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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest lettuce





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Guest yokemun

people please upload and post the pictures u guys took!!!omg...how i wish i could go!!!!

epik high!!!and FAR EAST MOVEMENT!!!!

i wana cry nowwww

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Guest EminentStar

i posted this in the EH concert thread but wanted to share with people who dont check that one.

the good::

OMG! WORDS CANT DESCRIBE HOW I FEeT ABOUT THE CONCERT. everybody else was okay.. but EPIK HIGH + MYK!!!!! and the encores!! OMFG>.. THE BESTEST CONCERT EXPERIENCE EVER!!! everybody was so hyped..

k from FM signed my shoe!! i'll take a pix later.

MYK signed my VIP pass. hes really chill and nice in person!! ^_____^

got pix with kero1, myk and K

the bad::

buying concert merchandise was crazy hell! people pushed shoved and touched me in places that shouldnt have been touched.. wtf were they so crazy... geez. and it was soo hot. they ran out of blk tshirts by the time i got there. there were only 2 left so my friend and i each got one.

so my friends and i won VIP passes to meet epik high after the show.. but guess what? we couldnt! WTF?!! why have a contest and give us prizes that dont exist?! we waited... i said hi to tablo when he walked by and he said hi back to me!!! but when i said hi to mithra and tukutz they totally ignored me and walked on.. T___T then security kicked us out and said the meet&greet was over!... wtf.. it didnt even HAPPEN! i love the concert.. i love epik high, but this i do not.. really bad way to handle fan service..

also, WHO THE FREAK SAID NO CAMERAS?! THEY ALLOWED CAMERAS! just no FLASH!!!... *sigh*... really wish i had my camera.. so pissed off

WHAT THE HELL!!! Are you serious? Thats BS!!! Yeah see I told you guys to bring cameras! but people were like 'noooo, not going to listen to her' hahah i took tons of pix/vids. it was soo awesome! Yeah lol I was in the line too for the Merch. It was CRAZY!!!!! lol but I got what I wanted!

Dude Sf concert was INSANE when flow came on and reached the climax I seriously got an Epik High rapping the lyrics with them... "F*** DA GOVERNMENT"

Lol omg that was so awesome! I was singing along with that song!

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Guest bumpz

so what songs did they do?

off the top of my head and in random order....

girl rock

top gun

map the soul

map the soul world wide




love x3

1 minute 1 second



the future

follow the flow

free music



she will not (I didn't know that the guy singing in the song was MYK)

lesson 3 (I think or maybe it was just from my car lol)

I'm probably missing a few?

MYK did Dazed and Amazed...I wasn't expecting that...been bumpin' it for like a week straight

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Guest amyyboo

I was never really a big Epik High fan, but i was so glad i went!

Their music was awesome, like to the max!

Even though i was tired cause of school, driving up to SF, and walking up those STEEP hills, but i found myself jumping and moving to the music.

I really wanted a picture with Tablo but stupid security guards kept telling us to move out the door. My friends and i were kind of slowly moving waiting for Tablo to look our way, and when he was about to walk out the door....he stopped and looked back! I was so shocked..i didn't know what to say..soo i all i did was waved T_T

I wanted to blurt out " CAN WE TAKE A PICTURE WITH YOU?" but..i i don't know why i didn't. :angry::(

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Guest superpinay

Wow, the concert sounds fun! I'm excited to go to the LA show today. =)


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Guest schadenfreud1c


i agree, the security team acted like complete Tom Cruise. They were literally shoving fans and swearing. NOT COOL AT ALL. They should've known that concerts involved hyped up people and they should've had more staff onhand if they wanted to keep the situation under control. Whatever dudes, I'm rushing up the stage and was literally THISCLOSE to them. AWESOME

cameras were everywhere but I just used my phone for videos and pictures because ppl kept saying "no cameras no cameras" BS. atleast my friends took pics. Oh well. For you NYC/SEA/LA kiddos, the camera rule is enforced by the staff so YMMV.

I LOVE the concert hall. It was a good seat from every view (well it was better when i stormed in front)! Please, no more signs. I know Tablo acknowledged one (very funny) sign but seriously, nobody can see through that crap. We're not superman.

GREAT song selection, my voice is still hurting and my ears are still ringing from last night :o I LOVE LOVE LOVE (haha) how they integrated from their new MtS album to their old superpopular hits. EVERYBODY was on their feet so dont go if you dont plan on jumping along! Even this group of old seniors were dancing along. They were super fricking cute. :)


the good: Epik highhhhhhhhhhhhhh supa flyyyyy

the bad: Kero One went on WAYYY too long. Maybe it was 30 minutes, maybe 40 but when you're an opening act, you OPEN you don't go on forever. I like your stuff but after awhile I think you just like hearing yourself talk.

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Guest bumpz

this is my only decent video clip...the rest are too shaky lol

Epik High bustin' out with Cypher

some pics




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Guest nemo_lovely2002

i went to epik high first concert ever in the u.s map the soul last night and it was the bomb. my friends and i went to the auditorium about 4 hours earlier. when we got there by walking we saw a group of people standing on the sidewalk in front of us. first we thought they were just epik high's fans who came early but when we got closer my friend whispered to me "it''s epik high" all of us were like going crazy. we went up the stair to take a good view and then all cameras were out. we took pic, recorded. one of my friends ask the manager to take pic with then but she said " u have to wait till later" so we just continue taking pic and then nother friend of mine went up to tablo and personally asked him " can i take a pic w/ u guys" but tablo said " i can't right now, maybe later when the door opens" with fluency english's accent. then he went inside. lucky the securities allowed us to use camera during the concert. only the little pocket kind of cameras. we got to see epik high a lil more when they went out and take pic with the photographer and such. then the conert stared. the first half of the concert was some other hip-hop artists. and then the stars of the show came out. DJ tukutz came out first to check on the things. and then tablo and mithra came out. no one said anything they just all stood up at once and started so scream and wave their red glow sticks. they performed quite a few songs such as map the soul, one,fly,even flow ( they said at that time they were richard simmons off of the government ans composed the song).tablo told the audience that in 6 yrs they have a huge industry behind them but this is first the concert that the fan screamed so loud they can't even hear the music. they coutinously peformed then they went in .first we thought that there will be no more epik high for the rest of the concert but they went out again. and as expected the audiences just stared to scream. they several songs then tablo said " this is our last song" they sang it and then we all started to say" one more song, one more song" and that they performed 2 or 3 more songs. the last song to end the concert was FAN which everybody were waiting for. and it was worth the waiting. FAN was totally awesome. everyone started jumping up and down the seconds the song began. tablo poured water down on mithra's head once. and he sprayed the water down the audience a lot of times ^^(so cute) he even went down to to fan which he wasn't suppose to do but he did anyways and the security was all around him. fan from the back ran up and take pic of him and touch him and such. it was a complete chaos they even have to turn on the light. then all fan broke through the securities and stand next to the stage. half of the seats were empty because ppl all ran up surrouned around the stage. epik high reached their hands out to the fans a lot of times. a lot of fans got the opportunies to touch their hands (not me tho i was on the balcony) tablo saw that and told them to step back a lil but no one willing to do it. so he said to the securities that just let them be like this. so they stood like that for the rest of the concert. the concert was so fun and totally amazing.

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Guest EminentStar

I think I saw your hand ^^

Anybody see the hilarious bad poster?~

oh my gosh yess!!! I think it was kind of inappropriate!!! I mean sure they read it and saw it which must've been cool for that person, but i just thought that it was kind of rude. My own opinion tho.

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Guest gr3ent

thought i should also share images here in case you guys dont check the concert thread


thumb to super large image: dsc03866.th.jpg

on the white tshirt: tablo, mithra & tukutz's autographs [i think its in that order..i wasnt there to see them sign these cuz i never got to meet them]

on the back of the VIP pass: MYK's autograph -- he was very nice and seemed like a really chill person. im so glad i met him.. or even found him! hahaha


thumb to super large image: dsc03865.th.jpg

Kevnish from FM signed my SHOE! whoots.. didn't think he'd actually do it but he seems like a really friendly guy. ^___^

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Guest EminentStar

SF concert was too good. FM and Epik High were AMAZING. Kero kind of droned on a little so I went to get food >.>

One thing that touched me (well besides my LITERALLY TOUCHING TABLO'S HAND =D ) was when he talked about their new label and how he disagreed with the way the music industry works. Summarized, he enjoyed his time there but felt a little lost since he (and I'm sure Epik High and all the other artists there) felt that musicians should put out their own productions of music and not take shortcuts, having other people write songs for them, just to make more money. It was really touching and I'm glad there are some artists who are still down to earth and respect, live, and breathe music.

On a lighter note, I thought it was hilarious how Tukutz only knew English words "awesome" and "amazing" hahaha so cute! GREAT performances, AMAZING energy level...it was so much fun! I love Epik High! I hope they enjoyed their FIRST CONCERT EVER in the U.S. Only in the bay!

hahah I agree with everything you say! I enjoyed hearing about the whole industry and the label talk very interesting!

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THE SF CONCERT WAS EPIK. well to be honest kero one kind of bored the crowd in the beginning, but epik high was john teshing amazing.

aw i liked kero. :) but he performed like for an hour and honestly for a sec i thought i went to the wrong venue or something LOL -_ - i was like where's epik high!? DD: xD

We were late for the concert ;[ so we completely missed FM and no concert goods T_T grrr.......

the concert was fun thoughh^^ everyone was so hyped

i dont have much to say but woah tablo got ENGULFED in the crowd when he got off stage during the One performance O_O

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Guest angellicfox

To be honest, it's not like I don't like Kero One, but I was kind of tired when it's his turn and wanted to save my energy to cheer for Epik High and Myk, so I kind of sat down after cheering on him for a while...

Actually, I was kind of annoyed of the girl standing on stage during Kero One's performance, so I didn't really want to cheer for them. She didn't sing at the beginning, so I was cheering for Kero :P (I started to sit when she has a lot of parts O.o)

I cheer for Myk more than Kero One, but still, Epik High is the one I'm really waiting for, so I kind of sat during his performance too...

It was kind of sad that I didn't get to meet them or get their autographs, but actually seeing them on stage is awesome enough! I'm just so happy that I finally get to see them in person instead of videos! ^^

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Guest hellabobella

The SF was really really really awesome!

my friend and i walked like a half mile up HUGE and STEEP San Fran. hills....it was ridiculous and my hair was messed up by the time we got to the venue. XD

the line was really long but one of the security guys was really nice and let me cut to the front with my friends :D

yeah i wasnt really amused with Kero One :(

but in the end it was amazing

i had balcony seats and i saw people starting to run to the main floor to get close to the stage.

so me and my friend ran down lots of stairs and ran towards the stage , we were about 4 or 5 feet away which was awesome!

hahah i'm sad i didnt get a chance to meet them, my camera kept dying,and i spent all my saved up money on getting there and buying a shirt. but whatever the show was worth all the blood, sweat , and tears. except there was no blood or tears :P

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