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[THE OFFICIAL] Gdragon G-드래곤 G-Dragon Thread

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest g-dragon1988

I think the ring is only for fashion...or he's just loving to tease his fans..^^like he wore his black earrings for a long time...in thai he wore the ring on right hand and now on left hand..^^i doubt he would wear the couple ring in public...and i think he is too young to have a fiancee...but i must admit that it's making me jealous..and that his style has changed ...i hope he'll return to his normal(crazy) style...^^

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Guest blooming

I think the ring is only for fashion...^^like he wore his black earrings for a long time...in thai he wore it on right hand and now on left hand..^^i doubt he would wear the couple ring in public...and i think he is too young to have a fiancee...but i must admit that it's making me jealous..and that his style has changed ...i hope he'll return to his normal(crazy) style...^^

It seems to me that he's trying to change his image to more manly look.:) Who knows probably he's in love with someone right now and there's nothing wrong with that!! He's not that young anymore. When you're in love age doesn't matter. You just feel it in your heart. Whatever it is making him change fits him well!! CHEERS!!!

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Guest universe

LOL i thought i'm the only one to notice that ring. :rolleyes: well IF it is a couple ring, i won't be surprised if GD wears it in public haha. he said once that he's willing to do crazy things for the girl he likes, isn't it? he even brought her to an amusement park without bothering to mask himself.

its so rare to see this side of GD, isn't it? he seems so much more happier now!! ever since the BKK photos. he looked really down and lonely during his promotional period, but ever since then he's been looking much happier. i wonder what caused the change :lol:

i do hope he will remain this happy and dorky, like the old him. be it a girl, lots of good rest, the end of the lawsuit etc. anything for a happier GD

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Guest naturalhonee

looking so fresh!

some might say he still looks tired (after all he's been through, eye bags and all aren't just going to disappear that easily), but he looks so genuinely happy at the theatre premiere.

and GD is never one to hide what he's feeling on the inside - it always shows on his face.

hmm maybe he is dating hehe

Ahhhh.........has he finally stopped goofing around? :ph34r:

what a unique way of describing his fashion...

imo he never goofs around as "G-Dragon". everything he wears, he wears with purpose. his fashion usually reflects his current state of mind.

GD went through this out-of-control experimental stage early 2009. he wore absolutely crazy stuff and changed his hair drastically every few weeks. early 2009 was also the time he was being pressured to finish his solo album, and was so stressed that he went through mild depression.

but other than those first few months of 2009, he always puts a lot of (rational and meticulous) thought into his fashion. every single piece/detail is there for a reason.

some are saying that GD's fashion style is changing (towards the 'simple/mature'), but i don't really think so.

he has dressed casual / mature before...his style isn't just eccentric, it has always been a bit of everything.

it just so happens that he wanted to wear that to the theatre premiere lol

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Guest beefkimbap

i♥gd. (:

ohh his new pictures are cute. {thankies for sharing btw}

i think his new solo activties has made him grow as a singer and a person.

like he seems more mature now in an extrememly good way.

i just hope he doesnt drift to far from BB. ):

kwon ji yong hwaiting~

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Guest vetrina

I have been going over these pictures again and again since I got home from work, I've lost count of how many times I've looked at them already! **crazy!!!**

I just can't get over seeing him dress up so... normal. It's so new, my eyes are still in shock, so is my brain! I wonder if he's gonna be like this now, like no more of the outrageous GD get-ups. I mean I know he has dressed up casually before, but this just caught me off guard I guess. I dunno. Mind you he's always got that GD swagger no matter what he wears, he's always rocking every outfit he comes out with. He can pull them off no problem.

**sigh** He looks so manly now. And tamed? LOL... I dunno what to say anymore!

I'm outta here!

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Guest sweetflower

I actually do not like his outfit....GD looks great in simple clothes, but here he looked 'washed out' and pale because of the black jean topped with black shirt. Also, that jean is super tight even on GD who is super skinny. I, for one, do not mind GD in very colorful clothing (example: the lollipop 2 photoshot)...this simple and more mature look is very new to me (lol, I don't know if I can handle it).

I'm praying that his SAL in concert will do really well...looking at the threater and the many empty seats at the opening dissappointed me and worried me...if only I was in Korea... **cry**

About GD wearing a promise ring - the unselfish side of me wants him to me happy, but the selfish side says "hell no! not now GD - maybe in 10 more years!"

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@sweetflower: im thinking the same thing abt the ring xD

the unselfish and selfish sides. HAHAHA. I think i dnt wanna know the truth if anything. LOLS.


i was updated abt this at twitter xD Esp the video. Hahahaha. Omigd.

The pictures def dont do him justice! <3 His "Sexy Butt Star" pose is the best!

and the MC is a fanboy! HAHAHA. The fangirls seem like they're dying xD

LOLS. I would be too if i was there! ACK! GD!!! Why must you tease us like this?!

And a couple ring? OwO oooh~ Must be why he's smiling all the time in the vid~

Im so happy to see him in that kind of condition! ^^ Goofing around and having

fun in front of the cameras~ And he def should wear more stuff like those~

But i think the pants are quite tight? :) but he made everything looked good on him.

Aigoo. xD the kVIPS are so luckky!


And glad that he looks like he's eatign more~ Keke~ :3

I want SAL to be in theaters in my country too! DX

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Guest juang_bb

seriously, GD made my rather crappy day today. when I saw the news about him attending the premier and him finally updating his me2day, i was so happy. but when I saw how adorkable he was on his update, plus the fact that he looked so HAPPY, HEALTHY and HOT! in the pictures...waah! speechless! Im just ecstatic. I am just really happy by the fact that recently, he's been smiling a lot as compared to before, where he seems to be so tired and gloomy most of the time, and it even looks like he gained weight.. i want to see his cheeks again! i hope he makes the most out of this "break" he's getting, i want to see him fully charged when BB comes back! LOL! :D :D :D

edit: i just read all your comments about the "couple ring" loL! so im not the only one coz i've been noticing it too! well, part of me thinks that it's probably just part of his accessories and if he is indeed dating, knowing the netizens, why would he so publicly flaunt it? but i can't deny though that for some reason, my gut feel is telling me that he's probably "dating", the fangirl in me screams "nooooo" but hey, our boy looks genuinely happy lately, so whatever (or whoever) it is that's causing it, i am all for it. (just no scandals, career first LMAO!)

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LOL at all the "couple ring" conversation~ I never even thought about that~

well, I dont care if he had a girlfriend, whatever makes him happy, I'm happy~

IF he DOES had a girlfriend and IF that girl was the reason for us to able to see this dorky GD

I cant thank her enough~ its great to see GD smiling and act dorky like that again~

he was so worn out in Thailand~ I'm happy to see him like that again~ :)

plus, dont we all suspect him had a girlfriend when we watched BIGBANG's interview

in Japan~ the one that called "Choice is Yours~" kekeke :lol:

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Guest ooxstacee

boy i love your style, love your smile

wish that you can be only mine, be only mine

i can’t let it go, i don’t know what you’ve doing to me

ooh you’re so fine, ooh you’re so fine ~

T__T LOL! He's looking good.

I love his Sexy Butt Star pose.

Love it! I laughed really hard when I saw it, but woo.

He looks extremely happy too! Wah.

About his style. I don't think it changed.

He wears all types of clothing. It's not that he's become 'normal.'

He just decided to wear something more simple to this premiere.

Even so, he's not the type to change his style to 'gain more fans.'

But yeah, he has a reason to wear everything he wears.

Every piece and every detail of his outfit has a special meaning, most of the time.

I love him for that. He pulls it all off too. Some better than the other, but in the end, he still pulls it off really well. :)

And the couple ring thing.

I don't want to think about it.

GD, don't tell me just yet, LOL.

T____T Jealousy, you're going to have to disappear.

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Guest shinhdeplol




All Credit: 꼬막.

photographed by ㅇㅅㄴ

retouched by kkm @ kokomatop.egloos.com

Simply Extraordinary

Thanks to Aeuy_Chubby @ BBTH



C: as tagged // 큰엄마 @ BBVIPZ

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Guest p4to13

Hi everyone.

Seriously how can he get any cuter...impossible =]

about everyone saying he looked 'normal' and some not liking it.

He just gives us variety, there are so many sides to him!



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Guest syao_sid

GD is so adorkable in the opening of SAL in cinemas.

But damn i admire him for not blinking twice on the amount of flashes from cams.. i get dizzy with even 3 flashes..LOL.. charge it to experience i guess..haha

and I just wanna share that I received my SAL live concert album and photobook a few days ago.

I'm like a crazy girl giggling with every pic. :lol:

I'm also utterly impressed with the packaging of the CD..as expected from a YG merchandise.

I'm VERY PROUD to see GD's name in the credits not only as the ARTIST but also as the


he's a hella TALENTED and RICH young man.. :P

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Guest sakime-yong

So sad that youtube have a problem in some areas T.T But somoene uploaded the fancome of GD coming in SAL in cinema

and the fans are like screaming and dying haha

I'm getting jelous I hope that I'm Living in Korea. S.A.L in cinema is awesome with free GD glance ahaha oh that is really is heaven.

THe others don't like his outfit? BUT ME I LOVE HIS PIC HIS SO HANDSOME, HOT,AND CUTE THERE.

About the ring I think it's for his fashion, but if in case I don't want to think about it haha making me real jealous.


I want BIg bang to comeback soon I'm dying to see them now. not mentioning that their comeback possible in august and september.... T.T

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