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비스트 • BEAST • B2ST Airline Flight No. 1


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Guest newshb123

Music Core

Dooseob was so cute throughout the show. their performance was perfect as always


I loved 'On Rainy Days' i love the song. and i love them in all white, they look so good

'Fiction' was very short but really good, we got to listen to On rainy days so i didn't mind that much. also the rain was cool and unexpected. i wonder how getting the rain works, its really cool but must be annoying to set up and do

'Road Safety Song' really cute, i always like the song

overall i am sad promotions are over but they were really good

thanks to everyone in this thread who keeps it alive and posts. i really appreciate it

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Guest U-June

Hello, i'm truthly a silent reader here ><*, but i've found somethings interest and wanna share^^

i found its in my friend's galleries that she took from POP music award 2009 at Pattaya, Thailand.

Its about AJ and his gorgeous dancer lol... :D

guess who? :P










hope you enjoy these :P

PS. love their performance today, the boys under the rain totally catch on me :wub:

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Guest myboyRobin

Congratz to B2ST for successfully wrapping up their Fiction and Fact promotions! Now they will move on to their Japanese promotions. I heard that they will have performances on Music Station and Hey Hey Hey Music Champ. I've noticed some fans were worried about how B2ST are able to perform on Music Station (its not easy to get on that show, you normally are invited if you rank in Top 5 on Oricon among other reasons). Well B2ST's Bad Girl was ranked #5 on Music Station Cd Single, and by looking at the Oricon Charts, its very likely that B2ST will rank among Top 5 on the Weekly Oricon Charts. So I believe they earned themselves Music Station's invitation, its quite the honor.^^

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Guest shinhdeplol

[iNFO] 110605 Son IlRak's Cyworld Update



Thank you~ Thank you~ Thank you~

One day, Dongwoon's mom said she had a weird dream.

That one Dongja* was flying up to the sky on a kite~~~

And lovebirds were following him up while laughing.


That was a baby dream.

Thinking back, that kid was meant to be an idol trend following mutant (I'm sorry. You know I'm not using this term in a negative way

right?^^) from the moment he was born.

1991 June 6th~~~

I was waiting anxiously waiting in the Busan Cultural Hospital waiting room.

I was waiting for my second child to be born.

And then at one moment, a cry loud enough to blow away the hospital hallway erupted.

The hero of the estimated over 80 decibel (subway construction sound level) strong cry~~~

That friend is Dongwoon.

The nurse told me.

"This kid~~~his voice is that of a warrior. Out of the 30 babies that were born today, his cry was the loudest."

After I heard this, it is needless to say that I carefully observed Dongwoon's musical temperament

as he was growing up. ^^

Like a warrior~~~

Is their anything better than this in the world~~~

After observing, you're asking if he had the temperament?

Most definitely no.

What kind of warrior asks when they were younger, "Mom, why is that woman saying I look pretty?"~~~ㅠㅠ

Also, what kind of warrior looks at an island at sea and asks, "Mom, why are they floating like that?"~~~ㅠㅠ

What kind of warrior during high school~~~follows his mom the cathedral, looks at a statue of Mary and asks, "Mom, who is this woman?"~~~ㅠㅠ

Dongwoon whom I thought was warrior material~~~

He became a singer.

And with his loud voice, he sings in the corner "Everything is fiction", shouting.

No matter how I think of it, the nurse was wrong, right?^^

2011 June 6th, tomorrow is the birthday where Dongwoon becomes an adult.

BEAST's 600th day is soon too right?

Dongwoon, he grew up so quickly and he become a friend who knows how to worry about his parents.

In the perspective of parents it is a very thankful thing.

How thankful are we that he didn't stray off into the harsh realities of the world and grew up well.

Being a meaningful birthday, I want to make him seaweed soup**~~~this kid's birthday~~~He's leaving for Japan in the early morning.

He has a performance, or something like that~~~ㅠㅠ

Looking at yeonjab***, I can see that the fans took care of his birthday well.ㅠㅠ

Sigh~~~the fans are better than parents.

I want to take this space to genuinely thank the fans.

Also, I would also like to thank the fans for helping BEAST receive good responses.

If it weren't for the fans encouragements and support, how could BEAST have become 1st place singers?

Thank you~

Thank you~

Thank you~

I would also like to borrow this space to thank Shinsadong Tiger, Rado, and Ha Wooshin.

In the perspective of BEAST's parents, we truthfully know that BEAST is just holding up the spoon in front of a

Well set up table.****

Seeing that I'm a person who writes, I understand and feel the pains of creation (song production, choreography, etc.).

It is true that BEAST is doing well due to these works, and someone will always remember.^^

CREDITS: Son IlRak's Cyworld (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)


*Dongja is Dongwoon's nickname

**It is a Korean tradition to eat seaweed soup on your birthday

***Yeonjab = the section in bestiz where KB2UTYs post

****A Korean expression. It that BEAST has barely anything to do because the work is put out in front of them

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Guest oh`retro

Omg, Beast was SO HOT on Inkigayo today.

Although, were they not qualified for this week's mutizen?

Cause it would have been nice if they got a triple crown.

I'm sad they cut Fiction, but ON RAINY DAYS KILLED ME.

Mad props to Inkigayo for having water on stage.

The boys looked SO FREAKIN' HOT.

Yoseob was like working his hair in that rain.

Too bad they didn't do a closeup, but he looked so gorgeous. :wub:


Kikwang looked so miserable, lmao.

It just reminded me of him complaining about the water in the Cube United concert promos.

What's KBS Love Request/when is it going to air?

I saw that fancam of Yoseob yanking his tie during Fiction.

He looked so sexy, haha.

I'm so sad they're going to Japan, but best of luck to them & I'll be keeping up with them.

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Guest shinhdeplol

[iNFO] 110528 Son IlRak's Cyworld Update


On Rainy Days~~~

On Rainy Days


This, it is coughing sounds.^^

How is it? Isn't it cool?

Hull I think it's kind of cool but, you think that I am way behind

Quick sell Yong Junhyung?

Sigh~~~of course.

Quick sell's coughing sounds wouldn't fall behind even if you compared it

To the coughs of a grandpa who has been lying down in a hostpital bed

For 30 years~~~ How could you even compare the


So that's that~~~

This spring there was a lot of rain.

Also, the rainy season isn't that far away either.

And so there will be a lot of "Rainy day" this


And following that I'm trying to say that "On Rainy Days" will do well

In the long run.^^


Everyone on rainy days~~~

On rainy days~~~ what will you all do?

I'm really curious.

Dongwoon's mom is looking at me weird

Reading along beside me, looking at me with a look of pity

As I start off writing with the coughing

Sounds of a sick grandpa.

On rainy days it is the right thing to go out with an umbrella,

Well~~~you'll look awesome if you wear

Colourful rainboots.


Colourful boots and an umbrella.

I'm being careful saying this but~~~

If I go out walking around like this, I won't look awesome but

I'll be treated as <Crazy man who transformed into a raincoat kid>

I'm kind of worried.^^

What is good to do on a rainy day?

Isn't it normal to just get hit by the rain on rainy days.

Think about it.

On rainy days, even if you have an umbrella or wear a raincoat, you still

Get hit by the rain.

However, when there is a rain forecast, people get out their

Umbrellas first.

It's almost automatic.

Is it that something really bad will happen if you forget your umbrella

Just once?

Even though this is off topic~~~

I think that most people are slaves to iPhones or smartphones in

Society today.

If they leave them at home, there aren't very few people who don't show

Withdrawal symptoms because of this.


We are so very far from nature,

And the natural life.

In other words, we are living an unnatural life.

An unnatural life~~~

There are many side effects due to this.

When I look at the world going around~~~

It may seem like a dream-like story or a surprising story but~~~

There are times that I want to live a natural life,

Like flowing water.

This kind of life~~~they call it natural without effort, and they also call it

<Les affairs>?

I want to tell you that Les affairs is a totally different concept from <Que Sera Sera>

Where you have the sense of a desperate


When your situation isn't very good, prepare for the


Contrarily, if you're doing well, always be in a humble state~~~

I wish that everyone in this world could live a long

Natural life.^^

CREDITS: Son IlRak's Cyworld (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

[NEWS] BEAST prepares a special ’support present’ for their fans


To celebrate the successful promotions of their comeback track “Fiction“, the members of B2ST have prepared a heartwarming surprise for their fans.

Over 1,000 fans gathered to bid the boys farewell on the June 19th episode of SBS’s “Inkigayo“, and each of them received a special present from the boys themselves. The members wanted to repay all the love they’ve received during their promotions, and decided to give a ’support gift’ of their own to their fans.

Fanclubs in Korea are known for coming up with lavish ’support ideas’, like buying their groups lavish lunch baskets and snacks for both the members and staff, oftentimes with special stickers pasted on to represent their fanclub. The boys took the idea and prepared 1,000 drinks with personally designed stickers that had cute messages like, “God Dongwoon’s Surprise Attack” and “Paid For by Chief Yoon.”

Surprised fans commented back, “How is it possible to not like them when they do fan service like this”, and “B2ST loves their fans so much!”

The boys concluded, “The past month has been like a dream to us thanks to all of the best love sent to us by our fans. Thank you so much for making us so happy right up until the last broadcast.”


Taken from: Allkpop

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Guest shinhdeplol

[iNFO] 110606 Son IlRak's Cyworld Update



Hull~Who put cooked Shin Ramyun on Dongwoon's head?



His hair was normal during SBS Inkigayo live~

After about 2 or so hours, looking at the pictures from the Youngdeungpo fan signing~~~

He's wearing cooked Shin Ramyun on his head.

This, he curled his hair (In professionaly terms a perm) right?

I was so surprised I went to check again~~~

Dongwoon, he said he wanted to curl his hair since the beginning.

However, because of official album Fiction concept, he couldn't have the Shin Ramyun hair.


After they received mutizen song and won 1st place on Inkigayo, Dongwoon cried a lot .

Of course, the truth that he cried is a secret, everyone knows right?

Why, because Dongwoon needs to get presents on Christmas day.

Anyways, from what I heard, there is a rumour that Dongwoon cried for a long time after returning to the waiting room.


Seeing this, the coordinator nuna tried to soothe him by curling his hair, or something like that~~~that's

The story apparently.^^


Hey kid~~~

Do you feel awesome now that you have cooked Shin Ramyun on your head?^^

That's that~~~

Tomorrow is your birthday, I'll wish you a happy birthday early.

I'm specially putting $500 in your bank account~~~^^

When you go to Japan, buy your favourite, sushi for all the member hyungs and youself~~~

The 1st place that you guys won~~~

Always remember that it is the result of the producer hyung, choreographer hyung, and all the tears and sweatdrops spilled from the staff members who work hard

Behind the scenes~~~

Also~~~Never forget that it is a gift from the fans who love and care for the recycled group.^^

CREDITS: Son IlRak's Cyworld (SOURCE); poco123@B2ST RISING (TRANS)

[iNFO] 110620 PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF B2ST - SBS Inkigayo



This is the administrator of BEAST's fanclub.

Unfortunately, the last day of promotions for the first official album!

Releasing a few small photos taken in the waiting room~

I think I've mentioned this before, ^-^;

The members went into a funny picture battle, so when one member falls asleep, they take out their camera first!

Unfortunately, Doojoon's facial expression is quite normal...kekeke

Right after pre-recording "On Rainy Days", with his hair still wet

Yoseob making an emotional face and taking a picture with the bunny he received as a gift.

5 grown men gathered around playing a game of gonggi*...kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke

Although we won't be able to see BEAST on broadcasts for a while!

On DAILY OF BEAST, I'll work hard to show you a lot BEAST. ^-^

Thank you.


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Guest shinhdeplol

[iNFO] 110620 PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF B2ST - BEAST giving support to B2UTYs!



This is the administrator of BEAST's fanclub.

Today's Inkigayo was the last of BEAST's promotions for their first official album.

It seems like only yesterday they made their comeback, but a month has already passed. ㅠ_ㅠ

It really is too bad that it ended so soon ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

To commemorate BEAST's last broadcast, BEAST's 'When This Door Opens' the visual team (Yoon Doojoon and Song Dongwoon)

Personally prepared a small(?) support, which they've only ever received, for fans who came to cheer for BEAST

In the hot weather~

The two members put their heads together saying they'd prepare drinks to help cool you guys off,

Saying they'd make their own stickers to put on the drinks!

Thus the drinks with stickers on them were born through their idea. They must have done this when they were younger. ^0^

Yesterday, Music Core, Love Request, even radio! After finishing all their schedules, thinking about how they returned to the dorm late and the visual team stayed up to stick on stickers on each can one by one makes me feel so touched~

Just in case you can't see the writing, here is a picture of the sticker!

Sticker 1 - (bubble: B2UTYs, you guys feel hot right?) BEAST's visual team B2UTY support ¥ It's on YoonLeader¥

Sticker 2 - (bubble: Oh Today it's on oh oh us oh) BEAST's visual team B2UTY support ¥ Songod's sudden attack¥

Because there were so many and they ran out of time yesterday,

On the day of, before pre-recording and right before the broadcast time, them putting on stickers!

Seeing their urgently working hands, Yoseob starts helping alongside them!

Doojoon's finished work proof picture!

A proof picture for Dongwoon too!

Last winter, after heating pad support at Music Bank, a drink support this summer!

Some people asked, "Didn't Doojoon and Dongwoon's fans prepare this?!" but -

Starting from the plan(?) of giving out drinks to the fans

To the sticker production idea and text ideas and even the payments...kekekekekekeke All of it was done by these two members!

One can, one can, each can was handled by the two members~

Even though they got warm on the way...I hope their hearts helped cool you down.

(I'm thinking a lot of fans didn't drink it and are just keeping it. ^-^;

All you B2UTYs who came to support them even on their last broadcast! Thank you so much~

BEAST is planning to come back cooler than ever so,

Don't cheat on them and wait just a bit!


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