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비스트 • BEAST • B2ST Airline Flight No. 1


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Guest newshb123

I really like Junhyung's cameo on Wheesung's MV.

its short but he has such swag. he must really love his shirt with the cheetah print and clown, he has been wearing it a lot. i wish it was just him in the scene though, no dancers.

I wish i could listen to his rapping all day. that would be so amazing

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Guest nadyaDJ

B2ST to debut in Japan as scheduled, all performances canceled

After holding an emergency meeting with Cube Entertainment on March 14th, Universal Japan has announced through their official homepage that B2ST will be debuting in Japan as scheduled, but all performances will be canceled for the time being.

On March 15th, representatives of Cube revealed, “We expected the album release to be canceled, but after a meeting with Universal Japan on the 14th, we decided that it’d be difficult for the album release to be postponed any further. Japan usually releases the albums onto the market a few days before the official release date, and B2ST’s albums were already in stores by the 11th, so we could not cancel it.”

They continued, “We can’t do anything about the release, but all performances scheduled, such as the first stage of ‘Shock‘ this weekend at the Universal Japan Studios, has been canceled.”

Other entertainment agencies are also finding difficulties in canceling pre-scheduled promotions and releases.  One representative stated, “After talking with our Japanese agencies, we’re having trouble canceling most of the schedules right now.”

Source + Photos: OSEN via Naver (2)


INFINITE garners support from B2ST and MBLAQ in newest teaser for “Nothing’s Over”

Over the course of the past week, INFINITE has been teasing fans with glimpses at their impending comeback with the release of the 

album jacket photos as well as a music video teaser. Yesterday, they released a brief teaser on SBS’s Inkigayo and now they’ve released another teaser on Woollim Entertainment’s official 

mag-glass_10x10.gif channel.

This teaser focuses on the date of March 17th, which is the date of their comeback. The teaser also shows the support of fellow boy group members BEAST / B2ST and MBLAQ, check it out below.


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Guest nadyaDJ

110314 BEAST Yoseob Tweets pt. 2

Dongwoon is an awesome maknae who says everything that’s on his mind. When I tell him good news, he’s the pretty maknae that tells me he’s already heard it before^^ sigh..

Dongwoon@Yoseob: Even though you’re spreading rumors, I won’t believe you

Yoseob@Dongwoon: Do I need to screen capture the conversation..sigh

Yoon Doojoon is the strong leader who puts his mind to whatever he does. Maybe that’s why he bought a soccer goal post..sigh..

Jang Hyunseung is the type of person who puts his mind to it and goes till the end. Maybe that’s why he isn’t waking up..sigh

Lee Kikwang is someone who works hard to understand and find everything out. Basically, he doesn’t understand anything I say..sigh..

> Lastly, Yong Junhyung..this person has amazing composing and writing skills. Maybe that’s why he makes fun of me with new words..sigh

> And I’m myself, therefore I am the best woohoo

aigoo seobie-ah... keke spreading rumors through twitter... tongue.gif or maybe it's a fact~!!! haha

110314 BEAST Yoseob Tweets pt. 1

 helloimys 간만에 새벽공기를 맡아보네요!!음..두세시간 잔거 치곤 아직 하품량이 많지는 않다는..ㅋㅋ꿈이 다이나믹하지않아서 그런가 덜 피곤하네요ㅋㅋ

BEAST Yoseob: I haven’t been able to breathe in the midnight air for such a long time!! Um.. considering that I only slept 2-3 hours, I’m not yawning as much..keke maybe it’s because my dreams aren’t that complicated enough? I’m not tired as much keke

 그게 말이 쉽지 난 그럴수 있는 입장이 아닌걸..에휴

BEAST Yoseob: 
It’s easy for you to say but I’m not in the position to say this..sigh


 표정이왜그래ㅋㅋㅋㅋ니네가 챙겨주면 안되는데 포미닛이기다리랬는데ㅡㅡ 이표정이야ㅋㅋ

BEAST Doojoon@Yoseob: I’m going right now to watch you, just wait…

BEAST Yoseob@Doojoon: Why are you like this now kekekeke you dont’ care for me, they are waiting for 4minute ㅡㅡ that’s their expression keke

translated by kpoptweets@tumblr

aigoo my aegi.... missing your appa?? keke


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Guest superstar`kiss

I'm happy that Cube released official statements about their Japanese debut. It's so unfortunate but I really hope that all goes well with Japan and I hope that the boys will have further activities in Korea for the time being.

I personally have been a long time Wheesung fan so I was so thrilled when he said that Junhyung would be featured in his self-made album. It was a wonderful collaboration! I just purchased the album today and the voices of them both are just so perfect to the ears. <3 I went nuts the first second Junhyung appeared in the mv. His rap lyrics are so poetically beautiful and sad. I wonder if he wrote them himself. I may be exaggerating a bit but I really, really love it alot!

I love Beast's "MooJiGae"! I shall be purchasing that later today as well.^^ Since Cube family is attending the KMF this year, I pray and hope that Beast will also come! I have great hopes for it. :D

Oh Dongwoon ah~ I will commute with you to school!

Thanks for all the juicy photo shares everyone! :D I shall get back to studying now. >.<

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Guest nadyaDJ


@helloimys There is a lot of word about supports..I dont want to talk about it recklessly, but im posting in case b2uties might be worrying and wondering .. I asked why there wasnt support but honestly that is confidential under our company as well..http://bit.ly/fvIKGw


@helloimys So i wanted to be careful..In case I bother the other actors..Or other staffs..And you know thar can be really bad~ So they told me that they rejected it for that reason.. So after declining the support, someone from the show has contact us about it!http://bit.ly/h8BP8r


@helloimys So on behalf of the company, we are sorry to the fans in case some fans were wondering which kind of support we receive and which we dont.. Since many people are wonderingㅜ But i think there are a few misunderstandingㅜㅜPlease understand the company..Thank you so much rooting for my first musical!^^http://bit.ly/g8Nnk4


@helloimys I look at posts to, but i got some mentions too and you know Cube has to look good in front of b2uties right! Cube is the house that BEAST lives~~You know~? Since i posted it up with care i hope that you would understand!! Dont misunderstand b2uties~~~!! http://bit.ly/gZjXBJ


@helloimys I keep realizing the amazingness.. Gwanghamoon Sonata..I just have to do wellㅜㅜSigh..keke I will work hard.. http://bit.ly/e6hYJT

cr:yoseob's twitter / b2stlytweets@twitter

this is the translation for his long tweets 

bbyong guys.... need to focus on my work after 2.... 


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Guest piano.1993


남성 그룹 비스트가 일본 대지진 참사에 아픔을 통감하며 일본 정식 데뷔를 알리는 대형 프로모션을 전면 취소했다.

비스트는 당초 오는 16일 일본에서 디지털 싱글 ‘쇼크’(Shock)의 일본어 버전을 발표하며 유니버셜 재팬 스튜디오에서 데뷔 기념 대형 프로모션을 진행할 계획이었다. 하지만 지난 11일 갑작스럽게 일본 동북부 지진 해일 참사가 발생하면서 예정돼 있던 대형 프로모션과 각종 이벤트 행사를 취소했다.

특히 비스트는 데뷔 싱글을 공개하기 전인 지난 8일 일본 모바일 최대 사이트인 ‘레코초크’에 벨소리를 먼저 공개해 차트 1위에 올랐을 만큼 일본에서의 발전 가능성을 어느 정도 인정받았기에 다소 아쉬움이 남는다. 하지만 비스트와 소속사 관계자는 일본을 강타한 초대형 지진에 수많은 희생자가 속출하는 상황에서 떠들썩한 홍보를 진행하기보다는 조용히 앨범을 발매하고 홍보 활동을 최대한 자제해 아픔에 동참하는 게 우선이라고 판단했다. 앨범 발매를 당분간 연기할 계획도 구상했으나 지진 발생 당일 예약 판매된 앨범이 각 유통사로 전달되면서 이마저도 여의치 않았다.

비스트 소속사 관계자는 15일 오전 쿠키뉴스와의 전화통화에서 “예정대로라면 지금쯤 일본으로 건너가 대형 프로모션 행사를 준비해야 할 시기지만 일본 대지진 참사에 전 세계적으로 아픔을 공감하고 동참하고 있는 만큼 조용히 데뷔하는 게 낫다고 판단했다. 비스트가 일본 재해민을 도울 방법이 있다면 어떤 형태로든 동참할 의향이 있다. 이 같은 참사가 발생한 것에 대해 비스트 멤버들과 소속사 식구들도 매우 안타까워하고 있다” 고 설명한 뒤 “비스트의 일본 활동은 당분간 무기한 연기할 예정”이라고 밝혔다. ”

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Guest nadyaDJ

^ see you later Thuy... hehe 

phew.gif hopefully i won't fall asleep early tonight... again~!!!

[News] MBC’s sitcom “All My Love” receives an extension

Due to the steady popularity of MBC’s sitcom “All My Love“, the producers have decided to extend the series.

On March 15th, a program representative expressed, “We have decided to extend ‘All My Love’ to continue until mid-September. We are planning to shoot just a little over 200 episodes.” 

All My Love” started airing in November of last year, and it was originally planned to air until May with roughly 120 episodes. The show features beloved acting veterans like Kim Kab Soo, Park Mi Sun, Kim Young Ok, and Jung Ho Bin, as well as youthful idol stars like Jo Kwon, Ga-In, Yoong Seung Ah, Yoon Doo Joon, and Kim Na Young. 

On the other hand, actor Jin Yi Han (who has recently replaced Jun Tae Soo), will have his first appearance on March 18th.

(Source: Star News via 


shared by fckyeahb2st@tumblr

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Guest shinhdeplol

^hehe i hope i wont either. Last night i slept for 5 hrs straight from 6pm to 11pm lol.

110314 BEAST Son Dongwoon "In a short while, I will be going to school by bicycle" earnest university life draws attention

It is known that BEAST Son Dongwoon, a freshman who just entered college this year, is having an earnest university life.

Son Dongwoon was accepted in fixed time recruitment for 2011 Gunkook University Movie Arts Department. Son Dongwoon delayed going to university for one year due to group activities last year, but he became a legal college student this year.

In the meantime, many celebrities who registered in college were known and criticized for not being earnest with their university life, but it is reported that Son Dongwoon is earnest with his university life.

His agency's official stated "The weather's still cold so he can't ride his bicycle to school but when the weather gets better, he will" and "He's making new friends and is enjoying his school life."

At the time when Son Dongwoon was accepted into university, he communicated through twitter saying "I was declined numerous times, but I finally became a university student. Thank you for supporting me" and making a fresh resolution, "I'll be going to the school riding on a bicycle and will study diligently at school", which drew attention.


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via @Musicalyounga


그래서 보너스 하나 드릴게요! 오케스트라와 호흡을 맞추던 날. 요섭군의 모습입니다- 감상하시죠. 큐~


요섭군 후드모자에 귀를 걸은 귀여운 모습. 광화문연가팀에 적지않은 바람을 일으켜 다들 따라하고 계십니다.. 이분도..ㅎ

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: yohyung @ tumblr

Source; Yo Seob’s Twitpic


Translated by @B2STLYTWEETS,


C: beastout @ tumblr

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Guest Unni_Ashley

^Yoseob's photo update is so cute. The message is even cuter haha.

I wish other members posted pics like that often too

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