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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest stardaisy212

a lil more update about the album and the book

" 새로운 형식의 앨범. 음반과 책을 하나의 작품으로 준비하고 있습니다. 음악은 물론, 그 어떤

분야에서든 '창작'을 하시는 분들에게 작은 희망이나 위로를 주는 선물이 되었으면 해요.

Redefining the 'album'. We are preparing a new work that is both a book and a CD.

We hope that it will inspire and encourage artists of all trades. The book and the

music will be bilingual (Korean & English), to service fans all over the globe.

3월, Epik High가 다시 출발점으로 돌아갑니다."

but its only on the webjam page idk, i guess we can keep waiting on them to update

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Guest 16candl3s

wow the new album will have a book and and english version! if only all kpop artist would do this it'll be so much easier for all fans.

im so looking forward to its release... im expecting nothing but awesomeness!

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Guest goldenGAZE

First comment in this thread~

Hello everyone, i've just seen the video on Mapthesoul yt channel about the new album and let me say from what i hear in the background the album sounds like its gonna be SICK! i actually can't wait to pre order it. I've always been a moderate Epik High fan and i love it best when they do hip hop beats and awesome raps, it seems like they're gonna be going back to this style and i have to say they have my full support. I can't wait to hear more from them. The fact that they're with an independent label now means that they've had more freedom over what they include in to the album which means it'll be 200% what they want. This is what i'm anticipating to see.

I'll be on full stalker mode from now on in this thread haha.

PS. ( i never knew that YT channel was an official EH channel WOW)

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Guest prisonerzero

I just told my English teacher to watch the
Talk, Play, Love
MV, ROFL. We're reading 1984 in class & I noticed that the video is similar to the book, so I thought it would be a good excuse to show the video... and Tablo.

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Guest xradiostatic

ahhhhh i cannot wait for the new album!

the fact that they're now independent, and the twitter update they did stating "epik high are going back to the starting point" has me wondering if the new album will have a sound similar to their older albums? *shrugs* i hope so...their sound for map of the human soul was golden to me. either way, it's gonna be awesome from what i could hear in the youtube video.

i'm gonna be so broke when i buy this. XD

i'm glad the book is going to be in english too! ^_^

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We will be performing in the US in April. We are in the final stage of negotiating the dates and venues. Tentatively LA / SF/ NYC

- From Epik High's Twitter


This is soooo exciting!

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Guest goldenGAZE

Oh WOW, that is freaking AMAZING. An Epik High concert in the states for all the fans (man i wish i lived in America T-T). I hope everyone goes to show their love. It was updated only an hour ago ghaaa.

This will be amazing!

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Guest lelapin


We will be performing in the US in April. We are in the final stage of negotiating the dates and venues. Tentatively LA / SF/ NYC

- From Epik High's Twitter


This is soooo exciting!


-deep breath-

I'm calm. I just realized though, I'm totally BROKE from pool tickets for Hollywood Bowl!! -o-

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Guest chungmah.

^ .__. I know, right.

Anyways I'm really excited for their new album this month.

I'm sure they'll give us another huge hit.

What's the specific date for the album release?

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Guest younha486

^ .__. I know, right.

Anyways I'm really excited for their new album this month.

I'm sure they'll give us another huge hit.

What's the specific date for the album release?

It says march 30th, and its great to see Mithra having his own song hes really over shadowed from Tablo, i dont know whether to pre-order, im pretty poor atm. ><

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Guest JiNi;


We will be performing in the US in April. We are in the final stage of negotiating the dates and venues. Tentatively LA / SF/ NYC

- From Epik High's Twitter


This is soooo exciting!

I knowww ^___^ I'm definitely going to their NY show!!

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Guest gthao

wow..epik high is comin to the states?!?! do u guys think that they will come to hb?!?! sorry if it was asked..but it's my first year goin and i was really hopin that since they had their new album out they would go too..but i can't wait for their third album..

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Mannnn, this past year and this year are making me wish I have more relatives in the United States. ;___; Soooo many good Korean artists coming out to the States whether to perform or to expand... Gosh. WHY NOT CANADA, EPIK HIGH. YOU GET SNOW UP HERE.


Epik High, please to come to Canada at least in 2010 or something. T^T

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Guest crescendoll

the best news i woke up to this morning on my twitter haha ~~

i hope the date of the concerts come out soon. i need to know how much money i need to save!

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