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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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Guest smartist5

I think people went to far with this :angry: . I didn't think it would get so bad as for him to quit 2pm :( . It was understandable that they stop all activities to wait for the myspace thing to calm down but still I don't think he should have quit. JYP shouldn't have gave the okay to quit considering this is almost just like the littering accident that happened to Chang Sung except not that wasn't as bad. They waited till it died out and kept promoting.

What he did was something that was forgiveable. He apologized and gave an understandable reason as to why he wrote what he did. I forgave him when i read his apology because he wrote the comments when he was not as mature as he is now and because he was going through a lot all by himself and had only one place to vent. ALLKPOP made a good point in one of their articles that we use the word hate very lightly as if it was nothing and in other countries it can be taken very heavily. He had this cultural reference to back him up.

If I was his friend I wouldn't let him leave for good. I probably wait till the problem died down or sent him to the States to rest for awhile till everyone forgot about it.

Jay shouldn't have let this go to his head and leave like that, it wasn't that big of a deal. I guess he needs some fresh air for now. But its nice to hear he that he will come back to korea with even more musical experiance than before. I just hope its not long. Anyway i don't think they'll cancel his contract, JYP wouldn't lose such a talented person. i hope for the best and hope he reunites with his boys. I love you Jay and so does all your fans back home!!! I feel you man, don't lose faith and hold your head up! Korea is missing out on what talent this BEAST has to offer. Fighting for the beast boys of ONEDAY baby!!!!! :D

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Guest innerbeautyy

I'm devastated to hear the news.

I cried (and still am) when I read this.

It was right after I got home.

I don't want to believe it and just

want to think it is all a dream, but it isn't.

It's the first time I've ever cried

when a member of a group left.

I hope he will come back.

I want to believe he will come back.

2PM won't be the same ever again

if he doesn't return.


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Guest easyascake

OH MY DEAR. i was hoping that he wouldn't leave korea!

i wish jaebum the best in whatever he is doing now.

gawsh netizens/antis are going overboard these days.

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I'm sad to see him go, but he really needs to be where his true comfort zone is and that's here in the US. I think JYP knows that and allowed Jay to leave at least temporarily until this whole thing dies down. Think about it. How many times in the last 4 years do you think Jay has seen his family and friends? It's extremely hard on someone to be thousands and thousands of miles away from loved ones in a different country. Alone and especially during a time where people are bashing and hating on him left and right. Jay really NEEDS this!

you're exactly right. i kinda know how Jay felt. my parents left for another country for 3 weeks, I still had my brother but during that period of time, i was so lonely without them ): so i can't imagine how Jay feels living so far away from his loved ones.

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Guest vuongstran

I feel as if when we do see 2pm without Jay for the time being, they're going to be very very different onstage. And if Jay does come back anytime soon, I can imagine him holding back his true personality and become more cautious of his every move. After this I can't imagine them acting like they did on Idol Show or Wild Bunny =[ Sadness. But it's good to know that Jay is in his comfort zone now where he isn't in a negative spotlight.

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Guest parkeun

2PM won't be the same without Jaebum, but I hope his decision makes him happy.

Whatever happens and whatever he does, I wish him and 2PM good luck!

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Guest fallen*angel

wow the new news..

thats so unfair, that Shinee fan ruined Jay & 2pm

so Shinee could nab the Best boy group awards :[[

nvm shes not a shinee fan

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Guest DongBangShiDae

.... u know wat the antis went to far on this

if it werent for them he wouldnt have left...

soo rite now im really pissed off -_-

i thought Jaebum was an amazing dancer

an amazing role model and now look at this

he shouldnt leave theres no 2pm without him..

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i want to hear more news about how it went arriving in seattle... i live in seattle but i couldn't go because of school. i thought about him when it was around 12 though... it's unfortunate that this kind of thing has to happen, because people really went over-dramatic with it. i don't even think he really meant to say he hated korea. he was just talking like regular american teens, using the word 'hate' when all they mean to say is that it's not all that great. to be honest, when the korean-american artists are there in korea being super polite and whatnot, i always find it a little weird, almost fake, because i know that any normal kid who grew up in the states wouldn't naturally talk like that. the whole thing with the messages he sent to his friends in the past just made the 'godly' celebrity jae-leader seem so much more like just the average jay park that became famous in a foreign country without really planning or meaning to.

i also find the people who go all dramatic being like 'he wasn't used to it', 'he was having a hard time', 'life was incredibly difficult' also to be over-analyzing things. the reason he said what he did probably was influenced by those negative things, but its probably not because he really was that desperate and lost that he said those things. he was just being senseless and didn't think too much about the possibility of this being dug up in the future when he typed it.

at least on the bright side, seattle greeted jaebum with a warm sunny weather. quite contrary to the crazy rain for the past few days (:

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You know what...in a way I am proud of Jaebeom. I think he definitely has the qualities of being a great leader. When the news spread about his comments, he was not afraid to take responsibility for what he had done in the past. Secondly, he didn't want 2pm or anyone else to be involve into this scandal and that's why he chose to leave so they wouldn't be brought down by the netziens as well. And not only that, he even said "I am planning to study music in America" and "have a time of reflection. I want to show a more mature side both personally and musically. I will stay healthy in America. I will COME BACK as a better person." He's not going to forget all about it and move on like what most people would do, but he's going to use this opportunity to become more mature, which means, he's not giving up so easily like what other people may think! To be honest, I think he handled this situation pretty well and I think that just shows how mature and strong he already is. Jae is definitely the best leader I have ever seen.

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Guest Allison

You know what...in a way I am proud of Jaebeom. I think he definitely has the qualities of being a great leader. When the news spread about his comments, he was not afraid to take responsibility for what he had done in the past. Secondly, he didn't want 2pm or anyone else to be involve into this scandal and that's why he chose to leave so they wouldn't be brought down by the netziens as well. And not only that, he even said "I am planning to study music in America" and "have a time of reflection. I want to show a more mature side both personally and musically. I will stay healthy in America. I will COME BACK as a better person." He's not going to forget all about it and move on like what most people would do, but he's going to use this opportunity to become more mature, which means, he's not giving up so easily like what other people may think! To be honest, I think he handled this situation pretty well and I think that just shows how mature and strong he already is. Jae is definitely the best leader I have ever seen.

Agree. Agree. Agree. My respect for Jay just went up. I know his move to leave seems weak, but it's also a strong move.

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I don't JYP is just going to let him go like that.

Jaebum just needs some time at home ... but I wish he'd never said he quit the group.....

I never cried when i heard news of other celebrities dying.... but this.... I had waterworks coming down my face last night when he was leaving... It's so frustrating because the psychotic koreans are so close minded and heartless. Well what did I expect? This exactly... because the korean netizens are capable of murder.....and they've done it several times....

Before this incident, Jaebum was loved by everyone and had a clean positive image..... It's not only antis that attacked him..... its those that were fans of him, and also the pathetic reporters went freakin crazy too... Theres like over 500 articles about it and they made it the main news on the portals...

Its unfortunate that this specific incident had to be his first "controversy"....... very unfortunate that he had no experience to build up his skin and grow stronger. But I hope he'll come back to korea after a while tougher than ever.

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