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Guest putasmileon

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Guest asianami

How do you say:

"You might have to wait about 20 to 30 minutes."

and would it be naka ni suwaratai or naka de suwaratai?


Yaku nijuu fun kara sanjuu fun o matsu suru ka moshirenai.

You might have to wait about 20 to 30 minutes.

The first one: 中に座りたい。(なかにすわりたい)

It's すわりたい by the way, not すわらたい. You conjugate the -る stem to the -い stem then add -たい to say "want to x".

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Guest asianami

How do you say "Have fun" to a friend"?

and "Yes, I know" casually but politely?


Tanoshinde kite ne!

Have fun!



I know.

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Guest Pineapple Q


Tanoshinde kite ne!

Have fun!



I know.

Thank you. :]

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How do you say 'My heart is wavering because of you.' ?

The translator says '私の中心はあなたのために揺れている', but i have my doubts about it.

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I know! 4 hours of studying every day is totally going to kill me, especially how I have to study for the PSAT in order to qualify as a National Merit Semi-Finalist and all my other schoolwork! *tears* ;_;

AND F WIKIPEDIA, YO! People edit articles there. Hell, you can even make an article of yourself there. >>;; It's not the best site to trust in my opinion.

PWAHAHA. NO, TAKE JLPT 2 WITH ME! 8D I think JLPT 3 & 4 are relatively "easy"; I'm looking for more of a challenge, so I'm taking on level 2. ^^ FIGHT~~~

Here are some helpful links to studing for the JLPT in a range of all levels:

The JLPT Study Page

TheJapanesepage.Com • forums - News report about the changes in JLPT

Manythings Japanese

Free Study Material and Guide to passing to Japanese Language Proficiency Test

Not included are the couple of other links (reason: too lazy) in the bottom of the previous page Tamago86 posted, however those are very helpful too!

Edit: WOAH-AGE. Okay, I know I'm being a hypocrite and all (here you go, Kaitou Kid, smack me) but I just came across this on Wikipedia:

How will this new level 3 be like? Not too sure. But I now am taking JLPT 4 (similar to the original JLPT 3) this December and JLPT 2 next July. Yo, this is SWEEET.

Edit 2: Off-call. I went to the official JLPT page:



Chea, that'll teach you!

Yeah, I'm with you on 3&4 being a lot easier compared to 1 or 2, but I really don't want to fail lv2 XD. At least 3 is a certain bet...hehe.

LOL OMG I was thinking the same thing as you when I read the first half of your post. Get lv3 at the end of this year; then halfway through next year, get lv2 or N3.

But then it got shot down D:


And I'll blame it all on you, muahaha :P

^ What does せいで mean?

I see it alot in many sentences but I don't know what it means :)


~Because of/due to

As in, 「x」のせいで would be because of "x"; due to "x"

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Guest nuwera

^ Thanks for answering my question :)


Dues to my sickness, I stayed at home.

Is it correct?


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^ Thanks for answering my question :)


Dues to my sickness, I stayed at home.

Is it correct?


No problem ^w^

Firstly, 病気 is a bit too over-the-top, for just staying at home. 病気 has the connotations of a serious illness/disease/sickness.

For saying you just stayed at home, maybe it would be better to say カゼ. (カゼ is just the common cold, though). So although I don't think 病気 is wrong, as per se, I don't think it would be suitable for the context.

Secondly, that "留まりました" doesn't make sense (well not sure about this - but not to me anyway o.o). Was it meant to say とまりました? In that case, the kanji would be まりました。

Only problem is, using 泊まりました isn't the correct word to be used there (although it does mean staying at a place; it's like staying at a hotel, or a friend's place). For saying you stayed home, it would be something rather like, 家にいました; I was at home, or 家に残りました; I stayed [*back] at home. 残る (のこる) has the connotations of staying behind [or left behind], (and maybe missing something due to this, e.g. school x3).

So, something like, [私の]かぜのせいで、家に残りました。I don't think 私の is strictly neccessary :P. Kinda ssumed the cold is yours; so you're staying home. (Although maybe a family member was sick or something...but hey, then you could easily say because so-and-so is sick xP.).

But for something kinda informal like catching a cold and staying home, you could use から or ので, and it would be more casual and what's used usually (I think).

For example, カゼを引いたから、家にいました / カゼを引いたので、家にいました。 I was at home, because I caught a cold.

Hope that helps, xP.

If there's something that's unclear there (I somehow seemed to have typed quite a lot >_<;) feel free to ask!

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Guest nuwera

Thank you very much for your explanation :)

I was searching for the meaning of the verb "to stay" in the dictionary and I found 家に留まりまる that has the meaning "staying at home".

I have another question :)

What's the meaning of "当たり前でしょう”?


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Thank you very much for your explanation :)

I was searching for the meaning of the verb "to stay" in the dictionary and I found 家に留まりまる that has the meaning "staying at home".

I have another question :)

What's the meaning of "当たり前でしょう”?


No problem at all ^___^=

当たり前でしょう = あたりまえでしょう

This means "of course"; "duh"


俺のパーティーに来るよな? [You're coming to my party, right?]

-当たり前だろう!. [ Of course! / Duh!.]

Hope it helped again xD.

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Guest nuwera

It helped me alot! :)

Thanks once again for your help.

I don't know why I thought that it had another meaning other thanof course :P


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Guest asianami

Chea, that'll teach you!

Yeah, I'm with you on 3&4 being a lot easier compared to 1 or 2, but I really don't want to fail lv2 XD. At least 3 is a certain bet...hehe.

LOL OMG I was thinking the same thing as you when I read the first half of your post. Get lv3 at the end of this year; then halfway through next year, get lv2 or N3.

But then it got shot down D:


And I'll blame it all on you, muahaha :P

T__T I feel like a deranged criminal somehow.. T_T

*kaitou's hand print still burning on face*


Pwahaha. True, I think I'm going to do level 3 now XD

Because I am a loser of all that is fail ^^v PIISU~

How are you going to go about studying for the JLPT 3?

I was thinking of doing 30 min. study sessions throughout the day,

but I also have classes to study for too so I don't know how to mix that in as well @_@


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Guest help_

can anyone translate this english sentences to japanese symbols for me please?

1.can i please charge my ipod here?

2.this is my cat yoshi

3.where can i buy hello kitty stuff?

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Guest asianami
can anyone translate this english sentences to japanese symbols for me please?

1.can i please charge my ipod here?

2.this is my cat yoshi

3.where can i buy hello kitty stuff?

1. ここでアイポッドを充電していいですか?

koko de aipoddo wo sh!te ii desu ka?

Is it okay if I charge my iPod here?

2. これはよしの猫です。

Kore wa yoshi no neko desu.

This is my cat Yoshi.

3. ハローキティの商品はどこ買われますか?

Haroo kitei no shouhin wa doko kawaremasu ka?

Where can I buy Hello Kitty merchandise?

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T__T I feel like a deranged criminal somehow.. T_T

*kaitou's hand print still burning on face*


Pwahaha. True, I think I'm going to do level 3 now XD

Because I am a loser of all that is fail ^^v PIISU~

How are you going to go about studying for the JLPT 3?

I was thinking of doing 30 min. study sessions throughout the day,

but I also have classes to study for too so I don't know how to mix that in as well @_@


I hit you with my uber facepalm with infused chakra skillzzzzz.

Or maybe, you just feel guilty, being the deranged wikipedia hating, false information supplying criminal that you are ;]

LOLOL loser of all that is fail?

You have deviated from the path of win, welcome to fail. ;)

Study for the JLPT3? Maaang, I'll do what I always do. Nothing. Ahahaha. I'm soo lazy.

I like never do any JP work on my own :(. Only in class I do a bit *sigh*

You need to help me with my habits. Well, if you can do 30min p/day, you're well set if you ask me. I have trouble doing that much p/week (not counting class xP)

1. ここでアイポッドを充電していいですか?

koko de aipoddo wo sh!te ii desu ka?

Is it okay if I charge my iPod here?

2. これはよしの猫です。

Kore wa yoshi no neko desu.

This is my cat Yoshi.

3. ハローキティの商品はどこ買われますか?

Haroo kitei no shouhin wa doko kawaremasu ka?

Where can I buy Hello Kitty merchandise?

1. ここでアイポッドを充電していいですか?

koko de aipoddo wo jyuuden sh!te ii desu ka?

You forgot to write jyuuden, silly you ^_~

For 2, wouldn't it be better to use like この子, or コイツ or something? I mean, it's not a human, buttt これ is all object-ified xD. Iunno xP. コイツは俺の猫のヨシーです~!

I'd translate 3 as; どこでハローキティの商品を買えますか? Is 変われます even a word? xP. Well, that means [i can] change. But with the 買います kanji; in the context of buying.

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Guest asianami
I hit you with my uber facepalm with infused chakra skillzzzzz.

Or maybe, you just feel guilty, being the deranged wikipedia hating, false information supplying criminal that you are ;]

LOLOL loser of all that is fail?

You have deviated from the path of win, welcome to fail. ;)

Study for the JLPT3? Maaang, I'll do what I always do. Nothing. Ahahaha. I'm soo lazy.

I like never do any JP work on my own :(. Only in class I do a bit *sigh*

You need to help me with my habits. Well, if you can do 30min p/day, you're well set if you ask me. I have trouble doing that much p/week (not counting class xP)


Blah. Sasuke + Sakura will pwn you anyday, YO!

SASUSAKU FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I just love that canon couple! *sighs dreamily* =3=///)

Ah, at least the world of fail is full of delicious cookies. Or is that the dark side? o_O

SAME! THAT'S HOW I STUDY TOO! Dude, we really need to pump up our study skills.. >o>~

I'm probably just going to do study sessions in chunks for the JLPT.

But I don't know how to tie that in with my schools subjects to study for too =O

Pwaha. It's not much of use asking me to help, sorry.. T_T

I have a really good memory so I hardly study sometimes.. >_>

Okay, scratch that, ALL the time. =____________________________=

Ooh, you take a Japanese class? Cool! I self-study! ^_~

1. ここでアイポッドを充電していいですか?

koko de aipoddo wo jyuuden sh!te ii desu ka?

You forgot to write jyuuden, silly you ^_~

For 2, wouldn't it be better to use like この子, or コイツ or something? I mean, it's not a human, buttt これ is all object-ified xD. Iunno xP. コイツは俺の猫のヨシーです~!

I'd translate 3 as; どこでハローキティの商品を買えますか? Is 変われます even a word? xP. Well, that means [i can] change. But with the 買います kanji; in the context of buying.

Eh, either way she'll get it. I romanize weird. =_=''

この子 = 'This kid'

コイツ = that person/punk/damn thing. You know, a way to refer to people/things in a bad manner.

I wouldn't really use those in replace of これ, but you can omit the これは and still be understood as "This is my cat Yoshi". It's the same thing like omitting subjects (i.e. 私, 君, etc.) and the listener will still understand who you are talking to/about.

And for number three, yeah it is suppose to be 買えます. My bad! >_<

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Blah. Sasuke + Sakura will pwn you anyday, YO!

SASUSAKU FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I just love that canon couple! *sighs dreamily* =3=///)

Ah, at least the world of fail is full of delicious cookies. Or is that the dark side? o_O

SAME! THAT'S HOW I STUDY TOO! Dude, we really need to pump up our study skills.. >o>~

I'm probably just going to do study sessions in chunks for the JLPT.

But I don't know how to tie that in with my schools subjects to study for too =O

Pwaha. It's not much of use asking me to help, sorry.. T_T

I have a really good memory so I hardly study sometimes.. >_>

Okay, scratch that, ALL the time. =____________________________=

Ooh, you take a Japanese class? Cool! I self-study! ^_~


I think I've seen you be SASUSAKU FTW before. Now, I get it.

Ew, no. If they had to be a pair, Sakura x Naruto. Although, if we're going there, Hinata > Sakura. Sasuke is fail.

With his cheap hardcore sharingan

Yeah, well, we COULD do that. And pump our study skills, and all that. Or......we could just not.

Pass anyway, with some hardcore skilzz, >;)

LOL another thing we have in common. Even my studying for exams is like 30min tops. So gg >_<;

Yeah, I have class. It's one of my 6 subjects I do for my last two years of HS. But I'm doing Year 12 Japanese (I'm in Y11) sooo after this year, I'm done with it :(

Unless I do University Japanese next year. Which I'm considering ^w^

Eh, either way she'll get it. I romanize weird. =_=''

この子 = 'This kid'

コイツ = that person/punk/damn thing. You know, a way to refer to people/things in a bad manner.

I wouldn't really use those in replace of これ, but you can omit the これは and still be understood as "This is my cat Yoshi". It's the same thing like omitting subjects (i.e. 私, 君, etc.) and the listener will still understand who you are talking to/about.

And for number three, yeah it is suppose to be 買えます. My bad! >_<

Yeah, この子 and コイツ mean those things, but I'm pretty sure they're used to refer to pets too. Check some anime out; it's BOUND to be in there somewhere O_O.

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Guest iamkt

I'm playing this game and I can't understand what they say

can someone translate this for me.



thanks you.

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Guest urusai_baba

It says on one blog up to ten people can vote

You can't multiple vote on the same pupe, and the order is random

I haven't been on pupe in a while, i should go back on there haha

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