visible. This one doesn't whiten, but feels REALLY good.

Strawberry Yogurt - this one, unlike many others in MBD, has a scent. Not that its bad though, it makes like strawberry chewies O__O. #2 on my favorites so far behind White Truffle. Aaaanyway, it DOES control oil and brightened my skin. Will gladly buy again but its limited edition T^T Must.. use.. VERY.. sparingly..!!

Chocolate - this one kinda stings like Sake Yeast and I can't skip moisturizer with this, but hell does it firm :) Oh and um.. it smells like chocolate milk, if that's your thing. [edit: Taiwan has stopped production of Chocolate mask]

Bulgarian White Rose - woah woah WOAH soft... seriously. It whitened but doesn't last very long though. Smells like rose...

Japanese Cherry Blossom - OK, I'm not going to lie, I bought this because of the packaging. Smells faintly of cherry blossom (which kind of sucks to me, because I am a major devotee to Body Shop and B&BW Cherry Blossom scents). Stings for the first few minutes but the results are so great I will keep buying it. You can't skip moisturizer, though.

Camellia - like White Truffle, this is in the 'Luxury' series. Different paper and more expensive. I use this after a long day afterschool in the sun to brighten my face and some really quick moisture.

Red Wine (for some reason it says 'Red Vine' on the packaging) - smells like grape, no alcohol scent detected in here. Firmness of Chocolate mask without the stinging (and the chocolate milk scent). Unlike Chocolate, it is more moisturizing. Makes me glow like the rest of the masks. Won't repurchase because I don't have aging/saggy skin o.O

Cooling - lives up to its name. This one doesn't really do anything except it has that minty effect and moisturizes. I guess this is for a more refreshing feeling, but MBD masks are already really refreshing. I guess this is for people who are ~really~ tired.

I also have many more reviews but I just forgot names =T

Overall I really like this brand. The packaging is really cute (I kept the boxes) but a lot of things are similar. Sometimes I can go on without moisturizer. Most of their stuff is for 'normal skin' though, which is kinda of eh for me. I wish there were more oil controlling ones/scar reducing/pimple killing ones. I definitely DO NOT recommend certain ones for people with extremely sensitive skin, and I think these are too heavy for people who break out like CRAZY. And um, you have to leave them on for 20~30 minutes, which is quite long. Also, the mask is a little too big for my face. Well, only the lip part. Who has THAT big of a lip?!

And sometimes you know how sheet masks are all drippy and wet, and when you take them off it makes you look really oily? Not these. These are matte and make you look very.. erm, glowy.

Also, I read somewhere that you don't need to wash your face after these masks. You just massage the extra onto your skin or drip some off and put them on your neck. Works for me

Edit: :o I got the exact same boxed set today! Did you buy yours at T&T too? ROFL

OMG LOL I bought mine at T&T just yesterday. I was at First Markham Place today and I saw them selling individual packaged ones... 3 for $5, which is a bit cheaper than T&T, because T&T sells individual ones for like $2/ea and the FMP store had like Natto and Apple masks which I didn't see at T&T. I love the boxed set it's so pretty :)

LOL I FEEL YOU ABOUT THE MASK SIZE. I think I already have like above average sized lips and this oen was like... woah O______O and the nose part too! I was using mask last night and my mom came in to gimme strawberries and I turned around and she literally screamed when she saw me because I looked so scary lmao.

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Guest vickiixtinhy

Yay I'm using the Black Pearl one right now. I haven't used it in a few weeks, so it's nice and refreshing for my face. I really like it, I'm surpised that no one has mentiond the smell of them yet?

They smell so nice! And the packaging is realy cute too, I saved the boxes haha.

Mmm I bought mine at ?T&T in Toronto for $15 for a box of 10, so it wasn't that bad. I need to stock up on more. Starting to run out!

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i bought a box of the red wine mask when i was in taiwan... wish i bought more.

i haven't tried the others, but i love the red wine mask. smells great. reminder for everyone - use every last drop in the packet!!!! i tend to squeeze out some of the stuff when i take the mask out because i don't want it dripping everywhere. and then the next day i use what is left in the packet like a lotion.

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i have around 4 boxes of these, cause i just can't resist the gorgeous packaging! i'm really lazy when it comes to using masks though, but i did try them right after i bought them. they're very refreshing, although i can't really comment on their effects since i didn't use them religiously. i would have though, if i wasn't too lazy to do it :)

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Guest heartdrops

I just realized my local Asian supermarket carries the mask. $20 for 10 masks.. I think I can get it cheaper online LOL.

I love love love the natto one. It made my skin look so good but obviously all these are temporary effects, but my skin did feel really good.

I agree that alot of the masks are kind of the same, but I haven't experienced a mask that broke me out yet (please do not jinx myself lol).

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Guest ~~PuhPuhMuh~~

question, is it necessary to wash your face after using the masks? i tend to do that when the mask is too 'rich', too much essence in it. cuz when i dont wash my face ill get pimples afterwards.. hope it makes sense

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