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Epik High (에픽하이) Official Thread [#2023]


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Guest nutz280790

Happy early Valentine's day guys.

guess what?


just now, the postman came knocking on my apt door (it's raining outside and super cold). and he said he got something for me.


Imma start reading the book now.

ps: Sorry for spazzing. im just too excited.. lol. <3<3<3

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hehe i just received my copy as well :D

and i'm surprised, cuz it's hardback o.O (not that i'm disappointed or anything hehe), and it's definitely a nice book :D

haven't read it yet, but i'm planning to veryyyyyyy soon ^^

for now, there's only one thing i kinda don't like about it...and it's that...the book is double spaced o.O it seems kinda weird reading it like that, cuz it reminds me of my essays that i turn in for class <_< hahaha but other than that, this book is awesome XD

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for now, there's only one thing i kinda don't like about it...and it's that...the book is double spaced o.O it seems kinda weird reading it like that, cuz it reminds me of my essays that i turn in for class hahaha but other than that, this book is awesome XD

lol! seems like a pretty uncommon format for a book thats in english though.

to anyone who got/is getting a copy, does it credit who did the illustrations at all? i really want to know who did them XP

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Guest starflower135
hehe i just received my copy as well :D

and i'm surprised, cuz it's hardback o.O (not that i'm disappointed or anything hehe), and it's definitely a nice book :D

haven't read it yet, but i'm planning to veryyyyyyy soon ^^

for now, there's only one thing i kinda don't like about it...and it's that...the book is double spaced o.O it seems kinda weird reading it like that, cuz it reminds me of my essays that i turn in for class <_< hahaha but other than that, this book is awesome XD

Oh man, people are receiving their books already? XD That's awesome! May I ask where you ordered from that shipped to you so quickly? Also, is the book really signed by Tablo? ^^'''

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to anyone who got/is getting a copy, does it credit who did the illustrations at all? i really want to know who did them XP

it says on the inside front cover that illustrations are done by jeong eun-gyu (i don't know who this is though >.<)

May I ask where you ordered from that shipped to you so quickly? Also, is the book really signed by Tablo? ^^'''

haha i ordered from hanbooks, and it's probably here so early cuz i live in the same city where hanbooks is located (la)

and yes, the inside cover has a message signed by tablo <33

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Guest Nucleii
for now, there's only one thing i kinda don't like about it...and it's that...the book is double spaced o.O it seems kinda weird reading it like that, cuz it reminds me of my essays that i turn in for class <_< hahaha but other than that, this book is awesome XD

I know what you mean! I got a copy from the bookstore and when I CAREFULLY opened it, I was like WTH? doubled space. I kind of laughed because it reminded me off most of the English books were like that in Korea if they were korean published. i think.

ALso, does anyone know if there's a book signing for this?

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and i'm surprised, cuz it's hardback o.O (not that i'm disappointed or anything hehe), and it's definitely a nice book :D

better be hardback!! lol sort of expensive book there. i know it's by tablo...but a book is a book! the signed part does it justice too heeeheeeheeeeeeeeeeeee. i'm excited. hurry book ship to oregon!!!!!

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Guest winnieee

Tablo's Pieces of You finally came this morning!! Im so happy!!!!!!

I didnt buy his book because Im a fan, but im really interested about this book

I took some pictures to share with you guys ^^;






Without the paper cover




First few pages




^(Mom and Dad.

Damon and Duke, I'll see you in heaven.)



The book has some pictures(drawings) in it too

hehe Im going to start reading it now ^^;


i was reading some posts from the previous pages and ppl were discussing if the book was paper back or hard back.. the book is hardback

and some ppl didnt like the drawings in the eng ver. but i prefer the drawings i think it expresses that main part of the story better

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it says on the inside front cover that illustrations are done by jeong eun-gyu (i don't know who this is though >.<)


the books is really pretty (:

are some of them randomly signed (like first release or something) or is the signature printed on all the books?

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so i read it last night...

and really, i was disappointed. (i'm a #1 epik high fan ahah)

sure, it's a story. and its eloquent and it's an interesting enough story.

but i guess compared to the authors im used to reading, it wasn't good enough...

nevertheless, he was really yougn when he wrote this,

and im not saying this to discourage you guys.


this may just be my interpretation.

(and i read it when i was REALLY tired last night)

im gonna take a re read

and see if i like it better.

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Guest prisonerzero

My copy of the book came into the house a few minutes ago. I was so excited to open the package. I want to get the Korean version when I have the money.

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this is the best valentine's day ever. MY COPY JUST CAME IN.

i started itching for mine to come really soon after i saw those pictures.

i'll definitely be reading some of it tonight, and i'll probably be done pretty soon.

i'm way too excited. i've been dying to find out what this book is really all about.

edit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i just finished the first story, andante.

heartbreaking, yet beautiful. i'm in awe.

and i still have so much more to read.

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Guest C0N5T4NC3

I wonder if Tablo is considering in coming to the US for a book signing.. that would be awesome!

It would be so cool if he went to Stanford for one.

Epik High should go to Hollywood Bowl along the way too! :)

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Guest crescendoll

omg i can't believe you guys have gotten your copies already ahhh!

i'm still waiting on mine ..

i'm glad to hear it's a hardcover though.

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are some of them randomly signed (like first release or something) or is the signature printed on all the books?

i'm pretty sure it's printed on all the books; it would be a shame if his note wasn't in all of them,

because it's an important part of the reasoning behind the whole book, but there's a chance i could be wrong.

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Guest kween_lisa

mmhmm, that's her.

i haven't received my copy yet, so i don't have actual scans,

but i posted pictures of some pages from the korean edition of his book on page 242.

Oh thanks! :)

But when you get it, can you scan the book?

I would really like to see it.

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^ well, starflower135 posted a link to see some pages of the english edition on pg. 244,

and winnieee posted pictures of the outside of her copy above,

but is there something else you wanted scanned?

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