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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest helennn

I was at the LA concert! like 15 of us in the will call line got our tickets "lost in the mail" and they told us we couldn't get in!! but after we complained enough they said we could enter the venue, but by that time it was already 9. that really sucked, but at least we finally got in and i had a pretty good view. i didn't bring my camera because I thought they'd take it away, so I used my mom's blackberry and now i don't know how to put the videos on the computer. whoops! I was able to send a short video I took while I had to wait outside. look how close I got to them:

a bit of their interview before the show

That happened to me too! AHHH. I was sososososoososo happy when they let us in.. =')

I will upload pictures and my fan account later. ^___^;

Major mosh pit.. but its all good. =)

I wrote my name on the sidewalk. LOLS.




Anything for Epik High. ♥

Hehehe. Imma get my concert shirt signed ^_______^;



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Guest roogba

That happened to me too! AHHH. I was sososososoososo happy when they let us in.. =')

I will upload pictures and my fan account later. ^___^;

Major mosh pit.. but its all good. =)

I wrote my name on the sidewalk. LOLS.




Anything for Epik High. ♥

Hehehe. Imma get my concert shirt signed ^_______^;



yaaay Helen! It's Alex!!! omg I'm so glad you're uploading videos <3 I'll be at the meet and greet too!!

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Guest --hearts.

LOVED LOVED LOVED the concert!!! The house of blues has a fairly intimately setting too so even the people in the back could see them really clearly (as long as someone wasn't blocking your way.)

FM were great and really raised the energy in the room and although Kero One was good...his music was more lounge or jazz club music and not exactly for a concert like this. He performed for a full 50 minutes (we counted) and twenty minutes into his part people were shouting for him to go home and get off the stage T_T. Then Epik High came out and it was all good again. XD

They performed every song I was looking forward to AND more. The crowd went seriously CRAZY for One, Fly, and Fan as it would be expected. It was AWESOME. Tablo also told us about how a lot of people complain about the Korean Music Industry but nobody does anything about it so they decided enough was enough. When they hear people saying that stuff, he tells them to STFU and do something about it. That they didn't just separate themselves from the music label but the whole industry (this is a little bit sad since it means we probably won't see them on variety shows or award shows and such anymore even though they are always awesome and hilarious in them...but it's a sacrifice that is well worth it in it's own way.) He also said that they were in the label for six years but they were never able to come out and do a tour like this but now they can and we would be seeing a LOT of more of them from now on. (I don't doubt it...every show is sold out and they are getting more events, sponsors, and etc. then BoA, Se7en, and etc. are getting by being out here.

The MC said there were about 780 of us there that night (didn't seem like that many since the room wasn't that big). The line outside waiting to get in wrapped around the entire block but everyone got in and the show started about five minutes to nine. Epik High came out five-ten minutes before 10:30 and the entire show was over ten minutes to 11:00. They said that Fly would be the last song and left but of course everyone shouted encore and they came out and performed three more songs ending with Fan. =D There were also constantly wiping their sweat on bandannas then throwing them into the crowd and spraying water on everyone (and on themselves.) I am seriously going to be deaf for a week because it.was.so.loud.in.there. SO LOUD. The screaming gets to you more than the music blasting even.

Tablo also looks better in real life than on TV...a lot better in my opinion. Although he's skinny, he's not nearly as thin as I thought he would be (or he used to be). This probably has something to do with having a loving girlfriend and being happy. XD

What I really liked about this concert is that you could feel the respect in the room for the group. Like, a lot of fans adore their artists and scream and shout for them but for this show you could feel that it wasn't just that. Everyone was there to also show respect and support for them for what the are doing in the industry. <3

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Guest natnatnaz

The concert was awesome!!!

Worth eating meat for and definitely getting in trouble for.

My ears were ringing really badly that I couldn't sleep...

You know what a great sound is?

The audience singing along to their songs whether or not they speak or understand Korean.

That is an awesome thing to listen to.

I felt really bad for Kero One though, there were a bunch of people telling him to stop and kept calling for Epik High while he was performing.

But he did go on for a long time though...

When the concert ended, Epik High and MYK were taking pictures with and signing stuff for the fans.

Tablo was drinking so that's probably how he got drunk so soon XD

Tukutz signed one of the posts on that little bridge so if anyone is at the House of Blues, you'll see his siggie on the side.

I didn't realize the book album was going to be so expensive so I didn't have enough money to buy a shirt...

MYK is so nice, he was hugging a lot of fans and signing a lot of stuff too.

I didn't realize the book album was going to be that expensive so I didn't have enough money to buy a shirt.

Anyone going to the Seattle or NY one who does not mind buying me a shirt and shipping it to me?

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Guest sincronia

I have SOOOOO many videos from the LA concert...

I got most of their performance aside from a few of the songs (and parts of some).

Few pictures, but oh well, it was blurry! ;P

It was freaking NUTS! I had the time of my life, no joke!

Three hours of waiting (I was basically at the corner),

all the pushing and shoving and feet-stepping and sweat,

and not being able to breathe most of the time (thus being light-headed!)

PAID OFFFFF! I had an AMAZING time, and I will never evereverever forget this night...

The concert merch was expensive, yes, but I got myself the bandanna, cellphone charm, and shirt. :3

My friend and I were front and center, probably 2-3 people behind the front part.

I wasn't able to stay long for their little mini "HAY GUISE" session afterwards at the front of the venue,


Life is totally set, dude, hahaha~ <3

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Guest runtoyou989

Tablo also told us about how a lot of people complain about the Korean Music Industry but nobody does anything about it so they decided enough was enough. When they hear people saying that stuff, he tells them to STFU and do something about it. That they didn't just separate themselves from the music label but the whole industry (this is a little bit sad since it means we probably won't see them on variety shows or award shows and such anymore even though they are always awesome and hilarious in them...but it's a sacrifice that is well worth it in it's own way.)

wait. WHAT?! so we wont see them anymore? like at all?

and theyre basically just going to be regular people that have an amazing talent for music?!

:tears: i guess ill support them in their decision.

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Guest sigh991

if anyone has an extra map the soul shirt for sale, pm me please! i'm willing to pay a bunch extra + shipping D:

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Guest superpinay


The only thing that was annoying was that people were saying richard simmons like, "STOP PUSHING, MOVE!"

when THOSE people fcking pushed through the crowd to get to the front. How annoying, God. But besides that...

askdf;a Far East Movement was awesssommmme! I found their "energy" concept a bit cheesy, though, lol.

I srsly love Kev. He'll always be my favorite member, haha. Reppin' LA! Omfg, and I yelled the richard simmons out of my lungs

when I saw Wes/Phillip from WongFu. aslf;sf I WANTED TO MEET THEM AFTERWARDS ;____; Awe man.

Kero One had lots of soul~! It was kind of sad, though. People around me looked really bored. o_____o;

EPIK HIGH!!! Awe geeee. There really isn't much to say 'cept that they're, well, epic. They put so much into trying to

set themselves apart from the Korean music industry and things, and it's really inspiring. They're going on their own

paths. (: Although I don't understand Korean at all, I had the fcking greatest time of my life! ^____^ So much love

in the crowd, on stage... <3

Afterwards I bought an Epik High shirt, bandanna, CD, and badge, and a FM t-shirt. (:

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Guest lelapin

Okay, well last night. House of Blues. IT WAS AMAZING.

I got there at like 7:30 and the line was soooo long already, it was pretty funny since the majority of us were Asian and a few passerbys were all like, "Is this an Asian party?" Even MORE people came after us, so much that we were actually in the middle of the line once they started letting people in.

It was pretty crowded in there (impossible to push up to the front, unfortunately), and yet it didn't seem like 780 people! Far*East Movement was great, even though they had a bit of a lame theme (year 3008??), the bass all pounding throughout you, awesome awesome. Kero One... he was good but I'm sorry, it just didn't fit the atmosphere already riled up and it was therefore kind of....boring. The crowd was dead. People didn't have to be so rude though. When he was performing his last song he was all like, "It's hard to say goodbye" and some guy in the back was like, "Just get off the f****** stage!" Several others yelled out "Epik High!"

The beatboxer was pretty entertaining, I like him. And then the crowd went WILD when Tukutz came out <3 HAHA so cuuute. And then we all went crazy once the rest of Epik High finally came out :D They performed all of my favorite songs, so I'm happy. :3 At first I was like, OMG they didn't perform Fan??? but everyone all went ENCORE ENCORE.. and then the overhead speakers went LOUDER, and of course we all screamed like crazy and they went back on again. Epik High's energy is amazing. The last couple of songs they did, everyone was jumping and waving their glowsticks.

My friends and I rushed to the merchandise stand right after, I bought a towel (you lucky people who got their sweated-on towels, I'm jealous) and a bandana :D It was CRAZYHARD getting out. I took that as a good sign since that means a lot of people want to support Epik High.

Well, my friends and I were waiting outside for our rides when I saw that they were giving out FREE POSTERS! I went over to the gate and asked for one, and they were really nice about it. Then then then I spotted MYK behind that covering thing! He came out for a few seconds and signed a few autographs. Then TABLO came out and he was like, "You have to get back in there, they're like getting mad at me!" and I was dying cause he was like RIGHT THERE. Tablo's a lot skinnier/shorter than I expected him to be, but 999999x cuter. This was when everyone went crazy and started screaming out his name. The girls next to me were begging him for a hug, so he was like, "Alright, I can do that, I'll give you guys a hug." So he gave them a hug, and then I was like OMGGG TABLO! and he GAVE ME A HUG TOO and then he left. >< MYK came out again later to sign autographs, even though the guy? was like, "Last one last one, we have to go". I got to shake his hand! :D

It was soooo worth $30.

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Guest mx9292



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Guest choEy

without sounding like a hater i'm not surprised that Kero One didn't get any love. especially from korean people. i'll admit that when i was watching him, i thought that he was there for quite a while but his performance was top notch. if the crowd only actually LISTENED to what he was SAYING and not just wanting to hear something they knew. i've never heard of him before but he wasn't bad.. but you know korean people are butts lol.

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wow all your experiences are just making me super excited!!!

It's great to know all the peeps that went had a blast...I mean who wouldn't.

Woah I read on someone's post that they moshed!!! O.o what the heck...oh wells.

I can't wait for this Friday...NYC!!!! They saved the best for last...haha jkjk

Here's hoping I get to touch Tablo...I don't care where or how but I'm gonna touch him!

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Guest kdsnabi426

Thank you everyone for the fan accounts! Ah I'm dying that I couldn't go to any of these concerts. I hope they release a DVD or something though nothing would compare to being there for the real thing.

Tablo also told us about how a lot of people complain about the Korean Music Industry but nobody does anything about it so they decided enough was enough. When they hear people saying that stuff, he tells them to STFU and do something about it. That they didn't just separate themselves from the music label but the whole industry (this is a little bit sad since it means we probably won't see them on variety shows or award shows and such anymore even though they are always awesome and hilarious in them...but it's a sacrifice that is well worth it in it's own way.) He also said that they were in the label for six years but they were never able to come out and do a tour like this but now they can and we would be seeing a LOT of more of them from now on. (I don't doubt it...every show is sold out and they are getting more events, sponsors, and etc. then BoA, Se7en, and etc. are getting by being out here.

Tablo speaks the truth and I'm so proud of them for stepping away from the BS filled industry and doing their own thing. At the bolded part, that's so amazing and I seriously knew they would be successful because they are following their hearts and doing it for the love of the music and the love of their fans instead of the love of fame and/or money like some artists. And I think when artists are pressured to be this or that by their labels, it really takes the fun out of following their dream. Staying true to yourself is always the best thing to do no matter what and that's exactly what Epik High is doing. Also I'm glad he said we'll get to see a lot more of them. That means I still have a chance to see them live in concert on their next tour. Yay! I mean seriously, these guys are gonna spoil us with the fan service. I feel like they are doing more fan appreciation service than any other kpop artist ever did for international fans. And I love them for it!

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Guest bumpz

without sounding like a hater i'm not surprised that Kero One didn't get any love. especially from korean people. i'll admit that when i was watching him, i thought that he was there for quite a while but his performance was top notch. if the crowd only actually LISTENED to what he was SAYING and not just wanting to hear something they knew. i've never heard of him before but he wasn't bad.. but you know korean people are butts lol.

Yea I know...Kero One is such a cool dude...sad that people were so disrespectful. I've see his show at another club and he gets a lot of love from the people. However, Kero One should have done what MYK did and just do portions of his songs.

Anyways...you can fly!


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Guest choEy

Yea I know...Kero One is such a cool dude...sad that people were so disrespectful. I've see his show at another club and he gets a lot of love from the people. However, Kero One should have done what MYK did and just do portions of his songs.

Anyways...you can fly!


hahaha nice .gif i think you were right in front of me from the angle he threw that bottle xD

i'm trying to find out more about both Kero One and Far East Movement.. I've heard of FM before but not Kero One.. dunno why haha.

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Guest kdsnabi426

@bumpz, great gif! Water fights are the best.

It was lol. Actually my Korean sucks, it might have been pepper.

It said "Can I Suck Your 고추"

Oh wow if it said pepper than in Korean there's a certain pepper that's a symbol for penis, haha. I believe it is in fact the gochu pepper. I'm sure Tablo understood the innuendo. The things people do for attention never fail to amaze me. XD

Also that's really sad how people were being mean to Kero One during his performance. People are really harsh. I hope that fans don't act like that again.

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Guest BayByOjaH


Just wondering how the parking will be there? Gotta park at a parking gargage, or what?

Also... for the merchandise, do they accept credit cards? or just cash?

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Guest choEy


Just wondering how the parking will be there? Gotta park at a parking gargage, or what?

Also... for the merchandise, do they accept credit cards? or just cash?


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Guest whohungjen?

just got back from the Pasadena meet and greet, which was kinda lame. you could only get one thing signed, you couldn't take pictures with them, and they barely even looked at you. spymanut and i were there from around 11:30am and got in at around 3:40pm

maybe they were still suffering from effects of being inebriated or something (lol) but i was disappointed :(

video soon~

the phone charm was $20 - there was no key chain, lelapin.

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