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Fake/replica Designer Bags Or Look-a-likes

Guest Kimbree

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Guest ` J e s s

The point is the quality of the item.

What difference does it make? All bags are made in sweatshops. They all have virtually the same quality. And it doesn't go just for bags, it basically goes for everything.

I understand that fakes are generally of less quality. But knockoffs are of same quality. In fact, chances are, the people who make the knockoffs are the same people that make the brand name items.

NEVER would I ever be caught dead sporting a fake designer bag. You can call me shallow or materialistic, but I just can't walk around knowing that its not real. I would rather buy a non designer bag and use that instead of wearing a fake Coach or Gucci bag. For example, I would carry around a Puma or Aldo bag instead of walking around with a fake designer bag. What people are essentially doing is stealing someone else design and tweaking it. People probably don't sympathize with these designer companies because they're selling their bags for hundreds, so they see nothing wrong with changing the G's in Gucci to an E or the C's in Coach into G's ... in the end, stealing is stealing. Quite frankly, I wouldn't be caught with a fake cause its embarrassing. You can definitely say otherwise, but it's just embarrassing since its not hard to tell real from fake. I don't have anything against someone who chooses to buy one. My aunt carries around one, which is great if she feels comfortable with it. It's just I would never do it.

Actually, the businessmen and women who are in charge of large designer companies such as Louis Vuitton or Gucci also own some of the knockoff brands. They do this because they know that if they don't provide cheaper alternatives that look similar, others will do so and they'd lose out on a lot of money that would be made by outside parties. So no, I would not consider this stealing. It's actually rather intelligent marketing.

Thus, the consumers purchase the knockoffs instead of the replicas and the company makes more money.

Oh, and to the person who said that designer bags are made in Europe? I highly doubt that. Sure, maybe the headquarters is there where all the executives work, but the bags are made by blue collar men and women in sweatshops. Some people buy designer labels because of the name so they can look good. Others buy them because of the supposed "better quality" when the quality of a designer label bag is essentially equal to that of a knockoff. Why? Because they're made by under the same conditions.

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^ i didnt know they were made in the same places O_o. have you compared the quality though of both (im actually curious)

but i voted no, because i would be too embarrassed carrying a fake one out. like why pretend to have one when you don't? i would rather buy a cheaper brand than a fake.

and in my opinion, fakes are usually of popular styles/brands, so pretty much with that style = that brand. so buying fake or real is really for the brand, so why not buy a real one?

someone wrote not a lot of people have LV's??

i guess it depends what area you live in? in my area a lot of people have designer bags (that are real).

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Guest hannieoon

I don't like fake things. It just looks bad. You want designer but you settled for something of low quality and it's not real.

But if you don't have the money to buy it, you shouldn't squeeze out every dollar to buy a deginer bag. So what do we do? Buy it when we have a good career and don't have to work 8 months just to buy an LV. Haha

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Guest lunastelle

I personally don't like carrying fake things.

It makes my confidence sort of go down.

&& Fakes aren't always the best quality, so

really, in my opinion, I don't think it's worth it.

There's nothing wrong with carrying an average purse.

I do it all the time.

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Guest Noodlebowl

I like name brands.

Name brands are nice, buuut.

I would really spend that much on a bag. -_-

I mean. $100, maybe, yeah.

But, over that is my limit.

Shoes however?

Different story. :P

My Dad just came back from Cambodia.

I told him to get me a satchel, and he brought me back a brown replica of a Coach bag.

It seriously looks authentic. You wouldn't be able to tell unless you really LOOKED at it.

It has the stamp and everything on it.

Imitators are getting really good these days though. -_-

I have two other Coach bags, gifts from my Mom.

Again, while I like having the actual authentic brand, it's waaay over my budget.

I prefer style over price and brand.

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Guest Melodieee

i love brands, i don't understand why people complain about brands.

Yes, you rather not spend money on accessories that aren't your likings, BUT you cannot judge a person because

of their taste in fashion. Please Keep Note of that.

i love LV, Chanel and others, but i would buy a fake pink crocodile bag--not because of the HUGE HUGE HUGE cost! but because i don't wanna kill a croc. LOL!

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Guest Lady Violette

you guys should check out this website: Fakes Are Never In Fashion :)

i've always wondered why the people who sell counterfeits on the streets don't get arrested, they are everywhere in chinatown, nyc and i just see cops walk by and do nothing. i don't get it...

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Guest julz16

Mind you, all of the knockoff purses I own have been given to me as gifts from family overseas and as long as they don't look massively fake (ie. wrong spelling, etc), looks decent enough and is sturdy enough to hold all my stuff, I'm ok with it. I don't think people should necessarily be judged because they own/wear a fake purse or whatnot, however they decide to spend or not spend their money is up to them (personally, I'm relatively cheap so I just can't go around spending so much money on one item). Additionally, even though I wear knockoffs occasionally, I don't go out flaunting it or "showing it off." I have a knockoff Dior purse that I once took with me on a trip to Sephora and the cashier complimented me on it, but likewise I did not go around claiming that it was real. Even if someone asked me if my purse was real or not, I would be up front and honest and say it's not, I really don't mind.

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Guest alligatortears

I understand the quality is good but I don't think it's $1000 good. I can't imagine any bag ACTUALLY being worth $1000. It's not like it cost the designer THAT much to make the bag, so why should they sell it for that much?

it's about the name.

for example..


why do people go out and buy an ipod when they can go to rite aid or walmart and by almost the same mp3 player from some no-name brand like coby?

it's cheaper and it has the same function..

but it isn't completely the same is it because of the name behind the brand.

apple can jack up the price not only because of the quality, demand, the name, and because they can.

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Guest pinktux101

I'm not like RICH but I would hate carry fake bags cause then you can't show it off and why do you even want to carry a fake bag. if kinda just looks stupid and that you can't afford the real thing. and the REAL things are so much better qualittyyy. I mean who wants fake things?

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Guest evz88

i actually don't understand why people want to buy designer bags in the first place :o

for the design? some are really ugly imo like LV :unsure:

for the quality? i wouldn't know since i've never owned one, but im sure it'll be cheaper to just change cheaper bags every now and then than to buy a really expensive bag and use it for a few years hmm.. and plus if it gets damaged it won't be as :tears: lol

i have a fake tokidoki bag

i bought it not because its tokidoki but because i think the pattern is really cute and i wouldn't spend so much on a real one

i wore it out before and when my friend saw it i just straight up said its fake without her asking rofl

nothing wrong with it :phew:

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

it's about the name.

for example..


why do people go out and buy an ipod when they can go to rite aid or walmart and by almost the same mp3 player from some no-name brand like coby?

it's cheaper and it has the same function..

but it isn't completely the same is it because of the name behind the brand.

apple can jack up the price not only because of the quality, demand, the name, and because they can.

Exactly, that's what I was getting at, and it's all BS. :rolleyes: People are all like "quality quality it's about quality" but really most of their money is being spent because it's just a name. The quality may be good but it can't be THAT good.

Though for the record, I looked at many, many different brands of mp3 players and I got an Apple iPod because it was the cheapest I could find with that much memory. :P

Most designer bags are just ugly, I'm sorry. Not that they'd do this IRL, but I think if I designer were sneaky and put a whole new line of bags in Target stores and sold them at Target prices, no one would rave about them and would give them bad reviews like they did other brands. But if that designer took those same exact bags and sold them under their name at a high price, people would flip out over them like they do now.

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Guest aishiteruhoney

how about you..


also, fakes can easily fall apart ~ authentics have a much much longer lifespan

a bag is not just a bag

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hmmm..its just a matter of preference. I myself would feel awkward carrying a fake bag. If someone gave it to me, I would accept it since its a gift and if I would use it and someone would ask me if its an authentic one I'd frankly say NO its not. I have friends and relatives who buy them all the time..and they don't even know that they're not real..I mean, they don't have any idea how much their real costs are. I don't really judge people for what they're using. What I only hate is when a person would carry a fake bag, brag about it and act all rich when its obviously not. Haha.

If you can afford designer bags, good for you. If you can't and still choose to buy the real thing, well good luck. But if you can't afford, buy fake ones and tell the whole world its real = that's a different story. That's pathetic.

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Guest lenda

Yes I wouldn't mind buying replica bags as long as their cute and affordable. I don't care much about quality because I don't use the same bag for long. I like to have a variety of styles and colors, so a low price is a plus.

To be honest, I don't know much about brand name bags... so I wouldn't know the how close it looks to a real designer one. I'd like to one day own a coach bag though only because of the style... trying to save up for one now. (I know that coach is on the low end for most girls who usually purchase expensive bags)

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Guest rachii-ee

I wouldn't carry a replica because if people saw me with it, i'm scared they might think i'm cheap or something?

I'd rather spend my money on a good bag then to waste it on a fake.

But that's just my opinion :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest zeewee

I have a wide range of purses -- from a real LV, to replicas, lesser brands, and no names. Besides the whole sweat factory issue, I have no problem carrying a fake bag. I don't care if people can spot it out because hey, it IS fake and I would have no problem admitting that! And if that makes them think the rest of my bags are fakes too, then so be it. I'm always happy to tell my friends the cheap price I got it for and boast about how cute it looks. I get tired of things easily and promised myself I would not buy another "real" bag anytime soon because I stopped liking a Coach purse that I paid $250 for after a month (the ONLY brand name purse I bought for myself...all others were gifts).

I spotted a bag in a style that I really liked at the local flea market and I had to have it! I didn't know that it was a Marc Jacobs "Stam" replica until the seller said so. I got it for $18 and am SO happy with it.

I find it kind of sad that people are so afraid of what others think of them. Or those who make it a mission to spot out fake bags and judge that person for being cheap or whatever. I don't judge people who spend thousands of dollars on bags as those who are overly superficial or high maintenance. My sister owns a collection of EXPENSIVE bags and I love that too! However, it does seem as if some of you depend on your designer bags to achieve a status of some sort or maybe to hide some insecurity like an aging man who buys a sports car. Well, to each her own.

That's my two dollars on this topic.

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Guest jadeooo

I understand the quality is good but I don't think it's $1000 good. I can't imagine any bag ACTUALLY being worth $1000. It's not like it cost the designer THAT much to make the bag, so why should they sell it for that much?

I agree. I've never bought a fake but Designers do make WAY too much $ off the bags & theres no way that it takes $5000 to make a bag (in MASS) unless its real animal skin or diamonds! Why pay $3198489137491384 for it when you can get it for $50 bucks IF what your after is the DESIGN & NOT to pretend you have the real one. I do hate the obvious fakes that have fake LV signs and fake TOKIDOKI signs, and MOST of the fake's quality does suck BUT if your not after quality & just really love the style, why not buy a false one?

THEY'RE ALL MADE IN SWEATSHOPS not some rich factory in a rich European country ROFL. EVERYTHING THAT YOU BUY (EVEN A DOLL) ARE WORLD WIDE PROJECTS. Not a single FINISHED (ready to sell at RETAIL price) item is made in single country. I have an Authentic Burberry bag that says "made in Italy" but obviously I know its not. They ship the materials from different parts of the world and have it assembled at London. It's just so funny when idiots think their designer goods are made in Italy or some European country. The designers/marketers assemble them in those "rich" associated countries to create a psychological effect on consumers. What sounds better? Made in China or Made in Italy? People associate the places with quality. Just because its made in China doesn't mean its crap quality, there ARE high end brands in China and low end brands in Italy too.

Designers embrace cheap labor, how do you think they can afford to have so many ads & famous models???? For example, a bunch of Coach bags are made in China.

Even though I wouldn't buy a fake myself but I have nothing against people who buy them for the style!! I just despise it when people buy the fakes to show it off as the real deal!

For people who say quality, okay so you buy an LV bag for $1500 bag, great, but you can buy 30 fake LV's that look the same or 20 that actually has DECENT quality. NOT all fakes are obvious and have horrendous quality, there's actually some good quality ones! And if you really like the design, I don't think anyone would mind switching to a new fake every 2 years for so cheap a price.

What difference does it make? All bags are made in sweatshops. They all have virtually the same quality. And it doesn't go just for bags, it basically goes for everything.

I understand that fakes are generally of less quality. But knockoffs are of same quality. In fact, chances are, the people who make the knockoffs are the same people that make the brand name items.

Actually, the businessmen and women who are in charge of large designer companies such as Louis Vuitton or Gucci also own some of the knockoff brands. They do this because they know that if they don't provide cheaper alternatives that look similar, others will do so and they'd lose out on a lot of money that would be made by outside parties. So no, I would not consider this stealing. It's actually rather intelligent marketing.

Thus, the consumers purchase the knockoffs instead of the replicas and the company makes more money.

Oh, and to the person who said that designer bags are made in Europe? I highly doubt that. Sure, maybe the headquarters is there where all the executives work, but the bags are made by blue collar men and women in sweatshops. Some people buy designer labels because of the name so they can look good. Others buy them because of the supposed "better quality" when the quality of a designer label bag is essentially equal to that of a knockoff. Why? Because they're made by under the same conditions.

you took the words right outta me :)

Its smart marketing cause you can have more people model your bag and more people will want to buy the real thing!

I do agree that anyone can afford a designer though. Personally I don't like Coach cause most of their bags just have C C C C C C C's on them. Coach bags are so damn cheap esp if you buy it at the coach outlet. Almost everyone here has one! But for those $10000 bags, wtf.

I would NEVER buy a bag (real or False) just to show off the brand name. I hate superficial people. I would only buy a bag if I love the style/design.

I would def. buy the real thing if the bag is under $3000...I love Burberry! if its over that T_T I wouldn't buy it.

I have actually considered buying a false pink balenciaga before... cause I love the style not because I want to sport it as the real thing! its just so darn cute! I get tired of things/designs quick so I wouldn't spend over $2000 on a consumer good, I'd rather visit Korea or tour!

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Guest VIETboredom

No. Just no. lol.

Why go for a fake when you can get a real? :P

Hehe. I'd rather go for a no-name than a fake. :D

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