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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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"Support JaeBum" FanVid

credits to lllmilll

watching this made me really sad

I watched this video and now i'm feeling SO sad. I really hope 2PM doesn't disband I was really looking forward to their new album =[

BUT. If he really wants to leave and really thought about it then we really can't do anything about it. Let him do what he wants to do.

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Guest thatschic

All I have to say in this situation is

FCK YOU NETIZEN... Blowing things

out of portion. Is it necessary to drive someone out of their

OWN freaking mother land?! Really, over such small matters

show how much inconsiderate bunch of people you guys are

I'm so upset over this matters I wish Jay just stick out and fight for

his position in kpop again. I mean I swear tehre is way more FANS

than ANTIS a lot more supporters. I'm so sad it's hard for me to even type

he was my favorite member and always will be. From the first til' the end of 2pm

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I haven't shed a tear during this whole ordeal but that finally made me bawl like a baby.

translation: "2PM Family. Jay, Chansung, Khun, Wooyoung, Taek, Junsu. Whenever we are running and one of us falls behind, we always carry them on our back." - Junho

That made me start bawling like a baby after you translated what was said!

I really can`t believe this is happening to 2pm.

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Wow the power of netizens. All I could say is wow.

Right now I'm really heartbroken to hear about this. He doesn't deserve this even if it was comments made years ago(the suicide petition was going overboard). I'm not going to repeat what others have already said but people make mistakes. Mistakes make them human. Jaebeom's only human.

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Guest heavenlydreamy


I guess he is very much happier in Seattle, Korea is just too crazy for him.

I don't think he was ever 100% happy in Korea, everyone needs family and friends.

And the song "Incomplete" covered by Jay, just kept going on and on in my head.

I hope he comes back after resting and clearing his thoughts, I hope JYP still a fatherly figure who makes the best decisions.

Him back in Seattle is all i wish for now. Jay needs his family. He don't need this crap.

As a human being..you deserve the best.

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This is really sad... words really make a difference to the Netizens I guess...sighz..

Not a huge 2PM fan or anything...but I adored them (esp Jae Bum) in the clips/shows that I've seen them in..

To hear about JB's departure is devastating, as I find him incredibly charismatic and attractive as 2PM's leader...one with a personality that shines thru even on screen..

Hopefully he will get all the comfort he needs in the States..

A bit sad that we might not be able to see him perform on stage anymore...but at least he will be somewhere familiar and not so narrow-minded.. FIGHTING JAE BUM!

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almost 800 members are reading this topic. it proves a lot ppl cares about Jay. I'm not a fan of him but i like 2pm songs.

Korean netizens are too much. Can't let what they want. They killed a lot artists by their stupid things.

somehow i think he would be happier if he leaves. Korean showbiz is too hard in all the meaning from Entertaiment company, fans and schedule. Singing is his dream and he can do it in US.

it's sad if he leavning, but if it's his decision, fans should suppport him , he know what is best now.

this is the time he want to be with his family than ever.

best wishes to Jay.

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This news is so heartbreaking. I almost cried reading this. Now netizens are posting up Jay's nice comments about Korea -_-

"I'm a complete Korean now. I tried to do that perm that's so popular but I ended up looking like my mom's older friends. Koreans here all look like celebrities, they're so fashionable. I look so crappy next to them. But I'm not ashamed of being Korean anymore. Dae Han Min Kook! Man, I can't even speak or write in English anymore... funny, right?"


I've read this before and I think this isn't Jay's comment. I'm pretty sure this comment was made by his friend Yoon on his MySpace blog or on Jay's MySpace when he went to Korea for a visit. My cousin let me read this a few months ago :mellow:

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Guest polaris

I don't usually reply to these threads, but this really is heartbreaking. Coming from a Korean-American GUY, it actually hurts me to see a dream shattered like this. He doesn't deserve this. The Koreans have completely misunderstood his comments (not to mention the comments are from years ago). I truly feel for this guy, because he's seems like a genuinely nice guy. As for leaving, it's not only netizens folks. There's probably hate parades of him everywhere he goes. It's a shame that Korea's people have done such a ruthless act. This is a lose-lose situation for everyone. Korea will lose reputation while Jaebum might lose everything. It's a sad day when a business like K-Pop ends hope for a talented young man.

that is well said.... it truly is a lose lose situation.

I cant believe people can even do this to him over something said online so many years ago.

There's a lawlessness in the korean internet world. They cross every line, and sense of decency behind the anonymity of the computer screen. i wish there was some way to regulate such hatred and its snowball effect.

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Guest JJ no Baka

Something that's really pissing me off is what started this whole thing. Jay makes some comments that netizens are not happy with. They decided to inform all of Korea and pretty much black him out. Suicide petitions start circling. Jay can't take this anymore and decides to step down and be with people that care and love him - people that will love him no matter what he says or does.

In a nutshell, Koreans hate Jay because he made Korea look bad? Uh, wtf are you guys doing? One person's opinion is just that - an opinion. What Korea is doing in response to that opinion validates all of Jay's previous comments about Korea being gay and how much it sucks. The treatment of this whole situation is cold hard evidence that Korea is "gay." Evidence is a lot more solid than just someone's opinion. You will never regain your mysterious and wonderful image Korea. Way to kill yourself in the eyes of every international fan that 2PM and anyone else had. Pat yourself on the back for me.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Netizens, you're showing your true selves to what Jay described you as. Hopefully you're proud of yourselves. Oh wait, you are. :rolleyes:

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The thing that gets me is that Korea is all about nations pride

& so forth but I don't get why they are so damn prideful when

their country is known for having what the HIGHEST rate in

suicidal deaths? & for having the most what surgeries?

Honestly that is NOTHING to be so damn prideful about.

If anything Korea should try to focus on fixing their

society instead of focusing too much time on comments

that was made FOUR years ago.

I understand them getting all worked up on it if he

still felt this way but it's so damn clear that he doesn't.

we have NOTHING to be prideful about?

considering the fact that we've been in some other country's possession for the majority of our history and have been able to maintain our own culture is something i find pride in.

i find pride in the fact that we're like the 15th biggest economic country in the world despite the small size gives me something to be prideful about.

some of you have to realize its the netizens. not the actually country thats doing this to jaebum.

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Guest squeaky

man...i'm just sorry this ever happened -_- i visited jay's myspace a coupla of days before this had happened...i read his comments on his page and if you hadn't known that he was in a korean boy band, you would've seen him as a normal young guy... :/ man...dsfdfm.

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RT @jaynaftw Korean petition for Jay just hit 11K.

@twooneday twitter

i just hope that he/the members/JYPE know about this petition, and that they know despite all the antis, there are still THOUSANDS rooting for them and supporting them.

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Guest onlykhang

JYP 정욱대표 “재범 관련 박진영 입장표명, 사실 아니다”

2PM 프로듀서 박진영이 재범(본명 박재범)의 한국비하 논란과 관련해 입장을 표명했다는 주장은 사실이 아닌 것으로 밝혀졌다.

지 난 9월 7일 미국 내 한국음악 전문 사이트인 올케이팝닷컴은 박진영의 말을 인용해 "2PM은

모든 방송, 음악 활동을 접고 새 앨범을 녹음하고 안무를 연습하는 데 전력을 다하고 있다"며 "많은

이들이 재범의 탈퇴를 제안했지만 그런 일은 결코 일어나지 않을 것"이라고 보도했다.

하지만 JYP측의 확인 결과, 이는 사실이 아닌 것으로 밝혀졌다.

JYP엔터테인먼트 정욱 대표는 "올케이팝닷컴의 기사는 JYP측 사과문과 박진영의 트위터 글을 짜깁기한 것"

이라며 "정정보도를 요청할 것"이라고 전했다.

이어 정욱 대표는 "재범의 거취에 대해서는 아직 정해진 바 없다"고 덧붙였다.

한 편 재범은 지난 2005년 미국 소셜 네트워킹 사이트인 마이스페이스에 한국 비하 글을 남겼다는 것이 밝혀져

논란을 일으켰다. 이에 재범은 팬카페에 공식 사과문을 올리고, 고정출연하던 MBC '일요일 일요일 밤에'(일밤)의 '

노다지'에서도 하차하면서 자숙의 시간을 갖고 있다.

이언혁 leeuh@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

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I am speechless right now....

I really can't believe this is happening. Over a little myspace comment. The netizens really went too far this time.

He worked so hard and came so far for this, going through all the tough times he wrote about and now.. it's just gone like that? This is really heartbreaking. I really hope he decides not to leave, but if he really is repressed and sad here then maybe it'll be better for him to do this. I hope he'll be happy, whatever his decision is in the end.

2PM fighting.

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man...i'm just sorry this ever happened -_- i visited jay's myspace a coupla of days before this had happened...i read his comments on his page and if you hadn't known that he was in a korean boy band, you would've seen him as a normal young guy... :/ man...dsfdfm.

same here

his myspace account was his communication to contact friends and family :/

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