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Beauty Related Pet Peeves

Guest muse.

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Guest CitrusFlower

I could care less what people do to look good I just can't stand the blow fish pout or any kind of pout. It's not cute, it's damn annoying and no celebrity don't get special treatments even when the supposedly pretty K-celebs do it it's still annoying as hell.

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OMG i agree with all the similar tutorials on soompi!! nothing special really =\..

- when girls on the streets (and soompi >_>) try to dress "fobby" and then end up looking really awkward and bad.

- when boys wear their pants really low, which results in them looking awfuly bad and not to mention makes their walk look ridiculous.

- really thin, arched eye brows.

- when people tie their jackets around their waist D=. ughh!!!!

- shirts that cut off at an awkward length (too short)

- fat people with skinny jeans.. and then you could see their underwear line and everything under JEANS. ick.

- girls that over tease their hair... or girls that don't know how to SMOOTHEN the hair after teasing it to cover up the knots. ughhhhhh!!!!!

i could go on, but then i would just end up sounding like a hater and possibly offending some people =(

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Guest YeonCouture

1. Young girls wearing HEAVY, THICK foundation. I'm 15 and I wear just tinted moisturizer with a little bit of setting powder. I've seen so many freshmen with super cakey foundation -.-

2. Heavy people in unflattering clothing. (short skirts, skinny jeans, short shorts, etc.)

3. Highlights. I don't think they look good on anyone -.-

4. People trying to cake on concealer on pimples. imo, it just makes it look nastier.

5. I HATE the fact that 95% of guys don't even try to dress well. They think they look fine with wearing like... an oversized, faded from from being old and overwashed, T-shirt paired with some cargo shorts.

6. Messy liquid liner. At least practice putting on a nice smooth line before deciding to walk out with a random squigly black line on your eye -.-

7. Unmaintained, dyed hair. I see girls walking around my school with dyed hair and like the next semester, they don't re-dye or get a trim so the top half of their head in their natural color ad the bottom half is some scraggly weird color.

8. White eyeliner. I see so many soompi tutorials where the girl will put on tos of white eyeliner on the bottom and inner corners of their eyes and not blend it out. Please use something more subtle and natural, or at least blend it out a little.

And tons more I'm sure, but I'm getting frustrated just typing this.

I think so many girls just try too hard nowadays. They pile on every trend out there and think it looks hot when it just looks like a hot mess. Also, I think most of the replies mention the heavy makeup and I think that just goes with the person trying to hard.

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-I hate it when girls don't know how to put eyeliner on correctly. It's so messy and unstraight, I wish they would just remove it.

-When asian people have blond hair

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Guest marasshi

Discuss your pet peeves concerning ANYTHING related to beauty and fashion.

1. I cannot stand ungroomed eyebrows. I cannot stand it even more when someone with ungroomed eyebrows does a tutorial and we get to see close-ups of it. But I cannot stand it most when people who wear makeup have ungroomed eyebrows. If you take time to apply makeup, why can't you take time to pluck your hairs?

OMG this. I am obsessed about my brows. I don't even wear eye makeup anymore but whenever I see people with the slightest hint of makeup, I'm always annoyed if their brows are ungroomed. If you care enough to wear lip gloss, at least make sure your brows are plucked/threaded/shaped. -__-

I also hate colored hair and BLACK brows. Please make them match.

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*I hate it when people wear a short top and leggings. Disgusting!

*When girls put on a LOT of eyeliner.

*The whole white eyeliner under eyes thing. No offense but if you're going to be putting on white eyeliner under your eyes, at least try and blend it out or something so it doesn't look so harsh. It doesn't make your eyes look prettier, it makes them look weird and unnatural. -____-

*Girls trying to act cute and positioning their finger so it pokes their cheeks. It's annoying and so not cute.

*Like many had already mentioned, the fish face.

*Girls making their eyes look bigger by raising their brows and opening their eyes as wide as possible when taking pictures. Tip: By doing that so often, you're going to get wrinkles on your forehead. :)

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Guest xl0v3juicy

I 100% agree with the un-groomed eyebrows thing (especially the thing about girls wearing make-up, and not doing their eyebrows), and the numerous "tutorials" on soompi... most of which don't even need to be taught in the first place :huh: .

In addition to un-groomed eyebrows, I HATE squiggly ones... whether they're drawn on or natural. I also hate it when girls cover their whole EYELID in eyeliner... ever heard of eye shadow?? I also have a pet peeve with white eyeliner. It's tacky and most girls put TOO much on the bottom lid. White eyeshadow is a better alternative...and please blend it.

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Guest xo_sugar_ox

-layers and layers of makeup

-extremely glittery makeup

-when girls wear clothes that are too revealing

-when people wear clothes that don't flatter their body type

-girls(or guys) who try too hard to look "cute/hot" in pictures only to post them online to get comments. it's so pathetic and i can't believe i used to do that when i was younger LOL

-nails that are not trimmed well

-shirts that are too short. ewwwie!!!!

-camera wh*ring

-pencil thin eyebrows

-bushy eyebrows

-cracked feet

-oily and messy hair

-clothes with profanities or drugs on them o_o

-people who dress in a way where you can totally tell they're being a poser/wannabe(i guess this only applies if you know the people well cuz you can't really tell who's being a "wannabe" if you've only seen them once haha)

-when guys wear clothes that are too baggy and you can see their undergarments o___o

-shirts with suggestive sayings. they're just weird o___o

lol i have a lot

and maybe even more more :blink:

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Guest polka_dotts

When I think my makeup looks good and find out that it doesn't when I'm in different lighting

Oooh, that bugs me too. That's why I switched to doing my makeup in natural lighting.

-when I'm watching youtube tutorials and the person puts on INVISIBLE BLUSH. Like they apply the blush so sheer you BARELY SEE IT. You might as well skip that step.

I think since it's distorted through video (lighting, pixels, video quality, etc), you don't really see it but in real life, sheer blush looks awesome.

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I hate when people's lip liner is wayyyy too dark. I also hate it when the line is very "broken" looking.

I don't know if it's still a "trend" but I hated when people wore a thong then some lowcut jeans to show off the thong. EWW!

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Guest tinatran_

1. when girls put all their hair to the front so they can have bangs. -.-''

2. hardcore drawn-in eyebrows.

3. pencil-thin eyebrows (which may or may not lead to 2).

4. when people post the same tutorials over and over again on soompi.

5. girls that wear clothes that is unflattering for their body.

6. people that wear super light make up when their skin is dark and vice versa.

i can't think of anything else. XD

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

1. BO.

OH MY ADSFSFSA, I cannot stand the putrid sour smell of nasty body odor. I don't understand why some people find it so absolutely difficult to shower once a day.

2. Overly oily/dandruff-infested hair.

Same as BO. Get yourself a good shampoo and wash yo hair!!!

3. Black leggings as pants.

It looks cute with a top that can cover your butt of course, but I hate hate HATE it when people pair it with just a t-shirt.

4. Ugly camera angles.

I've seen way too many girls do this. They take pictures at obscure angles in an attempt to make them look gorgeous. It really says something about your looks if you can't take a full frontal picture of your face, especially when EVERY other picture of yourself is at some ugly angle.

5. Blowfish pose, :3 pose, and every other "attempt to look cute" pose.

It's not cute and it won't make you look any cuter. Just stop making a fool out of yourself.

6. 4+ inches of roots showing from dyed hair.

It's effing ugly. Go get a new dye job or dye your hair back to your original color.

7. Clothes too tight for your body.

I acknowledge heavier girls who are confident with wearing skin-tight clothes, but please don't go overboard. No one wants to see flab and muffin tops, EVER.

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This is gonna be fun:

1. Cakefaces. I don't get why girls cake on their foundation thick, then master the canvas with layers of powder. Seriously disgusting. It's even more baffling when the girl has a great, clear complexion to begin with, but paints her face.

2. Girls who dress slu--y. Come on...if you end up getting cat calls, harassed, or discriminated against, you should only blame yourself and no one else. Dumb skanks

3. Not really a beauty related thing, but seems to be a trend: girls who carry their phone in their hand all the time like it's a fashion statement. PUT THE DAMN PHONE IN YOUR POCKET OR PURSE. I don't remember when a cell phone was considered part of an outfit. If you get jacked or "lose" your phone - your fault for flaunting that ish.

4. Girls in their BMW's, Lexus', Benz's at red lights. Whipping out the compact and caking it on massively. I've even seen girls in the morning piling on their foundation. The most pro I've ever seen was at a long red light, where a girl desperately mixed sunscreen (or moisturizer) with her foundation and kept globbing it on her face, trying to beat the light before it turned green, making a mess. Way to ruin a luxury vehicle. DO YOUR SH-- @ HOME.

5. Fob girls at red lights who flip down their vanity, flip their hair around like they're having a 4 second orgasm, make the fob pout in the mirror and keep smiling at their reflection. Vain & conceited. Don't even get me started with when they have their cell phone camera or digital camera on hold & ready....

6. Extremely unfashionable girls who have no fashion sense at all, but....BAM! You see an LV or Gucci bag around their shoulder. "WTF?!" I once saw a female BUM inside a market with a LV messenger bag around her shoulder. Talk about status inconsistency.

7. Girls who can't afford the legit (or Korean AA quality) name brand bags, but carry one that is a TERRIBLE FAIL replica (ever see the LV rip off's with smiley faces, retarded stars, and unamed shapes?) Save yourself the trouble

8. Asian guys who, still in this day and age, try to be "ghetto/hood". Got the fitted on backwards with their XXXL t-shirts super baggy jeans from 2001, along with the whole ghetto vocabulary & hand gestures down. Please just get shot up already.

9. People (esp girls) who love to TAN TAN TAN TAN till they're a glowing orange. Big no no

10. People with obvious signs of sun damage who bask in the sun's harmful UVA/UVB rays and do it over and over

11. Guys who pop their collars. Only time it's appropriate to do that is if you're a model in a fashion show and the designer/stylist wants the collar done that way. Otherwise, please don't.

12. I know acne is a very sensitive and personal issue (I suffer from it too), but it bothers me when some males have this "macho macho" mentality and think it's fine to have a face full of dents, boiling whiteheads, scars, and redness. It's not

13. Extremely loud, haughty, flaunty, flirty, show off Asian moms in their 50's dressed head to toe in whatever European fashion brand you can think up of laughing gaily with their equally of status ahjumma/obasan girlfriends over how much LV they have. I'll go find Louis from his grave and have him chase after you for giving his brand such a bad reputation. Freakin goldiggers. A disgusting shame

14. Girls who wear those super skank short shorts that say "PAPI" on the back. You want papi's to eye your behind? Appalling on all levels. Go work the corner of the ghetto or something - you'll get all the papis you want

15. Fobs who think they're cute with their Engrish phrase bearing trucker caps and oversized fake glasses, making their pouty faces and the "look at me, look at me! Look at my new eyelids, nose, and lips!" face

16. Girls in general who wear the mask everyday and just an entire Nordstrom's worth of make up, trying to look like $1 million. *Plop plop plop* in their sandals, with their ugly bug-eyed sunglasses on inside the mall, bubble gum smacking, flipping their hair past anything with a penis in between the legs, LV Speedy 30 proudly clutched tightly to their anorexic waists, tryna to look hot, fashion-forward, and "in". No. I hope the Green Giant will beat you to death and bury you somewhere in his fields of corn. I'll have Louis come after you too, shameful skanks

Yes, I'm a very angry person - I had a really bad past few days. Deal with it or leave whatever you'd like to fire back at me to yourself

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-man bags. i really don't like seeing men carry purse type things...

-i hate it when boys don't cut their nails. D: it looks pretty nasty...i'm used to seeing girls keeping their nails long. but i don't think it's very pretty if you don't file them and paint them and stuff.

-oh, i hate it when anybody has long toenails. gross DD:

-mascara clumps. not like this really makes me mad or it bothers me much, i just always think to myself, "i think they look better without the mascara...if it's gonna clump up like that."

-i hate when my bra shows.

-i hate it when my hair all sticks out at the edges.

-i hate it when my bangs start looking all oily and piecing and stuff

-i hate it when my skin gets oily. but i have oily skin :[

-i hate it when your shirt is always riding up and you always have to keep pulling it back down.

a lot of the things that were put down repeatedly in this thread don't bother me that much. i always think it's the girl's choice, hahaha. and if it looks bad, then well...maybe they'll learn! hahaha i bet everybody goes through that type of stage at some point. (bad at putting on makeup, clothes unflattering for body, badly done eyebrows) not everybody is going to start off doing things absolutely perfect, right? hahah

oh, i've read some people saying when the girl's face is pale and the rest of their body is tanned. this happens to me! but i don't know why. whenever i'm in the sun, my entire body gets tan except for my face. my face doesn't tan. i don't know why. =P

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Guest bonsaitea

I don't have any pet peeves regarding what people wear on their face and body, since it's their freedom to express themselves anyway they want.

I just can't stand it when i walk past a person and i BREATHE in their make-up!!

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Guest une_fleur

2. When I accidently screwed up my eyeliner and then when I try to fix it, it smudges even more..

LOL! I hate hate hate when that happens.

- My biggest pet peeve is when a girl lightens her hair, but not her eyebrows (especially true if their eyebrows are black)

It stands out so much..

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Guest Melodieee

- girls putting foundation on their lips to get the "nude look"

honestly!! BUY NUDE LIPGLOSS OR LIPSTICK OR WHATEVER! first of all , you're damaging your lip because foundation DRIES IT OUT! that's my biggest peeve.

-my eyeliner smudging to the bottom -____-" my double eyelids arn't good enough for liquid, it makes it look messy. sigh.

- lastly! when girls keep applying on mascara in class. er.. gross because you're just adding layers and layers and making it clumpy like crazy.

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Guest super piggy

i cant stand that pouty face girls do also.

i also hate how some girls slap on a crapload of white eyeliner on their lower lash line.

- i think my makeup looks goood.. then i walk into natural sunlight & its ugly :(

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