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A Stain In My Eye?

Guest Kero Tialis

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Guest sirce

I actually had a pretty large freckle in my eye removed last year. I don't even remember when I got it (i just remember I didn't use to have it). It is harmless, but it bothered me way too much. I don't know anyone in America that does this procedure, but I went to an eye doctor in Korea and he removed it for under a 100 bucks. It was pretty much like getting a mole on your body removed to get it inspected for signs of skin cancer, but the removal is a lot more cautious. It's not even surgery, they just get a scalpel and remove it. Quick and easy, painless and simple. I would post pictures, but i'm afraid it's not for the weak hearted.

OMG, I thought mole removal included shaving small parts of the skin to remove the mole or freezing the mole to let it fall off. Then how did the doctor remove your freckle? I'm sorry to ask, but lets just say I suddenly got really disturbed images in my head. :ph34r:

(Also, no need to post pictures.)

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Guest soominie

A friend of mine had the exact same mark on his eye after oil got into his eye while he was cooking. His doctor told him that a blood vessel in his eye had bursted ><

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Guest Pandarah

I have one too!

I remember my cousin asked me why I had it....I didn't know what to say.

There's actually quite a few people who have them, if you look closely xD

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Guest CaramelSweetie

woah, some can be dangerous? well since the optometrist didn't say anything about it...I guess I don't have to worry.

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Guest twinklesjenny


i know what it is


so if there is this thing

in your eye and it follows you around


that means ur eye has this thinggyy

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Guest Melanie

OMG, I thought mole removal included shaving small parts of the skin to remove the mole or freezing the mole to let it fall off. Then how did the doctor remove your freckle? I'm sorry to ask, but lets just say I suddenly got really disturbed images in my head. :ph34r:

(Also, no need to post pictures.)

The mole in my eye wasn't like a mole on the skin, the latter which I believe are mostly embedded into your skin. The mole on my eye was literally ON my eyeball, and wasn't really connected to my eyeball at all. There are veins that surrounded my mole (I'm guessing that's how it formed in the first place) but those I obviously can't remove. They are VERY tiny though, and it's a lot better now than before.

Now that I think about it, the OP's "stain" doesn't seem like a mole or a freckle. I'm sure he can't get that removed at all. I wonder if he was born with it *edit: he stated it was formed a few years ago*, and if not I am curious to how it formed. I have seen some people with the same problem, and I was always curious about them.

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is it raised or flat? looks to me like its benign pigmentation on your eye, but i cant tell with the blurry photo. if it was bright red itd be a haemorrhage, but things like that usually resolve on their own.

conclusion being, its most likely nothing. so dont worry.

[im an optom student]

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Guest ilovemangos

It's possible that you unknowingly popped a blood vessel. My friend had that happen to her as well and had this thin, crooked red line along the white of her eye.

how does the blood vessel pop? or, why?

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Guest MeiHearts

oooh i have the same thing kinda except it's just a dot...

i have no idea how i got it haha. i hope it's nothing seirous =X

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Guest iftimecomes

hah, lucky people. i have not one, but TWO. but mine are tiny and look like beauty marks o.o''

idk, my bf says its cute so i dont mind LOL

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Guest katherine_

umm theres nothing to worry about, my friend has that as well.. his one is wayy worst then yours but nothing really happens like his gt gnnago blind or anythng BUT yeah.. iono what it is > <

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Guest blahchiharu

can you see a murkey spot when you open your eyes? Meaning, is the spot obstruction your vision? Do you see a blob when you're looking at things? If so, it's just a clump in the vitrious humor of your eye. It'll sink eventually (after a few weeks) if you just ignore if.

If it's not obstructing your vision, then it's probably just a shot blood vessle. Get some good rest and it'll go down after a few days

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Guest r-obotix

I have this too. Mine is like kinda purple-ish too...

The thing is, you can only see it if i widen up my eyes.

my eyelids covers it ^^; i was a bit curious about this also ;)

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can you see a murkey spot when you open your eyes? Meaning, is the spot obstruction your vision? Do you see a blob when you're looking at things? If so, it's just a clump in the vitrious humor of your eye. It'll sink eventually (after a few weeks) if you just ignore if.

If it's not obstructing your vision, then it's probably just a shot blood vessle. Get some good rest and it'll go down after a few days

haha err...i REALLY dont think its vitreous clumping. hes way too young.

again...its probably benign pigmentation, people.

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Guest HighSkies

It'll be benign. I have two- one in each eye. :3 I freaked out but my optometrist, like others told me it was harmless. Mine looks exactly the same as yours.

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ive got it too ~ went to the op 4yrs ago; she lady didnt say anything when i had my check up; guess its not life threating

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  • 3 years later...
Guest jordan

Hi has any1 found anything to get rid of it (surgery, etc)cause i have 2 in my right eye u cant see it much buh it pisses me off


thanks :)




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