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[THE OFFICIAL] Gdragon G-드래곤 G-Dragon Thread

Guest the7REAL.

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Guest g-dragon1988

edit:( I had to edit because of Milan's managers who saw me writting personal stuff that my mother told me);;;

wow i'm so surprised to know that...o.o;;

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I don' t want to judge him but when I saw this Milan guy on his video, I got the feeling that he was copying Jiyong <_< But whatever floats his boat. If no one posted this about him here at Soompi, I would never even know he exist.

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@g-dragon1988: lol,your mom knows him...your mom should meet him again and ask him to stop lying..lol

he should be thankful to GD because GD's style inspired him and to your mom for showing GD's pics


lol,it's the same outfits

I was right..he used GD's name to show others how popular he is..how lame><

anyway,I'm glad GD does not behave like him..claiming a style as his style and accusing others copying his style

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@Alla I AGREE with you

that Kwon Leadah does not do anything

like claiming that it is his fashion.

When talking about FASHION,

it is difficult to trace back who really

started it in the first place.

So rest this case~

On the side note,

Kwon Leadah is one hardworking

and strong leader.

I am glad that he gained respect from

the people who

have worked with him for his concert.


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Guest vip_gd

geez .. who does this guy think he is?

now people over there will think differently of GD when they look him up.

well, at least he has some exposure. they'll eventually find the truth to this lie

@g-dragon1988: lol,your mom knows him...your mom should meet him again and ask him to stop lying..lol

he should be thankful to GD because GD's style inspired him and to your mom for showing GD's pics

lol i second that!

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Guest yaoming11

the articles are pretty retarded...


they put the picture of another kpop dude i forgot his name.... (edit Zin Tae Hwa)

and they put Japan in the web address and Korea in the article..

basically a entire faill article


your mom needs to sit him down for a chat lol.

i'm lik 99% sure G-Dragon hasn't even heard of the dude...

This guy thinks that just cuz G-Dragon is in Korea that he can get away with making up stuff. YG should send him a cease and desist. lol. to stop him from slandering.

but most likely they wouldn't even care cuz the guy isn't really an international artist. GD has a full wikipedia page and this Milan guy only has a blurb lol


lol the comments are pretty funny. some guy was lik "Milan is clearly more popular, GD only has 5000-6000 views" and some other guy was lik "try 8 million..." and links him to the HB MV.

i think some people on there are defending GD which is good...

they're saying stuff lik how Milan is the Wanna-be G-Dragon

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Guest missARROGANT


OMGD!!!! Haha Milan Stankovic guy caught in red hand lol...

Thanks for clarification and translation about the article..

In fact, I don't really care about this...

GD's style and clothes are mostly inspired by western fashion sense.

It won't be suprising to see similar clothes on different artists.

Again he is using GD name to gain more attention and popularity.

It is not just right...

So funny the guy goes around and said those type of things like nobody will know the truth.. :D

Poor Kwon JiYong

He can't seem to get away from controversy TT

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@g-dragon1988:you can use the MAMA oufits..here the pic of GD from MAMA

November 2009:


most of what that guy wore in his Face MV were already wore by GD..for example in:

If we're talking about shade and sleeveless jacket:

With U MV(2007)


If we're talking about ring,shade,skinny jeans

Number 1 MV(October 2008):



GD:pink ring

Milan:Black ring

GD wore 3 unique different colour shades here

and trust me GD have many colourful skinny jeans..pink..etc


If we're talking about skinny jeans and T-shirts:

mostly of that guy style is similar with GD's style back in 2008 when they're promoting haru haru



**sorry I'm too lazy to make screencaps from the MVs***

**you can make scaps as proof from the MVs**

I'm not saying he copied GD,but it's wrong when he said GD copied him when GD wore it before him and GD doesn't know this guy at all..so how come GD is copying him..aigooo

Idk how people can say someone copying someone when those outfits and stuff are sold more than 1

it's either you wear it first or later..

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Guest SoshiBangBang


This is Hypebeast fashion , skinnies, high tops and all the colours. What the?

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Guest miared

(WOW---------first of all, let me tell you that I am shocked to see that there is another serbian person in here as well! ------g-dragon-1988 :ph34r: )

I wanted to post more pictures here yesterday, but got kicked off very unkindly for a couple of reasons.....

Here they are though---notice the poses?


This pose rings so many bellllllssss



I just have to say this again. The most shocking thing for me wasn´t even that this guy mentioned GD stealing his style-----NO------more than anything else, I just got shocked out of my wits to (for the very first time) see clips of GD being displayed on my TV, and not the internet for a change. Aaaaand----------all of it infront of my parents and my sister. Just crazy, crazy.

(I only have cable, most people in Europe have, so I never get the chance to watch korean programs in that format)


Now on to this guy Milan. He appeared as a guest on a pretty popular serbian TV show yesterday night. I don´t watch serbian shows, normally, but my parents do every now and then, so that is how I even found about this MILAN-guy . I didn´t watch it from the very beginning, but when my sister called me (she knows BIG BANG a bit) I was too shocked to even register what the guy was talking about.

When I asked my father, he told me that they were saying how GD copied MILANS style ect......

Now if it weren´t for yesterday, I wouldn´t even know about this guy, and his claims or interviews...........but it seems that he has quite a history when it comes to being compared to GD. But that´s not even bothering me to tell you the truth. Hey, it´s just another way to spread the word about BIG BANG (in my opinion).

I just can´t believe that so many yugoslavian people are discussing GD now. K-pop in Europe.......it´s just crazy. I can´t get over that one. ----------------------------------------------------

But I got something else here----------------MILANS song for the Eurovision----------------watch it if you want to. In my opinion though, this guy stole more than just GDs style.

MILANs song for OSLO- Eurovision 2010---------aka---------cheap GD

Personally I´ve never liked singers like this one. The cheap looking ones that is. And as much as I have to cringe at most of the clothes GD is wearing these days, I have to say that really wears it better. But I´ve gotta admit------Milan has a good voice. Wouldn´t have imagined it to be this deep just by looking at the pictures. The beat isn´t quite as bad either.(Well, as I´ve mentioned before, it´s something of a tradition in my family to gather around and watch the Eurovision together, if if most of the songs are cheesy and even riddiculous!)

AND----------to the person who mentioned that GD often wears expensive (european) clothes that other singers wear as well---------I know that!!!!! I feel so insulted right now...................

It´s just funny how this guy not only has the same shade of blond hair (which on it´s own would be nothing), but the same white clothes (could still be considered coincidence), poses (hmmm...), and even dance moves (o---k). That´s a bit much to be considered coincidence.

-----------G-Dragon 1988--------------- :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: ----------------Serbian people really don´t have a sense of style, at all. The majority doesn´t, it´s the sad truth........don´t you think so too? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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Guest g-dragon1988

hey i'm pretty shocked too but i think we should stop it here...milan is no one and nothing in the world, so..who cares what he said...^^ let's just wait for gd ft flo rida!!! ahh!!! can't wait!!!

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Guest missARROGANT

G-Dragon to represent Serbia on Eurosong?

…Almost, but not quite.

Instead of G-Dragon, Serbia will be represented on Eurosong (an annual competition held among active member countries of the European Broadcasting Union) by his dashing Caucasian long-lost twin.

His name is Milan Stankovic and he quickly rose to fame after coming out as 4th on popular Serbian singing show Zvezde Granda in 2007.

Besides the same hair, style and lipstick, they also share one more thing in common – controversy. Adored and hated, both pop acts seem to cause extreme emotions in their listeners.

Check him out and say what you think. Long lost twin? Or not?

Song with which he’s going on Eurosong (“This is Balkan”):

His previous single, Face, with a shocking semblance to G-Dragon’s top single, “Heartbreaker”:

C; popseoul

Do these articles say that G-Dragon copy Milan?

Milan Face MV


note: I think is quite nice although I dont understand a thing haha


I thought this is not a big issue but a lot of people are discussing about this.

In dcgd site, this news has been posted and some are taken out from soompi site..(today posts) Omo :o

...and look like they are having heated discussion about this also...

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Guest shinhdeplol

I think its not right of Milan Stankovic to say that Jiyong copied him <_< Jiyong wore those stuff first. It would make more sense with the other way round

Seems like KVIPS have known about this and are not happy either. See the post on DCinside, you'll see

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Guest miared

Do these articles say that G-Dragon copy Milan?

They pretty much are saying it.

The first one mentions something close to:

"There is a famous singer from Korea who reminds "us" of our Milan, not only in his choice of clothes, moves, but also, most noticibely, because of his hairstyle. The similarities are so evident, that there are already fans on YOUTUBE, who went ahead to post Milans song "Ovo je Balkan", with a clip of the Korean singing it."

Milan then mentions how happy he feels that his music has reached so far and inspired this young musician to this degree. ( I think the article also mentions that G-Dragon had a very different style until recently- thus proving them that he has indeed, copied Milan. But not too sure on this---I already closed the page ;OOO)


The second one goes like this:

"A Milan Stankovic copy in ASIA.

Korean singer GD has raised many interests recently, being labeled the Milan-copy. But if, and how much.....you must judge on your own.

(They present GD a bit.........) GD is interested in fashion and mentions that he would have become a fashion designer if he weren´t a singer. His band is called BIG BANG- they had a major hit called "Lies".....GD composed a lot of the groups songs....ect....

Looking at the pictures one can say that both musicians seem to share a similar fashion- and musicstyle. And on first sight they really do seem alike....."

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Guest darkaz619

i find this whole Milan GD funny but is not right to for Milan to say GD copy him i love Eurovision for the ridiculous performance i love it more when the english commentators make fun how over the top some of the performance.

anyway can't wait for the DVD to come out and GD ft flo song

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Guest ooxstacee

One thing after another.

It just doesn't stop.

But you know, this is the better one of them all.

I don't think GD cares.

His personality is that as long as HE knows he didn't copy, then it's all good.

He'll just move on with it, like he did with the other controversies.

And we shall move on too.

Why waste our time on this Milan guy?

We're only giving him what he wants -- attention.

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Guest universe

WHAT. another controversy??!! but this "controversy" was so lame omg. if that's really what the Milan guy said, YGE can actually sue him for defamation. gosh he sickens me.

but whatever, that guy is just a small prawn (a shrimp even) in this. at least GD, or maybe Big Bang, is known almost everywhere in Asia, and of course the English countries too. don't mess with GD, Milan. VIPs got his back :angry:

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Guest stardaisy212


With my lovely gaho :D


사랑해가호 ☺ I love my gaho!!!you have grown soo muchㅋㅋㅋ❤♪

Credits to ysdami @ Twitter

this is gaho when he was a baby :D

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Guest vip_gd


aw, so cute. time has flew by so fast, gaho is now rly big and not as cute lol.

oh yeah, gaho listed in the ingredients of gd's chapstick made me chuckle.

ahh, but that's more of a TOP stance. i have some pics of him posed like that

but of course, this is gd's thread haha.

i guess we should wrap this up now

he should think before he speak in the future.

but it looks like doesn't and ever will. not that i care

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